Answers Long Misunderstood


The Wrath of God is Revealed From Heaven

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Christians have been trying to convince the ungodly that they are right and that the GOD of the Bible is the Sovereign God. However, Christians have tied one of their arms behind their back. Sola Scriptura 1, Christians use the Bible as the “Only True Witness” that should be used as a Reference Guide to prove God exists. I am going to untie that other arm and give you a Second Witness that agrees with the First Witness, because,



Deuteronomy 19:15 “One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sins:

at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.”

In other words you would need a Second Agreeing Witness to establish God exists and therefore, the sin of (Exodus 20:3) rejecting God. But what kind of Second Witness would be acceptable to the ungodly? Well! That Witness must be universal, available to all the people of the world and virtually unchanged over the centuries and yes, there is actually a Third Witness God’s “Name” written on the third rock from the sun. But we need to look for the Second Witness now. However, where is that Second Witness? In Law Enforcement they ask the First Witness to tells them if there are any other Witnesses?



Romans1:18 For the Wrath of God is revealed from heaven

against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men,

who hold the truth as inaccurate;

19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them;

for God has showed it unto them.

People of the computer age would rather look to “Their Screens “ for Answers. Nevertheless, Michael Neander (1529-1581) a German astronomer said that “the connections between the constellations of the night sky and the ancient legends and riddles were the fragments of a tradition, which transmitted the knowledge of divine things possessed in the earliest times.” 2 This Second Witness was used in the early Church and was called “The Way”. You may be aware of Romans 10:17, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God”. However, the next verse, 10:18 is where the apostle Paul shows Christian, how to reach those people who would rather look to the heavens and the stars for answers:  Paul just cited Psalms19:1-4. Telling Christians a way to give “the ungodly” a powerful Second Witness whose testimony agrees with the First Witness.


Romans 10: 17, So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God”

18 But I say, Have they not heard?

Yes verily, their voice went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world.



Psalms 19:1-4 “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows his handy work.

Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night shows knowledge.

There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.

 Their voice is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world….”

The Second Witness is the night sky , God’s Story Board. (NO telescope required) However, it is understood that the modern Church “Will not” embrace the constellations of the night sky. Even in apostle Paul’s time the ungodly were corrupting the meanings behind the stars of the heavens, Astrology. However, God gave us an   interface   between the Bible and the night sky, God’s Story Board. Amos 9:6  “It is he that builds his stories in the heaven.6”   Confucius 551– 479B.C.  The Analects   “The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name.”


Psalms 147:4 “He (God) tells the number of the stars; he calls them all by names.

Isaiah 40:26 Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things,

that brings out their host by number: he calls them all by names”


These star stories are not “Simple Connect the Dots Pictures”:  they have ancient star names that are thousands of years old. Names that have been preserved to explain the story board of the night, names that are still used by modern astronomers. There is a star picture story, The Wrath of God, one of many that has always been above the Northern Horizon Circle and is there 24 hours a day, year round, and it is not a monthly zodiacal constellation. Constellations above the Northern Horizon Circle are available for all to see any clear night of the year. This picture with its ancient star names creates a true depiction of the Wrath of God of the Scripture Genesis 3:15. Which is the pivotal point of the relationship of God to Mankind   “And I (GOD) will put enmity between thee (Subtle Serpent) and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy (Serpent) head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” Read from Geneses 3:1-15 for a complete account of the First Witness.

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The Story of Three Constellations

The Wrath of God

This star picture is part of the Second Witness’ testimony and is at the axis of rotation of the sky and all the other stars of our sky circle around this group of stars. Where else would a creative God put evidence of his Redemptive Plan for Mankind? A billboard that covers a good portion of the sky and never sets. However, there are other groups of constellations with ancient star names that convey the same message even below the Line of the Ecliptic .

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Ursa Minor originally known in the vernacular as the Lesser Sheep Fold. Because both Ursa Major and Minor are over head depictions of sheepfolds, stock holding pens. The line of stars, the handles are directing fences to help force the sheep into the box of stars of the sheep corral. The brightest star is called Dubheh,  flock of animals. In Arabic, Dubah, cattle (cows, goats or sheep). In Hebrew, Dohver, a sheepfold; and hence in Chaldee it meant wealth. The Hebrew Dohveh, rest or security, a sheepfold full of sheep. Al Ruccaba, the brightest star, at the point of the tail, the turned or ridden on, and is today our Pole Star. This star was called by the Greeks the “Cynosure, high in rising. The bright star closest to Thuban is Kochab, “Waiting for Him who come” and Al Pherdadain (Arabic), the young or defenseless.2  The meaning of the constellation, a corral of defenseless sheep waiting for help because the larger constellation Draco, the Serpent is starting to encircle them. Luke12:32 Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

