Answers Long Misunderstood


Barbarians have always loved Kinky stories! The building of the Great Pyramids

Barbarians have always loved Kinky stories! The Egyptians created a story of incest, Fratricide , brother killing and necrophilia, sex with dead to hide the origins of the the land of Egypt and the building of the Great Pyramids


Arithmomancy the Past and Future Told by Numbers and Light



Notice in the alphanumeric chart, that the number sixty has the same symbol for both codes: the Greek letters and the flasher code transcription. Sorry, but the letter name is Xi: it marks the spot that the two codes match code symbols. As luck (?) would have it, later in history, the ancient Xi symbol was reintroduced; a throwback to the heliographic code of the ancient past. There are many other examples of the connections between the ancient heliographic codes of the past and the Greek alphabet such as delta, however, Xi is the key that unlocks the stacked code and the numeric connection with 5 +1 times 10 value. A symbolic code that was far easier to learn than the linear type used by Morris in his code.

Samechs and Xi


The symbolize concept from


Psalms 10:5a, 25:15, 34:15 , 37:24, 103:15, 119:105, 145:14

Help, Neck yoke Circle


The Greek letter is called Xi1, and the symbol of both the heliographic and the Greek is the same. The Greek word is xio2: to make easier as in: Xulon3; which means, neck yoke. The Egyptian hieroglyph for this character is a cross or what you might call a cross member or a twin handled bar. This bar was attached to a rope allowing the men to push against the bar that was attached to the rope. This added to the ability of transferring human muscle power more efficiently to the moving of an object. When using horses it is called a single tree or in butchering the same device is call a gambrel. The Hebrew word is Samek4: to lean on, take hold, or sustain. The heliographic code is Six a short dash (5) over a dot (+1): Mercy or to make easier, over a long dash (X 10): Make known the power, which is what a lever, or neck yoke does.qum54

Sanskrit, Hebrew and  Greek

There are many other examples of the connections to the heliographic code of the ancients to the origins of systems like Sanskrit, Hebrew and the Greek, however, if you look at the comparison chart of the Arithmomancy you notice that the simplest codes are highlighted because those are the most used letters in the most ancient texts of both the Greek and the Hebrew alphabets.5 That is a tell tail sign of a designed code system that was used with a transmitted system. Additional evidence is that both the Hebrew and Greek alphabets have the same order as the northern Semite alphabet of the Hittites, the Greek and Hebrew alphabets ,also mirror the early Ugaritic Cuneiform symbol because they were all alphanumeric/ heliographic codes. These codes allowed the most used letters to have the simplest symbol that corresponds to 1, 5, 10, 2, 4, 6, 9, 50 and 100. Here is the kicker; the message would be totaled, so that when it was received a line cipher was given with the numeric total of the message or line by line, therefore, if the totals did not match up? The mismatch allowed the error to be discovered and allowing message be re-sent or corrected. There are at least two places where this principle is still used, first in computer code writing so that the errors in the written code can be found if the computer or software has a malfunction and which allows the line cipher to locate where the error is so that error can be fixed.

Then there are the Jews, who still use those number values of their alphabet to total their Holy Scriptures. This is so that, the WORD of GOD would be constant without variations in its transcriptions. The problem is that there are few vowels in Hebrew with a number value and the Hebrew alphabet has mostly constants that do have numeric values. Because a certain group of letters (a word) could have several meanings, Mazoritc Jewish scholars, therefore, would pick vowel points that they felt would best fit the context of the text, sometimes replacing the symbol, h “He” with the similarly formed symbol, x “Cheth” as in the word Messiah. Most of the time they are right, but biases work into some of those translations. The men that do the recopying work of the scriptures are still called Counters6. The reason for this name is because each letter in their sacred texts has to be counted as they transcribe each line, constantly checking to see if the line value equals the line cipher of the older text. If not the error is shown so that error can be found and corrected, if there are too many errors the new scroll must be destroyed. Other ancient alphabets have the same problem of lack of vowels as in the text such as the early Middle Eastern alphabets which caused the problem with the choice of letters in the Great King of Lights, Khatti.7

Nine Hitite sundisk Jpg

This system of line ciphers was put to the test with the discovers of Qumran, since 1948 through the 21st Century of the Christian era. The caves of Qumran have been treasure houses of ancient Hebrew documents. Hundreds of pieces of the Hebrew of the accepted, Holy Writings of the Jews (Tana”kh) have been found, scrolls that when compared to the current accepted texts have matched those modern texts with a +99% accuracy rating. This is amazing to most of the Worlds Secular Scholars, the reason for this accuracy after more than two thousand years of separation? These line ciphers that have their origins in the heliographic codes of the past. Even so, those closely matched texts have had changes with the introduction of the Mazoritc vowel points system that was adopted so that the texts would have consistency with “The Traditions of the Elders” and pronunciation. Still, those meanings of each symbol of the Hebrew Aleph-Bet can be reconstructed through the accepted Cannon of the Jews (Tanakh). These definitions have been imbedded into many texts called acrostics. Texts like Psalms 9-10, 25, 34, 37, 103, 119, 145, Proverbs 31, Lamentations 1, 2, 3, 4 and many others give the definitions to the symbolization of each letter. Using these concepts as definitions as a guide to the Hebrew heliographic code, these references shows amazing continuity with the acrostic definitions when those concepts are used to translate Hebrew into English

. hebrewc

The letters of a given Hebrew word when definition and are compared matches the Hebrew definitions found in most lexicons, though in a riddle format. Even so, there is a grammatical system that takes into account the placement of letters placed creating antonyms, to the left (sinister) side of letters like Dalth, Nun, and others that cause the concept to become antonym of the original letters meanings. Then there are the root, prefixes, suffixes and their combinations, which must be taken into account when deciphering a given Hebrew word using this method. Of course there are words that have been added to the Hebrew vocabulary from the Babylonians, Egyptians and other groups that do not use the same symbolisms of a given letter. Nevertheless, in many cases alphabetic symbolism of other ethnic groups, have similar definitions to the Hebrew heliographic code; and make this system the prototype for many modern alphabets such as Greek, Arabic, and even corresponding to some of the Egyptian Hieroglyphic symbols.


Isaiah scroll

Among the scrolls found at Qumran were found two books. Books that were written in the same self-correcting Hebrew script, however, these books, Job and Enoch contained star references to constellations that were in the wrong places in the sky when compared to where those constellations should have been if the Gatekeeper of knowledge had dated them correctly. The Book of Enoch’s co-author gave twelve monthly textual star references for the year c. 12,500 years ago,8 monthly because the constellations were below the Northern Horizon Circle, thereby enabling the constellations to set with the sun. One of these constellations has only been under the Northern Horizon Circle once in the last c. 26,000 years that was c. 12,500 years ago,9 most of that 26,000 year period the constellation could be seen year round in the northern sky at all hours of the night. In Arabic its main star was called the Yean but you know that star as Polaris our current NORTH STAR and the constellation is now called Ursa Minor. The Progression of the Equinoxes changes the North Star. Hipparchus the Greek of 161-126 years before the Christian era10 began, was the first modern man who had an idea that there was a Progression of the Equinoxes that causes the North Star to change. We now have computer programs like Starry nights and Sky Globe that can show us the skies of 12,000 years ago.


To place Ursa Minor at that location at the time that they were seen means that many changes of the North Star must have transpired since that time. Who could have known about that slow movement of Polaris in the heavens in the distant past? It currently takes a computer to run the stars back in time to even know that the Big and Little Dippers had ever been out of their current location. Historians know that Enoch11 was read and considered Holy Rite by the Jews, in the second Century before the Christian era began. The book of Enoch was known to the Egyptians before that and was placed into their graves as part of the Book of the Dead. Ancient Babylonians had cups and wine vessels that were discovered with inscriptions with the same names of demons that were written in: The Book of Enoch. Moses used one of those same demons names in the Book of Leviticus in the Coptic Text12. The Book of Enoch was referred to by Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jude, Paul, John, Luke, Matthew, and JESUS and may others. Either the writers of Enoch and Job made a very good guess without any facts to base them on, which would be a one hundred million to one shot or those writers were there at that time that those constellations were on the western horizon at sun set during the new moon of June of c. 10,500 years before the Christian era began. 13


The word Merchant has its roots in the word Mercury who was the Roman god of merchants. A merchant with a mercury clad copper or a golden heliographic mirror could use that mirror in conjunction with the Crown’s watchtower system, to contact other merchants and combine their inventories. So if one merchant had extra wheat, and another merchant was out of wheat that was miles away, the lacking merchant would know who had the wheat and could request that some could be shipped to him with a few blinks of light. This mercantilism was an aid to civilizing the world. A trace of a type of communication system that was mentioned in the 13th century of the Christian era. In the traveler, Marco Polo’s account of his visit to the Far East, the account mentions that the Emperor of China was alerted to Polo’s arrival by sunlight reflected by mercury mirrors between mountaintops along Polo’s route.14


Ahura Mazda

In the Middle East there is a Religion whose founder was a fellow by the name of Zoaster15 and this man’s work has spread all over the world even to China where this sect is known as Taoism16. In Persia, there on the Gateway wall that leads into the city of Persepolis is Ahura Mazda, Zoroastrianism god of truth, good and LIGHT. The first thing that you will notice is that he is standing in the middle of a Hittite Sun Disk. Next please note that he has what looks to be a ring in his hand, it is not a ring; but around mercury clad or a golden mirror, which would allow a person to communicate with a watchtower from almost anywhere. This type of heliographic mirror was the same type of mercury clad copper or golden disks that were found by Schiemann at his dig at Mycenae.17.


These magic mirrors were for the military, rich merchants and the ruling class of the time the equal to having a cell-phone of today. A second bas-relief at Persepolis shows Persian subjects bring Tribute to the King. The bearers of these gifts are wearing helmets shaped to look like curls. Notice the man in the middle is bringing a communication link mirror disk; this heliographic system of magic mirrors of the past gave the ancients merchants a system of communication with the use of these small heliographic mirrors.


This feat has only been equaled after the invention of the cell phone systems that are now used in the cities. The mountaintop sentinel gave instant up-dates on troop movements with communication from a single mirror with a visible range of eighty miles with a mirror of only 9-12 inches across18 many of the ancient mirrored shields were several feet in diameters. In India during the latter part of the 19th century, the British heliographs that were placed on mountaintops gave visible distances was extended over a one hundred miles19. In the later part of the 19th century a heliograph system was used in the southwestern part of the United States. A heliograph message could be sent from Prescott, Arizona to Nogal, New Mexico20, until the copper wired telegraph superseded the heliograph.

The military uses of these high ground heliographic systems of surveillance was unequaled until the invention of aircraft and wireless radio communication. The ancients with the uses of the Greek and Hebrew alphanumeric code system that allowed for code to be verified for accuracy. However, that system was used by The Greeks, Jews, Hittites, Assyrians, Sumerians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Celts, Chinese, and even the natives of the New World used this type of heliograph system. A beacon light at night or a large golden shield heliograph such as were constructed by Solomon were, used to broadcast the NEWS of the day over hundreds of square miles. Those blinks of light were in plain view to hundreds if not thousands of people, enabling anyone that was able to decipher the transmission to know what was happening in his world, much as the common man when he listens to the radio or goes to the internet today. Yes! The world before Christ had much of what Modern Man holds as his Greatest Accomplishments: such as lighting fast communications between cities hundreds of miles apart, personal communication devices similar to modern cell phones in the form of golden mirrors. Even wide disbursal NEW outlets for the Masses in the form of large mirrors that used up to 218 ounces of gold leaf. The reflections from the Great Pyramid could be seen in Israel.21

Even so, the end of the Golden Age of the heliograph was caused by: War22, thieves, a lack of mercury, and gold: but mostly the decline was caused by the lust for control by men like King David and King Shishank that caused the decline of the Golden age of communication. Small wars would cause the loss of equipment until too few were available for service and the system collapsed, so by the time that the Roman Empire was on the scene: the Golden Age of Light Speed Communication had mostly faded into legends and myths and the secret of the Golden age of commutation was lost for centuries, however, remnants of that Golden Age still remain.


The most impressive of all watchtowers is still standing the Great Pyramid of Giza four hundred and fifty feet tall with a platform, instead of a sharpened apex. As I have mentioned, the means of transmission was a Line of Sight system and the machines to transmit that code were mirrors and beacon fires. The word Pyramid in Greek: is broken down to pyra23 which means beacon fire or lights and mid or metronto count or measure. The Hebrew word for pyramid is Urim-middin is Urim24 which means lights and middin to measure or count. On top of The Pyramid the back of the US one dollar bill has the Eye of Osiris, the udjat, that machine was a golden mirror that would be winked with a disk or eyelid on a stick to transmit the code.


2Strongs, Op. Cite,. Greek, No.,3582 137Ibid No.,3586

3137Ibid No.,3586

4 Strongs James, Op. Cite,. Hebrew, No.,5564

5Alphabets , Op. Cite, Colliers v. 1

6Rich T.R,,

7Woods, M, Op.Cite

8Laurence Dr. R, Op.Cite Ethiopian Enoch,

9 Starry Nights, Computer star charting program

10Colliers ,Op. Cite, V. 3 P. 127

11Evans E., Non-Canonical Writing and New Testament Interpretation : 1992

12 Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite, P115, C. 21:5

13 Starry Nights, Computer star charting program.

14 Moul, The Book, The Book of Marco Polo, Yule and Cordiel 1903

15 Zoroaster, Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.23, P. 777

16 Taoism, Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.22, P. 63

17 Scranton R. L., “Mycenae” ” Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol. 22, P. 108

18 Harris J.D. Military History Journal, Vol 2 #1 Cited in

19 Ibid


21Scott Dr. G, The Pyramid, and “Audio tapes”: Deloris Press, Los Angles

22 Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite 491, C. 12:6-10

23Strongs, Op. Cite, Greek, No.,4443

24Strongs James, Op. Cite,, Hebrew, No.,224

Quarrying 2.3 Million Stone Blocks


A Greek by the name of Herodotus lived back four hundred and ninety years before the Christian era began and is considered by The Scholarly World to be “The Father of History.” In one of his many books that he wrote called HISTORY BOOK II page 124. Herodotus gives an account of the building of the pyramid that was related to him by some local Egyptian Priest.1

That is Twenty Years to cut and stack 2.3 million blocks2, (average weight five thousand pounds average thickness four feet), to stack to a height of almost four hundred and fifty feet: twelve hours per day, seven days a week. That is twenty-six blocks per hour, (with copper and wooden tools?) now double that amazing feat because there was the Second (red) Pyramid next to the Great pyramid that was only two and one-half feet shorter and was built at the same time as the Great Pyramid. Even so, those structures construction was far easier than what you have been expected to believe. The Egyptian used simple engineering techniques to do their amazing feats. Techniques that are surprisingly still used today, concepts that have never been lost; nonetheless, those techniques have never been applied to the building of the Pyramids, by the Discovery or, History Channel, and certainly not by Wikipedia.


To interpret the riddle of the construction techniques, you must understand the basic laws of physical science, which includes the tools’ of Archimedes. However, these techniques were Egyptian “TOP SECRETS” so they were locked in a safe place hidden from their “Enemies” and from the “Common Folk” in Riddles. Making sure that the ignorant saw only what the Egyptians wanted them to see Fairy Tales. The process of quarrying the stone for the Pyramids has been as BIG a mystery as the Pyramid itself. How could a Copper Age society use its copper tools to cut and finish rocks some of which were harder that the copper tools themselves? This baffled the Scholarly World for hundreds of years and was “hard to explain” (a crux, riddle). The answer should have been in plain sight. And it was “with a handle” (ansala), because, the Egyptians used cruxansalas and sunshine to quarry the stone.


