Answers Long Misunderstood


The Wrath of God is Revealed From Heaven

1 a a a a c a a north stars

Christians have been trying to convince the ungodly that they are right and that the GOD of the Bible is the Sovereign God. However, Christians have tied one of their arms behind their back. Sola Scriptura 1, Christians use the Bible as the “Only True Witness” that should be used as a Reference Guide to prove God exists. I am going to untie that other arm and give you a Second Witness that agrees with the First Witness, because,



Deuteronomy 19:15 “One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sins:

at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.”

In other words you would need a Second Agreeing Witness to establish God exists and therefore, the sin of (Exodus 20:3) rejecting God. But what kind of Second Witness would be acceptable to the ungodly? Well! That Witness must be universal, available to all the people of the world and virtually unchanged over the centuries and yes, there is actually a Third Witness God’s “Name” written on the third rock from the sun. But we need to look for the Second Witness now. However, where is that Second Witness? In Law Enforcement they ask the First Witness to tells them if there are any other Witnesses?



Romans1:18 For the Wrath of God is revealed from heaven

against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men,

who hold the truth as inaccurate;

19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them;

for God has showed it unto them.

People of the computer age would rather look to “Their Screens “ for Answers. Nevertheless, Michael Neander (1529-1581) a German astronomer said that “the connections between the constellations of the night sky and the ancient legends and riddles were the fragments of a tradition, which transmitted the knowledge of divine things possessed in the earliest times.” 2 This Second Witness was used in the early Church and was called “The Way”. You may be aware of Romans 10:17, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God”. However, the next verse, 10:18 is where the apostle Paul shows Christian, how to reach those people who would rather look to the heavens and the stars for answers:  Paul just cited Psalms19:1-4. Telling Christians a way to give “the ungodly” a powerful Second Witness whose testimony agrees with the First Witness.


Romans 10: 17, So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God”

18 But I say, Have they not heard?

Yes verily, their voice went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world.



Psalms 19:1-4 “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows his handy work.

Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night shows knowledge.

There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.

 Their voice is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world….”

The Second Witness is the night sky , God’s Story Board. (NO telescope required) However, it is understood that the modern Church “Will not” embrace the constellations of the night sky. Even in apostle Paul’s time the ungodly were corrupting the meanings behind the stars of the heavens, Astrology. However, God gave us an   interface   between the Bible and the night sky, God’s Story Board. Amos 9:6  “It is he that builds his stories in the heaven.6”   Confucius 551– 479B.C.  The Analects   “The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name.”


Psalms 147:4 “He (God) tells the number of the stars; he calls them all by names.

Isaiah 40:26 Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things,

that brings out their host by number: he calls them all by names”


These star stories are not “Simple Connect the Dots Pictures”:  they have ancient star names that are thousands of years old. Names that have been preserved to explain the story board of the night, names that are still used by modern astronomers. There is a star picture story, The Wrath of God, one of many that has always been above the Northern Horizon Circle and is there 24 hours a day, year round, and it is not a monthly zodiacal constellation. Constellations above the Northern Horizon Circle are available for all to see any clear night of the year. This picture with its ancient star names creates a true depiction of the Wrath of God of the Scripture Genesis 3:15. Which is the pivotal point of the relationship of God to Mankind   “And I (GOD) will put enmity between thee (Subtle Serpent) and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy (Serpent) head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” Read from Geneses 3:1-15 for a complete account of the First Witness.

1 e g b 57 e f

The Story of Three Constellations

The Wrath of God

This star picture is part of the Second Witness’ testimony and is at the axis of rotation of the sky and all the other stars of our sky circle around this group of stars. Where else would a creative God put evidence of his Redemptive Plan for Mankind? A billboard that covers a good portion of the sky and never sets. However, there are other groups of constellations with ancient star names that convey the same message even below the Line of the Ecliptic .

Capture a45

Ursa Minor originally known in the vernacular as the Lesser Sheep Fold. Because both Ursa Major and Minor are over head depictions of sheepfolds, stock holding pens. The line of stars, the handles are directing fences to help force the sheep into the box of stars of the sheep corral. The brightest star is called Dubheh,  flock of animals. In Arabic, Dubah, cattle (cows, goats or sheep). In Hebrew, Dohver, a sheepfold; and hence in Chaldee it meant wealth. The Hebrew Dohveh, rest or security, a sheepfold full of sheep. Al Ruccaba, the brightest star, at the point of the tail, the turned or ridden on, and is today our Pole Star. This star was called by the Greeks the “Cynosure, high in rising. The bright star closest to Thuban is Kochab, “Waiting for Him who come” and Al Pherdadain (Arabic), the young or defenseless.2  The meaning of the constellation, a corral of defenseless sheep waiting for help because the larger constellation Draco, the Serpent is starting to encircle them. Luke12:32 Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

Capture b50

The Subtle Serpent

The constellation, Draco is from the Greek, trodden on as in the Septuagint of Psalm 91:13–“The dragon shalt thou trample under foot,” from the Hebrew Dahrach, to tread. In the Zodiac of Denderah, Her-fent, the serpent accursed! The brightest star of the latter coils, is named Thuban (Hebrew, the subtle) and 4,6oo+ years ago it was the Pole Star. The next star, in the head is called by the Hebrew name Rastaban, the head of the subtle (serpent). In the Arabic it is Al Waid, who is to be destroyed. The next star, Ethanin, (also in the head), the long serpent, or dragon. The Hebrew names of other stars are Grumian, the subtle; Giansar, the punished enemy. Other Arabic names are Al Dib, the reptile; El Athik, the fraudful; El Asieh, the bowed down.2


Him Who is Coming, JAH

There is a Mighty One, now known as Hercules but in the Zodiac of Denderah and ancient Hebrew his name is Bau, which means who is coming, and is evidently intended for Him to crush the serpent’s head, to rescue this flock and “destroy the works of the devil.” Professor T.G. Pinches, in his The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria, speaks “of an old inscription“, which “may go back as far as 2000 B.C. This is the period at which the name Yaum-ilu, ‘Jah is god’, is found, together with references to ilu as the name for the one great god, and is also, roughly, the date of Abraham, who, it may be noted, was a Babylonian of Ur of the Chaldees.” Jah’s  name “is one of the words for ‘god’ in the Assyro-Babylonian language”3 and is connected to the Babylonian dragon/ snake story,  As much may be inferred from the symbolic references in the Bible to Jah’s victory over the monster of the deep:  “Thou brakes the head of the dragon in the deep; 4 Job 26:13″ By his spirit he hath garnished the heavens: his hand hath  wounded ( חלל ) the crooked serpent”; Isaiah 27:1 “In that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish  that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the deep”. 