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The Subtle Serpent

The constellation, Draco is from the Greek, trodden on as in the Septuagint of Psalm 91:13–“The dragon shalt thou trample under foot,” from the Hebrew Dahrach, to tread. In the Zodiac of Denderah, Her-fent, the serpent accursed! The brightest star of the latter coils, is named Thuban (Hebrew, the subtle) and 4,6oo+ years ago it was the Pole Star. The next star, in the head is called by the Hebrew name Rastaban, the head of the subtle (serpent). In the Arabic it is Al Waid, who is to be destroyed. The next star, Ethanin, (also in the head), the long serpent, or dragon. The Hebrew names of other stars are Grumian, the subtle; Giansar, the punished enemy. Other Arabic names are Al Dib, the reptile; El Athik, the fraudful; El Asieh, the bowed down.2


Him Who is Coming, JAH

There is a Mighty One, now known as Hercules but in the Zodiac of Denderah and ancient Hebrew his name is Bau, which means who is coming, and is evidently intended for Him to crush the serpent’s head, to rescue this flock and “destroy the works of the devil.” Professor T.G. Pinches, in his The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria, speaks “of an old inscription“, which “may go back as far as 2000 B.C. This is the period at which the name Yaum-ilu, ‘Jah is god’, is found, together with references to ilu as the name for the one great god, and is also, roughly, the date of Abraham, who, it may be noted, was a Babylonian of Ur of the Chaldees.” Jah’s  name “is one of the words for ‘god’ in the Assyro-Babylonian language”3 and is connected to the Babylonian dragon/ snake story,  As much may be inferred from the symbolic references in the Bible to Jah’s victory over the monster of the deep:  “Thou brakes the head of the dragon in the deep; 4 Job 26:13″ By his spirit he hath garnished the heavens: his hand hath  wounded ( חלל ) the crooked serpent”; Isaiah 27:1 “In that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish  that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the deep”. 


The constellation Bau/JAH occupies a large portion of the heavens though some what dimly and is seen bending on one knee, with his right heel lifted up as if it had been wounded. In his right hand he wields a Great Sword or Cross. In Arabic Bau is called Al Giscale, the strong one. The brightest star, in Bau’s head, Ras al Gethi, the head of him who bruises. The next, in the right arm-pit, Kornephorus,  The Branch, of fire. Branch links it to Isaiah 11 and through out the Bible referring to a redeemer Who is coming . The star in the right elbow, Marsic, the wounding, the Pole Star of 12,500 years ago: which was the time of the MeltWalterPulse1B! The star in the upper part of the left arm is named Ma’asyn, the sin-offering. While in the lower part of the right arm the star is Caiam, or Guiam, punishing; and in Arabic, treading under foot. There is no doubt as to the mighty one foretold works which the woman’s Seed should perform. From first to last Bau / JAH is seen engaged in destroying this malignant foe: the Old Serpent.” The Wrath of God is revealed from heaven. For of Him it is written– “Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder; The young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under foot.” and free His little flock from the Enemy. Psalm 91:13″Come, Lord and burst the captives’ chains, And set the prisoners free;”  


The Questions You Must Ask:

Why did these star names and constellations used by the Babylonians, Greeks, Jews, Egyptians and Arabs thousands of years before Christ incarnation match the Geneses three account? “And I(GOD) will put enmity between thee (Subtle Serpent) and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy (Serpent) head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”


Romans1:18 For the Wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth as inaccurate; 19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shown it unto them. 20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:


One More Thing

Law Enforcement encourages people to put their names or drivers license numbers on valuable things. That way you can prove that you own your valuables: if there is a question of ownership. Hebrew is an old form of writing  the evidence is that the Hebrew alphabet has the same order as the northern Semite alphabet of the Hittites. The Hebrew alphabet, also mirror the early Ugaritic Cuneiform. We also know fro the  Qumran Caves, that the Hebrew alphabet has changed little in over 2200 years. So what would be the simplest form of

God’s Name in Hebrew?      Jah 5

Psalms 68:4  “Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: extol him that rides upon the heavens by his name

JAH,  hiiy and rejoice before him.”

Okay let us look at a map of the world.


jah map


To draw a map of the world  with a Hebrew Calligrapher pen

it would look like this.


jah map 2


The Ancient Name for God of the Bible



[2]Ethelbert W. Bullinger  The Witness of the Stars -

[3] Alexander Mackenzie. Myths of Babylonia and Assyria ,  citing T.G. Pinches, The Old Testament in the Light of the Historical Records and Legends of Assyria and Babylonia,  pp. 59-61.

[4] Psalms, lxxiv, 13, 14. It will be noted that the Semitic dragon, like the Egyptian, is a male.

[5]  יהוה Jah-ho-vaw is the more commonly use name now used for GOD, however, it comes from the older root   J H JAH ,  the numeric values for JAH are 10 for I and 5 for  h for a value of 15. Because that combination is the Sacred Name, the number 15 is written 9+6 טו and use by orthodox Jews and in the Torah.

[6] מעלה ma‛ălâh  the act, a literally a journey to a higher place, a story