Answers Long Misunderstood

locked gates

Boats and the Great Pyramid vs George Noory

I leave the radio program Coast to Coast AM on at night: because I have the knack of waking when George wants to bury a “topic.” In the last 10 minutes of Thursday – October 15, 2015 and Dr. Heather Lynn interview she hit upon a subject that awakened me: because that topic got me “banned” from ever again being a guest on Coast to Coast. A subject that I was not allowed to present on his program ( If you were listening to Professor, Heather Lee’s interview  you notice how quickly George got agitated and then  came against her statement about barges used to transport the stone blocks for the pyramids? He flatty it was stated that he thought “it was not feasible”. Why? Because the Scholarly World is not the only group that recoils at the thought of being proven WRONG!

Herodotus said:

The Pyramid was twenty years in the building

and the Machines to lift the stone were made of wood.”

35 jpg pyramid

Twenty years to transport 2.3 million blocks. “Machines” are translated from the Greek word machana. Because, if you go to any common Greek Lexicon, it will say that “machana” is defined as a machine. However, if you look at words with similar root-words you will find they are defined as “ship captains and seamen”. Furthermore, if boats are not machines; what are they? Crocodiles?


I am sure you have heard of the Egyptian god, ‘Horus’ in the specific form of Herupakhered: where he is depicted as young Horus standing on the backs of crocodiles. Heru-pa-khered is defined from ancient Coptic Greek root-words as: Heru: the Coptic form of the Greek word: “HER” and is defined as “the tool of strengths.” This root word is used in the Greek god/man, Her-cules;   pa,    awesome accomplishment or to brag;    khered,    earth or stone moving.

The vast majority of the stone blocks were transported by boats (machana) envisaged as crocodiles. Not transported on rollers over land, though the blocks were on rollers as they traveled in the boat. These barges transported numerous stone blocks and were powered by two oar propelled boats. The stone barge and its propulsion unites would look like a representation of a crocodile with swimming legs (oars) and a segmented back (stone blocks) swimming down the river: when looked on from the lip of the valley.

There is also a bas-relief sculptor at Deir el Bahri that shows the Queen/Pharaoh Hatsheput to Punt1. At that temple there are also stone carvings that shows several vessels: seventy feet long by seventeen feet wide and five feet deep with fifteen oars per side. With a total of thirty to sixty oarsmen for propulsion and two more for steering.2 During that same time period large barges were also built for transporting stone blocks down the Nile River. Stone carvings show one such vessel with two Obelisks end to end, weighing hundreds of tons. A vessel that must have a been at least two hundred feet long. Herodotus wrote of the Great shipping fleet on the Nile. At Al-Lisht site, Sesostris I, had large wooden boats near his burial enclosure. We also know that granite blocks were floated down from the Aswan area along the Nile.

boat pits

The Great Pyramid has several boat pits around its base: because, machana were so important to that structure. One boat found next to the Great Pyramid is now in ‘the Boat Museumnearby, and that boat is 140 feet long. The machana was found  in a pit sealed with huge limestone blocks. A boat that indicates that the pyramids and boats have a connection. George does not want this information addressed on “HIS SHOW”. So “if” you want to sell a lot of books and be one of his favorite guest? DO NOT bring the subject of “boats and the pyramids” up!

dam building

However, if you are indeed open to anomalous evidence and want “The Rest of the ‘Dam’ Story” (not damn) about boats and the Great Pyramid you can get a copy of my book, Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets.

1 Casson, Ships, and Seaman in the ancient world , Princeton Press, Princeton, 1973 CMA.

2Hodges, P., and Keable J. How the Pyramid Was Built, :Element Books, Shaftesbury, 1989 V8, 8 p.652-676

Third Secret of Fatima , Egypt, Rome, Mecca and Medina’s Destruction

Most of the people who have heard of Locked Gates, The Riddle Lord’s Secrets   will discount it’s accuracy. The Common Folk that believe in fairytale will say “That is not what those stories mean.” And those who think those stories were only myths to control the Common Folk will say. “Those Ancient Stories were just Fairytales: nothing more.” However, I have taken this section of Locked Gates, The Riddle Lord’s Secrets  as a test for my accuracy. Knowing full well that I will be treated as a Cassandra, Schliemann, Noah, Xenophon, and many others who were never believed by their Enemies or the Common Folk, strangely that rejection did not prove those Visionaries wrong. Sadly, when this last section comes to pass, it will too late for millions of people to be saved. Their Future safety is now in your hands.

Third Secret of Fatima

Made public by Vatican

April 21 2010


We have traveled back in time to unwind riddles or parables of the Past. However, we are about to step into the Future. Parables of things that lay in the future are called “Prophecies.” The problem with these prophecies is that they can come true because “Certain People” want to have these prophecies come true, Fanatical people who are trying to make the Common Folk believe that God is on the side of these same Fanatical people. Two such men are Mr. Ahmadinejad of Iran and the late Ben Laden of Arabia, and there are many others (some of these Fanatics are Christian and others are Jews, however, most are not Believers but Atheist.) Men who believe that through total chaos, disorder, and confusion, a world leader of “Their mind set” will come, a –Man– that will bring peace, because of this chaos. A PEACE that those fanatical people could help maintain after this “Man of Peace” takes control. This concept is similar to what most “so called Christians” think will happen before the return of Christ. This apocalyptic “Mind Set” is a recipe for death and mayhem.

New Crusade Involving Pope .

Last update – 22:19 20/03/2008

Bin Laden tape By the Associated Press1

“A voice believed to be Bin Laden’s described

The attacks of the Europeans on women and children,” but said

These “paled [in comparison] when you went overboard in your unbelief and freed yourselves of the etiquettes of dispute and fighting

and went to the extent of publishing these insulting drawings, this is the greatest misfortune and the most dangerous.’”

Bin Laden went on to describe the “New Crusade against Islam, in which the Pope has played a large and lengthy Role, and warned the Europeans that a reaction would come.

“The response will be what you see and not what you hear and let our mothers bereave us

if we do not make victorious our messenger of God,” he said, without specifying what action would be taken


Harold Sun

Update February 2008 2

These accusations are totally unfounded,”

said Vatican spokesman Rev. Federico Lombardi.

“But they are not surprising. It is natural to think that he (BinLaden)

would lump the Vatican and the pope together with all his perceived enemies.”

This threat is related to a two part prophecy of Islam, which has been partly fulfilled. A prophecy predicting the fall of the two capitals of Christendom: that of Constantinople and of Rome. As the Fatimites centuries ago organizers the War Conference trying to decide where to attack first, this quote was given:

Quran, 47:18

Are they waiting for anything except the Hour to come to them suddenly?

But its Signs have already come!”

As one of these signs, Imam Ahmad reports in his Musnad that Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-’As (ra) mentioned:

Whilst we were around the Prophet (saw) writing he was asked,

‘Which of the two cities will be opened first, Constantinople or Rome?‘ He (Muhammad) answered,

‘The city of Heraclius, Constantinople will be opened first!’” 

Half of that prophecy was completed when Heraclius, the city of Constantine, Constantinople; fell into the hands of the Ottoman Turks on Tuesday, 29 of May, 1453 of the Christian era. However, the second part of that prophecy is yet to be fulfilled: “the fall of Rome.” One would think: that the followers of Islam will do the attack on Rome. But quite the opposite is the case. There are “Others” that want to change the Order of the World through Chaos. However, it will be ISLAM, WHICH WILL get the blame for the destruction of Rome, and not the True Perpetrators. Which the Fanatics’ think are their Allies. Rome is to be destroyed because that city is considered to be the Seat of Christianity. From these Fanatics’ prospective, their false leaders demand a violent path to conquer World of the Unbelievers. This must be accomplished to prepare the world to be totally under those Fanatical People who hope to control through this World Leader. This mantra is being “spoon fed” to the world, making the Common Folk of the world to automatically believe that Islam is to blame for this chaos. This destruction of Rome will quickly get out of hand and millions will die and then a World Leader (“The False Imam” or “Replacement-Christ”) will mediate this time of chaos into a temporary peace, and Jerusalem will quickly become “The Control Center” of all three monotheistic religions.


Roman Catholic Prophecy   Mirror Image

To the Islamic Prophecy


This prophecy also speaks of the destruction of Rome and this Secret is known to just a few Un-Common men. The prophecy is called the Final Secret of Fatima; and it also deals with the destruction of Rome and a Flood. There is a solid link between the two prophecies; the link is in the name “Fatima” to the Roman Catholic’s, the city Fatima of Portugal, where between May 13 and October 13, 1917 the Lady of Fatima was to have been manifested to three children: Lucia dos Santos, Francisco, and Jacints Marto. This “Lady?” told those children of future events. However, Fatima to the Shiite Muslim is the name of the daughter of the Prophet Mohammad. The city Fatima was named after the Most Holy Lady in the Islamic faith “Fatima”, as tribute to Mohammad’s daughter. That name of the city was never changed. An important fact, since Mohammad had no son, therefore, there was no male heir to pass down the leadership role of Islam to. Therefore, the earthly role of the Imam was passed down through Fatima’s son, HUSSAIN. The Islamic sects of the “Shiite or “Fatimites” have their origins from the daughter of Mohammad, Fatima. The New World Leader is said to be a decedent of or to come after (Fatima,) a violent path of chaos to conquer the World of Unbelievers. After which “This New World leader” will take command of the world’s stage. The Islamic Prophecy states “Mecca3 will be destroyed. This would happen if Rome was destroyed.

The final battle will be waged by Muslim faithful coming on the backs of horses… carrying black banners. They will stand on the east side of the Jordan River and will wage war that the earth has never seen before. The true Messiah who is the Islamic Mahdi… will defeat Europe… will lead this army of Seljuks, He will preside over the world from Jerusalem because Mecca would have been destroyed…” (Yawm Al-Ghabab, Safar Alhwaly).




Sunan Abu Dawud

Book 37 number 4281

“The Prophet said: “The flourishing state of Jerusalem will be when Yathrib (Medina) is in ruins,

the ruined state of Yathrib (Medina) will be when the great war comes,

the outbreak of the great war will be at the conquest…

This is as true as you are here or as you are sitting”; meaning, Mu’adh ibn Jabal, the narrator of: the book

Daniel 9:26

Quoted in the Fatima Document

“And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off,

but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city (Rome)

and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood,

Medina and many other cities including Cairo, cities that are thought to harbor ill feeling against the Jew will be destroyed. Jerusalem will then become “The Control Center”. This New World Leader and The Dark Pope of Christendom will meet there in Jerusalem and sign a peace pact that has long been searched for, which will bring peace to Palestine and the Mid-East that has long been searched for.

