Answers Long Misunderstood

Posts tagged “Pegasus

Medusa and Hydra Unraveled

Now that we have the history of General Miles and his war with the Apaches as a template and the fact that Xenophon called his bright shield heliographs, “Aspis also interpreted as snakes”, we can use that information as the starting point to unwind these “Riddles” of Medusa and Hydra. Medusa’s adversary was also a herculean figure that also had Zeus as his father. Though Perseus (Lightning Shield) was born1 of Dana’e (not Alcmena), who after Zeus had tired of Perseus’ mom, the King of Seriphus fell in love with her. The problem was the King did not like being reminded that he was not Dana’e’s first love. She had a son; to the King it seemed Perseus was always in the way. Now Perseus is in “The Way”2 immortalized in the night sky, north of Taurus and to the right of Andromeda and to the left of Aurica. Perseus was also the founder of Clytemnestra’s home town, Mycenae. The King of Seriphus devised a Quest for young Perseus to prove to the world that he was a man and at the same time do a service for the Crown. This was a quest that the king was sure would rid him of this unwanted memory of Dana’e’s past. The King sent Perseus to Gorgon (the land of ugly women) and to Medusa the monster woman with aspis for hair. 3However, those aspis were: Xenophon’s bright shield heliographs: NOT SNAKES.


Each aspis was a magic mirror or heliograph that was installed on one of Medusa’s many mountain top or watchtower “Sentinel outposts” each of which were manned by her faithful Gorgons and those watchtowers were really her eyes and ears who sent communiques back to her from the horizon and beyond. The Gorgon sentinel out post was symbolized as snakes emanating from Medusa and these outposts had only one Eye, a mirrored shield that the Gorgons would blink (or wink) Morris Code like messages to Medusa and to other sentinel outposts, communiques that allowed for direct interaction with Medusa in her citadel in real time. In so doing Medusa controlled the “High Ground”. These heliographs gave up to the minute intelligence to Medusa, just as General Mile’s mountain top heliographs gave him the advantage over the Apache. bird blinks

These mirrored shields were also known as Eyes or Cyclopes, sorry that word Cyclopes also means a disk of copper with a bright finish4 besides the common definition of a one-eyed monster5 and the Egyptians called these Cyclopes, Horus, udjat depicted as a human eye and eyebrow.6 These were quicksilver coated copper shields/disks, a magic mirror using the alchemist silver trick.

Geronimo said of those mirrors:

“A power that I could not understand”


Because of the heilographic communication system which Medusa used, she was able to keep a constant watch on strangers, merchant caravans, and enemy troop movements. Medusa could set up ambushes with her troops, long before the unsuspecting visitor could even know that Medusa was aware of him. It must have seemed as if that stranger was moving like a stone when events overtook him.

Now Perseus had some advisers, Nymphs “Smart young women” at least as smart as Clytemnestra. These Nymphs gave that young man some good advice.7 Wear Shoes of Swiftness8 to be able to out run Medusa’s lighting fast communications system. So the Nymphs gave him some “Six League Boots” called the Shoes of Swiftness. The text does not call her Nike the goddess of Winged Victory but my guess is that she had some shoes for him to wear, however, those shoes never left the ground they were the wings of the Great Falcon


Coffin Text Passage 148


I am Horus, the great Falcon upon the ramparts of the house of him of the hidden name.

(Horus was the heliograph that was on the platform of the Great Pyramid.)

My flights have reached the horizon.

(Blinks of light “The message” could be read as far away as the horizon and be transmitted to the next horizon.)

I have passed by the gods of Nut. I have gone further that the gods of old. Even the most ancient bird could not equal my very first flight.

(A speed unequaled, because the messages that traveled at the speed of light to the horizon.)

I have removed my place beyond the power of Set, the foe of my father Osiris.

(Messages that were traveling above the enemy that had no way stop the message.)

No other god could do what I have done.

I have brought the ways of eternity to the twilight of the morning.

These messages could be transmitted during the daylight hours at speeds that would take days of travel by the fastest horsemen and that communication was done in a matter of seconds. A feat that would seem to be as amazing as Time Travel would be today.

I am Unique in my flight

(The message could be sent and the sender, stay at the point of origination.)

One of the many symbols of Horus was the winged sun disk 10with a mirror in its center. The wings of this heilographic device were not to fly with but too damper or screen the light so the field of view would be reduced. We get our letter “A” and the Sanskrit’s first letter from the Sun Disk’s folded wings.