The constellation Bau/JAH occupies a large portion of the heavens though some what dimly and is seen bending on one knee, with his right heel lifted up as if it had been wounded. In his right hand he wields a Great Sword or Cross. In Arabic Bau is called Al Giscale, the strong one. The brightest star, in Bau’s head, Ras al Gethi, the head of him who bruises. The next, in the right arm-pit, Kornephorus,  The Branch, of fire. Branch links it to Isaiah 11 and through out the Bible referring to a redeemer Who is coming . The star in the right elbow, Marsic, the wounding, the Pole Star of 12,500 years ago: which was the time of the MeltWalterPulse1B! The star in the upper part of the left arm is named Ma’asyn, the sin-offering. While in the lower part of the right arm the star is Caiam, or Guiam, punishing; and in Arabic, treading under foot. There is no doubt as to the mighty one foretold works which the woman’s Seed should perform. From first to last Bau / JAH is seen engaged in destroying this malignant foe: the Old Serpent.” The Wrath of God is revealed from heaven. For of Him it is written– “Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder; The young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under foot.” and free His little flock from the Enemy. Psalm 91:13″Come, Lord and burst the captives’ chains, And set the prisoners free;”  


The Questions You Must Ask:

Why did these star names and constellations used by the Babylonians, Greeks, Jews, Egyptians and Arabs thousands of years before Christ incarnation match the Geneses three account? “And I(GOD) will put enmity between thee (Subtle Serpent) and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy (Serpent) head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”


Romans1:18 For the Wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth as inaccurate; 19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shown it unto them. 20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:


One More Thing

Law Enforcement encourages people to put their names or drivers license numbers on valuable things. That way you can prove that you own your valuables: if there is a question of ownership. Hebrew is an old form of writing  the evidence is that the Hebrew alphabet has the same order as the northern Semite alphabet of the Hittites. The Hebrew alphabet, also mirror the early Ugaritic Cuneiform. We also know fro the  Qumran Caves, that the Hebrew alphabet has changed little in over 2200 years. So what would be the simplest form of

God’s Name in Hebrew?      Jah 5

Psalms 68:4  “Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: extol him that rides upon the heavens by his name

JAH,  hiiy and rejoice before him.”

Okay let us look at a map of the world.


jah map


To draw a map of the world  with a Hebrew Calligrapher pen

it would look like this.


jah map 2


The Ancient Name for God of the Bible



[2]Ethelbert W. Bullinger  The Witness of the Stars -

[3] Alexander Mackenzie. Myths of Babylonia and Assyria ,  citing T.G. Pinches, The Old Testament in the Light of the Historical Records and Legends of Assyria and Babylonia,  pp. 59-61.

[4] Psalms, lxxiv, 13, 14. It will be noted that the Semitic dragon, like the Egyptian, is a male.

[5]  יהוה Jah-ho-vaw is the more commonly use name now used for GOD, however, it comes from the older root   J H JAH ,  the numeric values for JAH are 10 for I and 5 for  h for a value of 15. Because that combination is the Sacred Name, the number 15 is written 9+6 טו and use by orthodox Jews and in the Torah.

[6] מעלה ma‛ălâh  the act, a literally a journey to a higher place, a story

Earth Changes c. 10,500 BC



Pandora and Her Box

The Common interpretation is that plagues were released upon the opening of Pandora’s gift from Zeus. Plagues that caused no end of trouble for Pandora and her friends because, as hard as Pandora tried; she could not recapture the beasties once they were freed from their container. However, the parallel interpretation of this story it is “Wisdom” that has been locked within story riddles, knowledge that is rejected out of hand by “The Gatekeepers of the Scholarly World:” Just as Cassandra’s wisdom was rejected by the Gate Keepers of Troy. However, once those men were out of the box of the wooden horse there was no end to the frustration to the Gate Keepers after the gates of the city were open. The Earth Changes of c. 10,500 years before the Christian era is one such Pandora’s Box.


Super Storms c. 10,500 BC

Earth Changes and Super Storms seem to be on most people’s minds today. Is Man causing the changes or are those changes cyclical? To answer that question we must go back in time to a Storm that make the problems we are having today seem like a calm spring day. Fortunately, those Earth Changes and that Super Storm of 12,500 years ago have been documented in Earth’s geological record and in story riddles from around the world, stories that have been told and re-told for thousands of years. About 13,500 to 12,500 years ago Earth was in a time of sea level stagnation for 1,000 years according to the geological record.1 Suddenly sea-levels rose 26.7 feet in less than 100 years2. Then sea levels continued to rise at a rate of 1.5 inches per year for the next 4,000 years3, scientist that study this type of things call these sudden sea level rise: Melt Water Pulses.


Freezing  a Woolly Mammoth

These anomalies occurred in a geological time called the Quaternary Period which is subdivided into the Pleistocene Epoch, which was most of the Quaternary period in prehistory, and the Holocene or Recent Epoch, which is only the last c. 12,000 to 14,000 years which is the point of those Earth changes and that Super storm which saw the development of the Earth’s present-day topography relief and scenery. The climate changes during this period caused accompanying changes in the form of life now on Earth. Many large animals became extinct such as: woolly mammoths, woolly rhinoceros, saber tooth tigers, and mastodons.4 Many of these animals were quick-frozen. To freeze a woolly Mammoth the process would take ambient temperatures of 300 to 400 degrees below zero, any warmer than that, they would rot from the inside. But the coldest temperature ever recorded in the Antarctic was only 129 degrees below zero5 so how did they get frozen before their insides rotted6? The answer to that question comes from ancient books that date their texts with star references dating to 12,500 years ago when Polaris was a seasonal star for the month of June. The exact time is 12,500 years ago of “The Melt Water Pulse 1B”. Prior to proceeding, we must untie some knots first.

Rapid Sea-Level Rise

In early Holocene7

greenland glasure cover 4

Onset of Post Glacial Evolution

Of the Pearl River Delta

Delta Conference- Jan. 10-17, 2005,

Ho Chi MinhCity, Vietnam

Dr. Yongqiang Zong8

“Study Area the Pearl River Delta situates on the south coast of China, and is connected to a drainage basin. Three main rivers (West, North and East Rivers) drain into the drowned coastal basin and, during the Holocene, created two deltaic complexes the sandwich the present day.

The results show that relative sea-level ( in the Pearl River Delta) reached -25m (82 feet below the current sea-level) by c. 11,000 years BP (Before the Christian Era), possibly after a short period of stagnation. (No change in sea-level for almost 1,000 years) Shortly before 10,000 BP (BCE), relative sea-level rose to c.-17M (55.25 feet below current sea-level a rise of 26.75 feet in less than 100 years), apparently in result to the Melt Water Pulse 1B. The rate of such a relative sea-level is potentially as high as 8mm/a (3.1625 inches per year) Between 10,000 BP (BCE) and 6,000 BP (BCE), relative sea-level rose steadily for approximately 16m (to within 39 inches of our current sea-level, during that 4,000 years period ), at a rate of 4mm/a. ( 1.5 inches per year). Then the last part of that sea level rise then took almost another 8,000 years to make up that last 39 inches.