To understand this riddle, we will need to go back to my Great-Grand-Parent’s time. Many of those folks were poor. There were times that they needed just one more drinking glass. As it happens, my folks had no money to buy an extra drinking glass and sitting down to supper with an old beer bottle when the visiting pastor came by was a little tacky. So what is a poor woman to do? Have Grandpa make a glass. Forget your visions of a blast furnace and a pipe with a glob of glass on the end. No. What the Old Man did was, take that beer bottle and put a kerosene-soaked sting around the bottle and then tie the kerosene string tight. He would then light the string on fire all the way around. Then he would stand the bottle up straight then in a few seconds he would hear a PING. Then Grandpa would blow out the string. The bottle now separated in two pieces. The top makes a handy dandy new funnel and the bottom is Grandma’s new drinking glass. Now why did that happen? The heat from the flames heated the top and the neck of the beer bottle. Below the flame stayed cool when the differential in temperature was high enough between the top (from the flame and above) and the cool bottom (below the flame) a fracture would start and run around at the point of the temperature differential separating the glass bottle into two pieces.

Now let us go back to my child hood and when I was in the Cub Scouts, and one of those many Christmas presents that children would make. Some of those projects would have pretty colored clear glass marbles that looked nice just by themselves. Nevertheless, my Den Mother said, “West, it is your job to add some value to those marbles.” The scout leader heated these round pieces of glass in the oven as hot as that oven would go. Then the leader pulled the clear colored marbles out, and each child drops his marbles carefully into a glass of water SNAP, CRACKLE, and sometimes POP. Now those marbles have pretty hair line fractures and are very fragile if you drop one of those fractured marbles it would break into a thousand pieces, all mine did!


Those two little experiments are the foundation for cutting the stone for the Great Pyramids, surfacing the site and tunneling the passage for the Bottomless Pit. Because, there is sufficient evidence that Ancient man used heat or fire and water to break stone in his mining operations of the past.3 Even so, there was a lack of precision, (though the process was a lot easier than mushrooming your copper tools) in fact that is how the Caliph Al Mamaun broke through the stones of the Great Pyramid to gain access to the interior.


The Caliph Al Mamaun broke into that structure by placing wood and brush against the stones of the Great Pyramid then setting the wood on fire. The fires heated the stone just like my Den Mother’s oven heated the marbles. Next at the right time the Caliph’s minions threw water and vinegar against the stone fracturing the stone into pieces that were easy to dislodge, (the vinegar help fizz the limestone pieces loose). The Caliph was the first man in centuries to enter The Great Pyramid of Gizeh back in the year 840 of the Christian era.4 The problem was that the Caliph and his minions chipped a hole into the side of the Pyramid at the wrong place. He was 286.1 inches off from the easy Sinister (left) entrance below.5 Instead, The Caliph broke through at the spot he chose, leaving a large hole in the wrong place. This system of breaking rock with fire and water is fine for a slow mining operation. However, wood has never been that abundant in Egypt and when you have millions of precision stones to cut the process would be impossible to do in the allotted time of twenty years.

The Egyptians used Mercury and Golden Mirrors to do their Magic. However we must first go back to Syracuse, Sicily to the year 209 before the Christian era and look at one of the many innovations of our old friend Archimedes. King Hiero had Problems; ships of the Roman Navy, which were full of troops, were on their way to besiege his kingdom.6 So king Heiro called for his most trusted scientist, Archimedes.

1   Archimedes

When asked for his advice our little old friend probably said, Don’t worry our harbor faces south, and when I was in Alexandra Egypt I learned of Aten and his Magic Mirrors. Those mirrors were used to create the heat of the sun (a heilostat). We can just make a bunch of those round, mirrored, and burn the Roman Armies eye balls out.”


And those mirrors did just that. Now let us apply that knowledge to our riddle of the stone quarry.

The process goes all the way back to Enoch Chapter 8 and the Watcher Azazyel.7

Who taught men… the fabrication of mirrors… and the uses of stone of every valuable and select kind.8


However, if the Egyptians use sunshine and mercury mirrors to quarry those stones: where is the Historical evidence? All over Egypt on its temple walls, its papyrus’s, its jewelry and especially Karnakh: Sadly, the process has been misinterpreted for centuries. Let us go back to the Hittite Sun disk; that is the basic design: a mirror in the center of two wings for precision targeting and a tail to sit on the ground to allow vertical alignment. In its simplest form, elongate the tail; move the wings down and the mirror up and what have you got? The Ankh also known as the cruxansalas, the riddle with a handle, Amenophis IV also known as Akhenaten showed Aten as a solar orb, a sun-globe with rays which end in tiny human hands holding an Ankh, this tool was the genesis for Archimedes’ mirror defense of Syracuse.


To the Ancient Egyptians the Ankh was a symbol and a tool of power.9 The loop of the cruxansalas is where the mirror went. A funny thing about mirrors they can seem transparent at times giving the illusion that you can see right through them. Therefore, the Egyptians left out the mirrors in many ceremonial Ankhs to give that effect.


However, there are also many pictures of Ankh with golden mirrors in the loop and as you know gold is the best reflector of sunshine. You also know that you can redirect the light and heat from the sun to another location with a mirror. Now if you take a second mirror and redirect its reflection of the sun to the same point you double that heat and light. If you keep doing that with more mirrors you can produce some real heat you can use the power of the sun that is easy to harness with a few magic mirrors. A form of energy that is fresh and clean with no cost of production, a power to the common folk as magical as Alchemy. In fact Barstow, California has a solar furnace system that can produce ten megawatts of electric power out of thin air using one thousand nine-hundred mirrors. The system uses Steam electric turbines’ not solar electric cells to produce the power.

Now that we have the Ankh with a mirror on the top and a central shaft to rest on the ground, This shaft also stabilizes its movements for long periods, which allows that mirror to be tilted to catch the sun and its vertical movement. The cross handles or wings of the cruxansalas allow for horizontal precision targeting over shorter distances. Now put a few thousand men of your 100,000 men10 to targeting a mirrored Ankh, now you have some real heat. To reduce the area needed for all those men and give a higher concentration of light: make some of the Ankhs taller and some shorter, and have the men stair-step them: and this enables you to concentrate the heat on a smaller target when needed. An example would be the tunneling of the Bottomless Pit, because this process is lot cleaner that a brush fire.

Yes, the Ankh was thought to be a symbol of great power and the cruxansalas of Aten were, nevertheless, what will people think of our “computer and mouse” of today in 10,000 years?


The limestone of Egypt was important in the quarrying process, because of its sedimentary origins; Limestone is a stratified rock, with individual layers ranging from the thickness from laminate to beds measuring several feet from top to bottom.1 Granite in the Aswan area of Egypt occurs in dikes and sheets which magma has injected between layers of older rock: A type of magma emplacement known as lit by lit (bed-by-bed) injection, forming two flat surfaces, tops and bottoms2, and, many times forming large square crystals.


The most common stone in the Great Pyramid is limestone, though Granite is cut in a similar manner, when the large crystals had not been pre-shaped by GOD were used. The limestone is stratified rock from thin layers to several feet thick. These layers have a consistent thickness for hundreds of feet to miles and are as flat as a calm mountain pond at dawn. That gives the quarry men two perfectly flat working surfaces to work with that need no detail work to be used in the pyramid.

However, to accomplish this quarrying of stone, we must first call in the string pullers or the chalk linemen to lay out the stone: and then the spaldings would chisel the line that the string pullers had laid out, the line would go between two natural fault lines in the stone. As the spaldings worked, the quarry men would remove the under burden back parallel to the line that the spaldings had chiseled out on the top of the stone. The nice thing about fresh limestone rather than cured limestone is that it is softer: the longer that it is out of the ground the harder the limestone gets (to a point)3. The quarry men used a similar process as the Caliph did, but Egyptians used the Ankh, solar furnaces system of Aten of Karnack as the heat source to superheat the stone.


They would then throw the water and vinegar against the stone: no need to play in wet ashes, like the Caliph’s minions did. After the fractured rock had cooled, a copper headed battering ram that was suspended by an A-frame was used to break loose the fractured rock. Nevertheless, as soon as possible, wooden supports would quickly be installed to stabilize the upper layer of rock. The different strata of rock would buffer the heat and allow for a smooth transition between layers of rock. The scrap rock was important too, but more on that later in this book.

44 bit cutting stone  9

When the under burden was removed to the point of the chiseled groove, the whole section of rock that was cantilevered would be blackened with charcoal and behind the line the stone was covered with wet sand. The blackened stone was then heated with the sun and the hundreds of Ankhs mirrors. Under the stone a thick layer of sand was placed for the stone to land and a fire to help heat the stone from the bottom. Moreover, at just at the right time, the supports were pulled, and wedges were driven down at various places. Because of the weight of the stone and the heat differential of the rock, the long slab would snap. Crackle. BOOM!

On the bed of sand, if the slab was at least the second cut, now lies a long slab of stone with two smooth perfect and flat sides. The other two sides will lock into the slabs that had been cut just before and just after as if they were one: because they were one once, and every piece fitted together like a jigsaw puzzle: because they are all the same thickness, each layer stays flat without deviation. Now that, the long slab of rock weighing hundreds of tons is lying on a thick bed of sand and rubble.


What next? Lay out the cuts to offset the last row of blocs that had been cut. Next, undermine the slabs at the point the stone has been scored and place a fulcrum, and then remove the sand to the fulcrum. The Quarry-men placed log rollers under as they remove the sand. And by, positioning a support under the black end block, the quarry-men then would put wet sand on top of the rest. By this means heating of the stones with the Ankh, solar furnace system and a fire below the stone; when they pulled supports at the right time, wedges were driven down at various places and snap, crackle, BOOM. You now have a block ready for the pyramid. The next block will fit together as if they were one because they were one once. Then the stone was sent down the hill on the log rollers to the river. Yes the quarrying was done with soft metal tools more quickly than with modern high tech equipment .

1 Landes K.K, “Limestone” ” Op. Cite, Colliers Vol. 14, P.650

2 Landes K. K, “Granite” ” Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol. 11, P. 31

3 Landes, ”Limestone”, Op Cite Colliers

The Legacy of Isis, Metzrayim


47 pharoh 4 rwo jpg


Before Egypt was known by the Greek name Egypt, Aigu-ptis1 which is derived from aigialos2 a sea (as in Aegean), and ptoeo3 to cause to flee away, Egypt’s ancient Semitic name was Metz-ra-yim4 the meaning of which is Metz5 the wall or fence, or Mitzad6 to capture, Ra7 the power, and Yim8 the river or sea. This riddle is given life through the Parable of Osiris. The Pharaoh Osiris and his co-regent Isis were the most beloved couple in Egyptian mythology; though Isis was known to be angry at Lower Egypt. Even so, the couple had a good working relationship, though Isis would have loved to have Osiris home more. Osiris was always on the go, as an ambassador telling the world of the greatness of Egypt. Consequently, the day to day affairs of Egypt fell to Isis leaving little time to start a family, (which was something that Isis dearly wanted.) All was not sweetness and light: Osiris’ brother Set was the jealous kind, a man that coveted all that Osiris had, (especially the Throne of Egypt.) Set through deception was able to capture, and then kill his brother, Osiris. Then for spite and to make sure the job was complete: Set cut our hero into pieces and carefully hid Osiris’ dismembered pieces in the Nile. Isis was distraught with grief over the loss of her husband and the emptiness of her womb. Consequently, Isis took up the gruesome task of finding all the missing pieces of her husband that were hidden in the Nile.isis search

Eventually, Isis had located most of Osiris’ dismembered body. Isis then wrapped Osiris in green and black in so doing cocooning Osiris. Because, of Isis’ great devotion and love for her husband, Osiris was resurrected for one night, (A gift to allow the couple to couple?) However, Isis had not found all of her husband’s missing pieces; and furthermore, that one piece was a very Important Piece if you wanted a son as badly as Isis. Somehow Osiris was magically up to the task and Isis was given a son which she called Horus. A son that would take the part of his father’s Osiris Missing Piece? Okay, that sounds a little “KINKY.” However, in the Un-Common interpretation that concept is perfectly logical.


The Students of Ancient Egypt’s Traditions have taken this common fairytale interpretation of Osiris, Isis, and Horus and they have turned that interpretation into the accepted tradition of this story, with generation after generation repeating the same basic story. “The Riddle Lords,” planned for the common interpretation to be accepted by their Enemies and the Common folk, All the same, those story tellers expected that their Dark Sayings would be eventually unwrapped, like the mummy wrappings around Osiris. Consequently, we still have the basic skeleton of this riddle intact so that frame work can be fleshed out through other sources. Let’s start with the common tradition surrounding: Isis. First Isis wears a strange crown, and the common tradition calls this a throne: even so, that stair stepped triangle is depicted in many papyri as a dam.


Furthermore, the hieroglyphic symbol for Isis implies just that concept. The first Glyph is an oval symbolizing water or a body of water, above that is a solid half circle symbolizing rising. Then to the left a stair step triangle the dam symbol, the meaning? Isis, the dam that causes water to rise. Isis’ son Glyph only has a small hawk next to her Glyph.

Osiris’ Glyph symbol is the “All Seeing Eye”, the udjat, as seen on the back of the U.S. one dollar bill and even Osiris’ phonic pronunciation is connected to that Eye: Osiris., Iris was the female messenger goddess of the Greeks. Furthermore, that eye is connected with the heliographic system used by the Egyptians. That heliographic device was also embodied in Osiris’ son Horus, consequently, the Horus device (heliograph) that was placed on the platform of the “Height that was not sharpened.” bird blinks


Horus replaced the thirty feet of stone work which would have been needed to complete the “Apex” of the great Pyramid. Just as the Osiris story said, but not as “kinky” as the common interpretation implies. The Riddle Lords threads knew that their enemies loved kinky stories, and that “kinkiness” would help to keep the story told and retold throughout the generations, a stratagem that the Riddle Lords knew that their Enemies and the Common Folk would be unaware of the story’s hidden meaning.

1Strongs, Op. Cite, G 125

2Ibid ,123

3bid ,4422

4Strongs James, Op. Cite, H,4714

5Ibid. 4694

6Ibid, 4679

7Ibid, 7200

8Ibid, 3220

Resurrection of Osiris

O Height which

Is not sharpened



Isaiah 19 account of 2141 years

Before the Christian era

The Year of Tears

5. And the waters shall fail from the sea (of Egypt) and the river (Nile) shall be wasted (lost to the Mediterranean) and dried up.

6. And they shall turn the rivers far away (change the courses of the delta river channels to new locations)

and the brooks (irrigation canals) of defense shall be emptied and dried up: the reeds and flags, iris flower shall wither.

7. The paper reeds by the brooks (irrigation canals) and

everything sown by the brooks (irrigation canals) shall wither and be driven away and be no more.

8. The fisher also shall mourn, and they that cast angle into the brook (irrigation canals) shall lament

and they that spread nets upon the waters (the sea of Egypt) shall languish.

9. Moreover they that work in fine flax and they that weave networks shall be confounded.

This is a quote from an ancient Coptic text that was transcribed from a Hebrew text 1which was written eight century before the Christian era2 began, by a man named Isaiah. A later Egyptian writer/ historian mirrors this 19th chapter of Isaiah by the name of Manetho of the third century before the Christian era in his description is of the First Intermediate Period of Egyptian History3. The description in this chapter of Isaiah is not of a future event as in his eleventh and fifty first chapters but an event of the past 1,300 years before Isaiah’s birth, a commentary on the flood and aftermath caused by the destruction of the Isis dam across the Nile causing the Sesonchosis (the Season of Chaos) of Egypt’s history. Now here is the point in verses number nineteen and twenty.