You most often see the Sun disk with its wing spread: but when the wings are folded to reduce the field of view the Sun disk becomes an “A” from the overhead view .


First letter in



The light being affected in the same way that movie studio set lights use the same type of wings to put light only to the place most needed. This device gave Perseus knowledge from as far away as “the HORUSion” or six leagues away without taking a step. The messenger god of Rome was Mercury who also had winged feet of swiftness. Remember the metal that gave these copper mirrors their shine, mercury, the trick of the Alchemist silver.

The Nymphs Advised Perseus

Wear the Cap of Darkness and Use a Sword of Sharpness”

The Sentinel outposts of Medusa used the sun as a light source for their communication system making that interaction impossible during the nighttime hours: and because of the darkness, consequently, there was not enough light for the Gorgons to see clearly in the dark. Night is the “Cap of Darkness” and was the perfect time for Perseus to move unseen by Medusa’s watchtowers. “One tooth is all that the Gorgons had”, one copper sword, this type of weapon was the standard military issue of the time and was cheap, easy to sharpen; but would not hold a sharp edge and would nick with the first use. Unfortunately, because of that softness, they would become dull quickly and the sharper the copper sword, the quicker it would become blunted. Iron swords that were made from meteors were available, but were rare. Even so, the gold miners of that era had an abundance of magnetite iron that was cast off in the refining of gold, so that iron was available and easier to locate than a Falling Star. Though both types of Iron swords would keep an edge and if the antagonist was strong enough, he could cut a copper sword in two with one blow, that Iron sword made it easier to capture the Sentinel Outpost.

Because, of that victory Perseus was able to use the mirror of the Sentinel Eye to tell Medusa that he, Perseus was moving away from Medusa when he was actually coming toward her. Therefore, Medusa was unaware of the approach of Perseus; consequently, her defenses were down. This apathy was because she had grown to rely on the aspis (heliographs or mirrors) to blink a warning before an intruder could enter her city. This complacency made it easy for Perseus to walk in, and defeat Medusa.

Hydra Verses Hercules

Now let us get back to Perseus’ big brother, and Hercules’ problem, The Hydra. Again it is a problem that deals with a beast with many aspis heads or (heliographic) Sentinels Out posts. However, this time those Sentinels Out posts were on wooden watchtowers, Sentinel Outposts that were in the command of the “High Ground.” As a reference we will have to come back to the mid-20th century of the Christian era, and the war on the Korean peninsula, a war where thousands of men died over the control of “The High Ground.” There is an Old military adage:

He who controls the High Ground

Controls the Battle.

The reason being is that with the view from the high ground a general can see the battle field and knows where both his troops and those of his enemy troops are. However, his enemy is kept from having that field of view and command and control, making the generals troop’s invisible. This invisibility and this heilographic command and control, allows the general to move his troops unseen by his enemy. Troops moved to give our general the best advantage to win the battle. Today the US Military uses satellites as High Ground Sentinel out posts, but they are somewhat slower than the boots on the ground surveillance of the old fashion “High Ground” sentinels.

The problem for our old friend Hercules and his Legendary “Olive Branch” club had was that after working “all night” to take control of the High Ground Watchtower, and taking the Outposts Aspis heliograph; which was one of the many heads of the Hydra. Hercules would then move onto the next watchtower, leaving that High Ground unguarded, at which time his enemies would re-man the tower with a new aspis heliograph carried on the backs of horses  (Pegasus) and be back in business of controlling the High Ground. Hercules’ nephew saw what was happening and thought “this is DUMB” So even, though Iolaus was not the warrior that his uncle Hercules was, he knew how to start a fire and burned the watchtowers down after Hercules had cleared them out of enemy troops, but before the enemy could re-man them.


1Strongs, Op. Cite,, G. 785, 4442

2 Bullinger E, W. The Witness of the Stars 1893, The stars of the heavens were once known

3 Rose H. J, “Medusa” , Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.11, P. 234-235

4 Strongs, Op. Cite, G ,No,5467,5464, 5475, 5474

5 Ibid, no 3442


7One league is equal to one hour of walking

8 Waxman N., ”Winged Victory” , Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.23, P. 527

9 Clark R. T. R, Myth and Symbols of Ancient Egypt : Thames and Hudson, London 1991 65, Simmons S, D., Op. Cite, Colliers Vol. 15, p. 749