The results from the Pearl River Delta are comparable with Sea-levels reconstructed from Barbados (Fairbanks, 1989), Tahiti, and New Guinea (Bard et al., 1996) These sea-level records reveal the rapid rise in sea-level corresponding to the Melt Water Pulse-1B followed by a continuous rise MWP1B was the second of these events the first (Melt Water Pulse 1A) occurred from about c. 14,000 BCE and lasted until the Period of Stagnation in c. 11,000 BCE. This accounted for the balance of the 300 feet of Sea-level rise based on the Barbados, Pearl River, Tahiti, and New Guinea data of 12.5 feet per hundred years until c. 6,000 BCE”

So what did Dr. Yongqiang Zong and the others scientist’s research tell us?

That a Hell of a lot of ice from somewhere

Melted really fast c. 12,500 years ago”

Doing the rough estimate of that amount of fossil fuel; that would be needed to heat Earth at that time to melt enough snow and ice to cause the Melt Water Pulse 1 B and then maintain a seal level rise of twelve and one half feet every hundred years for the next four thousand years is beyond comprehension. Theoretically, to melt just one cubic foot of ice the process would take the burning of one half gallon of gasoline. Multiplying that by the number of square feet in one square mile (27,878,400) times; just the MWP1B sea level rise of 26.7 feet (during a one hundred year period); times all the square miles of the world’s oceans at that time. Because we have geological records of the one thousand years just prior that show sea-level stagnation caused by constant seasonal temperatures, just prior to the MWP1B sea-level spike. Sorry the math does not match “the Common Theories” of the melt of the last Ice Age. We know that at the same time (c. 10,500 years before the Christian era) woolly mammoths were being FLASH FROZEN9 by temperatures of over 300 degrees below zero F. This paradox can be explained, but not by the Common theories we have been expected to believe.

When Polaris was a seasonal star of early summer”

1 a d a t north stars - Copy marsic - Copy10

This is the Astronomical Time Stamp that the “Uncommon Historical Model of the Earth Changes” of 10,500 years before the Christian era starts out with an occurrence that only happens for a few years about every 26,000 years. The last time that occurred was during the Early Holocene Period11 when the Melt Water Pulse 1B was raging across planet Earth. This was when Sea Levels to rise by 26.7 feet in less than 100 years. Earth saw sudden extinctions by hypothermia and the development of most of Earth’s Topographical Relief.

The origins of these sudden Earth Changes were “Historically” known to be caused by an Interplanetary Storm with names like: “The Mighty Serpent (snake) that brought the Fatal Winter” from the Zoroastrians traditions, “The Snake that flies with an ant in its mouth” in the Riddle of Saba, “Adad” from the Gilgamesh Epic, “Vishnu” of the Brahman, The Chinese’s have their “ Azure Dragon” and then there is Sin, Luna, Aremis, Dereto, and Arargatis, Stories from around the World having one theme. These historical vignettes along with documentation from NASA own missions and astrophysical evidence from throughout the Inner Solar System are pieces of the same puzzle. Evidence that has been expunged from our Science Research Centers “Radar Screens”; evidence from the Historical Model of Earth Changes of c.10, 500 years before the Christian era that NASA hopes they can continue to ignore.

Professor Tollman of the University of Vienna, Austria, speaks of an inter-planetary ice storm.12 A storm that appears to have included a chain of up to a dozen individual catastrophes, including: Earthquakes, geological deformations, vapors plume and tidal waves. Bill Naapier of the Royal Edinburgh Observatory; Dr. Duncan Steel of Space Guard Australia; and Benny Peiser of Liverpool John Moore’s University are among a growing number of scientist who propose that an interplanetary ice storm hit earth thousands of years ago.13


Middle Eastern Riddle

A Super Storm:

Tiak speaking of the god of Zoaster (Ahura Mazda)

Vendidida, Fargard I 14

And Ahura Mazda spoke unto Yima saying: Yima the Fair. (The albino) upon the material world a fatal winter is about to descend,

that shall bring a vehement destroying FROST, upon the corporeal world will the Evil of winter fallen great abundance.

“The first of the good lands and countries which I, Ahura Mazda, created was Airyana Vaejo…

Then Angra Mainyu, who is full of death, created an Opposition to the same, a mighty serpent (Leviathan)

 and snow, ten months of winter are there now two months of summer,

and these are as cold as water, cold as to the Earth, cold as to the trees…

There all-around falls deep snow; that is the direst of plagues.15

Doctor Kent Hovind16 research on how cold does the ambient temperatures need to be to freeze an elephant in conjunction with research done by Birdseye Food Inc. was rather enlightening. Did you know that if you try to freeze an elephant with the coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth according to “The Antarctic Connection” the coldest temperature was recorded on Earth at 129 degrees below zero Fahrenheit.17 The folks at Birdseye said that, The elephant would rot from the inside before the process could be completed.” Even so, when woolly Mammoths are found the food in their stomach is still green. The people at Birdseye stated that:


to freeze those beasties quickly enough to keep the food fresh would take temperatures of c.300 to 400 degrees below zero F.

to complete the process to allow for that food not to rot.18

112 bitmars venus moon (2)

Prior to the point of contact with Earth the interplanetary storm’s water ice vapor would have chilled to the ambient temperatures of space c.300-400 degrees below zero F. When the ice vapor finally arrived the atmosphere was quickly cooled causing precipitation: first rain, and then snow. This snow at the Polar Regions would still be at the very cold temperature that would be needed to freeze the Mammoths. At that temperature the snow would seem like fire. This temperature of c. 300 to 400 degrees below zero F. would also allow the blood to freeze with small ice crystals that are found in those retrieved mammoths. If the temperatures were as the warmer 129 below zero F. those temperatures would make much larger ice crystals that are not consistent with the samples of mammoth’s blood.19

Book of Enoch 20

And the Angels (water vapors) shall ascend Into Space; the springs of water shall be changed

And again undergo a change, and be FROZEN.21

The Water Became Like Fire”

At the point of contact with Earth the water vapor had turned to ice vapor and had chilled to the ambient temperatures of space 300-400 degrees below zero F: the atmosphere was quickly cooled causing precipitation; “first rain then snow.” This snow at the polar region would still be at the very cold temperature that would be needed to freeze the Mammoths quickly at that temperature the snow would seem like fire. This temperature of 300 to 400 degrees below zero would also allow the blood to freeze with small ice crystals that are found in those retrieved mammoths.