19 On that day there shall be an ALTAR to the LORD, In the midst of the Land of Egypt and a PILLAR at its Border to the LORD.

20 and it shall be a sign and for a wittiness to the Lord of Host in the land of Egypt

However, we will need to decode those statements a little first, the location in “The midst land of Egypt “? Okay that means the middle of Ancient Egypt. Next, “at its border there of”, that statement does not mean at the outside edge of Egypt, but to the location where the two Ancient Egypt’s Upper and Lower meets, and where is that? Just up the river from Cairo. What is “a PILLAR? That is a tall rock or a stack of rocks. What is “an ALTAR?” It is a place to meet with GOD. Now here is the answer to this “Dark Saying” that locks these passages to the Great Pyramid in the verses 19-20. Remember the Hebrew Scholars use line ciphers to keep the transcriptions accurate? Well the total of verses 19-20 is 5,400, which is the total Pyramid Inches from the base to the platform of the Great Pyramid. Moreover, when did this Altar or Pillar come into view?

And the waters shall fail from the sea (of Egypt) and the river (Nile) shall be wasted and dried up.

The sea which the ancient Egyptians called the sea of Nun was also called the sea of Egypt by Isaiah4 the triumphantful resurrection of the Great Pyramid as that structure rose out of the Sea of Egypt is expressed as symbols; first the Primeval Mound5; the first to burst forth from the Waters of Nun. Next the Sacred Benben stone6; and the Bennu, the renascence bird, Phoenix 7, the pyramid was also called Het Benben (house of the renascence) “The temple of Benben 8” Which is often called “the Mansion of the Phoenix9 (Resurrection, the rising from the waters of Baptisms, just like Osiris. The Egyptians also called the Great Pyramid at Heliopolis; Innu10, and the pillar of Enoch and regarded the pyramid to be the first portion of land to have forced itself free of the Sea of Nun or Egypt

Atum another name for the Pyramid spoke of itself:

When I was alone in the waters, in a state of inertness, Before I was found anywhere to stand or sit, Before Heliopolis had been founded that I might be there in”

Again speaking of Atum of the Isis dam bursting and the sea of Nun receding the Utterance 600 of the Pyramid text.

When you came into being you rose as a High Hill you shone As the Benben Stone in the Temple of the Phoenix

From Antiquities II, Xv, 2


The students of the Common History of Egypt place Tahutmes III in the 18th dynasty, yet, his Serek more closely matches the style of those of the end of the Old Kingdom hundreds of years prior to the date given to the 18th dynasty.11

From his 21st year, when his sole reign began, to his 42nd Year inclusive, he was actively engaged on wars in Canaan and Nubia.

Then in his 50th year we find him active at the first Cataract,

Clearing an obstruction there and issuing a decree to keep it clear.

The administrative activity here indicates the conditions that accompany famine.

The dates of the 50th to his 57th year..12

The Aswan cataract was not considered the First Cataract in the year 2141 before the Christian era. If the first Cataract had been on the Aswan Cataract, the constriction that would have been needed on the Nile, for that obstruction to have create a famine in the lower valley for seven years. That constriction point on the Nile would have been almost as large as The Isis Dam. The location of the Isis Dam was located at that point where the valley narrows just up river from the present-day city Cairo near the island of Roda. Remember that the cataract has been washed out quite a bit. This area is much wider than the narrows was before the wash out of the Isis Dam. So much so, in the centuries that passed the Isis narrows lost its ranking as the first Cataract to the Aswan narrowing of the Nile. The Isis narrows was once known as Pa-Hanock (the mouth of the narrows) or in English “the Narrows of Enoch.” Again this point on the Nile divided the two Egypt’s Upper and Lower.


To find physical evidence of the Isis dam we of necessity we must look at the destructive power unleashed by the breaching of a large dam, and understand why there is no longer any evidence of a dam at the Isis site after four thousand years.

A few years ago there was a problem in Washington State with one of their mountains. You may have heard of Mount Saint Helen. Part of that mountain slid down and plugged a large creek called The Toutle River. The plug of mud and earth became a dam one hundred feet high which held back a rather large lake of twenty three-square miles, when this dam was breached, the receding waters that had been behind that dam cut a canyon one thousand feet wide and one hundred and forty feet deep. The water had rocks, sand, logs, and flotsam and jetsam which widened that narrow little creek: which made a sizable canyon one thousand feet wide where that little creek is now. Compare that to the Aswan dam,13 a dam which is three hundred sixty four feet high, eleven thousand eight hundred and eight feet wide and holds back 125,600,000 cubic acre-feet of water.14 Equal to about eleven hundred miles of water three hundred feet high traveling at hundreds of miles per hour tearing through the Aswan narrows on its way to the Island of Roda and the City of Cairo on its way to the Mediterranean. When that dam bursts: not if, what size of a hole will be left where that dam is now? Because Isaiah states15 that dam will soon BURST, It is enough to say that the area on the Nile where the first dam was is wider then narrows was when the dam was in place. However there is evidence of the lake or sea of Nun which the Isis Dam created and a geological time frame for that dam’s existence.

Geologic Evidence

Of the Isis Dam

Nile valley

Stellar Time Stamp

During the Late Pleistocene Epoch the “Stellar  Time Stamp” (c. 12,500 years ago) given in the text of Job16, Sea level was down. However, the Nile river was higher, much higher than today. That is strange; the valley was lush with vegetation. Strange because during During the Epipalaeolithic period the Sea and Nile levels river were all most equal during a time of relative plentiful rain and vegetation, Sea level and Nile consistent during a time of plentiful rain. c. 2100 years before the Christian era17 to Current the sea and Nile river levels were constant during periods drought or rain. However, at the time of the building of the Great Pyramid (c. 12,500 years ago) Sea level was down.18 Even so, the water of the Nile rose far above today’s river level during that time of drought? When vegetation of the surrounding area was low and matching the pre-MWP1B19 sea levels which were in a sea level stagnation period; that were indicated by the core samples of the Pearl River Delta the Barbados, Tahiti, and New Guinea data. The reason for this anomaly was the Isis dam, because, that dam allowed the waters of the Nile to rise far above current and prior levels during a time of drought. From the Isaiah 19:18 account of events of the destruction of the Isis Dam, Isaiah said, the Israelites were in Egypt near that time and built a city called Harris (The city of Destruction)20 Also known as Heliopolis.

The book of Isaiah, the text implies that the destruction happened before the Exodus of the Jews: in line with the end of the Old Kingdom and the beginning of the First Intermediary period, but sometime after the patriarch Joseph’s arrival. The Ipuwer Papyrus that was translated by Sir Alan Gardiner in 191621, and was also known as “The Admonition of an Egyptian Sage,” And that document has a 500-year adjustment in the accepted time line of Egypt’s history. A document that speaks of the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt22 at the close of the Middle Kingdom that began the second Intermediate Period,” this is a major adjustment to the common understanding of Manetho’s time line, and the First Intermediate Period. This moved Tahutmes III King of Egypt (from Antiquities II XV. 2) and his misplaced Serekh into First Intermediate Period. Where we find Tahutmes III King of Egypt23 is active at clearing an obstruction on the Nile. With that and the subtraction of around 400 years and the lifetime of one man named Joseph. This text would put the destruction of the Isis Dam in line with the Book of Isaiah24 time line of his 19th chapter and indicated the conditions accompany famine. And Tahutmes III proclaimed that The EYE of Thoth (the planet mercury) was in the sky this is an anchor point in the history of Egypt to the Stars and the first year of tears of 2141 before the Christian era. 25

1 a a a a c a a north stars

The history of this period was well documented by Isaiah in his 19th chapter. Where Isaiah describes this Eye of Thoth as “The Lord ridding on enveloping darkness” that darkness was caused by the close approach of a planetary traveler which was on its return loop of its elliptical orbit from the sun. This closeness to Earth caused Thoth’s shadow to eclipses Earth and to fall on Egypt as this Traveler approached. Thoth’s additional tide forces were the last straw and caused the 8,000 year old Isis dam to be breached, and then hundreds of years later those same tide forces cause a temporary low tide in the Red Sea on Thoth’s return in about the year 1483 before the Christian era.



The Greek term for that type of outlaw interplanetary body is Disaster (des- away + aster- a star26). That does not mean just a one-time problem but a Cause that can create many problems over and over again: by what the Greeks thought was a runaway star. Apollo27 was one such Greek “Runaway’ Star” In the distant past the Egyptians called this Traveler, Thoth28, and today is known as Mercury. The Queens of Egypt are often shown with a headdress with horns and a large golden mirror the model for the scientific symbol of the planet Mercury.


When that mirror caught the sun, the brightness of the mirror s reflection would make it hard for you to look at her; the mirror would make it like looking into the Sun. This silver disk and horns are also the symbol for the Apis Bull and of Zeus in the Europa story.

image93 europa 2

In the Tahutmes III Dynasty the first month of the year was called Thoth. Our old friend Tahutmes III made his inscription about The Eye of Thoth just after the dam had been breached and the famine that had come to Egypt. Then five centuries later when the children of Israel were in bondage, a Death Angel (Thoth) passed over: if a man or boy was outside they died. Some call this Death Angel Nibiru (Nebo Ur) which means the Prophet-Planet? Many people today are looking for this Tenth planet called Nibiru to cause Earth problems: I wonder why? That disaster is now called Mercury and it is not the tenth planet it is now parked in a permanent orbit number ONE.

This traveler was also known as Nabu, Mercury, and Thoth, and now this traveler is the closest planet to the sun just a little larger than Pluto. As of 8/24/2006 the revisionists took Pluto out of planetary status. Mercury is just a little larger and at one time some people thought that Pluto was larger than Mercury. Will Mercury be next? Thoth/Mercury has a slight atmosphere and is very hot. Mercury also has a pronounced offset on its orbit, and a very slow daily rotation, which is proof of a recent capture of the Sun. The first person to know that Mercury was in a stationary orbit around the sun was Heraclide of Pontus in the 4th Century before the Christian era began.29 However there is mounting evidence that Mercury once was in an elliptical orbit past Earth. Just because Mercury is in its present orbit now, many factors could have made this orbit quite different in the past.

mercury naburo

The Eye of Thoth had many names, and the Babylonians called this planet Nabu or Nibiru (Nebo Ur) means the Prophet-Planet and the patron god of the scribes. In the old Babylonian Empire times Mercury was known as Nabium. Nabu rose to preeminence in the Neo-Babylonian (Chaldean) empire30, just after several disasters took place. The destruction of the Isis dam in c.2141 years before the Christian era is just one example. According to Isaiah 19:20B31A Great One… shall deliver them” with the reappearance of Thoth hundreds of years later in 1483 before the Christian era causing ten major plagues and the Death Angel (Thoth) caused a Tsunamis in the Red Sea basin. And at the same time earth quakes destroyed the palaces of the Minoans: Knossos, Phaistos, Mallia and Zakros which allowed the Greeks to control the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Disasters caused by the close proximity of Thoth to Earth and then about fifty years later in c.1433 BCE Joshua had extra Thoth light to finish a battle.32. About five hundred years later in c.933 years before the Christian era the Greek army as they were stationed outside the walls of Troy had thousands of troops die, and at the same time King David of Israel had thousands of his people die when the sword in the sky passed overhead. Five hundred years later in c.433 BCE the Assyrians, laid siege to Jerusalem; and again the Assyrians had thousands of troops die.33 Soon after these disasters a new king of Babylon came on the scene: his name was Nebuchadnezzar. These disasters seemed to happen about every 50 or so years, in the Hebrew year of Jubilee. Nevertheless, the worst disaster happened every five or six hundred years when whole nations like Israel were moved. (“I think that I would be prepared to take that year off too.”)


Translated Into English

Planet Mercury watch over my boarders 35

What good is a planet like Mercury millions of miles away? Mercury is hard to see now because the planet is so close to the Sun. Why name yourself after Mercury unless that planet could help you. Maybe the reason is that Mercury could help because that planet had a different orbit than Mercury does now: An elliptical orbit. The Romans and the Greeks called this Disaster or runaway planet, Mercury and Hermes the morning star and Apollo (The Destroyer) the evening star, The Herald of death, and the Traveler. This evidence has been dismissed by our Gate keepers of the Scholarly World, just as the Gatekeepers of Troy discounted Cassandra’s evidence. The reason is because this evidence does not fit the accepted theories of The Scholarly World, that they expect the Common Folk to believe. This Traveler may (?) have one trip left to make. There have been some predictions that Nibiru (Mercury) will return. As weird as that sound: The Sun has been known to throw off Coronal Mass Ejections as has high as X Class 40 out into space, a force that could indeed change Mercury’s current orbit upon impact with Nibiru (Mercury).36 Who knows? However, the Earth changes of the years 1483, 2141 and 1483 before the Christian era were just dust devils compared to the Earth Changes of c. 10,500 years before the Christian era.

1Qumran cave one, Isaiah second copy

2Seele , Colliers ,Op. Cite, P.659


4Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite, P.714-715, C. 19:1-22

5Hancock. G, Mirrors of Heaven, Op.Cite, P.106






11Introductory Guide to the Egyptian Collections Op. Cite, Serekh plates

12 Davison, D Op. Cite. p. 334

13Water Water part four of this book

14“Dams” , Op. Cite, Colliers Op. Cite 1997+

15Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite, P. 709, C. 11:15, 11:11-16

16 #9,Job

17 Hamelin, Bard, E., Montaggioni, Arnold, M., Faure, Cabioch, G. ,Rougerie ,F. 1996 .Deglacial sea-levels records from Tahiti corals and the timing of global meltwater discharge NATURE 382,241-244

18 Ibid

19 Ibid

20Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite, P714, C. 19:18

21“Sir Alan Gardiner”, “Ipuwer” ”, Colliers ,Op. Cite, 1997+

22 Lamsa, G. M., Op. OiteP.72-81, C. 7:15- 15:19

23 Davison, D Op. Cite. p. 334

24Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite, P.714, C. 19:1-22

25 Hoffman, Michael A. Op. Cite

26 Thordike, Barnhart, Comprehensive Desk Dictionary Doubleday, New York,1967

27 Strongs James, Op. Cite,, H, 625,622,575,3639

28 Davison, D Op. Cite.

29 Armitage A. ”Astronomy, History of ”, Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.3 , P. 127

30 Simmons, OP. Cite Colliers, V. 15, p. 749

31Qumran Cave One, Isaiah Second copy,19:20B

32Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite, P.254-255, C. 10:6-27

33Ibid, P.372-373, C. 24:10-17

34“Nebuchadnezzar” , Colliers ,Op. Cite, 1997+


36Westcott B. F, Hort J. A., The New Testament in the Original Greek, 1881,. Rev. 6:12-17

Star and Geological References to Dams Construction and the Sea of Egypt



The second Pharaoh was Aha and his Serekh shows the narrows near Cairo Creating a Wall and Egypt became to be known as Matsuwr1 the Wall also known as Rahab2. The Horus hawk glyph is holding a mirrored Ankh and stone which implies that Aha was the stone quarrying for the Isis Dam.



The third Pharaoh was Djer seem to be doing the construction of the Wall or Matzuwr and installing the flood gates of the Isis Dam.



Djet the fourth Pharaoh completed the Isis Dam project and officially divided the upper and lower states of Egypt a project that brought great prosperity to the land of Egypt.