However, the Jews have their own Prophecy concerning how to deal with this threat from these Fanatics. The Jews will not take any chances after that attack on Rome. The War Plans have been made for the destruction of the Aswan Dam and the draining of Lake Nasser. “The LORD shall utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian sea.”4 (Also known as Lake Nasser)


Isaiah 115

10 there shall be a root of Jesse, (JESUS) which shall stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek (NOT Many JEWS)

11 the second time to recover the remnant of his people, (BIRTH OF THE NATION OF ISRAEL in 1948)

12. Assemble the outcasts of Israel (Which has been happening since 1948)

13 Ephraim shall not envy Judah, (The Christian nations show kindness to the Jews)

14 But they shall fly upon the shoulders of the Philistines (War Ships of air and sea of the Jews):

they shall lay their hand upon Edom and Moab; and the children of Ammon (The  people of the Mid-East) shall obey them.

When Will this Flood Happen?

15 And the LORD shall utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian Sea. (The draining Lake Nasser)


Most biblical scholars are quite dogmatic in their studies of this text, found in the eleventh chapter of Isaiah relying on other scholars from the Past to color their interpretation of the text; rejecting the sudden appearance of a huge lake on the Aswan’s construction in the 1960’s. Most biblical scholars and are not aware of the huge lake called Nasser, Isaiah called “the Egyptian Sea”: These scholars call a tiny lake the Sea of Galilee and cannot see Lake Nasser as the Sea of Egypt. Please look at these Google Maps to give a perspective as to how big this Second Sea of Egypt (Lake Nasser)is and the destructive power that is held behind the Aswan Dam.7 That lake is over 10 miles wide in places, hundreds of miles long and is up to three hundred sixty four feet deep.

 123 jpg aswan sat

That dam is going to be destroyed. Most of Egypt’s population is in that narrow Nile River Valley downstream from Aswan. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? When the Isis Dam of Egypt was destroyed in the year 2141 before the Christian era, a flood took Egypt hundreds of years to recover from that disaster, a flood that will soon happen again, the first destruction of a dam which gave Egypt its name Aigu-ptis.8 (The sea that fled away)

Isaiah11:16 And there shall be a highway for the remnant of his people, 9

Millions of refugees will be on the move throughout the Middle East and southern Europe after that destruction because the flood

and the destruction of so many Holy Cities/sites in response to the destruction of Rome.

Isaiah 51:9-10,

Art thou not it that hath cut Rahab,10 The Wall is Also Known as the Aswan Dam) and wounded the dragon? 11 (The waters of Lake Nasser)

10 dried the sea, the waters of the great deep; (Lake Nasser) a way for the ransomed to pass over?

Psalms 89:10

10 Thou hast broken Rahab (The Wall Aka Aswan) in pieces, as one that is slain; thou hast scattered thine enemies with thy strong arm.

Ezekiel 29:2-12 2

Son of man set thy face against Pharaoh King of Egypt,

3 My (GOD’S) river is mine own, and I have made it for myself.

4 But I will put hooks in thy jaws, and I will cause the fish of thy rivers to stick unto thy scales,

5 And I will leave thee thrown into the wilderness, (The waters of lake Nasser drained) thee and all the fish of thy rivers: thou shalt fall upon the open fields; thou shalt not be brought together, nor gathered (After the dam bursts)

6 And all the inhabitants of Egypt shall know that I am the LORD,

8 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will bring a sword upon thee, and cut off man and beast out of thee.


When that huge Aswan dam is breached, a dam that is three hundred sixty four feet high, eleven thousand eight hundred and eight feet wide and holds back 125,600,000 cubic acre-feet of water what will be left of Egypt?


Ezekiel 29:9 And the land of Egypt shall be desolate and waste;

Total destruction of Egypt will be complete as the waters of Aswan pass down that valley like a tsunami.

And they shall know that I am the LORD: because he (the Egyptians) hath said, The River is mine, and I have made it.

The Egyptians now control the River Nile by means of the Aswan Dam and Lake Nasser.

10 Behold, therefore I (GOD) am against thee (Egypt), and against thy rivers, and I will make the land of Egypt utterly waste

11 No foot of man shall pass through it, nor shall foot of beast pass through it, neither shall it be inhabited forty years.

12 And I will make the land of Egypt desolate in the midst of the countries that are desolate, and her cities among

the cities that are laid wastes shall be desolate forty years:

Cities like Cairo, Rome, Mecca, and Medina.

And I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations, and will disperse them through the countries.


Will you be caught unaware when this destruction occurs? Will you then believe only after the destruction of Egypt that there is a God who has been involved with mankind since mankind’s creation, a God that has kept His word accurate for thousands of years and left his story in the stars, a God that has given you warning of the consequences of rebellion against His guidance?



3This is an oral tradition among many Fatimids.

4Qumran cave one, Isaiah chapter 11 , second copy




8Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890 H, 207, 208, 209

9Qumran cave one, Isaiah, chapter 11 , second copy

10Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890 , H, 7292

11Ibid, Hebrew, Ref. No. 8577 “Dragons of the Bible are always connected to raging water.”

Global Elite Use Islamic Prophecies to Manipulate Terrorism



First you must understand: Islam is a religion that based on the words of a (false) prophet. However, that doesn’t mean his prophecies cannot be successful fulfilled. If you play chess you know that you must lose certain Pawns to cause your rival to make foolish moves.  The End Game is to allow a major prophecy of Mohammad to be implemented, the attack on Israel a conflict that will include an attack on the capital of Christendom, Mecca and Medina. This scenario is also predicted in the book of Isaiah.  The world will spin seeming out of control. At which time Islam will be pacified, Christianity will be shaken to it core, and the Jews will sue for peace. The Global Elite’s man will step in to calm the world and almost everyone will praise him. That is when you had better be ready: because “many will fall away”.     

 Predictions of:

Muhammad al Muntazar

Allah’s Messenger from a Volcano: Hawaii,
Of late of Washington DC

Never heard of the Messenger from a Volcano and the signs the al Muntazar? In general belief in al Muntazar is not a sectarian issue within Islam, but is universal among Muslims, however, in the West he is better known as the Mahdi. The Global Elite use these Islamic prophecies about this world leader to manipulate Terrorism.

The Muhammad al Muntazar as awaited Caliph in Islam may be viewed somewhat as the pope of the Muslims. It is important to understand that when Muslims call for the restoration of the Caliphate, it is ultimately the  Muhammad al Muntazar that they are calling for. He is the architect of “The Fall of Tyrants.” A reign of terror which has been sanitized by the Press to be come “The Islamic Spring.”  After the horrendous end of this reign of terror: the al Muntazar will step in and heralds the end of what the Islamic State calls: injustice and oppression and the beginning of the final rising of the sun of Islam.


From: Sunan Abu Dawud, Narrated by Umm Salamah, Ummul Mu’minin

“He will pave the way for and establish the government of the family of Muhammad…

Every believer will be obligated to support him.”


And from Ibn Maja, Kitab al-Fitan#4084 as quoted by Kabbani, p. 231


“The Black Flags will come from the East and their hearts will be as firm as iron.

Whoever hears of them should join them and give allegiance,

even if it means crawling across snow, because, he is the Vice-regent (Caliph) of Allah. ”


And from: Sunan Abu Dawud, Narrated by Umm Salamah, Ummul Mu’minin 


“He will reappear on the appointed day,

and then he will fight against the forces of evil,

lead a world revolution and set up a new world order based on justice, righteousness virtue…

ultimately the righteous will take the world administration in their hands and

Islam will be victorious over all the religions. ”

The Muhammad al Muntazar’ means and method of accomplishing this world revolution will include multiple military campaigns or holy wars (jihad). common attitude of  radial Muslim men:  “You Americans and Zionists better get ready, because the black flags are coming!” Why? Because Islam’s  prophet said: in Tirmidhi as quoted by Mohammed Ali Ibn Zubair Ali, Signs of Qiyamah(Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, 2004), p. 42 and Prof. M. Abdullah, Islam, Jesus, Mehdi, Qadiyanis and Doomsday, (Adam, New Delhi, 2004), p. 54

map of Islam

“Armies carrying black flags will come from Khurasan.

No power will be able to stop them

and they will finally reach Eela Baitul Maqdas

where they will erect their flags.”

 video pic025

It is important to note here the reference above to “Baitul Maqdas”. In Arabic this means “the holy house”.This is referring to the Dome of the Rock Mosque and is located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

mecca rock

Destruction of Mecca, prophecy

(Yawm Al-Ghabab, Safar Alhwaly).


“The final battle will be waged by Muslim faithful coming on the backs of horses … carrying black banners.

They will stand on the east side of the Jordan River and will wage war that the earth has never seen before.

The true Messiah who is the Islamic Mahdi …

will defeat Europe … will lead this army of Seljuks,

He will preside over the world from Jerusalem because Mecca would have been destroyed …”


As one of these signs, Imam Ahmad  reports in his Musnad that Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-’As (ra) mentioned:

“Whilst we were around the Prophet (saw) writing he was asked,

‘Which of the two cities will be opened first, Constantinople or Rome?‘ He (the Prophet Muhammad) answered, ‘The city of Heraclius will be opened first!’” Constantinople


And from Mohammed: Sunan Abu Dawud book 37 number 4281] …

“The Prophet said: The flourishing state of Jerusalem will be when Yathrib (Medina) is in ruins,

the ruined state of Yathrib  (Medina)

will be when the great war comes,

the outbreak of the great war will be at the conquest…

This is as true as you are here or as you are sitting”.

The Globe Elite know this: to the Islamic faithful it matters not a bit if you believe their Prophecies! Because, the Islamic faithful are going do everything in their power to make sure those predictions come true. As a Christian it is my job to tell you, because Isaiah in his chapter 11:10-16 (in the Hebrew text) foretold of this  same scenario.  