These waters of judgment shall be for their healing, and for the death of their bodies.

But they shall not perceive and believe that the waters will change, and become like fire.”

“But when the frost, snows and cold fall upon you,

in those days you will be utterly incapable of standing before them.22

Victor Clube, an astrophysicist at Oxford University, has linked one such interplanetary storm to that same time 14,000 to 9,000 years ago. Events of sufficient magnitude to destroy all traces of MWP1A and MWP1B civilization and Sea–levels rose by 300 feet in many areas flooding any maritime cultures. As a matter of fact, an article from the Discovery Magazine 1998 states that Earth is still being bombarded with huge lumps of ice even today remnants of that super storm. Dr. Kent Hovind also states that those pieces of ice are at a temperature of c. 300 to 400 degrees below zero.23” Those chunks of ice are remnants of that Interplanetary Ice Storm of 10,500years before the Christian era.24

DISCOVER Vol. 19 No. 01

Snowballs, Flying in From Space

By Tim Appenzeller


Could Lou Frank be right after all? Twelve years ago, the University of Iowa space physicist startled his colleagues with an explanation for tiny dark spots in satellite images of the upper atmosphere. he spots said Frank, Marked places where house-size snowballs, flying in from space 20 times a minute, were expiring in clouds of water vapor underneath the satellite, briefly blocking its view of the atmosphere ultraviolet glow Explanation for tiny dark spots in satellite images of the upper atmosphere. “I don’t know how else to get that water up there unless you just put it in by hand,” says Thomas Donahue of the University of Michigan. And Robert Meier of the Naval Research Laboratory Thomas Donahue Asks; “certainly willing to acknowledge that he is observing something. And why the hell isn’t Mars inundated with water?”

An Interplanetary Ice Storm would explain The Melt Water Pulse anomalies and the Astrophysicist Professor Tollman also speaks of an inter-planetary ice stor,m. “The consequence of the impact of a comet explosion appears to have included a chain of up to a dozen individual catastrophes.25” Only one problem with this theory: Comets are NOT DIRTY SNOW BALLS. A Harvard astronomer, Fred Whipple, in the nineteen fifties developed a theory that comet’s nuclei were “DIRTY SNOWBALLS.26” On July 4th 2005 NASA lost a bet. NASA spent millions of taxpayer dollars only to have Fred Whipple’s “Dirty Snowball Comet Theory” blow up in a “cloud of dust.” NASA thought that “The Deep Impact Mission” was going to the quin-ta accentual comet “Tempel 1” to confirm that comets were “Dirty Snowballs full of water.” However, the “Impactor” drilled a dry hole!

Deep Impact Was a


Press Release No.: 05-23



Center for Astrophysics

By P. Pullian July 8, 2005


Cambridge, MA- Smithsonian astronomers watched as the “Impactor Probe” from NASA’s Deep Impact spacecraft hit Comet Tempel 1 earlier this week (July 4th 2005). They monitored the impact using the ground-based Submillimeter Array (SMA) in Hawaii and NASA’s orbiting Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite (SWAS). Results are still coming in, but so far the scientists report seeing only weak emission from water vapor (if it had been a dirty snowball the Deep Impact copper Impactor would have had very strong emissions of water) and a host of other gases that were expected to erupt from the impact site. The most conspicuous feature of the blast was brightening due to sunlight scattered by the ejected dust.”

Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite

Principal investigator Gary Melnick of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics said.

It’s pretty clear that this event did not produce a gusher,”.

“The more optimistic predictions for water output from the impact haven’t materialized, at least not yet?”


For some strange reason NASA still clings to Fred Whipple’s


Even though the HARD DATA from the Tempel 1 Mission copper Impactor clearly shows that comets are made up of mostly rock and have very little water ice. In fact the first estimates were only one quarter inch of light snow on the surface of Tempel 1.according to my conversation with NASA’s’ Don Yeoman The data from the Submillimeter Array (SMA) in Hawaii and NASA’s orbiting Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite (SWAS) was a shocking surprised to NASA, an outcome that disproved Fred’s “-Dirty Snow-Ball-Theory” and many other theories based on this Dirty Snowball concept. However, Don Yeoman of NASA called me (Howard West) on July, 13, 2009 to try to convince me that the water ice recently confirmed ice on the moon was from cometary impacts. Then a strange thing happened on September 24, 2009 the L.C.R.O.S.S. Orbiter, India’s Space Agency and the SWAS’s data was released, data showing water vapor escaping over the Moon’s surface, water that the failed “Dirty Snowball Theory” cannot explain.



where did the Moon’s water ice come from? Consequently, on October, 10, 2009 when two of NASA’s space craft went crashing into the water ice-filled craters at the Moon’s south pole they did as much damage as a bullet fired into a snow drift of powered snow, NASA failed again to confirm Whipple’s dirty snow ball theory, because, a “Dirty Snow Ball Comet would have left compacted water ice not FLUFF WATER ICE. Don Yeoman of NASA was not happy when confronted with that fact on October, 10, 2009, because NASA was depending on the solid water ice as propellant to be used in thermal nuclear rockets.27


A proven nuclear water steam rocket system

Developed in the mid-1960.

A nuclear water steam propulsion system with thrust out puts which can be designed to exceed that of the Space Shuttle liquid Hydrogen oxygen rocket engines.28 These nuclear engines are much cheaper to operate because there is no need to break the bond of the water molecule to then reform that bond in an explosive combustion. Just inject the solid water ice into the chamber containing “the super-hot nuclear pile”. This nuclear heated steam system is also cheaper because, the propellant can be stored in solid form there is no need for expensive pressurized containers.


The other advantage for NASA would have been if this solid water ice had been on the Moon and comets as refueling stations However, without this solid water ice on the moon and comets NASA had to reconfigure its future of man space exploration: the reason being that the moon’s water ice is too light and fluffy (a type of water ice that cannot be from a snowball type comet impact): the ice from a snowball comet would be hard and compacted. NASA also can’t figure out why the water ice of the moon eats their probes like the cotton in a ballistic testing chamber. That was not how the Dirty Snow Ball theory said that water ice should have been deposited.

To understand where that fluffy water ice on the Moon it self came from we must first understand where the Moon came from. To find that out we need to look at the chemical analysis of lunar samples brought back by Apollo missions, which indicate that the Moon’s rocks are heavily depleted in volatile materials sodium potassium, and very little Iron, though high in Titanium and Calcium.

However, the L.C.R.O.S.S. Orbiter,

Indiaʼs Space Agency and the SWASʼs data released

September, 24, 2009 and they showed water vapor escaping over the Moon’s surface not just at its poles.