Lower Egypt is symbolized by the Red Crown. The glyph of which is the a red crown with an ostrich feather a glyph symbolizing the dam and the water cascading over causing the mist to rise and a half circle with crosshatching symbolizing the masonry dam filling the narrows near the island of Roda. Upper Egypt is symbolized by the kite glyph interpreted to symbolize the speed of shipping on the Sea of Nun the Upper Egypt glyph also has the dam symbol below it. The main image is the wall the Matzuwr symbolized in three ways first the wall with water heaped up over the top second the stylized Matzuwr and thirdly the wall Serekh with a snake zig zaging to symbolize the water cascading over the stair-step dam, with Horus above


The Egyptians also called the Great Pyramid at ancient Heliopolis “Innu, the Pillar “or The Pillar of Enoch. The ancient Egyptians regarded this pillar to be the first portion of land to have forced itself free of the “Sea of NUN” that was behind the Isis Dam

Atum another name for the Pyramid spoke of itself:

When I was alone in the waters, in a state of inertness, before I was found anywhere to stand or sit,

before, Heliopolis had been founded that I might be therein3

Again speaking of Atum in the Utterance 600 of the Pyramid Text;

When you came into being you rose as a High Hill You shone as the Benben Stone in the Temple of the Phoenix4

Funny thing is the Geological records of the Nile River valley show that sudden river rise at a time of World Wide Drought


It is best if we can visualize the river barge construction method of the Isis dam. So, we will use a boat like Queen/Pharaoh Hatsheput’s Obelisk (Machana5) barge because we know that they existed and carried those types of stone: but the machana was a much earlier model.

crock 3 (2)

The uses of those craft eliminated the need for ramps or hundreds of workers to place each stone. Let us go back in time and take a little boat ride on the mighty Nile River that the Isis dam has turned into the placid Sea of Nun. We can catch a ride down the river at any one of the many stone quarries, and of course there would be oarsmen on the tow boats that pull the barge. The flow of the river would make the trip so much nicer than pushing those stone blocks on log rollers.


These machines were specialized pieces of construction equipment. Even so, these barges were most often camouflaged as crocodiles in Egyptian art and mythology. The machana was a wooden craft with lengths of up to two hundred feet. These barges were equipped with highly specialized “trim stabilizing devices” unique ballast stones that would compensate for shifting of those heavy stone blocks. These ballast stones were not inside the hull, but hung over the side, so that they would be partially submerged in the water. If the cargo shifted forwards causing the bow to drop further down into the water, the ballast stones toward the bow would also sink farther into the water in so doing lighting the barge by the amount of water that those stone now displace. (Archimedes Principle) However, that shifting of cargo would also cause the portion of the barge (the stern) to rise out of the water causing the stern ballast stones to rise out of the water increasing the ship’s weight by the amount of water that those stones had been displacing, in so doing cause the machana to stay in trim. However, there is a mystery of how these types of trim stabilizing stones have been found as far away as the towering mountains of Ararat of Turkey and Iran.

The Isis dam and the Sea of Nun had Terra-formed the desert of Egypt into lush green fields. The images above show how the Sea of Nun behind the Isis Dam caused Egypt to prosper. So, on this trip we will be going to the Dam.


As we float, we would see other barges empty of their Muck Rock from the quarry that has been thrown over the top of the dam for reinforcing: and for Rip-Rap to slow down any erosion caused by the6 millions of cubic feet of water running over the dam. This Masonry Dam was built with rock and was reinforced with limestone blocks to last eight thousand years until the Earthquake in Isaiah and his story of the Seancahos of 2141 years before the Christian era began.


Other boats would pass us filled with wheat, goats, and cattle. Who needs wheels when the Egyptians had boats and a lake to float those boats on? Around the lake the only things you can see are lush green fields irrigated with water from the lake, and below the Isis dam the delta was a Garden of Eden. Yes, Man had thrown off the curse of GOD. Maybe-maybe not, that is for later in The Earth changes of 10,500 years before the Christian era began section.

As we approach the dam which stands just one block above the water; we can see dozens of other barges unloading. You would clearly see a stylized representation of a machana and its cargo of stone for the dam and its two tow boats being lifted by the rising water behind the Isis dam as that dam grows higher. You would also see barges unloading a load of waste rock from the quarry to be used as reinforcement and rip-rap of the stone masonry dam.


Above the papyrus shows a finished dam with water going up and over the dam then down the stream to the delta. Above that is an overhead view of the dam and its flood gates system with water flowing around the ends.

1 b d z z f  Pharoh 2 (2) building pyramid

Back at the Isis Dam there are ten barges unloading block onto the dam. Some machanas will be to the right of the center and the others to the left; placing their stones in a flat stair step or fan pattern. The barge we watch has its bow high because the blocks are more aft, so the bow can slip over the lower course of stone and drop stone block closer to the proper location. This time the stone block is one of the outer layers of rock, no need to manhandle this block to the back row. The bow is on to the lower course of blocks and the block on the barge is being pushed forward: Which will give the boat a steeper angle toward the dam and allow the block to slide off.

Then, before the block is set, a fine layer of baked limestone dust is blown on the blocks that our block will fit into. This cement dust is blown on with a forge bellows device so when the water comes up, the concrete dust will seal the hairline cracks with cement. This cement would stop all leaks of the upper structure. Subterranean leaks are the nemesis of modern dams, these were plugged by using Cowboy Mud , This cowboy mud is a clay, such as bentonite, and has been used for centuries to stop leaks in water reservoirs. Egypt is known for its fine clay that is brought down each year by the flooding of the Nile. The slow construction of the dam over the twenty years of construction allowed for this mud to fill and then be compacted in subterranean cracks under the dam site that would otherwise cause the failure of the structure.


After placement of the stone the barge would be slid over by men with ropes to place the next stone block. For the outer blocks a small boat with a large rope-covered bow and very large load of muck rock is pulled by ropes by men on the top of the dam and the boat crashes into the block that was just placed. At the same time a second block on log rollers also with a rope bumper is pushed and crashed into the block locking the stones into place from two sides: Which allowed the blocks to fits together as if they were one because the stone blocks were one once. When placed too far from the edge other blocks are locked together with two rope bumper blocks on log rollers, the second to replace the little boat. The placement of one block would take less than twenty minutes. And if there were twenty barges working – ten on each side- east and west they would be able to set sixty blocks per hour. At twelve hours per day the stone masons could have built the Pyramid in less than ten years.

The problem was those stone masons were building at the same time at least three pyramids and a dam. So twenty years would be about right for the Great Pyramids completion. However, to quarry that many stones blocks would have taken more time than to set the stone. Logic dictates multiple stone quarries so that each course of stone would have its own quarry, a quarry that would be reused for later courses of blocks.

The Pyramid was built using the same basic building techniques as the dam, though the inner rooms had many more and finer details. Nevertheless, let us just deal with the most difficult problems now. The block would be set the same way, as with the dam though each block would be more precisely placed. The artificial stars like the Horpakrate and the dioptra (transit) and the measuring line could be used to catch any error before any misalignment became a problem.

34 stone sundial jpg

When the enormous stones were needed to be placed over a gaping opening, the lake level could be raised to allow the barges to float over the hole. The larger stone blocks were placed by floating them over the location and sliding the massive stone block off the barge; inflated cow skin float bags in the water of the hole under the block were used, which would slow the decent of the large block though the distance to lower the block to the lower course was only a few inches of fall. A skid block was also used to slow the decent by anchoring the huge stone being placed to a large stone that was sitting on the upper course of stone. So as the large stone descended over the hole the ropes would drag the skid block absorbing most of the kinetic energy of the large stones decent. After the stone was lowered, then the water would be lowered to allow the rest of the layer of stone to be placed around the large stone. However, filling of the hole and mounding with sand also may have been used in gable and arches.


2Ibid 7294

3Book of the Dead cited in Hancock. G, Mirrors of Heaven, Op.Cite








Part Four, Past and Future Collide, The Pyramid Cross Referenced to The Stars



Josephus asserts that the Pyramid originated in the family of Seth; and he says that:

‘ the children of Seth, and especially Adam, Seth, and Enoch,

that their revelation might not be lost as to the two coming judgments of Water and Fire, made two pyramids.

One of brick, and fire (Tower of Babble) the other of Stone and Water, (Great Pyramid)

describing the whole of the Predictions of the Stars upon them, and in case the brick pyramid should be destroyed,

the stone would preserve the Revelation’1


The Library at Alexandria’s destruction

is sometimes blamed on Julius Caesar in 48 years before the Christian era. Others like Edward Gibbons,a staunch atheist, would much rather blame the Christians. However, that destruction was really done by an individual named Caliph Omar. He is the one we need to give the blame to for the Library at Alexandria’s destruction. In the year 640 of the Christian era, Caliph Omar’s army took the city of Alexandria, and upon learning of “a Great Library containing all the knowledge of the world” the conquering general asked Caliph Omar for instructions. The Caliph has been quoted as saying of the Library’s holdings:

They will either contradict the Koran, in which case they are heresy, or they will agree with it, so they are superfluous so burn them.2

So the conquering army used the Books of the Great Alexandrian library as tinder for the bathhouses of the city.3 (Shades of the Qumran discoveries) A very few books were saved from Caliph Omar. However, the Greek Language was the Universal written and spoken language of the then known world of the First Century of the Christian era just as English is the accepted world language of today. In fact more people spoke, wrote and thought in Greek than ever set eyes on that country. Amazingly, as far back as 309 years before the Christian era4 the Greek language had found a foothold in every country of the known world even to Egypt and Israel5 To the extent that a special version of the Hebrew Torah had to be translated into Greek called the “Septuagint” or the LXX (70).

“The “Septuagint” translation took seventy translators

to copy the scriptures into Greek at Alexandria, Egypt.6 Alexandria had become the Publishing Capital of the world, because, papyrus was the preferred foundational medium for document transcription at that time, and Egypt was the biggest producer of papyrus paper in the known world. Therefore, Alexandria became a sort of Mecca for the scribes that loved the exactness of the Greek writing system, and Egypt also had the legendary school for scribes of the Greek language, Alexandria’s Catechetical School Most of the elite scribes of Greek language of that Second and Third centuries of the Christian era, were trained at the Alexandria’s “Ca Tech Etical School.”

Catechetical School

The school was ran by Clement ( of the Christian era. 180-220) and later by Origen (185-254) these two men and their students put a large portion of the copies of the books into the Neo-Library at Alexandria such books as Clement’s Courbus Hermis” (Gift of Thoth ) Under Origen’s leadership the school flourished his knowledge of Platonic thought and with his bedrock in Jewish Messianic Theology. This diversity gave Origen’s writing a mass appeal to Christian and Greek alike. In fact there was a saying of that time that: “The Egyptian Christians could not be without their Scriptures”7 and that the secular Greek readers were also enthusiastic consumers of Origen’s work

Books copied by that school were in Church leader’s libraries and those Churches were all over the Mediterranean and in so doing saving much of the ancient knowledge of Egypt. Now much of that wisdom has been lost to mankind in the Vatican Archives, because those sources of knowledge have a very limited availability because of the Vatican Gatekeepers limit access to those documents. However, we still have some of that history of Egypt through “Manetho” a Greek speaking Egyptian Priest of the third century before the Christian era began, kept safe through Josephus’ work, Epitome, or summary, of Manetho’s work, though some of the churches kept these works safe from the narrow minded Gatekeepers, like the Vatican and Caliph Omar: Gatekeepers who want to control what the Common Folk understand.

Manetho was a priest8

from Sebennytos recorded Aigyptiaka (History of Egypt), however, Manetho name has been speculated to have originally meant “Gift of Thoth” Mercury, (“Courbus Hermis9 in Greek), Thoth was also known as or Hermes or Armers, the root source where we get the English word armies from. In the earliest fragments (The Carthage inscription), the first century of the Christian era historian, Flavius Josephus writes Manetho’s name as Manethôn, so the rendering of his name as Manetho10 Manetho’s works on the history of Egypt had been compiled, from native sources, a systematic record of his people, with lists of kings, and lengths of their reigns, covering the entire historic period and extends to the legendary rule of gods on the Earth. Flavius Josephus was able save Manetho’s work by paraphrasing it in his Epitome. Manetho’s work was created by divided up the history of Egypt into thirty dynasties: despite Manetho’s errors, his garbled names of kings, his double listing of kings due to the upper kingdom using one name for a king and the lower kingdom using a different name for the same king that ruled both Upper and Lower Egypt at the same time and, the gaps in his knowledge of Egyptian History. This work has been preserved outlining Manetho’s dynasties and a few significant details, of which modern historians of Egypt are still engaged in largely expanding this outline.11


However, sound evidence can be found to dispute that Time-line of Egypt’s History. An example of that conflicting evidence is found in the 19th through the 20th Dynasties are the same as the 26th through the 30th. That evidence is known from other non-Egyptian sources such as Plato’s work, Timaeus, in 22 c-d,12 and, the Ipuwer Papyrus that was translated by Sir Alan Gardiner in 191613, a work also known as “the Admonition of an Egyptian Sage.” This document also has a c. 500-year adjustment to Flavius Josephus paraphrase or Epitome of Manetho’s time line. The Admonition of an Egyptian Sage speaks of the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt14 at the close of the Middle Kingdom that began the Second Intermediate Period. This is a major adjustment to Manetho’s time line, there are other anomalies in the accepted chronological order of Egypt’s Pharaohs and therefore it’s History, for example the ordering of the Serekhs of the rulers of Egypt. The Old Kingdom’s last rulers have a basic format for their Serekhs. A basic format that suddenly ends at the beginning of the First Intermediate Period about the year 2141 before the Christian era, then suddenly that old style of Serekhs re-appears hundreds of years later in a new dynasty with one of those rulers having the name Tahutmes III. Whose rule was accompanied by the appearance of the Eye of Thoth in the sky and disasters equal to those described by Manetho of the beginning of the First Intermediate Period.

To untie that snarl of Egypt’s past, we must first find the starting thread to begin to unravel this “mashal or riddle;” so again we must look to the Great Pyramid or GOD’S divine message which is what D. Davidson called it back in the year 1937 of the Christian era.15 Josephus of the First Century, the Jewish historian for Rome called the Great pyramid

A pillar of the knowledge of GOD in stone in the land of Sirius16, Egypt.

The Coptic Text of Isaiah17

“An Altar to the LORD and in the midst of the land of Egypt and a Pillar to the LORD and it shall be a Sign and a Witness to the LORD.”

Khunm (Khain) Khufu Called the Great Pyramid “The Pillar of Enoch18

Doctor Sprenger, in his Appendix to Vyse’s Pyramids of Gizeh ” volume II observes that:19

The traditions of the Ancient Egyptians were preserved by their descendants the Copt,

who were held in great esteem by the Arabs…

It may be remarked that the Arabian authors have given the same account of the Pyramids,

with little or no variations. For above a thousand years; and that they appear to have repeated the traditions of the ancient Egyptians,

mixed up with fabulous stories and incidences, certainly not of Maomeran inventions’”20

The account of Masoudi

(his death was recorded in the year 957 of the Christian era.), in the Arabic manuscript of Akbar-Ezzeman, at Oxford, states that

“Surid…. One of the kings of Egypt before the Flood building of the TWO great pyramids.”21

A flood after the Pyramids building that was so disastrous that those flood waters caused the down fall of the Old Kingdom and started the First Intermediate Period and revealed the Great Pyramid. In this narration Masoudi affirms in:

The Akbar-Ezzemae

King Surid from a Coptic modern history22

He (King Surid) also ordered the priest to deposit within them(the pyramids)

written accounts of their wisdom and acquirement’s in the different arts and sciences.