This is from the last chapter of Locked Gates, The Riddle Lord’s Secrets by Howard West

Egyptians carve stone quickly with low tech tools

The Secrets of the Great Pyramid

Building the Great Pyramid

Author Howard West provides an impressive amount of evidence that goes beyond today’s simple understanding of Mythology of ancient Egypt. Offering a whirlwind trip into the past to reveal science with in Myths of Great Pyramid of Giza. Modern rationalist believe in using Occam ‘s Razor: “the shaving of a narrative into its simplest terms.”Nevertheless, Howard West’s,Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets:proves that the stories of the Riddle Lords of the Ancient Egypt and Egypt pyramids were intentionally encrypted to give two concepts; one in simple terms for their enemies and the common folk, the other locked away; treasure hidden for their heirs. Therefore, the Riddle Lords of ancient Egypt and Egypt pyramids stories today are thought to be, easily understood narratives to entertain the childlike.The Riddle Lords of ancient Egypt have always baffled the Haughty: However, the haughty hold themselves to be the Gatekeepers of Wisdom. These…

View original post 534 more words

Why Does NASA Need Abundant Water in Space? Nuclear Rockets

Mr. Obama in a Twitter town hall at the White House /2011/07/06/ *said that:

“[W]e’ve set a goal to– let’s ultimately get to Mars, A good pit stop is an asteroid…

Mr. Obama, gave the world a Riddle, and most of the people in the Press let it pass unanswered.

What is a Pit Stop?


The biggest problem with Space Exploration is the fuel to get “Cargo/ Pounds” in orbit.

 “in the order of 1000 to 1 ratio, fuel to cargo.”

You have been told: “the combustion of oxygen and hydrogen is the most effective rocket fuel.” That is half true. There is a second that is equal to the oxygen/hydrogen fuel: Nuclear rockets! We use a form of that technology in aircraft carriers, icebreakers, and Three Mile Island. The concept is simple, place enough nuclear fuel together, the mass will heat up. That heat will vaporize volatile materials in so doing creating pressure/ propellant. Examples of volatile materials are Hydrogen (H), carbon dioxide (CO2), potassium (K), sodium (Na), tin (Sn), lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), and  water (H2O) which is the easiest to acquire.

A proven nuclear water steam rocket system (KIWI B4-1965 and KIWI TNT -1965) developed in the mid-1960. A nuclear water steam propulsion system with thrust out puts which can be designed to exceed that of the Space Shuttle liquid Hydrogen oxygen rocket engines.[1]These nuclear engines are much cheaper to operate because there is no need to break the bond of the water molecule to then reform that bond in an explosive combustion. Just inject the solid water ice into the chamber containing “the super-hot nuclear pile”. This nuclear heated steam system is also cheaper because, the propellant can be stored in solid form there is no need for expensive pressurized containers.

NASA wants to refuel its rockets in space at a “zero to one ratio.” However, Obama has been told by NASA, that it hopes to find an abundant source of one of these materials on asteroids. However, frozen water is the preferred substantial. That is why NASA unhappily spent millions to drill two virtually dry holes

 1. There is very little water that  is easily available  on the Moon, so  NASA says “don’t bother with stopping there.”

  2.  The Deep Impact Mission’s copper Impactor found comet Temple to be a dry rock, covered with less than ¼ inch of light snow.

The reason NASA’s Manned Missions out of Earth orbit is On Hold?

  The lack of abundant WATER ICE in Space.

Link to NASA’s last hope  for WATER, NASA’s  mission to an asteroid.

Details in Locked Gates by Howard West


You have been asking, “What will be the signs of the Mahdi, 12th Imam’s coming.” Well here is your answer.

Giants of Dendera used Tools that Carved Stone .

Giants of Dendera used tools that carves stone faster than any modern high temper steel hammer and chisel could ever hope to.


Nibiru means the Prophet-Planet

Nibiru means the Prophet-Planet, however, today that planet has a different name, Mercury


When the Moon came to Earth

#NASA data from the Apollo experiment on the Moon proves that the #Moon was recently capture.


Ancient Solar Energy Project Found in Egypt

Howard West will reveal the Riddle Lords’ additional concepts hidden in their riddles, ancient wisdom and technologies, such as those found The city of the Horizon of Aten, a city which contained a technology of ancient Egypt that was so Top-Secret that the priesthood of Amun of during the reigns of the Pharaohs Tutankhamen and Horemheb, dismantled that city piece by piece,

The Ancient Light Speed Communication Used Cuneiform

26 jpg cuneiform symbols

To convert Cuneiform alphabet to a flasher code similar to the famous Morse code is simple. However, even as simple as Cuneiform was, after the message was transcribed, you can find a more stylized form of script for public consumption. The men that transcribed the heliographic messages used the simplest form not the later stylized form.

Notice that the point of this wedge is going left, is equivalent to a Dot. The Morse code short Dash would be an arrow that with its wedge pointing right. The Morse code long Dash, the symbol is a vertical arrow with wedge. Two long Dashes were created with a wedge at the top line of spelling the word and one wedge at the lower end would give a second long dash at the beginning of the last phase of the word’s spelling. Notice the wedge at the top wedge is going down and the bottom wedge is going up also denoting two different long dashes.

27jpg  olgams

The Celtic people of Wales and Ireland used the flasher type of heliographic code in Europe. This code system is called Oghams1 and is formed by incising from one to five straight strokes above or below or both above and below the base line. Again a Trinary type of code system or flasher code system. The piece of stroke that is above the line the stroke would equal a Morris code dot .If the piece of stroke was below the line that stroke would be a Morris Code short dash. When the stroke was on both sides of the line, the symbol would be a long dash.


22 alphanumaric jpg

There are other heliographic codes of the past. However, we need to find the first thread of this Knot. So let us go back to your child hood, grade school and those code breaking handouts. How did you break those codes? First you counted the most used symbols in the text. When using the English language that was almost always the letter E. The next most often used was T followed by I, A, N, O, R, and S. The simple way to remember them is the word that they spell SENORITA2 to break the code handout was a simple matter of you filling in the blanks with the most used letter to make the message make sense. Samuel F. Morris used that same principle to make his famous Morris Code. He made the most used letters the simplest. Now you can win at Jeopardy .


The Greek and the Hebrew alphabets both have a number component to each of the letters. The Greek Ionian letter is A for one or 1 in the Greek Attic and corresponds to Aleph the first letter in the Hebrew alphabet, where the corresponding number go consecutively to the number ten, at that point by tens, ten through ninety. The next letter is one hundred and goes up by one hundred jumps. To nine hundred though some of the last few numbers are not letters in either alphabet: but a type of symbol just for that number. The chart with both alphabets and their corresponding letters, and the Greek Attic equivalents beside that are the flasher code symbols and the equation used to formulate the code.3 This trinary code again uses the dot, dash and long dash symbols, but unlike the Morris code the symbols are stacked to form characters rather than using the linear system of Morris.

23 sixty jpg

Notice in the alphanumeric chart, that the number sixty has the same symbol for both codes: the Greek letters and the flasher code transcription. Sorry, but the letter name is Xi: it marks the spot that the two codes match code symbols. As luck (?) would have it, later in history, the ancient Xi symbol was reintroduced; a throwback to the heliographic code of the ancient past. There are many other examples of the connections between the ancient heliographic codes of the past and the Greek alphabet such as delta, however, Xi is the key that unlocks the stacked code and the numeric connection with 5 +1 times 10 value. A symbolic code that was far easier to learn than the linear type used by Morris in his code.

Samechs and Xi

The symbolize concept from

Psalms 10:5a, 25:15, 34:15 , 37:24, 103:15, 119:105, 145:14

Help, Neck yoke Circle

The Greek letter is called Xi4, and the symbol of both the heliographic and the Greek is the same. The Greek word is xio5: to make easier as in: Xulon6; which means, neck yoke. The Egyptian hieroglyph for this character is a cross or what you might call a cross member or a twin handled bar. This bar was attached to a rope allowing the men to push against the bar that was attached to the rope. This added to the ability of transferring human muscle power more efficiently to the moving of an object. When using horses it is called a single tree or in butchering the same device is call a gambrel. The Hebrew word is Samek7: to lean on, take hold, or sustain. The heliographic code is Six a short dash (5) over a dot (+1): Mercy or to make easier, over a long dash (X 10): Make known the power, which is what a lever, or neck yoke does.


There are many other examples of the connections to the heliographic code of the ancients to the origins of systems like Sanskrit, Hebrew and the Greek, however, if you look at the comparison chart of the Arithmomancy you notice that the simplest codes are highlighted because those are the most used letters in the most ancient texts of both the Greek and the Hebrew alphabets.8 That is a tell tail sign of a designed code system that was used with a transmitted system. Additional evidence is that both the Hebrew and Greek alphabets have the same order as the northern Semite alphabet of the Hittites, the Greek and Hebrew alphabets ,also mirror the early Ugaritic Cuneiform symbol because they were all alphanumeric/ heliographic codes. These codes allowed the most used letters to have the simplest symbol that corresponds to 1, 5, 10, 2, 4, 6, 9, 50 and 100. Here is the kicker; the message would be totaled, so that when it was received a line cipher was given with the numeric total of the message or line by line, therefore, if the totals did not match up? The mismatch allowed the error to be discovered and allowing message be re-sent or corrected. There are at least two places where this principle is still used, first in computer code writing so that the errors in the written code can be found if the computer or software has a malfunction and which allows the line cipher to locate where the error is so that error can be fixed.

Then there are the Jews, who still use those number values of their alphabet to total their Holy Scriptures. This is so that, the WORD of GOD would be constant without variations in its transcriptions. The problem is that there are few vowels in Hebrew with a number value and the Hebrew alphabet has mostly constants that do have numeric values. Because a certain group of letters (a word) could have several meanings, Mazoritc Jewish scholars, therefore, would pick vowel points that they felt would best fit the context of the text, sometimes replacing the symbol, hHe” with the similarly formed symbol, xCheth” as in the word Messiah. Most of the time they are right, but biases work into some of those translations. The men that do the recopying work of the scriptures are still called Counters9. The reason for this name is because each letter in their sacred texts has to be counted as they transcribe each line, constantly checking to see if the line value equals the line cipher of the older text. If not the error is shown so that error can be found and corrected, if there are too many errors the new scroll must be destroyed. Other ancient alphabets have the same problem of lack of vowels as in the text such as the early Middle Eastern alphabets which caused the problem with the choice of letters in the Great King of Lights, Khatti.10

This system of line ciphers was put to the test with the discovers of Qumran, since 1948 through the 21st Century of the Christian era. The caves of Qumran have been treasure houses of ancient Hebrew documents. Hundreds of pieces of the Hebrew of the accepted, Holy Writings of the Jews (Tana”kh) have been found, scrolls that when compared to the current accepted texts have matched those modern texts with a +99% accuracy rating. This is amazing to most of the Worlds Secular Scholars, the reason for this accuracy after more than two thousand years of separation? These line ciphers that have their origins in the heliographic codes of the past. Even so, those closely matched texts have had changes with the introduction of the Mazoritc vowel points system that was adopted so that the texts would have consistency with “The Traditions of the Elders” and pronunciation. Still, those meanings of each symbol of the Hebrew Aleph-Bet can be reconstructed through the accepted Cannon of the Jews (Tanakh). These definitions have been imbedded into many texts called acrostics. Texts like Psalms 9-10, 25, 34, 37, 103, 119, 145, Proverbs 31, Lamentations 1, 2, 3, 4 and many others give the definitions to the symbolization of each letter. Using these concepts as definitions as a guide to the Hebrew heliographic code, these references shows amazing continuity with the acrostic definitions when those concepts are used to translate Hebrew into English.