1 sample dust cover 2

Locked Gates, the Riddle Lord’s Secrets by Howard West

1Dr. Yongqiang Zong IGCP475/APN/CCON Delta Conference- Jan. 10-17,2005, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Rapid sea-level rise in early Holocene and onset of postglacial Evolution of the Pearl River Delta


3 Ibid


5Sonderson I. T., “Riddle of the Quick Frozen Giants”, Saturday Evening Post, 16 Jan. 1962, P82


7 Hoffman, Michael A. Op. Cite,

8Hamelin, Bard, E., Montaggioni, Arnold, M., Faure, Cabioch, G. ,Rougerie ,F. 1996 .Deglacial sea-levels records from Tahiti corals and the timing of global meltwater discharge NATURE 382,241-244 Fairbanks, R.G 1989. A 17,000 year gacio-eustatic sea-level record: influence of the glacial melting rate on the Younger Dryas event and deep-ocean circulation NATURE 342,637-642 Li, P., Qiao, P., Zheng, H., Fang, G and Huang, G., 1991 Zhijang delta in the past 10,000 years. China Ocean Press Zong, Y 2004 Mid-Holocene sea-level high stand along the southeast coast of China. Quaternary International,117,55-67

9Sonderson I. T., “Riddle of the Quick Frozen Giants”, Saturday Evening Post, 16 Jan. 1962, P82

10Laurence Dr. R, Op.Cite ,C.81: 22


12 Sunday Telegraph, London, 19, May,1996

13 Ibid

14Vendidida, Fargard cited in Lokamanya Bal Gangadhar

15Hancock. G, Finger Prints of the Gods Crown Publishing, New York

16Hovind K, Video of The Flood, Creation Science Evangelism. Pensacola 1997


18 Sunday Telegraph, London, 19, May,1996

19 Ibid

20Qumran cave four, “Enoch

21 Laurence Dr. R, Op.Cite C 66:12

22Ibid, C. 66:15

23Sunday Telegraph, London, 19, May,1996

24Appenzeller , Tim Snowballs, Flying in From Space , DISCOVER, Vol. 19 No. 01 Jan. 1998

25 Finger Prints of the Gods p. 208

26 Pulliam P., Deep Impact Was a Dust-up, Not a Gusher “Press Release PR0523”, Harvard-Smithsonion Center for Astrophysics, NASA has pulled this link I wonder WHY?

27From the collection of The Nuclear Testing Museum of Las Vegas , Nevada ,

28Stine G. Harry, Rockets” Op. Cite, Colliers V 20, P 127-129


God’s Story Board The Night Sky

1 b c  north stars - Copy - Copy

Job 38:33 Do you know the ordinances of heaven? canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?

In contemporary English, “can you find the dominate star or the north star of each age?”

In this post-modern world, Christian Believers are called “Bible Thumpers!” People now would rather look to the Heavens and the Stars for Answers. My LORD JESUS has not been caught unprepared. I am sure that you are well aware of Romans 10:17, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God”. However, the next verse (18) is where Paul shows Christian Believers, how to reach those people who would rather look to the heavens and the stars for Answers: by causing Christian Believers to go back to the Psalms: so we can give the Lost a powerful witness that points back to the Bible.


Romans 10:17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. 18 But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily, their voice went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world.

Paul is referencing, Psalms 19:1-4 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows his handy work 2 Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night shows knowledge. 3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. 4 Their voice is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world….

I am not so naive to think that after a life time of people telling the Church that, “the meanings behind the constellations of the night sky are all of pagan origins”: that the modern church will automatically embrace the constellations as God’s Story Board. Even in Paul’s time the unbelievers were corrupting the meanings behind the stars of the heavens. However, God gave us an interface between the Bible and the stars. Psalms 147:4 ‘He (God) tells the number of the stars; he calls them all by names”. Isaiah 40:26 Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that brings out their host by number: he calls them all by names. Surprising to Christians, many of the God given ancient star names have been preserved and are still used by modern astronomers. There is a star picture that has always been in the Northern sky, 24 hours a day not a monthly zodiacal constellation: this picture with its ancient star names creates a true depiction of the Scripture Genesis 3:15. And I(GOD) will put enmity between thee (Subtle Serpent) and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy (Serpent) head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

1 e fight 2 - Copy - Copy

The need to reach the Lost is why I have taken a section of my book, Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets and turned it into a free Star Talk, God’s Story Board, The Night Sky. In this way I hope to give the Church a powerful witnessing tool that few are aware of that refers back to the Bible. This free Star Talk/ Witnessing Class will be given at one of the darkest areas in the U.S.A. just after sunset about 9 pm on Memorial Day Sunday, May 24, 2015 on Highway 6, about 26 miles East of Tonopah, Nevada. Rest rooms and free over night camping available on site: hope to see you and your skeptical friends there, but, bring your Bible and lawn chairs.

Howard West

Author of Locked Gates

The Riddle Lord’s Secrets


The Heavens Praise God’s Wonders and Christian are Afraid to Proclaim Them

Psalm_89:5And the heavens shall praise thy wonders, O LORD: thy faithfulness also in the congregation of the saints.” Even so, most Christian experts are afraid to look at the constellations of the night sky. Afraid that someone will think: “they believe in the Zodiac.” Isaiah_13:10 For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their אור enlightenment. However, the early Church called the stars of the heavens “The Way” and did not use the stars for personal predictions. Those constellations acted as an interface or Story Board to pass down the believers stories using the constellations as their text and the star names to unfold stories hidden in the stars of the night sky.However, Job describes two of  these constellations in 26:13, as a fight between God and evil in this way: 1

HE garnishes the heavens and with His hand slew the fleeing Serpent”

Genesis  3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed;

it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

31jpg star map24 jpg Fight

This star picture is connected to “an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt” The Manuscript of Makrizi states that. “The first (the Great) Pyramid was especially dedicated to the history and astronomy;2 Tohfat Aalabib states that the Great Pyramid contains “Plans of the stars and historical and prophetical records.3


Isaiah 19:19 -20a In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt,

and a pillar at the border thereof to the LORD.

And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt


To understand this interface between the stars and the Great Pyramid we must go back to the year 2141 before the Christian Era, Sesonchosis (the Season of Chaos) September 21st at which time the Patriarch Joseph was living in Egypt and go through the entrance of the Great Pyramid and down the long passage way as the darkness engulfs us, and as we move toward a pool of water that is at the bottom. The water has flooded almost to the opening to the well shaft4; and as we continue down a small light appears out of the darkness then turning a round we see that same light behind us.