(The west pyramid) With the writings of the priests containing all manner of wisdom,

the names and properties of medical plants, and the science of arithmetic and geometry,

that they might remain as a record, for the benefit of those who would comprehend them.“23


In the Eastern Pyramid (The Great Pyramid) were inscribed the heavenly spheres,

the figures representing the stars and their cycles; together with the history and chronicle of time past,

of that which is to come, and very future event? That will take place in Egypt.”24

Manuscript of Makrizi states that.

“The first (the Great) Pyramid was especially dedicated to the history and astronomy;25

Tohfat Aalabib states that the Great Pyramid contains

 Plans of the stars and historical and prophetical records.26

To understand this interface between the stars and the Great Pyramid we must go back to the year 2141 before the Christian Era, Sesonchosis (the Season of Chaos) September 21st and go through the entrance of the Great Pyramid and down the long passage way as the darkness engulfs us, and as we move toward a pool of water that is at the bottom. The water has flooded almost to the opening to the well shaft27; and as we continue down a small light appears out of the darkness then turning a round we see that same light behind us. We are somewhere between the star Thuman the North Star of 2141 BC, that is above us and it’s reflection on the water below us,28 a bottomless pit halfway between a star and that same star: a type of hell or a bottomless pit where up could be down and down could be up, which is a fearful of a place as drowning in a dark sea. A place where a wrong step or a passing cloud will plunge you into total darkness without a star to guide you, “We know that we can escape. Can’t we?” As we quickly walk back up toward the entrance, a star picture appears, that of the constellation Draco (The snake of the North Star Thuman of 2141 years before the Christian era,)29 it was a time Egyptian Archeologist call “Sesonchosis ( the Season of Chaos)” The Snake star picture is trying to encircle other star pictures of the sky, especially Ursa Minor and our current North Star Polaris then known as Yean. There is one Star picture that Draco cannot encircle, and that is the picture of The Mighty One, who is kneeling down with one foot on Draco’s head as the snake tries to strike his foot. The Mighty One has a club in his hand beating the Snake with it and the shape of that legendary olive branch club is a Cross.30

The Coptic text of Job explains this Fight in this way: 31

HE garnishes the heavens and with His hand slew the fleeing Serpent


Moreover, Moses wrote of this star picture as a prophecy 32 .

“I will put Enmity (Snake) between you and the woman, and between your posterity and her Posterity:

and her Posterity shall tread your head under his foot, and you shall strike in his heel”

Who is this Mighty One?

That occupies a large portion of the heavens? Who is seen bending on one knee, with his right heel lifted up as if it had been wounded, while his left foot is set directly over the head of The Great Dragon? A mystical Hero who in his right hand he wields a great olive branch club or cross, in the Denderah (the ancient Stone Star Chart of Egypt) which was recovered during Napoleon’s expedition to Egypt in 1798-1802 at which time the French also found the Rosetta Stone, the block of stone that acts as an interface to writings of the past.


There on the Denderah Star Chart,

we have a human figure, in the same position in the night sky as our old friend Hercules again with a club. His name is Bau, which means “Who is to come”, and is evidently intended for Him who is to come to crush The Serpent’s head, and “destroy the works of the devil.”33 In Arabic Hercules or Bau of the northern night sky is called Al Giscale, The Strong One. There are 113 stars in this constellation. The brightest star, in his head, is named Ras al Gethi, and means the head of him who bruises. The next, in the right armpit, is named Kornephorus, and means The Branch, (Nazarene in Hebrew) plus, kneeling. The star in the right elbow is called Marsic, The wounding. The star in the upper part of the left arm is named Ma’asyn, the sin-offering or the protector in Hebrew34. While in the lower part of the right arm is Caiam, or Guiam, punishing; and in Arabic, treading under foot.35 Many of these star names have Arabic or Hebrew origins dating to hundreds of years before the Birth of MY LORD JESUS CHRIST and the definitions are not redefined terms to fit a Christian theology. In fact most “SO CALLED” Christian experts are afraid to look at the night sky. Afraid that someone will think: “they believe in the Zodiac.” However, the early Church called the stars of the heavens “The Way” and did not use the stars for personal predictions. Those constellations acted as interface or story boards to pass down their stories using the constellations as their text and the star names to unfolding story hidden in the stars of the night sky.

Upon the walls were written the mysteries of science,astronomy, geometry, physics,

and much useful knowledge, which any person who understands our writing”36

Masoudi affirms in the Akbar-Ezzemae text that he wrote his account of King Surid from a Coptic modern history”37

He (King Surid) also ordered the priest to deposit within them (the pyramids),

written accounts of their wisdom and requirements in the different arts and sciences.

To understand the History of Egypt we must go back to The Pyramid Time Line, the Bottomless pit as we walk down the tunnel darkens. Soon we will notice Scored Lines on the walls of the Bottomless Pit. Those Scored Lines are the alignment with the star Alcyone in the Pleiades or also known as the Seven Sisters of the constellation Taurus and the Descending Passageway with The North Star, Alpha Draconis Thuman of September 21, 214138 before the Christian era began. The time of Sesonchosis (Season of Chaos) and the Pyramid rising out of the receding Sea of Nun The starting point or marker of the time line of the Pyramid, which is the point the time line is calculated from, which is chronicled with the simple inch39. Each inch symbolizes one year in the time line.

The Inch Measurement

The length of your thumb from tip to the first joint.

You could call that inch “The Rule of Thumb.” The inch was standardized by mandate of an Egyptian Pharaoh to within a hairs-breath of the British and American inch of today and has nothing to do with “The Metric System.” This measurement locked to the simple inch was re-discovered by Sir, Flindes Petrie (1853-1942), a man that was “Edwards Professor of Egyptology” at the world renowned University of London (1892-1933) and professor emeritus from 1942. a man who was converted through his Pyramid work from atheism to Christianity Petrie’s worked on the time line of the “Hall of Record of the Great Pyramid” measuring nearly every inch of that structure. Now his conclusions about that structure are disregarded by Main Stream Archaeologists. Which is very strange because they regard him as the “Father of Modern Archaeological Methods” yes, the same curse that plagued Cassandra is still being used by the Gatekeepers of Knowledge to discredit sound wisdom and that wisdom is spun to show that sound research as foolishness, however, the Time-Line of the Great Pyramid written in stone is still linked to the stars.


Back to the bottomless pit

at 658 40 inches(years) away from the Scored Lines we see another chance of escape. In the time line of ancient history that is an important year, the Exodus of the Hebrew nation from Egypt and Moses giving the Israelites GOD’S Law the year 1483 before the Christian Era41 before The Mighty Oneʼs appearance. The time was the end of the Middle Kingdom period of Egypt’s history and the beginning of the Second Intermediate Period. However, there had been a granite plug in the way of the passage. That was before The Caliph Al Mamaun and his minions came through and they just smashed their way around that stone in their way in 840 of the Christian era.( So like many people that want to dismiss GOD’s laws.) So they could continue, on up into “The Hall of Truth in Darkness”: which is an Egyptian parable from the Book of the Dead for this passageway.42 This symbolizes the Golden age of The Hebrew nation.


This is not the passageway for a full-grown man.

The ceiling is low and one has to stoop as under a heavy load (the Law of Moses) to go through this passage, a load spoken of by John Bunyan in his Pilgrims Progress. This passage continues up at a fairly steep angle until the Hall of Truth in Darkness meets The Well Shaft where the smoke from the brush fires opens 1479 (years) inches43 up from the entrance of The Hall of Truth in Darkness. The opening to the passage to The Woman/Queens chamber or New Birth which are Egyptian allegories from The Book of the Dead for this passageway, a few inches farther. “The Hall of Truth in Light44 also an allegory from The Book of the Dead is just beyond. All of these passages intersect at a time about two thousand years ago in the life of one herculean man.45

The Hall of Truth and Light

A time-line that corresponds to the birth of The Mighty One

spoken of in Isaiah 11:10 that was foretold of being of being rejected by the Jews and whose birth would beginning of the Christian Era. The passageway continues to ascend though The Hall of Truth in light has a high ceiling and is much wider and open, traveling in an upward direction until you get to The Great Step. Davidson’s book speaks of many things that transpire in the time line of the Hall of Truth in Light.46


The secular time line

The Well Shaft

The descending  well passage and secular  history are linked  by the small differences in the passage way itself still linked to each other by the one inch per year time line. The Great Step of the year 1840 of the Christian Era or 1,840 inches from the entrance into the Hall of Truth in Light, which is explained by the vertical rise of technology by the explosion of knowledge for mankind, at the top of The Great Step, the time then changes from an inch to the year to inch to a month and the starting of the First World War. The time line is easy to follow with the Great depression and the Second World War.47

This is the point that things start to get fuzzy. D. Davidson has a four volume set that nails down the dates thousands of years ago until the First World War using every seam in the pyramid even to dating the widespread use of the Gutenberg’s printing press. The Prophecies of the pyramid are like the ones in the Bible, you won’t understand them until they are past, sometimes long past, this is where many authors on the Historical Pyramid Time Line “Jump the Gun” and tried to project their incorrect assumptions of Future events by the Great Pyramid time line: soiling their prior exemplary work of referencing historical facts to the Great Pyramid. The paradox of this structure is that though world changing event are dated by the Great Pyramid those events are not described. So who to say what will happen next is not revealed by the Great Pyramid. However, there are those who wish creating those future events.

Most of the people who read or hear of this book

Will discount its accuracy.

The Common Folk that believe in fairytale will say “That is not what those stories mean.” And those who think those stories were only myths to control the Common Folk will say. “Those Ancient Stories were just Fairy Tales: nothing more.” However, I have put the  final section of this book in as a test for my accuracy. Knowing full well that I will be treated as a Cassandra, Schliemann, Noah, Xenophon, and many others who were never believed by their Enemies or the Common Folk, strangely that rejection did not prove those Visionaries wrong. Sadly, when this last section comes to pass, it will be too late for millions of people to be saved. Their Future safety is now in your hands.

1The Witness of the Stars – E. W. Bullinger



4Colliers, , OP. Cite Vol.20 P. 597


6 Ibid Vol.8 p. 64


8Colliers, OP. Cite, Vol.16 1997

9Clement’s “Courbus Hermis” (Gift of Thoth).



12Gair, Op Cite Colliers, P. 509

13Op. Cite, Colliers ., Vol.8

14Colliers, OP. Cite, Vol.8


16Davison, D Op. Cite. Op. Cite. title page

17 Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite , P.714, C. 191-22 400Scott Dr. G, Op. Cite

18Davison, D The Great Pyramid, (Its Divine Message), William and Norgate, L. T. D, England 1937

19Vise, Pyramid of Gizeh, V 2 Appendix By Dr. Sprenger

20 Ibid

21Davison, D Op. Cite. p,12



24Davison, D Op. Cite. p,12



27Ibid p. 7

28Scott Dr. G,Op.Cite


30 Starry Nights, Op. Cite.

31Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite p. Job 26-13

32417Moses, Genesis 3 Qumran

33 Bullinger E, W. Op. Cite

34Strongs, Op. Cite, , Hebrew, Ref. No, 4937

35Bullinger E, W. Op. Cite

36 Vise, Pyramid of Gizeh, V 2 Appendix By Dr. Sprenger

37Davison, D Op. Cite.

38 Starry Nights, Op. Cite.

39Davison, D Op. Cite.









Boats and the Great Pyramid vs George Noory

I leave the radio program Coast to Coast AM on at night: because I have the knack of waking when George wants to bury a “topic.” In the last 10 minutes of Thursday – October 15, 2015 and Dr. Heather Lynn interview she hit upon a subject that awakened me: because that topic got me “banned” from ever again being a guest on Coast to Coast. A subject that I was not allowed to present on his program ( If you were listening to Professor, Heather Lee’s interview  you notice how quickly George got agitated and then  came against her statement about barges used to transport the stone blocks for the pyramids? He flatty it was stated that he thought “it was not feasible”. Why? Because the Scholarly World is not the only group that recoils at the thought of being proven WRONG!

Herodotus said:

The Pyramid was twenty years in the building

and the Machines to lift the stone were made of wood.”

35 jpg pyramid

Twenty years to transport 2.3 million blocks. “Machines” are translated from the Greek word machana. Because, if you go to any common Greek Lexicon, it will say that “machana” is defined as a machine. However, if you look at words with similar root-words you will find they are defined as “ship captains and seamen”. Furthermore, if boats are not machines; what are they? Crocodiles?


I am sure you have heard of the Egyptian god, ‘Horus’ in the specific form of Herupakhered: where he is depicted as young Horus standing on the backs of crocodiles. Heru-pa-khered is defined from ancient Coptic Greek root-words as: Heru: the Coptic form of the Greek word: “HER” and is defined as “the tool of strengths.” This root word is used in the Greek god/man, Her-cules;   pa,    awesome accomplishment or to brag;    khered,    earth or stone moving.

The vast majority of the stone blocks were transported by boats (machana) envisaged as crocodiles. Not transported on rollers over land, though the blocks were on rollers as they traveled in the boat. These barges transported numerous stone blocks and were powered by two oar propelled boats. The stone barge and its propulsion unites would look like a representation of a crocodile with swimming legs (oars) and a segmented back (stone blocks) swimming down the river: when looked on from the lip of the valley.

There is also a bas-relief sculptor at Deir el Bahri that shows the Queen/Pharaoh Hatsheput to Punt1. At that temple there are also stone carvings that shows several vessels: seventy feet long by seventeen feet wide and five feet deep with fifteen oars per side. With a total of thirty to sixty oarsmen for propulsion and two more for steering.2 During that same time period large barges were also built for transporting stone blocks down the Nile River. Stone carvings show one such vessel with two Obelisks end to end, weighing hundreds of tons. A vessel that must have a been at least two hundred feet long. Herodotus wrote of the Great shipping fleet on the Nile. At Al-Lisht site, Sesostris I, had large wooden boats near his burial enclosure. We also know that granite blocks were floated down from the Aswan area along the Nile.

boat pits

The Great Pyramid has several boat pits around its base: because, machana were so important to that structure. One boat found next to the Great Pyramid is now in ‘the Boat Museumnearby, and that boat is 140 feet long. The machana was found  in a pit sealed with huge limestone blocks. A boat that indicates that the pyramids and boats have a connection. George does not want this information addressed on “HIS SHOW”. So “if” you want to sell a lot of books and be one of his favorite guest? DO NOT bring the subject of “boats and the pyramids” up!

dam building

However, if you are indeed open to anomalous evidence and want “The Rest of the ‘Dam’ Story” (not damn) about boats and the Great Pyramid you can get a copy of my book, Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets.

1 Casson, Ships, and Seaman in the ancient world , Princeton Press, Princeton, 1973 CMA.

2Hodges, P., and Keable J. How the Pyramid Was Built, :Element Books, Shaftesbury, 1989 V8, 8 p.652-676

God’s Story Board The Night Sky

1 b c  north stars - Copy - Copy

Job 38:33 Do you know the ordinances of heaven? canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?

In contemporary English, “can you find the dominate star or the north star of each age?”

In this post-modern world, Christian Believers are called “Bible Thumpers!” People now would rather look to the Heavens and the Stars for Answers. My LORD JESUS has not been caught unprepared. I am sure that you are well aware of Romans 10:17, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God”. However, the next verse (18) is where Paul shows Christian Believers, how to reach those people who would rather look to the heavens and the stars for Answers: by causing Christian Believers to go back to the Psalms: so we can give the Lost a powerful witness that points back to the Bible.