10Simmons S, D., Colliers, Vol. 15, p. 749


The Udjat , the Eye of Osiris and NASAs Golden Mirrors

From the book Locked Gates by Howard West

29 mirror 563710main_msfc-mirror-lg

NASA had a problem with solar heat gain in outer space and has developed a solar heat shield to reflect the sun’s heat away from its equipment. So unwittingly they took a page from Soloman’s play book and created the golden shields called “Space Blankets”1 , and similar reflective silvery blankets can be found at any Sporting Goods outlet; although, that heat shield is not the same as what NASA uses in space. NASA uses the best reflecting material of the Sun’s light, gold2. Even so, the gold leaf material gives a more yellow tint to the light that is reflected than quicksilver would but gold does have superior reflecting properties. One reason is because gold never tarnishes unlike silver that will oxidize or tarnish and quicksilver will evaporate way after a time. That is why the Dome of the Rock Mosque and the Statue of Liberty have a gold leaf coating on their dome and flame, consequently, they can be seen for miles during the day without the need for an outside power source and therefore, only a small amount of artificial light is needed at night. That yellow tint makes the Statue of Liberty’s torch look as if it’s aflame with fire (also known as a beacon).

14 eye and bird jpg

Golden heliographic mirrors were preferred by those who could afford them. The reason being is because constant contact with mercury brings madness, the longer you were exposed to the slowly evaporating metal, the more symptoms you would display. The first is irritability, then blackening of the finger nails (that alchemists usually have), with the eventual loss of fingernails, hair, teeth, wife and your mind. Even so, men were expendable and gold was costly. Therefore, mercury mirrors were the common heliographic type.


The 500 Golden Shields of Solomon,3 the Hittite Sun Disks,4 the Egyptian Eye of Osiris, or the Udjat that was depicted as a human eye.5 ,The Babylonian winged Utu,6 and the Four Bronze Mirrors of Taoism7 were common as far back as two thousand years before the Christian era, and even to Enoch’s time more than twelve thousand years ago. That statement is based on the texts of the Book of Enoch8 that speaks of Ursa Major and Minor being on the western horizon at sun set during the month of June 10,000 years before the Christian era began.9

18 Nine Hitite sundisk Jpg

The Golden Communication Shields or Eyes (winged sun disks) were in every city in the Middle East three thousand years ago. David was King of Israel at about that time which was about the same time that Clytemnestra and Princess Entiu-ny lived. When David would capture a city the first thing he would take as booty was the Golden Shields. He not only took the ones in the town itself, but David would also take the portable military winged units that were on the pack-horses. (Shades of Pegasus) The English translation of the Coptic Peshitta text of The Chronicles of the Kings of Israel10

And King David took the (winged sun disks) Shields of Gold that were on

the horses of the servants of Hadarezer, and brought them to Jerusalem

and likewise from Tibhath and from Berothi cities of Hadarezer.”

19jpg sundisk jpg

The loss of a city’s Golden Magic Mirrored Communication Shield was a major loss. That city was no longer able to carry on trade outside the local area or be able to request help from other cities in case of an attack. Consequently, when David took those mirrored shields the loss of communication to other cities was as though they lost both thumbs and both big toes:they were totally defeated.

The Shield of Hercules

translated by Evelyn-White

Hercules took his strong spear, pointed with shining bronze, and on his valiant head set a well-made helm of adamant, cunningly wrought, which fitted closely on the temples; and that guarded the head of god-like Hercules. In his hands he took his shield, all glittering: no one ever broke it with a blow or crushed it. And a wonder it was to see; for its whole orb was a-shimmer with enamel and white ivory and electrum (an amalgam of gold and mercury used to produce gold plate), and it glowed with shining gold;

The Shield of Achilles

The Iliad, Book 18:

The first thing he created was a huge and sturdy shield, all wonderfully crafted. Around its outer edge, he fixed a triple rim, glittering in the light…

The Hebrew words used for these glittering golden or quicksilver-coated shields are, SHALAT or SHALET that means: dominions, in power, have power or rule.11 Other words used for those types of shields are MAGEN, MAGAN or MEGILLAN,12 all means: to deliver up, present or a scroll. KYDOW a spark or blink of light.13 The Hebrews scribes who used these shields were called armor bearers, and the communications were called “saw-far14 which translate to “Collect and record with slashes or marks.”