31jpg star map2

We are somewhere between the star Thuman the North Star of 2141 BC, that is above us and it’s reflection on the water below us, a bottomless pit halfway between a star and that same star: a type of hell or a bottomless pit where up could be down and down could be up, which is a fearful of a place as drowning in a dark sea. A place where a wrong step or a passing cloud will plunge you into total darkness without a star to guide you, “We know that we can escape. Can’t we?”


As we quickly walk back up toward the entrance, a star picture appears, that of the constellation Draco (The snake of the North Star Thuman of 2141 years before the Christian era,)5 it was a time Egyptian Archeologist call “Sesonchosis ( the Season of Chaos)” The Snake star picture is trying to encircle other star pictures of the sky, especially Ursa Minor and our current North Star Polaris then known as Yean. There is one Star picture that Draco cannot encircle, and that is the picture of The Mighty One, who is kneeling down with one foot on Draco’s head as the snake tries to strike his foot. The Mighty One has a club in his hand beating the Snake with it and the shape of that legendary olive branch club is a Cross.6


4 jpg Fight

Moreover, Moses wrote of this star picture as a prophecy 7 .

“I will put Enmity (Snake) between you and the woman, and between your posterity and her Posterity:

and her Posterity shall tread your head under his foot, and you shall strike in his heel”

That star picture is still in the sky today. Who is this Mighty One? That occupies a large portion of the heavens? Who is seen bending on one knee, with his right heel lifted up as if it had been wounded, while his left foot is set directly over the head of The Great Dragon? A mystical Hero who in his right hand he wields a great olive branch club or cross,  even in the Denderah (the ancient Stone Star Chart of Egypt) which was recovered during Napoleon’s expedition to Egypt in 1798-1802 at which time the French also found the Rosetta Stone, the block of stone that acts as an interface to writings of the past.


beu zodac

There on the Denderah Star Chart, we have a human figure, in the same position in the night sky as our old friend Hercules again with a club. His name is Bau, which means “Who is to come”, and is evidently intended for Him who is to come to crush The Serpent’s head, and “destroy the works of the devil.”8 In Arabic Hercules or Bau of the northern night sky is called Al Giscale, The Strong One. There are 113 stars in this constellation. The brightest star, in his head, is named Ras al Gethi, and means the head of him who bruises. The next, in the right armpit, is named Kornephorus, and means The Branch, (Nazarene in Hebrew) plus, kneeling. The star in the right elbow is called Marsic, The wounding. The star in the upper part of the left arm is named Ma’asyn, the sin-offering or the protector in Hebrew9. While in the lower part of the right arm is Caiam, or Guiam, punishing; and in Arabic, treading under foot.10 Many of these star names have Arabic or Hebrew origins dating to hundreds of years before the Birth of MY LORD JESUS CHRIST and the definitions are not redefined terms to fit a Christian theology. Psalm_89:5 “And the heavens shall praise thy wonders, O LORD: thy faithfulness also in the congregation of the saints.” However, will you use this Wonder God placed in the heavens and proclaim His faithfulness? Or dismiss one of the greatest witnessing tool given to the Church?

1Lamsa, G. M., The Holy Bible :from the ancient Eastern text The Peshitta, San Francisco : Harper & Row,1984,



4Ibid p. 7


6 Starry Nights, computer star charting program.

7Moses, Genesis 3 Cave Qumran

8 Bullinger E, W.The Witness of the Stars1893

9Strongs, Op. Cite, , Hebrew, Ref. No, 4937

10Bullinger E, W. Op. Cite

Why Does NASA Need Abundant Water in Space? Nuclear Rockets

Mr. Obama in a Twitter town hall at the White House /2011/07/06/ *said that:

“[W]e’ve set a goal to– let’s ultimately get to Mars, A good pit stop is an asteroid…

Mr. Obama, gave the world a Riddle, and most of the people in the Press let it pass unanswered.

What is a Pit Stop?


The biggest problem with Space Exploration is the fuel to get “Cargo/ Pounds” in orbit.

 “in the order of 1000 to 1 ratio, fuel to cargo.”

You have been told: “the combustion of oxygen and hydrogen is the most effective rocket fuel.” That is half true. There is a second that is equal to the oxygen/hydrogen fuel: Nuclear rockets! We use a form of that technology in aircraft carriers, icebreakers, and Three Mile Island. The concept is simple, place enough nuclear fuel together, the mass will heat up. That heat will vaporize volatile materials in so doing creating pressure/ propellant. Examples of volatile materials are Hydrogen (H), carbon dioxide (CO2), potassium (K), sodium (Na), tin (Sn), lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), and  water (H2O) which is the easiest to acquire.

A proven nuclear water steam rocket system (KIWI B4-1965 and KIWI TNT -1965) developed in the mid-1960. A nuclear water steam propulsion system with thrust out puts which can be designed to exceed that of the Space Shuttle liquid Hydrogen oxygen rocket engines.[1]These nuclear engines are much cheaper to operate because there is no need to break the bond of the water molecule to then reform that bond in an explosive combustion. Just inject the solid water ice into the chamber containing “the super-hot nuclear pile”. This nuclear heated steam system is also cheaper because, the propellant can be stored in solid form there is no need for expensive pressurized containers.

NASA wants to refuel its rockets in space at a “zero to one ratio.” However, Obama has been told by NASA, that it hopes to find an abundant source of one of these materials on asteroids. However, frozen water is the preferred substantial. That is why NASA unhappily spent millions to drill two virtually dry holes

 1. There is very little water that  is easily available  on the Moon, so  NASA says “don’t bother with stopping there.”

  2.  The Deep Impact Mission’s copper Impactor found comet Temple to be a dry rock, covered with less than ¼ inch of light snow.

The reason NASA’s Manned Missions out of Earth orbit is On Hold?

  The lack of abundant WATER ICE in Space.

Link to NASA’s last hope  for WATER, NASA’s  mission to an asteroid.

Details in Locked Gates by Howard West


Nibiru means the Prophet-Planet

Nibiru means the Prophet-Planet, however, today that planet has a different name, Mercury

The Fallacy of the Flood is not a Rational Argument !

 The only reason that The Fallacy of the Flood concept is given any credit is because the current so called, Flood Experts have placed the Traditions of Men like Bishop Usher as Gospel that the BIBLE teaches, refusing to seek out and read the most reliable ancient texts that when translated to current common speech, reflect recent scientific archeological, geological and astrophysical evidence. Therefore, this lack of diligence by Flood Experts makes this discussion some what one sided. Especially when the Pseudo-Intellectuals (atheist) are more than Happy to pounce on the Flood Experts apparent factual errors. So do not lump Noah’s Deluge, me or my books in with those amateurish groups of Flood Experts. Therefore, I don’t debate about such things as: how many angels can dance on the head of a pin or how Noah addressed his manure problem. So let us just keep this conversation narrowed to Noah’s Deluge not a Simple Flood caused by rain alone.