Romans 10:17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. 18 But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily, their voice went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world.

Paul is referencing, Psalms 19:1-4 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows his handy work 2 Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night shows knowledge. 3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. 4 Their voice is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world….

I am not so naive to think that after a life time of people telling the Church that, “the meanings behind the constellations of the night sky are all of pagan origins”: that the modern church will automatically embrace the constellations as God’s Story Board. Even in Paul’s time the unbelievers were corrupting the meanings behind the stars of the heavens. However, God gave us an interface between the Bible and the stars. Psalms 147:4 ‘He (God) tells the number of the stars; he calls them all by names”. Isaiah 40:26 Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that brings out their host by number: he calls them all by names. Surprising to Christians, many of the God given ancient star names have been preserved and are still used by modern astronomers. There is a star picture that has always been in the Northern sky, 24 hours a day not a monthly zodiacal constellation: this picture with its ancient star names creates a true depiction of the Scripture Genesis 3:15. And I(GOD) will put enmity between thee (Subtle Serpent) and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy (Serpent) head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

1 e fight 2 - Copy - Copy

The need to reach the Lost is why I have taken a section of my book, Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets and turned it into a free Star Talk, God’s Story Board, The Night Sky. In this way I hope to give the Church a powerful witnessing tool that few are aware of that refers back to the Bible. This free Star Talk/ Witnessing Class will be given at one of the darkest areas in the U.S.A. just after sunset about 9 pm on Memorial Day Sunday, May 24, 2015 on Highway 6, about 26 miles East of Tonopah, Nevada. Rest rooms and free over night camping available on site: hope to see you and your skeptical friends there, but, bring your Bible and lawn chairs.

Howard West

Author of Locked Gates

The Riddle Lord’s Secrets


Egyptians carve stone quickly with low tech tools

The Secrets of the Great Pyramid

Building the Great Pyramid

Author Howard West provides an impressive amount of evidence that goes beyond today’s simple understanding of Mythology of ancient Egypt. Offering a whirlwind trip into the past to reveal science with in Myths of Great Pyramid of Giza. Modern rationalist believe in using Occam ‘s Razor: “the shaving of a narrative into its simplest terms.”Nevertheless, Howard West’s,Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets:proves that the stories of the Riddle Lords of the Ancient Egypt and Egypt pyramids were intentionally encrypted to give two concepts; one in simple terms for their enemies and the common folk, the other locked away; treasure hidden for their heirs. Therefore, the Riddle Lords of ancient Egypt and Egypt pyramids stories today are thought to be, easily understood narratives to entertain the childlike.The Riddle Lords of ancient Egypt have always baffled the Haughty: However, the haughty hold themselves to be the Gatekeepers of Wisdom. These…

View original post 534 more words

Building Pyramids and Mankind’s Helper

The Heavens Praise God’s Wonders and Christian are Afraid to Proclaim Them

Psalm_89:5And the heavens shall praise thy wonders, O LORD: thy faithfulness also in the congregation of the saints.” Even so, most Christian experts are afraid to look at the constellations of the night sky. Afraid that someone will think: “they believe in the Zodiac.” Isaiah_13:10 For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their אור enlightenment. However, the early Church called the stars of the heavens “The Way” and did not use the stars for personal predictions. Those constellations acted as an interface or Story Board to pass down the believers stories using the constellations as their text and the star names to unfold stories hidden in the stars of the night sky.However, Job describes two of  these constellations in 26:13, as a fight between God and evil in this way: 1

HE garnishes the heavens and with His hand slew the fleeing Serpent”

Genesis  3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed;

it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

31jpg star map24 jpg Fight

This star picture is connected to “an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt” The Manuscript of Makrizi states that. “The first (the Great) Pyramid was especially dedicated to the history and astronomy;2 Tohfat Aalabib states that the Great Pyramid contains “Plans of the stars and historical and prophetical records.3


Isaiah 19:19 -20a In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt,

and a pillar at the border thereof to the LORD.

And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt


To understand this interface between the stars and the Great Pyramid we must go back to the year 2141 before the Christian Era, Sesonchosis (the Season of Chaos) September 21st at which time the Patriarch Joseph was living in Egypt and go through the entrance of the Great Pyramid and down the long passage way as the darkness engulfs us, and as we move toward a pool of water that is at the bottom. The water has flooded almost to the opening to the well shaft4; and as we continue down a small light appears out of the darkness then turning a round we see that same light behind us.


31jpg star map2

We are somewhere between the star Thuman the North Star of 2141 BC, that is above us and it’s reflection on the water below us, a bottomless pit halfway between a star and that same star: a type of hell or a bottomless pit where up could be down and down could be up, which is a fearful of a place as drowning in a dark sea. A place where a wrong step or a passing cloud will plunge you into total darkness without a star to guide you, “We know that we can escape. Can’t we?”


As we quickly walk back up toward the entrance, a star picture appears, that of the constellation Draco (The snake of the North Star Thuman of 2141 years before the Christian era,)5 it was a time Egyptian Archeologist call “Sesonchosis ( the Season of Chaos)” The Snake star picture is trying to encircle other star pictures of the sky, especially Ursa Minor and our current North Star Polaris then known as Yean. There is one Star picture that Draco cannot encircle, and that is the picture of The Mighty One, who is kneeling down with one foot on Draco’s head as the snake tries to strike his foot. The Mighty One has a club in his hand beating the Snake with it and the shape of that legendary olive branch club is a Cross.6


4 jpg Fight

Moreover, Moses wrote of this star picture as a prophecy 7 .

“I will put Enmity (Snake) between you and the woman, and between your posterity and her Posterity:

and her Posterity shall tread your head under his foot, and you shall strike in his heel”

That star picture is still in the sky today. Who is this Mighty One? That occupies a large portion of the heavens? Who is seen bending on one knee, with his right heel lifted up as if it had been wounded, while his left foot is set directly over the head of The Great Dragon? A mystical Hero who in his right hand he wields a great olive branch club or cross,  even in the Denderah (the ancient Stone Star Chart of Egypt) which was recovered during Napoleon’s expedition to Egypt in 1798-1802 at which time the French also found the Rosetta Stone, the block of stone that acts as an interface to writings of the past.


beu zodac

There on the Denderah Star Chart, we have a human figure, in the same position in the night sky as our old friend Hercules again with a club. His name is Bau, which means “Who is to come”, and is evidently intended for Him who is to come to crush The Serpent’s head, and “destroy the works of the devil.”8 In Arabic Hercules or Bau of the northern night sky is called Al Giscale, The Strong One. There are 113 stars in this constellation. The brightest star, in his head, is named Ras al Gethi, and means the head of him who bruises. The next, in the right armpit, is named Kornephorus, and means The Branch, (Nazarene in Hebrew) plus, kneeling. The star in the right elbow is called Marsic, The wounding. The star in the upper part of the left arm is named Ma’asyn, the sin-offering or the protector in Hebrew9. While in the lower part of the right arm is Caiam, or Guiam, punishing; and in Arabic, treading under foot.10 Many of these star names have Arabic or Hebrew origins dating to hundreds of years before the Birth of MY LORD JESUS CHRIST and the definitions are not redefined terms to fit a Christian theology. Psalm_89:5 “And the heavens shall praise thy wonders, O LORD: thy faithfulness also in the congregation of the saints.” However, will you use this Wonder God placed in the heavens and proclaim His faithfulness? Or dismiss one of the greatest witnessing tool given to the Church?

1Lamsa, G. M., The Holy Bible :from the ancient Eastern text The Peshitta, San Francisco : Harper & Row,1984,



4Ibid p. 7


6 Starry Nights, computer star charting program.

7Moses, Genesis 3 Cave Qumran

8 Bullinger E, W.The Witness of the Stars1893

9Strongs, Op. Cite, , Hebrew, Ref. No, 4937

10Bullinger E, W. Op. Cite

Giants of Dendera used Tools that Carved Stone .

Giants of Dendera used tools that carves stone faster than any modern high temper steel hammer and chisel could ever hope to.


Great Pyramid contains “Plans of the stars and historical records

Tohfat Aalabib :Great Pyramid contains “Plans of the stars and historical and prophetical records


Ancient Solar Energy Project Found in Egypt

Howard West will reveal the Riddle Lords’ additional concepts hidden in their riddles, ancient wisdom and technologies, such as those found The city of the Horizon of Aten, a city which contained a technology of ancient Egypt that was so Top-Secret that the priesthood of Amun of during the reigns of the Pharaohs Tutankhamen and Horemheb, dismantled that city piece by piece,


How Egyptians Built the Great Pyramids

Herupakhered, was one of the primary Low Tech Tools project that quickly turned Egypt from a humble desert kingdom into a world agricultural power. Which then became known by its Semitic name, Metzrayim, River Controlling Wall .Upon the destruction of that dam and the draining of the sea of Nun, that nation became known by the Coptic Greek name, Egypt. Aiguptis, which is derived from aigialos, a sea , and ptoeo to cause to flee away.

The Ancient Light Speed Communication Used Cuneiform

26 jpg cuneiform symbols

To convert Cuneiform alphabet to a flasher code similar to the famous Morse code is simple. However, even as simple as Cuneiform was, after the message was transcribed, you can find a more stylized form of script for public consumption. The men that transcribed the heliographic messages used the simplest form not the later stylized form.

Notice that the point of this wedge is going left, is equivalent to a Dot. The Morse code short Dash would be an arrow that with its wedge pointing right. The Morse code long Dash, the symbol is a vertical arrow with wedge. Two long Dashes were created with a wedge at the top line of spelling the word and one wedge at the lower end would give a second long dash at the beginning of the last phase of the word’s spelling. Notice the wedge at the top wedge is going down and the bottom wedge is going up also denoting two different long dashes.

27jpg  olgams

The Celtic people of Wales and Ireland used the flasher type of heliographic code in Europe. This code system is called Oghams1 and is formed by incising from one to five straight strokes above or below or both above and below the base line. Again a Trinary type of code system or flasher code system. The piece of stroke that is above the line the stroke would equal a Morris code dot .If the piece of stroke was below the line that stroke would be a Morris Code short dash. When the stroke was on both sides of the line, the symbol would be a long dash.


22 alphanumaric jpg

There are other heliographic codes of the past. However, we need to find the first thread of this Knot. So let us go back to your child hood, grade school and those code breaking handouts. How did you break those codes? First you counted the most used symbols in the text. When using the English language that was almost always the letter E. The next most often used was T followed by I, A, N, O, R, and S. The simple way to remember them is the word that they spell SENORITA2 to break the code handout was a simple matter of you filling in the blanks with the most used letter to make the message make sense. Samuel F. Morris used that same principle to make his famous Morris Code. He made the most used letters the simplest. Now you can win at Jeopardy .


The Greek and the Hebrew alphabets both have a number component to each of the letters. The Greek Ionian letter is A for one or 1 in the Greek Attic and corresponds to Aleph the first letter in the Hebrew alphabet, where the corresponding number go consecutively to the number ten, at that point by tens, ten through ninety. The next letter is one hundred and goes up by one hundred jumps. To nine hundred though some of the last few numbers are not letters in either alphabet: but a type of symbol just for that number. The chart with both alphabets and their corresponding letters, and the Greek Attic equivalents beside that are the flasher code symbols and the equation used to formulate the code.3 This trinary code again uses the dot, dash and long dash symbols, but unlike the Morris code the symbols are stacked to form characters rather than using the linear system of Morris.

23 sixty jpg

Notice in the alphanumeric chart, that the number sixty has the same symbol for both codes: the Greek letters and the flasher code transcription. Sorry, but the letter name is Xi: it marks the spot that the two codes match code symbols. As luck (?) would have it, later in history, the ancient Xi symbol was reintroduced; a throwback to the heliographic code of the ancient past. There are many other examples of the connections between the ancient heliographic codes of the past and the Greek alphabet such as delta, however, Xi is the key that unlocks the stacked code and the numeric connection with 5 +1 times 10 value. A symbolic code that was far easier to learn than the linear type used by Morris in his code.

Samechs and Xi

The symbolize concept from

Psalms 10:5a, 25:15, 34:15 , 37:24, 103:15, 119:105, 145:14

Help, Neck yoke Circle

The Greek letter is called Xi4, and the symbol of both the heliographic and the Greek is the same. The Greek word is xio5: to make easier as in: Xulon6; which means, neck yoke. The Egyptian hieroglyph for this character is a cross or what you might call a cross member or a twin handled bar. This bar was attached to a rope allowing the men to push against the bar that was attached to the rope. This added to the ability of transferring human muscle power more efficiently to the moving of an object. When using horses it is called a single tree or in butchering the same device is call a gambrel. The Hebrew word is Samek7: to lean on, take hold, or sustain. The heliographic code is Six a short dash (5) over a dot (+1): Mercy or to make easier, over a long dash (X 10): Make known the power, which is what a lever, or neck yoke does.


There are many other examples of the connections to the heliographic code of the ancients to the origins of systems like Sanskrit, Hebrew and the Greek, however, if you look at the comparison chart of the Arithmomancy you notice that the simplest codes are highlighted because those are the most used letters in the most ancient texts of both the Greek and the Hebrew alphabets.8 That is a tell tail sign of a designed code system that was used with a transmitted system. Additional evidence is that both the Hebrew and Greek alphabets have the same order as the northern Semite alphabet of the Hittites, the Greek and Hebrew alphabets ,also mirror the early Ugaritic Cuneiform symbol because they were all alphanumeric/ heliographic codes. These codes allowed the most used letters to have the simplest symbol that corresponds to 1, 5, 10, 2, 4, 6, 9, 50 and 100. Here is the kicker; the message would be totaled, so that when it was received a line cipher was given with the numeric total of the message or line by line, therefore, if the totals did not match up? The mismatch allowed the error to be discovered and allowing message be re-sent or corrected. There are at least two places where this principle is still used, first in computer code writing so that the errors in the written code can be found if the computer or software has a malfunction and which allows the line cipher to locate where the error is so that error can be fixed.

Then there are the Jews, who still use those number values of their alphabet to total their Holy Scriptures. This is so that, the WORD of GOD would be constant without variations in its transcriptions. The problem is that there are few vowels in Hebrew with a number value and the Hebrew alphabet has mostly constants that do have numeric values. Because a certain group of letters (a word) could have several meanings, Mazoritc Jewish scholars, therefore, would pick vowel points that they felt would best fit the context of the text, sometimes replacing the symbol, hHe” with the similarly formed symbol, xCheth” as in the word Messiah. Most of the time they are right, but biases work into some of those translations. The men that do the recopying work of the scriptures are still called Counters9. The reason for this name is because each letter in their sacred texts has to be counted as they transcribe each line, constantly checking to see if the line value equals the line cipher of the older text. If not the error is shown so that error can be found and corrected, if there are too many errors the new scroll must be destroyed. Other ancient alphabets have the same problem of lack of vowels as in the text such as the early Middle Eastern alphabets which caused the problem with the choice of letters in the Great King of Lights, Khatti.10

This system of line ciphers was put to the test with the discovers of Qumran, since 1948 through the 21st Century of the Christian era. The caves of Qumran have been treasure houses of ancient Hebrew documents. Hundreds of pieces of the Hebrew of the accepted, Holy Writings of the Jews (Tana”kh) have been found, scrolls that when compared to the current accepted texts have matched those modern texts with a +99% accuracy rating. This is amazing to most of the Worlds Secular Scholars, the reason for this accuracy after more than two thousand years of separation? These line ciphers that have their origins in the heliographic codes of the past. Even so, those closely matched texts have had changes with the introduction of the Mazoritc vowel points system that was adopted so that the texts would have consistency with “The Traditions of the Elders” and pronunciation. Still, those meanings of each symbol of the Hebrew Aleph-Bet can be reconstructed through the accepted Cannon of the Jews (Tanakh). These definitions have been imbedded into many texts called acrostics. Texts like Psalms 9-10, 25, 34, 37, 103, 119, 145, Proverbs 31, Lamentations 1, 2, 3, 4 and many others give the definitions to the symbolization of each letter. Using these concepts as definitions as a guide to the Hebrew heliographic code, these references shows amazing continuity with the acrostic definitions when those concepts are used to translate Hebrew into English.