When David’s son, Solomon became king, he built watchtowers all over his kingdom and beyond. There were so many watchtowers that they were likened to “The Forest of Lebanon.” Solomon made two hundred large shields of gold and three hundred smaller shields of gold to be used in those watchtowers, each shield symbolized the heliographic connection to one of the many tribal leaders. The main warehouse and communication watchtower was called”: The House of The Forest of Lebanon.” 15

This Network of disbursed watchtowers and golden magic mirrored heliographs gave Solomon intelligence on everything in his realm. This included information on such things as: grazing conditions, water sources, availability of commodities, arrival of caravans, the location of strangers or even enemy troop movements. This intelligence went beyond King Solomon’s realm into the land of the Hittites and even into the land of Egypt, which Solomon had an alliance with. As you know, Information is SHALAT16 (power). This was the same Power that Medusa and General Miles had and used.

10 jpg US army heliograph

The watchtowers of Solomon were stationary unlike those used by General Miles troops; nevertheless, there was still the problem of making sure that the watchman was alert for any messages. The problem was also that the signal could only be seen at certain times of the day.17 This meant that they could set a time to be extra alert for a message. The Muslims still have a memory trace of that to this day. A man goes to the top of his minaret or watchtower to call the people to prayer five times a day. When direct communication between any two watchtowers was impossible because of the angle of the sun, they would use a trick that the Arab sailors would discover centuries later and tack into the wind,18 the watchman would send his message to any Watchtower that could speed his message along the way to its final destination, even if that message had to zig zag through a dozen extra watchtowers. The message would have an ending code or a line cipher that enabled the receiver to double-check the accuracy of the message.

Solomon and David were neither the first nor the last of the Kings of Israel to use the communication Shields. Saul before them used a bronze or copper shield that he anointed with a slick and oily liquid metal.19 After Solomon’s death his son Rehoboam reined, however, Rehoboam lost those five hundred magic mirrored communication aspis or shields of gold to the king of Egypt, Shishaik.


Rehoboam20 replaced the Golden shields with bronze coated with quicksilver (mercury) shields. This process was also used by gold miners of that day. The liquid metal would cling to copper and make an excellent mirror; and if small pieces of gold dust were in a copper gold pan with a mercury coating it would make the gold cling to the mercury. This is a quick, cheap, and efficient way to gold plate a mirror with the Alchemist Gold. The mercury would slowly evaporate leaving the gold locked in the matrix of the surface of the copper plate and then that gold would then be polished into the surface leaving a bright golden finish.

14 jpg Princess Egypt 2

The Egyptians had a belief that if they would place a pool of ink into the hollow of their hand they could see the future (Chiromancy)22: but it was not always ink, no in the distant past it was a pool of Quicksilver (Mercury). That shiny molten liquid metal in their hand would make a mirror, and a face would gaze back at the seer. In ancient Egyptian the word “Hor23 translates to face, in English In the distant past a reflection of one’s face? Yes, the all Seeing Eye of Hor-aspis, the Dweller on the horizon (Horus-ion)24. Harpokrate: the infant Horus the baby sun25 the reflection of the sun in a magic mirror. A papyrus from Thebes produced in the Twenty-first Egyptian Dynasties known as, The Judgment of the Princess Entiu-ny26. This is depicting a scene in ancient Egypt. A young woman is standing before a scale and is presenting three eyes in her hand. Those Eyes are three messages that she received that are depicted at the top of that papyrus.

14 Princess Egypt jpg3


The three messages all end with an Eye denoting that a mirrored shield sent them from the location depicted by the larger symbol that she is facing above. The messages are quite similar to each other though the message that was from The Hawk (Horus) from atop the Great Pyramid27 is somewhat longer than the others. The little fellow (the baboon) that is sitting on the top of the scales is Egyptian representation of Thoth28 (aka Mercury)29. As he sits on the scales, he has the power to change the outcome of the trial by shifting his weight. The court Jester, Thoth or Mercury, was the real judge in this picture.30 .


14 jpg Princess Egypt 2

1 NASA. Gov/space blanket

2“Silver”, Op. Cite, Colliers V. 21, 1997+

3 Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite P. 466, C19:160

4 Simmons S.D., Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.15, P749



7 “Taoism”, Op. Cite, Colliers V.22, 1997+

8Laurence Dr. R, Ethiopian Enoch, Also known as The Book of Pa- Hanok, University of Oxford, England, Chapter 81

9 Starry Nights, Computer star charting program.

10Lamsa, G. M., Op. OiteP466, C,18:78

11Strongs, Op. Cite, H, No. 7982

12 American Revised Standard Concordance and Hebrew Dictionary

13Strongs, James,Op. Cite H. 7782

14 Ibid H. 5608, 5618

15 Lamsa, G. M., Op. Cite P488, C. 9:15-16

16 Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890, H, No. 7982

17 Islam Op. Cite Colliers

18Taylor W. H, ”Sailing” Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.20, P. 338