First, the Flood Experts have dated the Deluge of Noah to the wrong Time at which time there was no world wide flood. However, there were two scrolls found in the Qumran caves that are far older than the writing that so called Flood Experts use to date Noah’s time and those scrolls and recent scientific evidence: archeological, geological and astrophysical date Noah’s Deluge to a time when Bootes, Ursa Major, Minor and Polaris, our current North star were setting in the western sky in late Spring and early Summer. Here is the more common of the two texts which is found in all Bibles, from the book of Job and yes Job wrote about Noah’s time and its events in the Qumran cave4 fragments and in his chapter 38showing that GOD had a better way of dating this Historical events.

לב  הֲתֹצִיא מַזָּרוֹת בְּעִתּוֹ;    וְעַיִשׁ, עַלבָּנֶיהָ תַנְחֵם.

38:32 Canst thou lead forth the constellations in their season? Or canst thou guide Bootes with Ursa Major and Minor?


Bootes, Ursa Major and Minor are the modern constellation names that you may be more familiar with, not the older King James, Biblical or Hebrew names, all the same, they were only seasonal constellations for a few years, about once every 26,000 years and the last time was over 12,000 years ago. If you Don’t believe that statement? Look it up using the computer star charting programs like Sky Globe. or Starry Nights, (Late May through mid-June c.10,500 BC about sun set looking west, 33 longitude, 30 latitude ) Now that scroll of Job is well over 2,100 years old: so how could a low tech people date Noah’s Deluge to a time when Ursa Major and Minor were below the Northern Horizon Circle to the precise time of the MeltWaterPulse1B, an event that caused sea-levels to suddenly rise by 26.7 feet, then continued to rise for thousands of years at a slower rate. However, just prior to that, sea-levels had been stagnate for a thousand years. Don’t believe that sudden sea-level rise happened at that time? Would you believe an Atheist Then? Then look the entire document up Onset of Post Glacial Evolution Of the Pearl River Delta Delta Conference– Jan. 10-17, 2005, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Dr. Yongqiang Zong, abstract below.


Study Area the Pearl River Delta situates on the south coast of China, and is connected to a drainage basin. Three main rivers (West, North and East Rivers) drain into the drowned coastal basin and, during the Holocene, created two delta complexes the sandwich the present day. The results show that relative sea-level ( in the Pearl River Delta) reached -25m (82 feet below the current sea-level) by c. 11,000 years BP (Before the Christian Era), possibly after a short period of stagnation. (No change in sea-level for almost 1,000 years) Shortly before 10,000 BP (BCE), relative sea-level rose to c.-17M (55.25 feet below current sea-level a rise of 26.75 feet in less than 100 years), apparently in result to the Melt Water Pulse 1B. The rate of such a relative sea-level is potentially as high as 8mm/a (2.624inches per year) Between 10,000 BP (BCE) and 6,000 BP (BCE), relative sea-level rose steadily for approximately 16m (to within 39 inches of our current sea-level, during that 4,000 years period ), at a rate of 4mm/a.”( 1.4 inches per year).

 Then go to A 17,000 year gacio-eustatic sea-level record: influence of the glacial melting rate on the Younger Dryas event and deep-ocean circulationHamelin, Bard, E., Montaggioni, Arnold, M., Faure, Cabioch, G. ,Rougerie ,F. 1996 Fairbanks, R.G 1989. NATURE 342,637-642

My challenge to you is to explain how the Jews of over 2,100 years ago knew about a sudden sea-level rise that happened over 10,000 years before and then star dating the event: a stellar event that only be discovered with computers or centuries of observations and a lot of math and why did it take another 2,100 for Atheist to discover that same FACT, Atheist who promptly change Noah’s Deluge name to the MeltWaterPulse 1B. Please tell me what cause such a immense amount of ice to melt suddenly; when for a thousand years sea-levels had been stagnation? If you think it was caused by Mankind burning of fossil fuels you would be wrong.

I am not going to debate Noah’s Deluge with you if you just want to turn me into a Straw-Man so that you can argue using rhetoric, to discredit weak points about Noah’s Deluge that I don’t agree with.First you must address the evidence of that World Wide Disaster through a Major Climatic Change that I have presented. However If you really want additional answers about the Troubles of Noah’s Time: Tweet me @lockedgates ack OnLine!



NASA and The Moon’s Watery Past From The Hard cover book Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords’ Secrets

Mankind’s Past is controversial with competing intellectual groups proudly holding on to differing traditions, each field of study believing that their traditions best chronicles the human race’s Past, these differing traditions are each held as undeniable FACTS. Howard West’s E-book, Locked Gates stands in opposition to those traditions by revealing contrary subject materials that have been hidden in ancient books, scrolls, geological, and archaeological records. This evidence shows a far different account of mankind’s distant Past and its approaching Future. To showcase this evidence found in the E-book, Locked Gates, West has produced a series of nine videos, The ninth book trailer, takes NASA to task revealing how it continues to present dis-information as undeniable truth, such as the documented lies that comets are dirty snow balls, the origins of the moon, Mars and its topography.


Authors on Space, time and the Moon

There have been countless books written about the Moon, the below you will find a list of some of the current authors. However, I think you would enjoy what Howard West has to say on the Moon; you will get a taste by watching these videos for the E-Book, Locked Gates and after that you may consider buying the inexpensive E-book, Locked Gates by Howard West.

Buzz Aldrin,

 Magnificent Desolation: The Long Journey Home from the Moon


J. Richard Gott,

 Time Travel in Einstein’s Universe: The Physical Possibilities of Travel Through Time


Jack Sarfatti,

 Space – Time and Beyond II: The Series: Episode 2 “Dark Energy”


 Neil deGrasse Tyson,

 Origins: Fourteen Billion Years of Cosmic Evolution


Robert Zimmerman,

 The Universe in a Mirror: The Saga of the Hubble Space Telescope



Title Index

GOD and the Great Pyramid

New Videos for Book Locked Gates By Howard West

Philip Keller of “Strange but True” interviews Howard West

 on The Great Pyramids


Albert Einstein asked. “Does GOD play dice?”

 Yes Al




History, Riddles, Silk Worms and Mummies


NASA uses Golden Mirrors of Egypt’s Shamans


Alternative Energy Solutions, from the Past


Obama’s Riddle, A good pit stop is an Asteroid


Comment on “History of Information”, NPR interview

 with James-Gleick


Wisdom Hidden in Balls of Thread


The 27th of Sivan AKA June 30


Thursday June 30 the symbol for Constantinople, that was

 appropriated by Islam was in the sky.