The letters of a given Hebrew word when definition and are compared matches the Hebrew definitions found in most lexicons, though in a riddle format. Even so, there is a grammatical system that takes into account the placement of letters placed creating antonyms, to the left (sinister) side of letters like Dalth, Nun, and others that cause the concept to become antonym of the original letters meanings. Then there are the root, prefixes, suffixes and their combinations, which must be taken into account when deciphering a given Hebrew word using this method. Of course there are words that have been added to the Hebrew vocabulary from the Babylonians, Egyptians and other groups that do not use the same symbolisms of a given letter. Nevertheless, in many cases alphabetic symbolism of other ethnic groups, have similar definitions to the Hebrew heliographic code; and make this system the prototype for many modern alphabets such as Greek, Arabic, and even corresponding to some of the Egyptian Hieroglyphic symbols.


Among the scrolls found at Qumran were found two books. Books that were written in the same self-correcting Hebrew script, however, these books, Job and Enoch contained star references to constellations that were in the wrong places in the sky when compared to where those constellations should have been if the Gatekeeper of knowledge had dated them correctly. The Book of Enoch’s co-author gave twelve monthly textual star references for the year c. 12,500 years ago,11 monthly because the constellations were below the Northern Horizon Circle, thereby enabling the constellations to set with the sun. One of these constellations has only been under the Northern Horizon Circle once in the last c. 26,000 years that was c. 12,500 years ago,12 most of that 26,000 year period the constellation could be seen year round in the northern sky at all hours of the night. In Arabic its main star was called the Yean but you know that star as Polaris our current NORTH STAR and the constellation is now called Ursa Minor. The Progression of the Equinoxes changes the North Star. Hipparchus the Greek of 161-126 years before the Christian era13 began, was the first modern man who had an idea that there was a Progression of the Equinoxes that causes the North Star to change. We now have computer programs like Starry nights and Sky Globe that can show us the skies of 12,000 years ago.



To place Ursa Minor at that location at the time that they were seen means that many changes of the North Star must have transpired since that time. Who could have known about that slow movement of Polaris in the heavens in the distant past? It currently takes a computer to run the stars back in time to even know that the Big and Little Dippers had ever been out of their current location. Historians know that Enoch14 was read and considered Holy Rite by the Jews, in the second Century before the Christian era began. The book of Enoch was known to the Egyptians before that and was placed into their graves as part of the Book of the Dead. Ancient Babylonians had cups and wine vessels that were discovered with inscriptions with the same names of demons that were written in: The Book of Enoch. Moses used one of those same demons names in the Book of Leviticus in the Coptic Text15. The Book of Enoch was referred to by Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jude, Paul, John, Luke, Matthew, and JESUS and may others. Either the writers of Enoch and Job made a very good guess without any facts to base them on, which would be a one hundred million to one shot or those writers were there at that time that those constellations were on the western horizon at sun set during the new moon of June of c. 10,500 years before the Christian era began. 16

The word Merchant has its roots in the word Mercury who was the Roman god of merchants. A merchant with a mercury clad copper or a golden heliographic mirror could use that mirror in conjunction with the Crown’s watchtower system, to contact other merchants and combine their inventories. So if one merchant had extra wheat, and another merchant was out of wheat that was miles away, the lacking merchant would know who had the wheat and could request that some could be shipped to him with a few blinks of light. This mercantilism was an aid to civilizing the world. A trace of a type of communication system that was mentioned in the 13th century of the Christian era. In the traveler, Marco Polo’s account of his visit to the Far East, the account mentions that the Emperor of China was alerted to Polo’s arrival by sunlight reflected by mercury mirrors between mountaintops along Polo’s route.17

In the Middle East there is a Religion whose founder was a fellow by the name of Zoaster18 and this man’s work has spread all over the world even to China where this sect is known as Taoism19.

In Persia, there on the Gateway wall that leads into the city of Persepolis is Ahura Mazda, Zoroastrianism god of truth, good and LIGHT. The first thing that you will notice is that he is standing in the middle of a Hittite Sun Disk. Next please note that he has what looks to be a ring in his hand, it is not a ring; but around mercury clad or a golden mirror, which would allow a person to communicate with a watchtower from almost anywhere. This type of heliographic mirror was the same type of mercury clad copper or golden disks that were found by Schiemann at his dig at Mycenae.20.


29 mirror r

These magic mirrors were for the military, rich merchants and the ruling class of the time the equal to having a cell-phone of today. A second bas-relief at Persepolis shows Persian subjects bring Tribute to the King. The bearers of these gifts are wearing helmets shaped to look like curls. Notice the man in the middle is bringing a communication link mirror disk; this heliographic system of magic mirrors of the past gave the ancients merchants a system of communication with the use of these small heliographic mirrors.

This feat has only been equaled after the invention of the cell phone systems that are now used in the cities. The mountaintop sentinel gave instant up-dates on troop movements with communication from a single mirror with a visible range of eighty miles with a mirror of only 9-12 inches across21 many of the ancient mirrored shields were several feet in diameters. In India during the latter part of the 19th century, the British heliographs that were placed on mountaintops gave visible distances was extended over a one hundred miles22. In the later part of the 19th century a heliograph system was used in the southwestern part of the United States. A heliograph message could be sent from Prescott, Arizona to Nogal, New Mexico23, until the copper wired telegraph superseded the heliograph.

twin heliograph


The military uses of these high ground heliographic systems of surveillance was unequaled until the invention of aircraft and wireless radio communication. The ancients with the uses of the Greek and Hebrew alphanumeric code system that allowed for code to be verified for accuracy. However, that system was used by The Greeks, Jews, Hittites, Assyrians, Sumerians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Celts, Chinese, and even the natives of the New World used this type of heliograph system. A beacon light at night or a large golden shield heliograph such as were constructed by Solomon were, used to broadcast the NEWS of the day over hundreds of square miles. Those blinks of light were in plain view to hundreds if not thousands of people, enabling anyone that was able to decipher the transmission to know what was happening in his world, much as the common man when he listens to the radio or goes to the internet today. Yes! The world before Christ had much of what Modern Man holds as his Greatest Accomplishments: such as lighting fast communications between cities hundreds of miles apart, personal communication devices similar to modern cell phones in the form of golden mirrors. Even wide disbursal NEW outlets for the Masses in the form of large mirrors that used up to 218 ounces of gold leaf. The reflections from the Great Pyramid could be seen in Israel.24

Even so, the end of the Golden Age of the heliograph was caused by: War25, thieves, a lack of mercury, and gold: but mostly the decline was caused by the lust for control by men like King David and King Shishank that caused the decline of the Golden age of communication. Small wars would cause the loss of equipment until too few were available for service and the system collapsed, so by the time that the Roman Empire was on the scene: the Golden Age of Light Speed Communication had mostly faded into legends and myths and the secret of the Golden age of commutation was lost for centuries, however, remnants of that Golden Age still remain.

Pyr eye

The most impressive of all watchtowers is still standing the Great Pyramid of Giza four hundred and fifty feet tall with a platform, instead of a sharpened apex. As I have mentioned, the means of transmission was a Line of Sight system and the machines to transmit that code were mirrors and beacon fires. The word Pyramid in Greek: is broken down to pyra26 which means beacon fire or lights and mid or metronto count or measure. The Hebrew word for pyramid is Urim-middin is Urim27 which means lights and middin to measure or count. On top of The Pyramid the back of the US one dollar bill has the Eye of Osiris, the udjat, that machine was a golden mirror that would be winked with a disk or eyelid on a stick to transmit the code.

1Gair, Op Cite , Colliers p600

2“Cryptography “ Op. Cite, Colliers 1997+

3Boyers C. B , ”Numbers” Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.19, P. 9


5Strongs, Op. Cite,. Greek, No.,3582 137Ibid No.,3586

6137Ibid No.,3586

7 Strongs James, Op. Cite,. Hebrew, No.,5564

8Alphabets , Op. Cite, Colliers v. 1

9Rich T.R,,

10Woods, M, Op.Cite

11Laurence Dr. R, Op.Cite Ethiopian Enoch,

12 Starry Nights, Computer star charting program

13Colliers ,Op. Cite, V. 3 P. 127

14Evans E., Non-Canonical Writing and New Testament Interpretation : 1992

15 Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite, P115, C. 21:5

16 Starry Nights, Computer star charting program.

17 Moul, The Book, The Book of Marco Polo, Yule and Cordiel 1903

18 Zoroaster, Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.23, P. 777

19 Taoism, Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.22, P. 63

20 Scranton R. L., “Mycenae” ” Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol. 22, P. 108

21 Harris J.D. Military History Journal, Vol 2 #1 Cited in

22 Ibid


24Scott Dr. G, The Pyramid, and “Audio tapes”: Deloris Press, Los Angles

25 Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite 491, C. 12:6-10

26Strongs, Op. Cite, Greek, No.,4443

27Strongs James, Op. Cite,, Hebrew, No.,224




The Udjat , the Eye of Osiris and NASAs Golden Mirrors

From the book Locked Gates by Howard West

29 mirror 563710main_msfc-mirror-lg

NASA had a problem with solar heat gain in outer space and has developed a solar heat shield to reflect the sun’s heat away from its equipment. So unwittingly they took a page from Soloman’s play book and created the golden shields called “Space Blankets”1 , and similar reflective silvery blankets can be found at any Sporting Goods outlet; although, that heat shield is not the same as what NASA uses in space. NASA uses the best reflecting material of the Sun’s light, gold2. Even so, the gold leaf material gives a more yellow tint to the light that is reflected than quicksilver would but gold does have superior reflecting properties. One reason is because gold never tarnishes unlike silver that will oxidize or tarnish and quicksilver will evaporate way after a time. That is why the Dome of the Rock Mosque and the Statue of Liberty have a gold leaf coating on their dome and flame, consequently, they can be seen for miles during the day without the need for an outside power source and therefore, only a small amount of artificial light is needed at night. That yellow tint makes the Statue of Liberty’s torch look as if it’s aflame with fire (also known as a beacon).

14 eye and bird jpg

Golden heliographic mirrors were preferred by those who could afford them. The reason being is because constant contact with mercury brings madness, the longer you were exposed to the slowly evaporating metal, the more symptoms you would display. The first is irritability, then blackening of the finger nails (that alchemists usually have), with the eventual loss of fingernails, hair, teeth, wife and your mind. Even so, men were expendable and gold was costly. Therefore, mercury mirrors were the common heliographic type.


The 500 Golden Shields of Solomon,3 the Hittite Sun Disks,4 the Egyptian Eye of Osiris, or the Udjat that was depicted as a human eye.5 ,The Babylonian winged Utu,6 and the Four Bronze Mirrors of Taoism7 were common as far back as two thousand years before the Christian era, and even to Enoch’s time more than twelve thousand years ago. That statement is based on the texts of the Book of Enoch8 that speaks of Ursa Major and Minor being on the western horizon at sun set during the month of June 10,000 years before the Christian era began.9

18 Nine Hitite sundisk Jpg

The Golden Communication Shields or Eyes (winged sun disks) were in every city in the Middle East three thousand years ago. David was King of Israel at about that time which was about the same time that Clytemnestra and Princess Entiu-ny lived. When David would capture a city the first thing he would take as booty was the Golden Shields. He not only took the ones in the town itself, but David would also take the portable military winged units that were on the pack-horses. (Shades of Pegasus) The English translation of the Coptic Peshitta text of The Chronicles of the Kings of Israel10

And King David took the (winged sun disks) Shields of Gold that were on

the horses of the servants of Hadarezer, and brought them to Jerusalem

and likewise from Tibhath and from Berothi cities of Hadarezer.”

19jpg sundisk jpg

The loss of a city’s Golden Magic Mirrored Communication Shield was a major loss. That city was no longer able to carry on trade outside the local area or be able to request help from other cities in case of an attack. Consequently, when David took those mirrored shields the loss of communication to other cities was as though they lost both thumbs and both big toes:they were totally defeated.

The Shield of Hercules

translated by Evelyn-White

Hercules took his strong spear, pointed with shining bronze, and on his valiant head set a well-made helm of adamant, cunningly wrought, which fitted closely on the temples; and that guarded the head of god-like Hercules. In his hands he took his shield, all glittering: no one ever broke it with a blow or crushed it. And a wonder it was to see; for its whole orb was a-shimmer with enamel and white ivory and electrum (an amalgam of gold and mercury used to produce gold plate), and it glowed with shining gold;

The Shield of Achilles

The Iliad, Book 18:

The first thing he created was a huge and sturdy shield, all wonderfully crafted. Around its outer edge, he fixed a triple rim, glittering in the light…

The Hebrew words used for these glittering golden or quicksilver-coated shields are, SHALAT or SHALET that means: dominions, in power, have power or rule.11 Other words used for those types of shields are MAGEN, MAGAN or MEGILLAN,12 all means: to deliver up, present or a scroll. KYDOW a spark or blink of light.13 The Hebrews scribes who used these shields were called armor bearers, and the communications were called “saw-far14 which translate to “Collect and record with slashes or marks.”


When David’s son, Solomon became king, he built watchtowers all over his kingdom and beyond. There were so many watchtowers that they were likened to “The Forest of Lebanon.” Solomon made two hundred large shields of gold and three hundred smaller shields of gold to be used in those watchtowers, each shield symbolized the heliographic connection to one of the many tribal leaders. The main warehouse and communication watchtower was called”: The House of The Forest of Lebanon.” 15

This Network of disbursed watchtowers and golden magic mirrored heliographs gave Solomon intelligence on everything in his realm. This included information on such things as: grazing conditions, water sources, availability of commodities, arrival of caravans, the location of strangers or even enemy troop movements. This intelligence went beyond King Solomon’s realm into the land of the Hittites and even into the land of Egypt, which Solomon had an alliance with. As you know, Information is SHALAT16 (power). This was the same Power that Medusa and General Miles had and used.

10 jpg US army heliograph

The watchtowers of Solomon were stationary unlike those used by General Miles troops; nevertheless, there was still the problem of making sure that the watchman was alert for any messages. The problem was also that the signal could only be seen at certain times of the day.17 This meant that they could set a time to be extra alert for a message. The Muslims still have a memory trace of that to this day. A man goes to the top of his minaret or watchtower to call the people to prayer five times a day. When direct communication between any two watchtowers was impossible because of the angle of the sun, they would use a trick that the Arab sailors would discover centuries later and tack into the wind,18 the watchman would send his message to any Watchtower that could speed his message along the way to its final destination, even if that message had to zig zag through a dozen extra watchtowers. The message would have an ending code or a line cipher that enabled the receiver to double-check the accuracy of the message.

Solomon and David were neither the first nor the last of the Kings of Israel to use the communication Shields. Saul before them used a bronze or copper shield that he anointed with a slick and oily liquid metal.19 After Solomon’s death his son Rehoboam reined, however, Rehoboam lost those five hundred magic mirrored communication aspis or shields of gold to the king of Egypt, Shishaik.