The letters of a given Hebrew word when definition and are compared matches the Hebrew definitions found in most lexicons, though in a riddle format. Even so, there is a grammatical system that takes into account the placement of letters placed creating antonyms, to the left (sinister) side of letters like Dalth, Nun, and others that cause the concept to become antonym of the original letters meanings. Then there are the root, prefixes, suffixes and their combinations, which must be taken into account when deciphering a given Hebrew word using this method. Of course there are words that have been added to the Hebrew vocabulary from the Babylonians, Egyptians and other groups that do not use the same symbolisms of a given letter. Nevertheless, in many cases alphabetic symbolism of other ethnic groups, have similar definitions to the Hebrew heliographic code; and make this system the prototype for many modern alphabets such as Greek, Arabic, and even corresponding to some of the Egyptian Hieroglyphic symbols.


Among the scrolls found at Qumran were found two books. Books that were written in the same self-correcting Hebrew script, however, these books, Job and Enoch contained star references to constellations that were in the wrong places in the sky when compared to where those constellations should have been if the Gatekeeper of knowledge had dated them correctly. The Book of Enoch’s co-author gave twelve monthly textual star references for the year c. 12,500 years ago,11 monthly because the constellations were below the Northern Horizon Circle, thereby enabling the constellations to set with the sun. One of these constellations has only been under the Northern Horizon Circle once in the last c. 26,000 years that was c. 12,500 years ago,12 most of that 26,000 year period the constellation could be seen year round in the northern sky at all hours of the night. In Arabic its main star was called the Yean but you know that star as Polaris our current NORTH STAR and the constellation is now called Ursa Minor. The Progression of the Equinoxes changes the North Star. Hipparchus the Greek of 161-126 years before the Christian era13 began, was the first modern man who had an idea that there was a Progression of the Equinoxes that causes the North Star to change. We now have computer programs like Starry nights and Sky Globe that can show us the skies of 12,000 years ago.



To place Ursa Minor at that location at the time that they were seen means that many changes of the North Star must have transpired since that time. Who could have known about that slow movement of Polaris in the heavens in the distant past? It currently takes a computer to run the stars back in time to even know that the Big and Little Dippers had ever been out of their current location. Historians know that Enoch14 was read and considered Holy Rite by the Jews, in the second Century before the Christian era began. The book of Enoch was known to the Egyptians before that and was placed into their graves as part of the Book of the Dead. Ancient Babylonians had cups and wine vessels that were discovered with inscriptions with the same names of demons that were written in: The Book of Enoch. Moses used one of those same demons names in the Book of Leviticus in the Coptic Text15. The Book of Enoch was referred to by Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jude, Paul, John, Luke, Matthew, and JESUS and may others. Either the writers of Enoch and Job made a very good guess without any facts to base them on, which would be a one hundred million to one shot or those writers were there at that time that those constellations were on the western horizon at sun set during the new moon of June of c. 10,500 years before the Christian era began. 16

The word Merchant has its roots in the word Mercury who was the Roman god of merchants. A merchant with a mercury clad copper or a golden heliographic mirror could use that mirror in conjunction with the Crown’s watchtower system, to contact other merchants and combine their inventories. So if one merchant had extra wheat, and another merchant was out of wheat that was miles away, the lacking merchant would know who had the wheat and could request that some could be shipped to him with a few blinks of light. This mercantilism was an aid to civilizing the world. A trace of a type of communication system that was mentioned in the 13th century of the Christian era. In the traveler, Marco Polo’s account of his visit to the Far East, the account mentions that the Emperor of China was alerted to Polo’s arrival by sunlight reflected by mercury mirrors between mountaintops along Polo’s route.17

In the Middle East there is a Religion whose founder was a fellow by the name of Zoaster18 and this man’s work has spread all over the world even to China where this sect is known as Taoism19.

In Persia, there on the Gateway wall that leads into the city of Persepolis is Ahura Mazda, Zoroastrianism god of truth, good and LIGHT. The first thing that you will notice is that he is standing in the middle of a Hittite Sun Disk. Next please note that he has what looks to be a ring in his hand, it is not a ring; but around mercury clad or a golden mirror, which would allow a person to communicate with a watchtower from almost anywhere. This type of heliographic mirror was the same type of mercury clad copper or golden disks that were found by Schiemann at his dig at Mycenae.20.


29 mirror r

These magic mirrors were for the military, rich merchants and the ruling class of the time the equal to having a cell-phone of today. A second bas-relief at Persepolis shows Persian subjects bring Tribute to the King. The bearers of these gifts are wearing helmets shaped to look like curls. Notice the man in the middle is bringing a communication link mirror disk; this heliographic system of magic mirrors of the past gave the ancients merchants a system of communication with the use of these small heliographic mirrors.

This feat has only been equaled after the invention of the cell phone systems that are now used in the cities. The mountaintop sentinel gave instant up-dates on troop movements with communication from a single mirror with a visible range of eighty miles with a mirror of only 9-12 inches across21 many of the ancient mirrored shields were several feet in diameters. In India during the latter part of the 19th century, the British heliographs that were placed on mountaintops gave visible distances was extended over a one hundred miles22. In the later part of the 19th century a heliograph system was used in the southwestern part of the United States. A heliograph message could be sent from Prescott, Arizona to Nogal, New Mexico23, until the copper wired telegraph superseded the heliograph.

twin heliograph


The military uses of these high ground heliographic systems of surveillance was unequaled until the invention of aircraft and wireless radio communication. The ancients with the uses of the Greek and Hebrew alphanumeric code system that allowed for code to be verified for accuracy. However, that system was used by The Greeks, Jews, Hittites, Assyrians, Sumerians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Celts, Chinese, and even the natives of the New World used this type of heliograph system. A beacon light at night or a large golden shield heliograph such as were constructed by Solomon were, used to broadcast the NEWS of the day over hundreds of square miles. Those blinks of light were in plain view to hundreds if not thousands of people, enabling anyone that was able to decipher the transmission to know what was happening in his world, much as the common man when he listens to the radio or goes to the internet today. Yes! The world before Christ had much of what Modern Man holds as his Greatest Accomplishments: such as lighting fast communications between cities hundreds of miles apart, personal communication devices similar to modern cell phones in the form of golden mirrors. Even wide disbursal NEW outlets for the Masses in the form of large mirrors that used up to 218 ounces of gold leaf. The reflections from the Great Pyramid could be seen in Israel.24

Even so, the end of the Golden Age of the heliograph was caused by: War25, thieves, a lack of mercury, and gold: but mostly the decline was caused by the lust for control by men like King David and King Shishank that caused the decline of the Golden age of communication. Small wars would cause the loss of equipment until too few were available for service and the system collapsed, so by the time that the Roman Empire was on the scene: the Golden Age of Light Speed Communication had mostly faded into legends and myths and the secret of the Golden age of commutation was lost for centuries, however, remnants of that Golden Age still remain.

Pyr eye

The most impressive of all watchtowers is still standing the Great Pyramid of Giza four hundred and fifty feet tall with a platform, instead of a sharpened apex. As I have mentioned, the means of transmission was a Line of Sight system and the machines to transmit that code were mirrors and beacon fires. The word Pyramid in Greek: is broken down to pyra26 which means beacon fire or lights and mid or metronto count or measure. The Hebrew word for pyramid is Urim-middin is Urim27 which means lights and middin to measure or count. On top of The Pyramid the back of the US one dollar bill has the Eye of Osiris, the udjat, that machine was a golden mirror that would be winked with a disk or eyelid on a stick to transmit the code.

1Gair, Op Cite , Colliers p600

2“Cryptography “ Op. Cite, Colliers 1997+

3Boyers C. B , ”Numbers” Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.19, P. 9


5Strongs, Op. Cite,. Greek, No.,3582 137Ibid No.,3586

6137Ibid No.,3586

7 Strongs James, Op. Cite,. Hebrew, No.,5564

8Alphabets , Op. Cite, Colliers v. 1

9Rich T.R,,

10Woods, M, Op.Cite

11Laurence Dr. R, Op.Cite Ethiopian Enoch,

12 Starry Nights, Computer star charting program

13Colliers ,Op. Cite, V. 3 P. 127

14Evans E., Non-Canonical Writing and New Testament Interpretation : 1992

15 Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite, P115, C. 21:5

16 Starry Nights, Computer star charting program.

17 Moul, The Book, The Book of Marco Polo, Yule and Cordiel 1903

18 Zoroaster, Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.23, P. 777

19 Taoism, Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.22, P. 63

20 Scranton R. L., “Mycenae” ” Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol. 22, P. 108

21 Harris J.D. Military History Journal, Vol 2 #1 Cited in

22 Ibid


24Scott Dr. G, The Pyramid, and “Audio tapes”: Deloris Press, Los Angles

25 Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite 491, C. 12:6-10

26Strongs, Op. Cite, Greek, No.,4443

27Strongs James, Op. Cite,, Hebrew, No.,224




The Udjat , the Eye of Osiris and NASAs Golden Mirrors

From the book Locked Gates by Howard West

29 mirror 563710main_msfc-mirror-lg

NASA had a problem with solar heat gain in outer space and has developed a solar heat shield to reflect the sun’s heat away from its equipment. So unwittingly they took a page from Soloman’s play book and created the golden shields called “Space Blankets”1 , and similar reflective silvery blankets can be found at any Sporting Goods outlet; although, that heat shield is not the same as what NASA uses in space. NASA uses the best reflecting material of the Sun’s light, gold2. Even so, the gold leaf material gives a more yellow tint to the light that is reflected than quicksilver would but gold does have superior reflecting properties. One reason is because gold never tarnishes unlike silver that will oxidize or tarnish and quicksilver will evaporate way after a time. That is why the Dome of the Rock Mosque and the Statue of Liberty have a gold leaf coating on their dome and flame, consequently, they can be seen for miles during the day without the need for an outside power source and therefore, only a small amount of artificial light is needed at night. That yellow tint makes the Statue of Liberty’s torch look as if it’s aflame with fire (also known as a beacon).