19 Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite P343

20Ibid P491, C.8:9

21 Ibid P578, C. 29:11

22Hall-Quest A. L. Fortune Telling, Colliers ,Op. Cite Vol., 10, P211-212


24 Ibid

25 Ibid

26 “Ancient Egypt”, Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.8, P. 670 Judgment of Entiu-Ny, from the Metropolitan Museum of art

27 Clark R. T. R, Myth and Symbols of Ancient Egypt : Thames and Hudson, London 1991

28 Van Rosen ,B. “Medicine” , Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.15, P. 641

29 Duckworth, G. E., “Hermes” , Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.12, P. 79


31Milik J. T, The Book of Enoch: Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4 : Oxford Press , Oxford England 1976

32Laurence Dr. R, Ethiopian Enoch, Also known as The Book of Pa- Hanok University of Oxford, England

33Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890, H 2526, 2346


35 Langdon, Babylonian Liturgies (Paris, 1913), p. 65

36Akhtar, Jamna das, transl.

37 Paulinus Fr., Systema Brahmanicum (Rome, 1791), pp. 156f

38Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite, P.C21:5

39 Slipher, , Op. Cite, Colliers Op. Cite, V13,P339

40Sullivan, Secret of the Inca, Crown Publisher, New York, 1996

41“China” Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.17, P. 108

42Simmon S. D, ”Mesopotamia: Ancient Civilization ” Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.15, P749.

43 Paulinus,Fr. Systema Brahmanicum (Rome, 1791), pp. 156

44Strongs, Op. Cite,. Greek no.575

45Ibid no. 3639

46Ibid, no. 619

47Ibid, no. 4744

48Pliny, Historia Naturalis II. 8. 30; Macrobius, Saturnalia I. 19. 7.

49Flores ed. Matthew of Westminster (, 1601, p. 82)

50 Mattingly H. Tacitus, Germania IX, transl. (1948):

51Duckworth, Op. Cite, Colliers Op. Cite, V12,p79


53Bowman, Colliers Op. Cite

54Laurence Dr. R, Op.Cite C.8:1



Medusa and Hydra Unraveled

8  Medusa Jpg

In my last Blog, Mirror Mirror, we have the history of General Miles and his war with the Apaches as a template and the fact that Xenophon called his bright shield heliographs, “Aspis also interpreted as snakes”, we can use that information as the starting point to unwind these “Riddles” of Medusa and Hydra. Medusa’s adversary was also a herculean figure that also had Zeus as his father. Though Perseus (Lightning Shield) was born1 of Dana’e (not Alcmena), who after Zeus had tired of Perseus’ mom, the King of Seriphus fell in love with her. The problem was the King did not like being reminded that he was not Dana’e’s first love. She had a son; to the King it seemed Perseus was always in the way. Now Perseus is in “The Way”2 immortalized in the night sky, north of Taurus and to the right of Andromeda and to the left of Aurica. Perseus was also the founder of Clytemnestra’s home town, Mycenae. The King of Seriphus devised a Quest for young Perseus to prove to the world that he was a man and at the same time do a service for the Crown. This was a quest that the king was sure would rid him of this unwanted memory of Dana’e’s past. The King sent Perseus to Gorgon (the land of ugly women) and to Medusa the monster woman with aspis for hair. 3However, those aspis were: Xenophon’s bright shield heliographs: NOT SNAKES.

Each aspis was a magic mirror or heliograph that was installed on one of Medusa’s many mountain top or watchtower “Sentinel outposts” each of which were manned by her faithful Gorgons and those watchtowers were really her eyes and ears who sent communiques back to her from the horizon and beyond. The Gorgon sentinel out post was symbolized as snakes emanating from Medusa and these outposts had only one Eye, a mirrored shield that the Gorgons would blink (or wink) messages to Medusa and to other sentinel outposts, communiques that allowed for direct interaction with Medusa in her citadel in real time. In so doing Medusa controlled the “High Ground”. These heliographs gave up to the minute intelligence to Medusa, just as General Mile’s mountain top heliographs gave him the advantage over the Apache.

These mirrored shields were also known as Eyes or Cyclopes, sorry that word Cyclopes’ also means a disk of copper with a bright finish4 besides the common definition of a one-eyed monster5 and the Egyptians called these Cyclopes, Horus, udjat depicted as a human eye and eyebrow.6 These were quicksilver coated copper shields/disks, a magic mirror using the alchemist silver trick.     