Break the Law of Thermo-Dynamics


for Nothing?  


Authors on the subject of Earth Changes

There have been countless books written about Earth Changes,  below you will find a list of some of the current authors. However, I think you would enjoy what Howard West has to say on Earth Changes; you will get a taste by watching this video for the E-Book, Locked Gates and after that you may consider buying the inexpensive E-book, Locked Gates by Howard West.


Other authors on the subject.


Erik Poltorak,

 The webmaster for


 Zecharia Sitchin,

 The 12th Planet (1st Book of Earth Chronicles)



Whitley Strieber,

  Superstorm written with Art Bell.

The Coming Global Superstorm


Robert Felix,

 Not by Fire but by Ice


 Linda Moulton Howe,

Glimpses of Other Realities, Volume 1


Marshall Masters,

 Godschild Covenant: Return of Nibiru


James McCanney,

 Planet-X, Comets and Earth Changes


Dr. Roy Spencer,

 Climate Confusion


 Mac Tonnies,

After the Martian Apocalypse: Extraterrestrial Artifacts and the Case for Mars Exploration


Peter Ward,

 Gorgon: Paleontology, Obsession, and the Greatest Catastrophe in Earth’s History, and The Flooded Earth

Dr. Jack Pruett,

 The Grandest Deception,

 Study on the Bible and the works of Zecharia Sitchen,


Earth Changes, Erik Poltorak, Zecharia Sitchin, Whitley Strieber, Robert Felix, Linda Moulton Howe, Marshall Masters, James McCanney, Dr. Roy Spencer, Mac Tonnies,  Peter Ward, Dr. Jack Pruett, Apocalypse, Climate Confusion, Planet-X, Comets, Earth Changes, Nibiru, iceagenow, Global Superstorm, The 12th Planet

Authors on Ancient Mentors of Mankind

There have been countless books written about the Ancient Mentors of Mankind, below you will find a list of some of the current authors. However, I think you would enjoy what Howard West has to say on the Ancient Mentors of Mankind; you will get a taste by watching these videos for the E-Book, Locked Gates and after that you may consider buying the inexpensive E-book, Locked Gates by Howard West.

 Other authors on the subject.


Frank Joseph Hoff,

Atlantis, The Lost Continent Finally Found


L. A. Marzulli,




Daniel Pinchbeck,

 The Stargate Conspiracy


Steve Quayle,

 LongWalkers: Return of the Nephilim


Loren Coleman ,

 True Giants: Is Gigantopithecus Still Alive?


John Rhodes,

 The CryptoHunter, is one of America’s most outspoken and controversial, known around the world for his pioneering work researching reports of Reptilian…


Mike Bara,

 Dark Mission


David Darling,

 We Are Not Alone


George J. Haas,

The Martian Codex: More Reflections from Mars


Giorgio Tsoukalos,

 A trailblazer he is changing the way the world thinks about the Ancient Astronaut Theory.


Ancient Mentors,Frank Joseph Hoff, L. A. Marzulli, Daniel Pinchbeck, Steve Quayle, Loren Coleman, John Rhodes, Mike Bara, David Darling, George J. Haas, Giorgio Tsoukalos, cydoniain, The Martian Codex, We Are Not Alone, lunar anomalies, Dark Mission, reptoids, Giants, Gigantopithecus, Return of the Nephilim, Stargate

Obama’s Riddle, A good pit stop is an Asteroid

Mr. Obama in a Twitter town hall at the White House /2011/07/06/ *said that:

“[W]e’ve set a goal to– let’s ultimately get to Mars, A good pit stop is an asteroid…

Mr. Obama, gave the world a Riddle, and most of the people in the Press let it pass un-answered.

What is a Pit Stop?     


The biggest problem with Space Exploration is the fuel to get “Cargo/ Pounds” in orbit.

 “in the order of 1000 to 1 ratio, fuel to cargo.”

You have been told: “the combustion of oxygen and hydrogen is the most effective rocket fuel.” That is half true. There is a second that is equal to the oxygen/hydrogen fuel: Nuclear rockets! We use a form of that technology in aircraft carriers, icebreakers, and Three Mile Island. The concept is simple, place enough nuclear fuel together, the mass will heat up. That heat will vaporize volatile materials in so doing creating pressure/ propellant. Examples of volatile materials are Hydrogen (H), carbon dioxide (CO2), potassium (K), sodium (Na), tin (Sn), lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), and  water (H2O) which is the easiest to acquire.

A proven nuclear water steam rocket system (KIWI B4-1965 and KIWI TNT -1965) developed in the mid-1960. A nuclear water steam propulsion system with thrust out puts which can be designed to exceed that of the Space Shuttle liquid Hydrogen oxygen rocket engines.[1]These nuclear engines are much cheaper to operate because there is no need to break the bond of the water molecule to then reform that bond in an explosive combustion. Just inject the solid water ice into the chamber containing “the super-hot nuclear pile”. This nuclear heated steam system is also cheaper because, the propellant can be stored in solid form there is no need for expensive pressurized containers.


NASA wants to refuel its rockets in space at a “zero to one ratio.” However, Obama has been told by NASA, that it hopes to find an abundant source of one of these materials on asteroids. However, frozen water is the preferred substantial. That is why NASA unhappily spent millions to drill two virtually dry holes 


  1. There is very little water that  is easily available  on the Moon, so  NASA says “don’t bother with stopping there.”

  2.  The Deep Impact Mission’s copper Impactor found comet Temple to be a dry rock, covered with less than ¼ inch of light snow.

The reason NASA’s Manned Missions out of Earth orbit is On Hold?

  The lack of abundant WATER ICE in Space.

Link to NASA’s last hope  for WATER, NASA’s  mission to an asteroid.

Details in Locked Gates by Howard West

NASA uses Golden Mirrors of Egypt’s Shamans



Have you ever noticed all the Golden Mirrors in Egyptian Art?


NASA did! The reason being that Gold is the best reflector of light, therefore they make the best mirrors.

Egyptologists have seen these golden mirrors for centuries and have misunderstood that they were powerful tools,  and have relegating that technology  into religious symbols, rather than the world-changing technology that they were. Most people today think of mirrors as vanity tools, so we can shave or put on make-up, never making the connection to the power that those simple mirrors can provide. H. G Wells in his War of the Worlds understood the power of mirrors, the Martians used mirrors to direct their Death Ray and the British forces used Heliographs (blinks of sunshine from mirrors) to direct artillery fire. Mirrors, however, today are being uses today as time travel devices, called telescopes and clean energy system called heliostats.

Egyptologists have become complacent and no longer search for the true meaning of the power given by those Golden mirrors. However, the Locked Gates by Howard West unlocks those secrets.