14 eye and bird jpg

Golden heliographic mirrors were preferred by those who could afford them. The reason being is because constant contact with mercury brings madness, the longer you were exposed to the slowly evaporating metal, the more symptoms you would display. The first is irritability, then blackening of the finger nails (that alchemists usually have), with the eventual loss of fingernails, hair, teeth, wife and your mind. Even so, men were expendable and gold was costly. Therefore, mercury mirrors were the common heliographic type.


The 500 Golden Shields of Solomon,3 the Hittite Sun Disks,4 the Egyptian Eye of Osiris, or the Udjat that was depicted as a human eye.5 ,The Babylonian winged Utu,6 and the Four Bronze Mirrors of Taoism7 were common as far back as two thousand years before the Christian era, and even to Enoch’s time more than twelve thousand years ago. That statement is based on the texts of the Book of Enoch8 that speaks of Ursa Major and Minor being on the western horizon at sun set during the month of June 10,000 years before the Christian era began.9

18 Nine Hitite sundisk Jpg

The Golden Communication Shields or Eyes (winged sun disks) were in every city in the Middle East three thousand years ago. David was King of Israel at about that time which was about the same time that Clytemnestra and Princess Entiu-ny lived. When David would capture a city the first thing he would take as booty was the Golden Shields. He not only took the ones in the town itself, but David would also take the portable military winged units that were on the pack-horses. (Shades of Pegasus) The English translation of the Coptic Peshitta text of The Chronicles of the Kings of Israel10

And King David took the (winged sun disks) Shields of Gold that were on

the horses of the servants of Hadarezer, and brought them to Jerusalem

and likewise from Tibhath and from Berothi cities of Hadarezer.”

19jpg sundisk jpg

The loss of a city’s Golden Magic Mirrored Communication Shield was a major loss. That city was no longer able to carry on trade outside the local area or be able to request help from other cities in case of an attack. Consequently, when David took those mirrored shields the loss of communication to other cities was as though they lost both thumbs and both big toes:they were totally defeated.

The Shield of Hercules

translated by Evelyn-White

Hercules took his strong spear, pointed with shining bronze, and on his valiant head set a well-made helm of adamant, cunningly wrought, which fitted closely on the temples; and that guarded the head of god-like Hercules. In his hands he took his shield, all glittering: no one ever broke it with a blow or crushed it. And a wonder it was to see; for its whole orb was a-shimmer with enamel and white ivory and electrum (an amalgam of gold and mercury used to produce gold plate), and it glowed with shining gold;

The Shield of Achilles

The Iliad, Book 18:

The first thing he created was a huge and sturdy shield, all wonderfully crafted. Around its outer edge, he fixed a triple rim, glittering in the light…

The Hebrew words used for these glittering golden or quicksilver-coated shields are, SHALAT or SHALET that means: dominions, in power, have power or rule.11 Other words used for those types of shields are MAGEN, MAGAN or MEGILLAN,12 all means: to deliver up, present or a scroll. KYDOW a spark or blink of light.13 The Hebrews scribes who used these shields were called armor bearers, and the communications were called “saw-far14 which translate to “Collect and record with slashes or marks.”


When David’s son, Solomon became king, he built watchtowers all over his kingdom and beyond. There were so many watchtowers that they were likened to “The Forest of Lebanon.” Solomon made two hundred large shields of gold and three hundred smaller shields of gold to be used in those watchtowers, each shield symbolized the heliographic connection to one of the many tribal leaders. The main warehouse and communication watchtower was called”: The House of The Forest of Lebanon.” 15

This Network of disbursed watchtowers and golden magic mirrored heliographs gave Solomon intelligence on everything in his realm. This included information on such things as: grazing conditions, water sources, availability of commodities, arrival of caravans, the location of strangers or even enemy troop movements. This intelligence went beyond King Solomon’s realm into the land of the Hittites and even into the land of Egypt, which Solomon had an alliance with. As you know, Information is SHALAT16 (power). This was the same Power that Medusa and General Miles had and used.

10 jpg US army heliograph

The watchtowers of Solomon were stationary unlike those used by General Miles troops; nevertheless, there was still the problem of making sure that the watchman was alert for any messages. The problem was also that the signal could only be seen at certain times of the day.17 This meant that they could set a time to be extra alert for a message. The Muslims still have a memory trace of that to this day. A man goes to the top of his minaret or watchtower to call the people to prayer five times a day. When direct communication between any two watchtowers was impossible because of the angle of the sun, they would use a trick that the Arab sailors would discover centuries later and tack into the wind,18 the watchman would send his message to any Watchtower that could speed his message along the way to its final destination, even if that message had to zig zag through a dozen extra watchtowers. The message would have an ending code or a line cipher that enabled the receiver to double-check the accuracy of the message.

Solomon and David were neither the first nor the last of the Kings of Israel to use the communication Shields. Saul before them used a bronze or copper shield that he anointed with a slick and oily liquid metal.19 After Solomon’s death his son Rehoboam reined, however, Rehoboam lost those five hundred magic mirrored communication aspis or shields of gold to the king of Egypt, Shishaik.


Rehoboam20 replaced the Golden shields with bronze coated with quicksilver (mercury) shields. This process was also used by gold miners of that day. The liquid metal would cling to copper and make an excellent mirror; and if small pieces of gold dust were in a copper gold pan with a mercury coating it would make the gold cling to the mercury. This is a quick, cheap, and efficient way to gold plate a mirror with the Alchemist Gold. The mercury would slowly evaporate leaving the gold locked in the matrix of the surface of the copper plate and then that gold would then be polished into the surface leaving a bright golden finish.

14 jpg Princess Egypt 2

The Egyptians had a belief that if they would place a pool of ink into the hollow of their hand they could see the future (Chiromancy)22: but it was not always ink, no in the distant past it was a pool of Quicksilver (Mercury). That shiny molten liquid metal in their hand would make a mirror, and a face would gaze back at the seer. In ancient Egyptian the word “Hor23 translates to face, in English In the distant past a reflection of one’s face? Yes, the all Seeing Eye of Hor-aspis, the Dweller on the horizon (Horus-ion)24. Harpokrate: the infant Horus the baby sun25 the reflection of the sun in a magic mirror. A papyrus from Thebes produced in the Twenty-first Egyptian Dynasties known as, The Judgment of the Princess Entiu-ny26. This is depicting a scene in ancient Egypt. A young woman is standing before a scale and is presenting three eyes in her hand. Those Eyes are three messages that she received that are depicted at the top of that papyrus.

14 Princess Egypt jpg3


The three messages all end with an Eye denoting that a mirrored shield sent them from the location depicted by the larger symbol that she is facing above. The messages are quite similar to each other though the message that was from The Hawk (Horus) from atop the Great Pyramid27 is somewhat longer than the others. The little fellow (the baboon) that is sitting on the top of the scales is Egyptian representation of Thoth28 (aka Mercury)29. As he sits on the scales, he has the power to change the outcome of the trial by shifting his weight. The court Jester, Thoth or Mercury, was the real judge in this picture.30 .


14 jpg Princess Egypt 2

1 NASA. Gov/space blanket

2“Silver”, Op. Cite, Colliers V. 21, 1997+

3 Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite P. 466, C19:160

4 Simmons S.D., Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.15, P749



7 “Taoism”, Op. Cite, Colliers V.22, 1997+

8Laurence Dr. R, Ethiopian Enoch, Also known as The Book of Pa- Hanok, University of Oxford, England, Chapter 81

9 Starry Nights, Computer star charting program.

10Lamsa, G. M., Op. OiteP466, C,18:78

11Strongs, Op. Cite, H, No. 7982

12 American Revised Standard Concordance and Hebrew Dictionary

13Strongs, James,Op. Cite H. 7782

14 Ibid H. 5608, 5618

15 Lamsa, G. M., Op. Cite P488, C. 9:15-16

16 Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890, H, No. 7982

17 Islam Op. Cite Colliers

18Taylor W. H, ”Sailing” Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.20, P. 338

19 Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite P343

20Ibid P491, C.8:9

21 Ibid P578, C. 29:11

22Hall-Quest A. L. Fortune Telling, Colliers ,Op. Cite Vol., 10, P211-212


24 Ibid

25 Ibid

26 “Ancient Egypt”, Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.8, P. 670 Judgment of Entiu-Ny, from the Metropolitan Museum of art

27 Clark R. T. R, Myth and Symbols of Ancient Egypt : Thames and Hudson, London 1991

28 Van Rosen ,B. “Medicine” , Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.15, P. 641

29 Duckworth, G. E., “Hermes” , Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.12, P. 79


31Milik J. T, The Book of Enoch: Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4 : Oxford Press , Oxford England 1976

32Laurence Dr. R, Ethiopian Enoch, Also known as The Book of Pa- Hanok University of Oxford, England

33Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890, H 2526, 2346


35 Langdon, Babylonian Liturgies (Paris, 1913), p. 65

36Akhtar, Jamna das, transl.

37 Paulinus Fr., Systema Brahmanicum (Rome, 1791), pp. 156f

38Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite, P.C21:5

39 Slipher, , Op. Cite, Colliers Op. Cite, V13,P339

40Sullivan, Secret of the Inca, Crown Publisher, New York, 1996

41“China” Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.17, P. 108

42Simmon S. D, ”Mesopotamia: Ancient Civilization ” Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.15, P749.

43 Paulinus,Fr. Systema Brahmanicum (Rome, 1791), pp. 156

44Strongs, Op. Cite,. Greek no.575

45Ibid no. 3639

46Ibid, no. 619

47Ibid, no. 4744

48Pliny, Historia Naturalis II. 8. 30; Macrobius, Saturnalia I. 19. 7.

49Flores ed. Matthew of Westminster (, 1601, p. 82)

50 Mattingly H. Tacitus, Germania IX, transl. (1948):

51Duckworth, Op. Cite, Colliers Op. Cite, V12,p79


53Bowman, Colliers Op. Cite

54Laurence Dr. R, Op.Cite C.8:1



Medusa and Hydra Unraveled

8  Medusa Jpg

In my last Blog, Mirror Mirror, we have the history of General Miles and his war with the Apaches as a template and the fact that Xenophon called his bright shield heliographs, “Aspis also interpreted as snakes”, we can use that information as the starting point to unwind these “Riddles” of Medusa and Hydra. Medusa’s adversary was also a herculean figure that also had Zeus as his father. Though Perseus (Lightning Shield) was born1 of Dana’e (not Alcmena), who after Zeus had tired of Perseus’ mom, the King of Seriphus fell in love with her. The problem was the King did not like being reminded that he was not Dana’e’s first love. She had a son; to the King it seemed Perseus was always in the way. Now Perseus is in “The Way”2 immortalized in the night sky, north of Taurus and to the right of Andromeda and to the left of Aurica. Perseus was also the founder of Clytemnestra’s home town, Mycenae. The King of Seriphus devised a Quest for young Perseus to prove to the world that he was a man and at the same time do a service for the Crown. This was a quest that the king was sure would rid him of this unwanted memory of Dana’e’s past. The King sent Perseus to Gorgon (the land of ugly women) and to Medusa the monster woman with aspis for hair. 3However, those aspis were: Xenophon’s bright shield heliographs: NOT SNAKES.