Geronimo said of those mirrors:“A power that I could not understand”

Because of the heilographic communication system which Medusa used, she was able to keep a constant watch on strangers, merchant caravans, and enemy troop movements. Medusa could set up ambushes with her troops, long before the unsuspecting visitor could even know that Medusa was aware of him. It must have seemed as if that stranger was moving like a stone when events overtook him.

Now Perseus had some advisers, Nymphs “Smart young women” at least as smart as Clytemnestra. These Nymphs gave that young man some good advice.7 Wear Shoes of Swiftness8 to be able to out run Medusa’s lighting fast communications system. So the Nymphs gave him some “Six League Boots” called the Shoes of Swiftness. The text does not call her Nike the goddess of Winged Victory but my guess is that she had some shoes for him to wear, however, those shoes never left the ground they were the wings of the Great Falcon.9

bird blinks

I am Horus, the great Falcon upon the ramparts of the house of him of the hidden name.

Horus was the heliograph that was on the platform of the Great Pyramid.

My flights have reached the horizon.

Blinks of light “The message” could be read as far away as the horizon and be transmitted to the next horizon.

I have passed by the gods of Nut. I have gone further that the gods of old. Even the most ancient bird could not equal my very first flight.

A speed unequaled, because the messages that traveled at the speed of light to the horizon.

I have removed my place beyond the power of Set, the foe of my father Osiris.

Messages that were traveling above the enemy that had no way stop the message.

No other god could do what I have done.

I have brought the ways of eternity to the twilight of the morning.

These messages could be transmitted during the daylight hours at speeds that would take days of travel by the fastest horsemen and that communication was done in a matter of seconds. A feat that would seem to be as amazing as Time Travel would be today.

I am Unique in my flight

The message could be sent and the sender, stay at the point of origination.

19jpg sundisk jpg

One of the many symbols of Horus was the winged sun disk 10with a mirror in its center. The wings of this heilographic device were not to fly with but too damper or screen the light so the field of view would be reduced. We get our letter “A” and the Sanskrit’s first letter from the Sun Disk’s folded wings.

You most often see the Sun disk with its wing spread: but when the wings are folded to reduce the field of view the Sun disk becomes an “A” from the overhead view. The light being affected in the same way that movie studio set lights use the same type of wings to put light only to the place most needed. This device gave Perseus knowledge from as far away as “the HORUSion” or six leagues away without taking a step. The messenger god of Rome was Mercury who also had winged feet of swiftness. Remember the metal that gave these copper mirrors their shine, mercury, the trick of the Alchemist silver.

The Nymphs Advised Perseus

Wear the Cap of Darkness and Use a Sword of Sharpness”

The Sentinel outposts of Medusa used the sun as a light source for their communication system making that interaction impossible during the nighttime hours: and because of the darkness, consequently, there was not enough light for the Gorgons to see clearly in the dark. Night is the “Cap of Darkness” and was the perfect time for Perseus to move unseen by Medusa’s watchtowers.

Now Perseus had some advisers, Nymphs “Smart young women” at least as smart as Clytemnestra. These Nymphs gave that young man some good advice.1 Wear Shoes of Swiftness2 to be able to out run Medusa’s lighting fast communications system. So the Nymphs gave him some “Six League Boots” called the Shoes of Swiftness. The text does not call her Nike the goddess of Winged Victory but my guess is that she had some shoes for him to wear, however, those shoes never left the ground they were the wings of the Great Falcon


One of the many symbols of Horus was the winged sun disk 4with a mirror in its center. The wings of this heilographic device were not to fly with but too damper or screen the light so the field of view would be reduced. We get our letter “A” and the Sanskrit’s first letter from the Sun Disk’s folded wings. 17 jpg sandscrit A

You most often see the Sun disk with its wing spread: but when the wings are folded to reduce the field of view the Sun disk becomes an “A” from the overhead view. The light being affected in the same way that movie studio set lights use the same type of wings to put light only to the place most needed. This device gave Perseus knowledge from as far away as “the HORUSion” or six leagues away without taking a step. The messenger god of Rome was Mercury who also had winged feet of swiftness. Remember the metal that gave these copper mirrors their shine, mercury, the trick of the Alchemist silver.