Rehoboam20 replaced the Golden shields with bronze coated with quicksilver (mercury) shields. This process was also used by gold miners of that day. The liquid metal would cling to copper and make an excellent mirror; and if small pieces of gold dust were in a copper gold pan with a mercury coating it would make the gold cling to the mercury. This is a quick, cheap, and efficient way to gold plate a mirror with the Alchemist Gold. The mercury would slowly evaporate leaving the gold locked in the matrix of the surface of the copper plate and then that gold would then be polished into the surface leaving a bright golden finish.

14 jpg Princess Egypt 2

The Egyptians had a belief that if they would place a pool of ink into the hollow of their hand they could see the future (Chiromancy)22: but it was not always ink, no in the distant past it was a pool of Quicksilver (Mercury). That shiny molten liquid metal in their hand would make a mirror, and a face would gaze back at the seer. In ancient Egyptian the word “Hor23 translates to face, in English In the distant past a reflection of one’s face? Yes, the all Seeing Eye of Hor-aspis, the Dweller on the horizon (Horus-ion)24. Harpokrate: the infant Horus the baby sun25 the reflection of the sun in a magic mirror. A papyrus from Thebes produced in the Twenty-first Egyptian Dynasties known as, The Judgment of the Princess Entiu-ny26. This is depicting a scene in ancient Egypt. A young woman is standing before a scale and is presenting three eyes in her hand. Those Eyes are three messages that she received that are depicted at the top of that papyrus.

14 Princess Egypt jpg3


The three messages all end with an Eye denoting that a mirrored shield sent them from the location depicted by the larger symbol that she is facing above. The messages are quite similar to each other though the message that was from The Hawk (Horus) from atop the Great Pyramid27 is somewhat longer than the others. The little fellow (the baboon) that is sitting on the top of the scales is Egyptian representation of Thoth28 (aka Mercury)29. As he sits on the scales, he has the power to change the outcome of the trial by shifting his weight. The court Jester, Thoth or Mercury, was the real judge in this picture.30 .


14 jpg Princess Egypt 2

1 NASA. Gov/space blanket

2“Silver”, Op. Cite, Colliers V. 21, 1997+

3 Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite P. 466, C19:160

4 Simmons S.D., Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.15, P749



7 “Taoism”, Op. Cite, Colliers V.22, 1997+

8Laurence Dr. R, Ethiopian Enoch, Also known as The Book of Pa- Hanok, University of Oxford, England, Chapter 81

9 Starry Nights, Computer star charting program.

10Lamsa, G. M., Op. OiteP466, C,18:78

11Strongs, Op. Cite, H, No. 7982

12 American Revised Standard Concordance and Hebrew Dictionary

13Strongs, James,Op. Cite H. 7782

14 Ibid H. 5608, 5618

15 Lamsa, G. M., Op. Cite P488, C. 9:15-16

16 Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890, H, No. 7982

17 Islam Op. Cite Colliers

18Taylor W. H, ”Sailing” Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.20, P. 338

19 Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite P343

20Ibid P491, C.8:9

21 Ibid P578, C. 29:11

22Hall-Quest A. L. Fortune Telling, Colliers ,Op. Cite Vol., 10, P211-212


24 Ibid

25 Ibid

26 “Ancient Egypt”, Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.8, P. 670 Judgment of Entiu-Ny, from the Metropolitan Museum of art

27 Clark R. T. R, Myth and Symbols of Ancient Egypt : Thames and Hudson, London 1991

28 Van Rosen ,B. “Medicine” , Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.15, P. 641

29 Duckworth, G. E., “Hermes” , Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.12, P. 79


31Milik J. T, The Book of Enoch: Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4 : Oxford Press , Oxford England 1976

32Laurence Dr. R, Ethiopian Enoch, Also known as The Book of Pa- Hanok University of Oxford, England

33Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890, H 2526, 2346


35 Langdon, Babylonian Liturgies (Paris, 1913), p. 65

36Akhtar, Jamna das, transl.

37 Paulinus Fr., Systema Brahmanicum (Rome, 1791), pp. 156f

38Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite, P.C21:5

39 Slipher, , Op. Cite, Colliers Op. Cite, V13,P339

40Sullivan, Secret of the Inca, Crown Publisher, New York, 1996

41“China” Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.17, P. 108

42Simmon S. D, ”Mesopotamia: Ancient Civilization ” Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.15, P749.

43 Paulinus,Fr. Systema Brahmanicum (Rome, 1791), pp. 156

44Strongs, Op. Cite,. Greek no.575

45Ibid no. 3639

46Ibid, no. 619

47Ibid, no. 4744

48Pliny, Historia Naturalis II. 8. 30; Macrobius, Saturnalia I. 19. 7.

49Flores ed. Matthew of Westminster (, 1601, p. 82)

50 Mattingly H. Tacitus, Germania IX, transl. (1948):

51Duckworth, Op. Cite, Colliers Op. Cite, V12,p79


53Bowman, Colliers Op. Cite

54Laurence Dr. R, Op.Cite C.8:1



Archaeological Discovery You Will Never See on the Discovery Channel



scroll dead sea 1

The last thing that Atheists want archeologists to disclose, is anything that gives credibility to the discoveries that agree with the Bible. Those Ratio-Nihilist spin important archeological findings into minor anomalies; that they hope will not be addressed. Especially, Isaiah’s 19th chapter   account of the destruction of a dam and the draining of the Sea of Egypt, Metzrayim. Which caused the fall of the Old Kingdom and the beginning of the First Intermediary Period of Egyptian history. Even more importantly the construction of a Hebrew city around the Great Pyramid called the city of Heliopolis, City of the Sun.

Please be aware Isaiah in his 19th chapter used the Hebrew name, Metzrayim,: metzr=the wall that has power over,  yim =the river: in other words a River Dam. Not the Coptic Greek name Egypt, Aiguptis: which is derived from aigia = a sea, and ptoeo = to cause to flee away. These two names for the land of the Nile River and the correct interpretation of the hieroglyphic name for the land of the Nile, KMT are the keys to understanding what Isaiah is trying to tell you in his 19th chapter and the most important archaeological documented discovery of the 21st century: that the Ratio-Nihilist hope you never consider.


The Dead Sea Scrolls of Isaiah

(1QaIsa and 1QpHab)

19:5 And the waters shall fail from the Sea of Egypt, Metzrayim, and the river shall be wasted and dried up.

19:18 In that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt, Metzrayim: speak the language of Canaan, and swear to the LORD of hosts; one (city) shall be called, Heliopolis.

19:19 In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, Metzrayim and a pillar at the border thereof to the LORD.( The only things there are the Great Pyramids)

19:20 And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt


Atum was another name for the Pyramid that spoke

of itself and its arrival:

When I, Atum was alone in the waters, in a state of immobility, Before I was found anywhere to stand or sit, Before Heliopolis had been founded that I might be there in.

This short video will connect these two texts and give you all the evidence that you will need to begin a conversation on this subject.

dam building

This short video will connect these two texts and give you all the evidence that you will need to begin a conversation on this subject. That video contains the evidence of an ancient dam, its destruction and the pyramids rising from those receding waters  that dam had held back. The point is this, you have been presented with a discovery that will start a fire that will burn to the ground much of what Atheist want the common man to believe about the Bible.

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The non-fiction book Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets by Howard West is published in Hard Cover format and is currently available through brick and mortar book stores and online retailers including ( and (


Solar Energy Discovered in the Pylons of Karnack



Ancient stone blocks found in the Pylons of Karnack, revealed the remnant of the City of the Horizon of Aten, a city which contained a technology of the ancient Egyptians that was so Top-Secret that the priesthood of Amun of during the reign of the Pharaoh Horemheb, dismantled that city piece by piece, then those broken stones were shuffled and hidden with in the Pylons of Karnack to hide their prized technology: A stone riddle that could only be revealed by an earth quake and reassembled by modern computer wizardry.

42 bit Karnak Aten

This short video will give you all the evidence you will need to begin a conversation on the solar energy used by ancient Egypt.


The non-fiction book Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets by Howard West is published in Hard Cover format and is currently available through brick and mortar book stores and online retailers including ( and  ( )

Archaeological Discovery That Atheists Hope You Never Consider.



scroll dead sea 1

The last thing that Atheists want archeologists to disclose, is anything that gives credibility to the discoveries that agree with the Bible. Those Ratio-Nihilist spin important archeological findings into minor anomalies; that they hope will not be addressed. Especially, Isaiah’s 19th chapter   account of the destruction of a dam and the draining of the Sea of Egypt, Metzrayim. Which caused the fall of the Old Kingdom and the beginning of the First Intermediary Period of Egyptian history. Even more importantly the construction of a Hebrew city around the Great Pyramid called the city of Heliopolis, City of the Sun.

Please be aware Isaiah in his 19th chapter used the Hebrew name, Metzrayim,: metzr=the wall that has power over,  yim =the river: in other words a River Dam. Not the Coptic Greek name Egypt, Aiguptis: which is derived from aigia = a sea, and ptoeo = to cause to flee away. These two names for the land of the Nile River and the correct interpretation of the hieroglyphic name for the land of the Nile, KMT are the keys to understanding what Isaiah is trying to tell you in his 19th chapter and the most important archaeological documented discovery of the 21st century: that the Ratio-Nihilist hope you never consider.


The Dead Sea Scrolls of Isaiah

(1QaIsa and 1QpHab)

19:5 And the waters shall fail from the Sea of Egypt, Metzrayim, and the river shall be wasted and dried up.

19:18 In that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt, Metzrayim: speak the language of Canaan, and swear to the LORD of hosts; one (city) shall be called, Heliopolis.

19:19 In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, Metzrayim and a pillar at the border thereof to the LORD.( The only things there are the Great Pyramids)

19:20 And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt


Atum was another name for the Pyramid that spoke

of itself and its arrival:

When I, Atum was alone in the waters, in a state of immobility, Before I was found anywhere to stand or sit, Before Heliopolis had been founded that I might be there in.

This short video will connect these two texts and give you all the evidence that you will need to begin a conversation on this subject.

dam building

This short video will connect these two texts and give you all the evidence that you will need to begin a conversation on this subject. That video contains the evidence of an ancient dam, its destruction and the pyramids rising from those receding waters  that dam had held back. The point is this, you have been presented with a discovery that will start a fire that will burn to the ground much of what Atheist want the common man to believe about the Bible.

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The non-fiction book Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets by Howard West is published in Hard Cover format and is currently available through brick and mortar book stores and online retailers including ( and (


Extraterrestrial Connections To the Mysteries of the Building of the Great Pyramid

Author, Howard West’s new hard cover book, Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets provides an impressive amount of evidence that goes beyond today’s simple understanding of Middle Eastern History.

1 sample dust cover

Reintroducing the demigod, Thoth, “who gave the Ancient Egyptians their scientific methods;” his existence was entwined within the stories of the ancients


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Pilgrim Ranch, Central Nevada

Modern rationalist believe in using Occam’s Razor: “the shaving of a narrative into its simplest terms” to define these stories of the ancients as myths. Nevertheless, Howard West’s, Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets: proves that the stories of the Riddle Lords of the ancient Middle East were intentionally encrypted to give two concepts; one in deceptively simple terms for their enemies and the common folk, the other locked away; treasure hidden for their heirs. Confirming evidence of that concept is found in the writings of the Dead Sea scroll collection and ancient Greek literature, proofs that emphasize the common employment of riddles in the ancient world. Stories with two meanings to hide information that the Riddle Lords held more precious than gold. Today those kabbalistic stories are known to the modern rationalist as myths, simple works of fiction, nevertheless, they hold connections to cryptic wisdom.

ט  בַּחַלָּמִישׁ, שָׁלַח יָדוֹ;    הָפַךְ מִשֹּׁרֶשׁ הָרִים.

י  בַּצּוּרוֹת, יְאֹרִים בִּקֵּעַ;    וְכָל-יְקָר, רָאֲתָה עֵינוֹ.

יא  מִבְּכִי, נְהָרוֹת חִבֵּשׁ;    וְתַעֲלֻמָהּ, יֹצִא אוֹר.

יב  וְהַחָכְמָה, מֵאַיִן תִּמָּצֵא;    וְאֵי זֶה, מְקוֹם בִּינָה

Cryptic wisdom that concealed the help provided by the demigod, Thoth, who gave the Ancient Egyptians their scientific methods. Such as the Power of Herupakhered, represented as young Horus standing on the backs of crocodiles in front of an image of Thoth.


Herupakhered is defined from ancient Coptic Greek as heru, the tool of strengths, pa, port and khered, the ability to move stone and earth. Herupakhered, was one of the primary Low Tech Tools used to create a large irrigation reservoir. an irrigation project,that was once known as the Sea of Nun; an irrigation project that quickly turned the Nile river basin from a humble desert kingdom into a world agricultural power. Then that kingdom became known by its Semitic name, Metzrayim, a name that today would be defined as River Dam. The Book of Job speaks of the building of the Great Pyramid as the level of that irrigation lake rose behind that dam. However, upon the destruction of that dam and the draining of the Sea of Nun; the Great Pyramid rose from those receding waters, an event that was well documented by Isaiah in his 19th chapter. After that dam’s destruction that nation became known by the Coptic Greek name, Egypt. Aiguptis, which is derived from aigialos, a sea, and ptoeo to cause to flee away. The funny thing is that by using the writings of these historical figures as a template; Howard West has been able to find an impressive amount of historical and scientific evidence to collaborate Isaiah’s and Job’s concepts of the building and revealing of the Great Pyramid and its intended function.

Howard West’s Locked Gates, The Riddle Lord’s Secrets reveals additional wisdom and technologies, such as those found inThe city of the Horizon of Aten, a city which contained a technology of ancient Egypt that was so Top-Secret that the priesthood of Amun of during the reigns of the Pharaohs Tutankhamen and Horemheb, dismantled that city piece by piece, then those broken stones were shuffled and hidden with in the Great Pylons of Karnack to hide their prized technology: a stone riddle that could only be revealed by an earth quake and reassembled by modern computer wizardry.

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Author: Howard West relishes talking about his controversial findings, therefore, he has been on many radio and TELEVISION talk shows, including Coast to Coast AM.

About the Author:

West lives at his forty acre research facility, Pilgrim Ranch high in the mountains of central Nevada. A location which allows him to live simply, similarly to those ancient low tech Riddle Lords and test their scientific principles: revealing the answers to lost wisdom like The Riddle of Alchemy, a process which will not make a person rich today, but can lead to mercury induced madness. Howard West under pen names has also written many magazine articles on subject as varied as the US Marine Corp Mule Packing School to Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Site and its nemesis, rock that releases water when heated. West also has several videos that illustrates his findings available through his Youtube channel, theQuicksilverkey.

The non-fiction book Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets by Howard West is published in Hard Cover format and is currently available through brick and mortar book stores and online retailers including and


Howard West


Stone Art and the Winds of Egypt from the Hard cover book, Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords’ Secrets

Mankind’s Past is controversial with competing intellectual groups proudly holding on to differing traditions, each field of study believing that their traditions best chronicles the human race’s Past, these differing traditions are each held as undeniable FACTS. Howard West’s hard cover book, Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords’ Secrets stands in opposition to those tradition by revealing contrary subject materials that have been hidden in ancient books, scrolls, geological, and archaeological records. This evidence shows a far different account of mankind’s distant Past and its approaching Future. To showcase this evidence found in the E-book, Locked Gates, West has produced a series of nine videos, the third book trailer Stone Art and the Winds of Egypt, solves the problem with the massive amount of stone, bas-relief and statuary created in Egypt with copper tools, the explanation found on the wall art called the Giants of Denderah, a technology that uses sand and fast moving air.