Each aspis was a magic mirror or heliograph that was installed on one of Medusa’s many mountain top or watchtower “Sentinel outposts” each of which were manned by her faithful Gorgons and those watchtowers were really her eyes and ears who sent communiques back to her from the horizon and beyond. The Gorgon sentinel out post was symbolized as snakes emanating from Medusa and these outposts had only one Eye, a mirrored shield that the Gorgons would blink (or wink) messages to Medusa and to other sentinel outposts, communiques that allowed for direct interaction with Medusa in her citadel in real time. In so doing Medusa controlled the “High Ground”. These heliographs gave up to the minute intelligence to Medusa, just as General Mile’s mountain top heliographs gave him the advantage over the Apache.

These mirrored shields were also known as Eyes or Cyclopes, sorry that word Cyclopes’ also means a disk of copper with a bright finish4 besides the common definition of a one-eyed monster5 and the Egyptians called these Cyclopes, Horus, udjat depicted as a human eye and eyebrow.6 These were quicksilver coated copper shields/disks, a magic mirror using the alchemist silver trick.     


Geronimo said of those mirrors:“A power that I could not understand”

Because of the heilographic communication system which Medusa used, she was able to keep a constant watch on strangers, merchant caravans, and enemy troop movements. Medusa could set up ambushes with her troops, long before the unsuspecting visitor could even know that Medusa was aware of him. It must have seemed as if that stranger was moving like a stone when events overtook him.

Now Perseus had some advisers, Nymphs “Smart young women” at least as smart as Clytemnestra. These Nymphs gave that young man some good advice.7 Wear Shoes of Swiftness8 to be able to out run Medusa’s lighting fast communications system. So the Nymphs gave him some “Six League Boots” called the Shoes of Swiftness. The text does not call her Nike the goddess of Winged Victory but my guess is that she had some shoes for him to wear, however, those shoes never left the ground they were the wings of the Great Falcon.9

bird blinks

I am Horus, the great Falcon upon the ramparts of the house of him of the hidden name.

Horus was the heliograph that was on the platform of the Great Pyramid.

My flights have reached the horizon.

Blinks of light “The message” could be read as far away as the horizon and be transmitted to the next horizon.

I have passed by the gods of Nut. I have gone further that the gods of old. Even the most ancient bird could not equal my very first flight.

A speed unequaled, because the messages that traveled at the speed of light to the horizon.

I have removed my place beyond the power of Set, the foe of my father Osiris.

Messages that were traveling above the enemy that had no way stop the message.

No other god could do what I have done.

I have brought the ways of eternity to the twilight of the morning.

These messages could be transmitted during the daylight hours at speeds that would take days of travel by the fastest horsemen and that communication was done in a matter of seconds. A feat that would seem to be as amazing as Time Travel would be today.

I am Unique in my flight

The message could be sent and the sender, stay at the point of origination.

19jpg sundisk jpg

One of the many symbols of Horus was the winged sun disk 10with a mirror in its center. The wings of this heilographic device were not to fly with but too damper or screen the light so the field of view would be reduced. We get our letter “A” and the Sanskrit’s first letter from the Sun Disk’s folded wings.

You most often see the Sun disk with its wing spread: but when the wings are folded to reduce the field of view the Sun disk becomes an “A” from the overhead view. The light being affected in the same way that movie studio set lights use the same type of wings to put light only to the place most needed. This device gave Perseus knowledge from as far away as “the HORUSion” or six leagues away without taking a step. The messenger god of Rome was Mercury who also had winged feet of swiftness. Remember the metal that gave these copper mirrors their shine, mercury, the trick of the Alchemist silver.

The Nymphs Advised Perseus

Wear the Cap of Darkness and Use a Sword of Sharpness”

The Sentinel outposts of Medusa used the sun as a light source for their communication system making that interaction impossible during the nighttime hours: and because of the darkness, consequently, there was not enough light for the Gorgons to see clearly in the dark. Night is the “Cap of Darkness” and was the perfect time for Perseus to move unseen by Medusa’s watchtowers.

Now Perseus had some advisers, Nymphs “Smart young women” at least as smart as Clytemnestra. These Nymphs gave that young man some good advice.1 Wear Shoes of Swiftness2 to be able to out run Medusa’s lighting fast communications system. So the Nymphs gave him some “Six League Boots” called the Shoes of Swiftness. The text does not call her Nike the goddess of Winged Victory but my guess is that she had some shoes for him to wear, however, those shoes never left the ground they were the wings of the Great Falcon


One of the many symbols of Horus was the winged sun disk 4with a mirror in its center. The wings of this heilographic device were not to fly with but too damper or screen the light so the field of view would be reduced. We get our letter “A” and the Sanskrit’s first letter from the Sun Disk’s folded wings. 17 jpg sandscrit A

You most often see the Sun disk with its wing spread: but when the wings are folded to reduce the field of view the Sun disk becomes an “A” from the overhead view. The light being affected in the same way that movie studio set lights use the same type of wings to put light only to the place most needed. This device gave Perseus knowledge from as far away as “the HORUSion” or six leagues away without taking a step. The messenger god of Rome was Mercury who also had winged feet of swiftness. Remember the metal that gave these copper mirrors their shine, mercury, the trick of the Alchemist silver.

The Nymphs Advised Perseus

Wear the Cap of Darkness and Use a Sword of Sharpness”

The Sentinel outposts of Medusa used the sun as a light source for their communication system making that interaction impossible during the nighttime hours: and because of the darkness, consequently, there was not enough light for the Gorgons to see clearly in the dark. Night is the “Cap of Darkness” and was the perfect time for Perseus to move unseen by Medusa’s watchtowers.

One tooth is all that the Gorgons had”, one copper sword, this type of weapon was the standard military issue of the time and was cheap, easy to sharpen; but would not hold a sharp edge and would nick with the first use. Unfortunately, because of that softness, they would become dull quickly and the sharper the copper sword, the quicker it would become blunted. Iron swords that were made from meteors were available, but were rare. Even so, the gold miners of that era had an abundance of magnetite iron that was cast off in the refining of gold, so that iron was available and easier to locate than a Falling Star. Though both types of Iron swords would keep an edge and if the antagonist was strong enough, he could cut a copper sword in two with one blow, that Iron sword made it easier to capture the Sentinel Outpost.

Because, of that victory Perseus was able to use the mirror of the Sentinel Eye to tell Medusa that he, Perseus was moving away from Medusa when he was actually coming toward her. Therefore, Medusa was unaware of the approach of Perseus; consequently, her defenses were down. This apathy was because she had grown to rely on the aspis (heliographs or mirrors) to blink a warning before an intruder could enter her city. This complacency made it easy for Perseus to walk in, and defeat Medusa.

Hydra Verses Hercules


Now let us get back to Perseus’ big brother, and Hercules’ problem, The Hydra. Again it is a problem that deals with a beast with many aspis heads or (heliographic) Sentinels Out posts. However, this time those Sentinels Out posts were on wooden watchtowers, Sentinel Outposts that were in the command of the “High Ground.” As a reference we will have to come back to the mid-20th century of the Christian era, and the war on the Korean peninsula, a war where thousands of men died over the control of “The High Ground.” There is an Old military adage:

He who controls the High Ground

Controls the Battle.

The reason being is that with the view from the high ground a general can see the battle field and knows where both his troops and those of his enemy troops are. However, his enemy is kept from having that field of view and command and control, making the generals troop’s invisible. This invisibility and this heilographic command and control, allows the general to move his troops unseen by his enemy. Troops moved to give our general the best advantage to win the battle. Today the US Military uses satellites as High Ground Sentinel out posts, but they are somewhat slower than the boots on the ground surveillance of the old fashion “High Ground” sentinels.

The problem for our old friend Hercules and his Legendary “Olive Branch” club had was that after working “all night” to take control of the High Ground Watchtower, and taking the Outposts Aspis heliograph; which was one of the many heads of the Hydra. Hercules would then move onto the next watchtower, leaving that High Ground unguarded, at which time his enemies would re-man the tower with a new aspis heliograph and be back in business of controlling the High Ground. Hercules’ nephew saw what was happening and thought “this is DUMB” So even, though Iolaus was not the warrior that his uncle Hercules was, he knew how to start a fire and burned the watchtowers down after Hercules had cleared them out of enemy troops, but before the enemy could re-man them.

The best snapshot of the uses of the Hittite Winged Sun Disk heliograph is a bas-relief1 sculpture of three men holding the Magic mirrored unit, which is found in the collection at the Metropolitan museum of arts. This sculpture has been dated to two thousand years before the Christian era began. That is a thousand years before King David of Israel, Clytemnestra and the Egyptian Princess Entiu-ny.

Nine Hitite sundisk Jpg

Two of the men in the relief are stabilizing the device and directing the reflective beam of light. The third is stabilizing the other two men’s arms. Just above the two men’s shoulders, there are two levers that are used to stabilize the unit if placed on the ground. A round disk on a pole was used to blink the mirror reflection. This is one of the military small portable units used in battle and was carried on the backs of horses. The Sun disk’s wings were not for flying as I have mentioned before, but those wings were for reducing the field of view. In the late 19th century the British military use pipes and even gun bores to narrow the field of view of their heliographs in effect creating the forerunner to our modern LASER.

Medusa’s Gorgons, used horses to transport just as General Miles his heliographs. Homer’s Bellerophn found one of Medusa lost horses with a sun disk aboard with its wings folded over the horse’s flanks. Homer was BLIND1 and everything he spoke of was from a blind man’s perspective, so you cannot take him as an eye witness. Therefore, when Homer was told of a horse with wings on its back and able to deliver messages quickly through the air: Homer explained it as a flying horse. The ancient translation of the word we pronounce Pegasus is Pege-aspis which means a stratagem2 and the signaling bright shield.3. That is why when Bellerophn found that abandoned horse and its precious cargo, he named the horse and its load “Pegasus” or Pege-aspis and after this stratagem of Aries (Mars), enabling Bellerophn to use Pegasus to defeat the Chimera.4

Mohammad was thought to have used this type of winged horse communication system to keep track of Islam’s most holy sites. One of these heilographic sentinel outposts was on the hill where the Dome of the Rock now sits in Jerusalem. Mohammad was a great military leader and would have used that tool of a horse portable heliograph to his greatest advantage, though many Muslims would consider the Magic of the heliograph being connected to Mohammad to be heresy.