The Nymphs Advised Perseus

Wear the Cap of Darkness and Use a Sword of Sharpness”

The Sentinel outposts of Medusa used the sun as a light source for their communication system making that interaction impossible during the nighttime hours: and because of the darkness, consequently, there was not enough light for the Gorgons to see clearly in the dark. Night is the “Cap of Darkness” and was the perfect time for Perseus to move unseen by Medusa’s watchtowers.

One tooth is all that the Gorgons had”, one copper sword, this type of weapon was the standard military issue of the time and was cheap, easy to sharpen; but would not hold a sharp edge and would nick with the first use. Unfortunately, because of that softness, they would become dull quickly and the sharper the copper sword, the quicker it would become blunted. Iron swords that were made from meteors were available, but were rare. Even so, the gold miners of that era had an abundance of magnetite iron that was cast off in the refining of gold, so that iron was available and easier to locate than a Falling Star. Though both types of Iron swords would keep an edge and if the antagonist was strong enough, he could cut a copper sword in two with one blow, that Iron sword made it easier to capture the Sentinel Outpost.

Because, of that victory Perseus was able to use the mirror of the Sentinel Eye to tell Medusa that he, Perseus was moving away from Medusa when he was actually coming toward her. Therefore, Medusa was unaware of the approach of Perseus; consequently, her defenses were down. This apathy was because she had grown to rely on the aspis (heliographs or mirrors) to blink a warning before an intruder could enter her city. This complacency made it easy for Perseus to walk in, and defeat Medusa.

Hydra Verses Hercules


Now let us get back to Perseus’ big brother, and Hercules’ problem, The Hydra. Again it is a problem that deals with a beast with many aspis heads or (heliographic) Sentinels Out posts. However, this time those Sentinels Out posts were on wooden watchtowers, Sentinel Outposts that were in the command of the “High Ground.” As a reference we will have to come back to the mid-20th century of the Christian era, and the war on the Korean peninsula, a war where thousands of men died over the control of “The High Ground.” There is an Old military adage:

He who controls the High Ground

Controls the Battle.

The reason being is that with the view from the high ground a general can see the battle field and knows where both his troops and those of his enemy troops are. However, his enemy is kept from having that field of view and command and control, making the generals troop’s invisible. This invisibility and this heilographic command and control, allows the general to move his troops unseen by his enemy. Troops moved to give our general the best advantage to win the battle. Today the US Military uses satellites as High Ground Sentinel out posts, but they are somewhat slower than the boots on the ground surveillance of the old fashion “High Ground” sentinels.

The problem for our old friend Hercules and his Legendary “Olive Branch” club had was that after working “all night” to take control of the High Ground Watchtower, and taking the Outposts Aspis heliograph; which was one of the many heads of the Hydra. Hercules would then move onto the next watchtower, leaving that High Ground unguarded, at which time his enemies would re-man the tower with a new aspis heliograph and be back in business of controlling the High Ground. Hercules’ nephew saw what was happening and thought “this is DUMB” So even, though Iolaus was not the warrior that his uncle Hercules was, he knew how to start a fire and burned the watchtowers down after Hercules had cleared them out of enemy troops, but before the enemy could re-man them.

The best snapshot of the uses of the Hittite Winged Sun Disk heliograph is a bas-relief1 sculpture of three men holding the Magic mirrored unit, which is found in the collection at the Metropolitan museum of arts. This sculpture has been dated to two thousand years before the Christian era began. That is a thousand years before King David of Israel, Clytemnestra and the Egyptian Princess Entiu-ny.

Nine Hitite sundisk Jpg

Two of the men in the relief are stabilizing the device and directing the reflective beam of light. The third is stabilizing the other two men’s arms. Just above the two men’s shoulders, there are two levers that are used to stabilize the unit if placed on the ground. A round disk on a pole was used to blink the mirror reflection. This is one of the military small portable units used in battle and was carried on the backs of horses. The Sun disk’s wings were not for flying as I have mentioned before, but those wings were for reducing the field of view. In the late 19th century the British military use pipes and even gun bores to narrow the field of view of their heliographs in effect creating the forerunner to our modern LASER.

Medusa’s Gorgons, used horses to transport just as General Miles his heliographs. Homer’s Bellerophn found one of Medusa lost horses with a sun disk aboard with its wings folded over the horse’s flanks. Homer was BLIND1 and everything he spoke of was from a blind man’s perspective, so you cannot take him as an eye witness. Therefore, when Homer was told of a horse with wings on its back and able to deliver messages quickly through the air: Homer explained it as a flying horse. The ancient translation of the word we pronounce Pegasus is Pege-aspis which means a stratagem2 and the signaling bright shield.3. That is why when Bellerophn found that abandoned horse and its precious cargo, he named the horse and its load “Pegasus” or Pege-aspis and after this stratagem of Aries (Mars), enabling Bellerophn to use Pegasus to defeat the Chimera.4

Mohammad was thought to have used this type of winged horse communication system to keep track of Islam’s most holy sites. One of these heilographic sentinel outposts was on the hill where the Dome of the Rock now sits in Jerusalem. Mohammad was a great military leader and would have used that tool of a horse portable heliograph to his greatest advantage, though many Muslims would consider the Magic of the heliograph being connected to Mohammad to be heresy.

Ahura Mazda ,Persepolis

The religious convictions of the Hittites’ were the foundation of the Zoroasterision sect and their main god is Ahura Mazda the good god, of truth, and light.5 One of the most prominent depictions of Ahura Mazda is on the wall of the gateway to the ruined Persian capital of Persepolis where he stands in the middle of a Hittite Sun Disk heliograph where he is holding a small mirror. This is the same type of golden disks that was found in burial shafts of ancient Mycenae found by Heinrich Schiemann in the late 1868-1876 of the Christian era6. Little round Magic Mirrors of gold used to flash messages to the nearest watch tower (cell-tower) giving the man on the go instant communication, so he could keep in touch. Magic Mirrors that were entombed with those leaders, just as today some people are buried with their portable communication devices, cell phones.

In the 13th century, before the Christian era there was a Hittite king called, The Great King of Khatti: though in Egyptian the name would have been pronounced KHUTI. That name is the word for “LIGHTS.” The Great King of Lights fought Rameses II at the battle of Kadish in the Orontes valley in what is now Syria. The Great King of Lights forced Ramses II to sign a treaty in Karnack, Egypt7. The Winged Sun Disks (lights) were used for communication, surveillance, command and control. This gave the Hittite king the advantage over Ramses II of Egypt who was thought to be the best war tactician of his time, Rameses II, was fought to a draw because he did not control the “High Ground.”


1Homer ,World Book Encyclopedia, Field Enterprise Educational Corp,V 9

2Strongs James, Op. Cite,, Greek, no. 3803, 698, 4077

3 Ibid 875

4Stow H.L, “Pegasus” ,World Book Encyclopedia, Op. Cite., Vol.15, P. 202

5Duchesne J, “Zoroastrian” Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.23, P. 777

6Scranton R.L, ”Mycenae” Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.17, P. 108

7Woods, M, Op.CiteP173-174

1Jones T. B, “Hittite” , Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.12, P. 162 Photo Metropolitan Museum of Art

1One league is equal to one hour of walking

2 Waxman N., ”Winged Victory” , Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.23, P. 527

3 Clark R. T. R, Myth and Symbols of Ancient Egypt : Thames and Hudson, London 1991 65, Simmons S, D., Op. Cite, Colliers Vol. 15, p. 749

4Simmons S, D., Colliers, Vol. 15, p. 749

1Strongs, Op. Cite,, G. 785, 4442

2 Bullinger E, W. The Witness of the Stars 1893, The stars of the heavens were once known

3 Rose H. J, “Medusa” , Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.11, P. 234-235

4 Strongs, Op. Cite, G ,No,5467,5464, 5475, 5474

5 Ibid, no 3442


7One league is equal to one hour of walking

8 Waxman N., ”Winged Victory” , Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.23, P. 527

9 Clark R. T. R, Myth and Symbols of Ancient Egypt : Thames and Hudson, London 1991 65, Simmons S, D., Op. Cite, Colliers Vol. 15, p. 749

10Simmons S, D., Colliers, Vol. 15, p. 749

Wisdom Hidden in Balls of Thread


Locked Gates deals with ancient mysteries; the wise men of the past knew transporting complex wisdom through Time was like trying to push a string.  However, if you roll that string or wisdom into a ball of knots by telling that wisdom in the form of stories of mystical beings, that ball form, allows you to push that ball, and then the ball just keeps rolling downhill though “Time” creating a life of its own.

Those riddles about mystical beings contain the secrets for everything from where we got the alphabets to where the moon came from, In the book Locked Gates, I  have taken the time needed to unravel those Time Traveling Balls of Wisdom , balls of threads like the one that lead Theseus out of the darkness of labyrinth of Minotaur

Locked Gates


Coast to Coast AM Introduction

 of Howard West