Ahura Mazda ,Persepolis

The religious convictions of the Hittites’ were the foundation of the Zoroasterision sect and their main god is Ahura Mazda the good god, of truth, and light.5 One of the most prominent depictions of Ahura Mazda is on the wall of the gateway to the ruined Persian capital of Persepolis where he stands in the middle of a Hittite Sun Disk heliograph where he is holding a small mirror. This is the same type of golden disks that was found in burial shafts of ancient Mycenae found by Heinrich Schiemann in the late 1868-1876 of the Christian era6. Little round Magic Mirrors of gold used to flash messages to the nearest watch tower (cell-tower) giving the man on the go instant communication, so he could keep in touch. Magic Mirrors that were entombed with those leaders, just as today some people are buried with their portable communication devices, cell phones.

In the 13th century, before the Christian era there was a Hittite king called, The Great King of Khatti: though in Egyptian the name would have been pronounced KHUTI. That name is the word for “LIGHTS.” The Great King of Lights fought Rameses II at the battle of Kadish in the Orontes valley in what is now Syria. The Great King of Lights forced Ramses II to sign a treaty in Karnack, Egypt7. The Winged Sun Disks (lights) were used for communication, surveillance, command and control. This gave the Hittite king the advantage over Ramses II of Egypt who was thought to be the best war tactician of his time, Rameses II, was fought to a draw because he did not control the “High Ground.”


1Homer ,World Book Encyclopedia, Field Enterprise Educational Corp,V 9

2Strongs James, Op. Cite,, Greek, no. 3803, 698, 4077

3 Ibid 875

4Stow H.L, “Pegasus” ,World Book Encyclopedia, Op. Cite., Vol.15, P. 202

5Duchesne J, “Zoroastrian” Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.23, P. 777

6Scranton R.L, ”Mycenae” Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.17, P. 108

7Woods, M, Op.CiteP173-174

1Jones T. B, “Hittite” , Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.12, P. 162 Photo Metropolitan Museum of Art

1One league is equal to one hour of walking

2 Waxman N., ”Winged Victory” , Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.23, P. 527

3 Clark R. T. R, Myth and Symbols of Ancient Egypt : Thames and Hudson, London 1991 65, Simmons S, D., Op. Cite, Colliers Vol. 15, p. 749

4Simmons S, D., Colliers, Vol. 15, p. 749

1Strongs, Op. Cite,, G. 785, 4442

2 Bullinger E, W. The Witness of the Stars 1893, The stars of the heavens were once known

3 Rose H. J, “Medusa” , Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.11, P. 234-235

4 Strongs, Op. Cite, G ,No,5467,5464, 5475, 5474

5 Ibid, no 3442


7One league is equal to one hour of walking

8 Waxman N., ”Winged Victory” , Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.23, P. 527

9 Clark R. T. R, Myth and Symbols of Ancient Egypt : Thames and Hudson, London 1991 65, Simmons S, D., Op. Cite, Colliers Vol. 15, p. 749

10Simmons S, D., Colliers, Vol. 15, p. 749

Mirror Mirror, Locked Gates, The Riddle Lord’s Secrets by Howard West Copyright 2011

cover 4

History, love stories and fairy-tales of wicked queens repeat themselves though most of us are bound to miss the point every time. Take for example the fall of Troy: a good mix of love stories, history and a wicked queen. For centuries Troy was thought to be a fictional kingdom, notwithstanding, Heinrich Schliemann, a self-educated German businessman read Homer and was convinced of the fundamental truth found in Homer’s story riddles of c. 800 years before the Christian era. Then in 1870, about twenty seven centuries after Homer’s death, Heinrich began to excavate near the village of Hissarlik in Asia Minor (Turkey)1 at which time Schliemann was under the same curse of disbelief that Cassandra had been under. Even so, Heinrich was vindicated, when he found architectural remains at his site at the village of Hissarlik, this evidence was in superposed layers and a wealth of artifacts were uncovered, objects made of stone, copper, silver, and gold. This discovery quickly forced the Gatekeepers of knowledge to revise their conclusion about the Heroic Age. Schliemann named the site The City Priam2 named for Homer’s, King of Troy. After Schliemann’s death, Wilhelm Dorpfeld continued Schliemann’s work and between 1893 and 1894 found “The Sixth Settlement.” This was contemporary with the “Mycenae” epoch of early Greece and was in turn called “Troy.”

The Greek Playwright, Aeschylus also wrote an account of the fall of Troy and of two adulterous women3. First a good-looking woman named Helen, the wife of Menelmaus, King of Sparta. Helen4 had gotten the Ancient world into a twist more than three thousand years ago, when she ran off with Cassandra’s brother to Troy. This caused Agamemnon, the King’s brother and the Greek army, to go to Troy to bring Helen back to Mycenae. Even as the siege ensued, a second woman was waiting in her palace, at Mycenae for word of the battle. This wicked queen’s name was Clytemnestra5, sister in-law to Helen and the woman who would later kill our poor little Cassandra. Clytemnestra was the unfaithful wife of Agamemnon the Commander of the Greek Forces. Agamemnon had aggravated the problems with both Troy and his wife by stealing Chryemneis, the daughter of one of the priests of Troy. Back in Mycenae, Clytemnestra was more than four hundred and fifty miles from Troy by land and two hundred and fifty miles by a land-sea route. As Clytemnestra paced back and forth, she wondered how long must she wait for news of the war, trying to make sure that her husband, Agamemnon did not come home unexpectedly from the War and find her in bed with her new lover.

If Caesar Augustus’ (born 27 years before the Christian era and died in the year 14 CE) Postal System6 had been available to Clytemnestra, those postal riders would have taken four and a half days to make the trip from Troy, with an average speed of one hundred miles per day. If William F. “Buffalo Bill “ Cody’ and his co-riders of the Pony Express7 were doing the delivery, the trip would have taken three days, based on the best time from St. Joseph to Sacramento8. The carrier pigeon message system9 developed by the Arabs sometime between the seventh and the ninth century of the Christian era, would have taken two days if the little pigeon came back at all. The square sailed ships of the time just would not meet the new racing yacht specifications of today, and if the winds were contrary the Greek square sailed ships could have taken days and days and if Odyssey was in charge years,

The funny thing is that Aeschylus, the Greek dramatist10: said that Clytemnestra knew of the fall of Troy that day. But how could she know? Did space aliens tell her? NO! Was Clytemnestra a clairvoyant?11 NO! Did she have an out of body experience then? NO! Catoptromance12 (Magic Mirrors) Now you’re getting close. But where is the thread that will start to unravel this Knot? Xenophon (434-355 years before the Christian era13) the ancient Greek war hero and historian answers that question in his history of ancient Greece called Hellenica. Nevertheless, Xenophon’s words like Cassandras’ words have been rejected by the Gatekeepers of knowledge. Even so, Hellenica contains the phrase to:

Signal with a Shield”

8 jpg signal with shield 2

This refers to reflecting sunlight with a mirrored shield. Those mirrors were called aspis14 the Ancient Greek word for snakes or mirrored shields. The messages that were sent by these ancient heliographs were called “aspasmos15 to “handle the shield.” Yes, they were what you would call Magic Mirrors the same kind that gave Clytemnestra the extra time needed to make sure she did not get caught with her new lover and what allowed Snow White’s wicked step mother to find The Fairest of them all.

Now why are those aspis or heliographs so important: because those Magic Mirrors gave the ancient world of the Eastern Mediterranean a system of communication equal to that of the late 19th to early 20th centuries. Think about that concept because the Gatekeepers of knowledge are blissfully unaware of that fact that thousands of years ago the cultures of the Middle East had almost instant communication between cities hundreds of miles apart. This is something that modern “Man” has only had for about one hundred and fifty years.

Aeschylus speaks of a system of dozens of beacons lights on mountaintops and watchtowers from Troy to Mycenae and Clytemnestra’s mansion. This indicates a network of beacons running at light speed more than three thousand years ago: though the Greek system was not the first of its kind. Such a system of this kind would not be instantly useable. The construction of such, a system would take time, to build watchtowers and climb mountains to find line of sight locations and a code system would also have to be developed. If this story has a hint of truth, there would have to be some remnants of that type of network, and of the code system that was used. Sorry to say, most of the skeptics will say:

fine, they were some campfires on the hills” or “It was a short-lived or one time fluke of history” or “I never heard of any such system used consistently at that time.”


9 jpg moon mirror

Not only is there evidence of this type of heliographic system throughout history, NASA uses that same basic system today. A two-way communication system working between the Earth and the Moon, the system has a light source on Earth and a mirrored device on the Moon, a beam of light with a series of blinks that have a time sequence is sent to the Moon and light is reflected back to Earth.16

Ringed by footprints, sitting in the moon dust, lies a 2-foot wide panel studded with 100 (magic) Mirrors pointing at Earth. It is the “lunar laser ranging retro reflector array” that Apollo 11 Astronaut Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong put there on July 21, 1969, about an hour before the end of their final moonwalk…” and it’s the only Apollo science experiment still running”17

The university of Maryland physics professor Carroll Alley was the project’s principal investigator during the Apollo years, and he follows its progress today.

Using these mirrors,” explains Alley, “we can ‘ping’ the moon with laser pulses and measure the Earth-moon distance very precisely. This is a wonderful way to learn about the moon’s orbit and to test theories of gravity.”18

Flashes of light from the Past are the current “craze” in computing and fiber optic communication. Light flowing through tiny silken threads of glass -short little blinks of light– traveling over hundreds of miles of cable from computer to computer. The State of the Art is light transmission of data, real High Tech 21th century science: Guess what? Most of you send hundreds of “LIGHT” speed messages every year: to thousands of people you do not even know, with just a little stick and a tap of your foot. You do this when you drive a car. A series of blinks tells folks that you are turning, or a longer dash says you are slowing down or stopping. Not so high tech now, you use blinks of light every day without thinking. You automatically know what those blinks mean and adjust your speed or location without even thinking. Paul Revere used blinks of lights in a church steeple in the American Revolutionary War. For a secure short range means of communication, The United States Navy still uses a Blinker or Flasher Light System to send messages from “ship to ship” or “ship to shore.” The system consists of a hooded light and a Venetian blind shutter19: and you thought that the Venetian’s invented that type of light baffle to keep the light out of your eyes: No. Those louvers were developed to keep the light (message) from the eyes of their enemy.

Not everyone has rejected Xenophon’s evidence of the viability of the Aspis or Bright Shields communications. William Von Graysand and Johann Gass developed a Bright Shield system in Europe20. Sadly Von Graysand and Gass did not possess an adequate code system. However, the Celts in Ireland and Wales were using a flasher code called Ogham with great success a few centuries before Von Graysand and Gass system was developed, but Von Graysand and Gass were not as successful as those who were able to overcome the problems in the desert lands, Even so, the Russians of the 19th century used a flasher system. Nicholas I (1796-1855 of the Christian era) a Tsar of Russia (1825-1855)21 governed Russia with an iron hand and a centralized administration, a good communication system was needed. Old Nick set up a beacon light system with a network of more than two hundred and twenty repeater stations that stretched from the frontier of Austria to St. Petersburg. The government was the primary user of this system; even so, that communication system22 became a boon to the Merchants between both points.

10 jpg US army heliograph black

In the American southwest during the 1870s and 1880s of the Christian era the Apache Indians gave23 the United States government a run for its money, when the Apache cut telegraph wires and disrupted that communication system. The Apache also had a superior communication system of their own using Capornancy (smoke signals). Nevertheless, the US army was given a new Catoptromance invention of less than thirty years, a toy really: a lady’s pocket mirror. Justus Von Liebig had just developed the process of silver on glass in the year 1853. Before that, most mirrors were made of metal although the most effective and easiest to build was a copper plate that was coated with an oily liquid metal: quicksilver. The mercury would act just like oil in a fry pan and leave a thin even finish with the excess easily wiped off, the same process that the Alchemist used in their trick of turning a copper coin silver with a little mercury. Those magic mercury mirrors are still being used today by astronomers. Some of the world’s most powerful telescopes have liquid metal surfaces, magic mirrors that allow those astronomers to travel through time millions of years into the past without leaving their offices.24

To give a perspective to how these Magic Mirrors, heliographs, or aspis worked in the distant past, we need only to go to America’s recent past of its Wild, Wild West, when telegraph lines were easily cut. General Nelson A. Miles25 turned the tables on the Apaches with steam trains, pack mules, Cyrsteloge, (telescopes) and Catoptromance (the heliograph system developed by Gauss 26). The telescopes gave the Army the ability to know the future or at least to see that future coming. The pack mules gave the troops an endless supply of food and ammunition. The heliograph was a giant step beyond the simple mirror Catoptromance system however, with this system the troops on the move, a single mirror system could not always be seen if the Sun was at the wrong angle.

twin heliograph

Sir Henry Mance’s heliographic system added a second mirror; each of the two mirrors could be tilted or rotated. This movement allowed the lower mirror to be turned and tilted to catch the sun at the best angle and reflect that light to the top mirror. The upper mirror could then be turned to allow it to send the light to the location of the troops. The heliograph’s mirror had a telegraph type key to tip the mirror or in some cases shutters or lovers were used to allow the Magic Mirror to blink the message.

General Nelson A. Miles described the historic surrender of Geronimo and the Magic Mirror connection is as follow:

I (General Miles) told him (Geronimo) that we had the use of steam and could move with great rapidity. That we also had the telegraph and the heliostat (heliograph), both superior to any of their methods of communication

I (General Miles) said to (Geronimo) ‘We can watch your movements and send messages over the tops of the mountains in the small part of a day that would take a mounted man on a swift pony twenty days to travel” (Geronimo) told me he had observed these flashes of light upon the mountain heights and believed them to be spirits.”

For a demonstration a heilographic message was sent to inquirer of Geronimo’s brother at Fort Bowie. This is the response of Geronimo on the receipt of the return message as told by Miles.

This struck the savage with awe, and evidently made a strong impression upon him. I (General Miles) noticed that he (Geronimo) said something to one of his warriors close by him, at which the warrior quietly turned on his heel, and walked a short distance where his pony was lariated, jumped on his back and rode rapidly back in the direction of the mountains from which Geronimo had come.”

Miles asked what Geronimo had said.

The interpreter replied: “He (Geronimo) told him to go tell Natchez that there was a power here which he (Geronimo) could not understand: and to come in, and come quick.”

The heliograph had performed its magical God like function as it had in the centuries past and in a few hours Natchez came down from the mountain.

The western states of Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada, used a heliographic network of sentinels out posts in the high desert for a time in the late 19th century and the British also used a heliographic system in southern Africa and in the Sub Continent in the same era. The heliograph also provided the mobile communication element in the British service which was devised by Sir Henry Mance at Bombay in 1869. The system would be transported to high ground location on horseback. The location usually was on a high open mountaintop that was clear on all sides. This heliographic system was the forerunner of our modern satellite surveillance systems. This communication system was a huge leap forward in technology, or was it backwards?


Locked Gates (The Riddle Lord’s Secrets)

The non-fiction book Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets by Howard West is published in Hard Cover format and is currently available through brick and mortar book stores and online retailers including

1 Wood, M., In Search of the Trojan War New York :Plume/ New American Library P. 2,48, Duckworth, G.E, “Trojan war”, Colliers Encyclopedia, Great Britain : The Crowell- Colliers Publishing CO: 1965, Vol. 7 p 307-309, Vol.22, Vol. 20. P485,86


3Caskely, J.L, ”Troy”, Op. Cite, Colliers Vol. 22 P494-495

4 Helen was symbolic of the beauty of Greek (Hellenistic) thought and logic that was being “Hi Jacked “ by the Trojans

5Clytemnestra was symbolic of the Greek public that was sliding away from Greek (Hellenistic) thought and logic into self-centered lust, pleasing themselves rather than adhering to the Greek’s system of thought and logic.

6 Gregg, I. “Postal System”, Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.19 P289




10, Aeschylus, Op. Cite, Colliers , Vol., 1

11Hall-Quest A. L. Fortune Telling, Op. Cite, Colliers , Vol., 10, p. 221

12 Ibid

13Xenophon, Hellenica Translated By Warner R, March Up Country, Miller R. L., Communications, Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.7,P74

14 Strongs, Op. Cite, Greek, no, 785

153Ibid, no., 783

16Phillips, DR. T., Mirrors on the Moon”, Science@

17 Ibid


19 Kelly, R. E. Talking Mirrors Versus The Indian, Frontier Times ,Western Publications inc Austin Texas

20Miller R. L., Communications, Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.7,P74

21Ibid, P74

22 Ibid

23Kelly, R. E. Op. Cite,

25Kelly, R. E. Op. Cite,

26Harris J. D. Amery (ED) Times History, Vol 5, p559

The Gates of Troy, From Locked Gates,The Riddle Lords Secret by Howard West

cover 4

Copyright 2011 Howard West,

Second Edition

All rights reserved.



Three thousand years ago on the sunny shore of the Eastern Mediterranean, along the Aegean Sea, lived a priestess named Cassandra, a young “Paul Revere” who was telling the people of Troy that:

The Greeks are coming and the Wooden Horse they left is a trick to allow them to breach our impenetrable walls.”

The Greek Army was using a tactic against the Trojan people that was a hallmark of Middle Eastern thought, The Riddle Concept: the misleading of ones Enemies and the Common Folk. Sadly, even though Cassandra had been given a great Gift, the uncanny ability to unravel riddles, with that Gift came a Cruel Curse. The curse that no one ever believed her, because of that disbelief, the citizens of Troy were deceived into believing a lie, a lie that would cost them their City. Consequently, as the Orators of Troy (also known as Gatekeepers) brought through the gates of Troy the large Wooden Horse, our Visionary, poor little Cassandra was being ridiculed to shame, and told:

Shut up and go home Cassandra or something ‘Bad’ might happen to you” 1

Today if our Gatekeepers of knowledge saw someone like Cassandra who was so far out of touch with those skeptics ’ concept of Truth: The diagnosis would be, “She is just part of a Lunatic Fringe .” Our modern Gatekeepers of knowledge, therefore, would feel justified in dismissing our poor little Cassandra and her “Statements of Truth” in a similar situation.

Deception through camouflage as in the Wooden Horse that the Greeks used was the “Common Trick” in Eastern Mediterranean Mythology. Within their story form riddles were hidden answers to a great number of the most puzzling aspects of their History. Answers locked away, woven into their religions, myths, and legends. The Semitic people described this concept of dissimulation, as a “Khood2 which implied a knot or a snarl of silk thread; or the word “chiydah”:3 a riddle. The complementary word was “mashah, 4 the unwinding of a silk worm cocoon, and mashal a story form riddle. However, to manufacture a silk piece of cloth you must first have thread. Therefore, you must find the end of the silk worm’s last strand that he had spun around himself. Then carefully unravel that last strand as the cocoon sits floating in water. Then hundreds of strands per-inch were used in the manufacture of silk cloth. A process that is far more time consuming than the production of felt cloth; where you smash short unsorted fibers together to produce, a cloth for the Common Folk. The genesis of this process of silk production dates back thousands of years ago to Egypt. Though the Art was lost in antiquity, nevertheless, traces of that production can be seen in the language of the Semitic people. One of the most famous of the Hebrew leaders was a man named, Moses5 and that name is derived from that same Hebrew root word as “mashah”  6 and he too was drawn up from the water of the Nile in a Cocoon of Bulrushes. The title Messiah, , LORD of the Riddle, The Spinner of mashals, (Zader Yiger Mantchih:“The Silken Man”7,) also comes from that same Semitic root word “Mash”, however, Messiah ends with the “Sacred Name” Jah or Iah8, LORD: not “ich”, Union.)

The synonym for this Semitic concept of the mashal in the ancient Greek secular world was derived from its root words of para,9 “be close to or run alongside” and bolo10 “to be thrown off or redirected.” There are many words that have those root words, and most of which still hold true to the basic meaning of the Greek root words such as: parallel, paralegal, paraboloid, and parabolic. Even so, for some strange reason the Religious Crowd change the meaning of parable to mean, “An illustration given to make a concept clear for the Common folk.” Though, the “Book” that they say confirms this concept says just the opposite:

Isaiah 13:13

From Qumran Cave One11

The reason that I speak to them in Parables12 (mashal Story riddles) is that seeing they will not perceive; and hearing they will not understand.

Solomon said: in Proverbs 1:5-613

The Wise will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding Shall attain unto wise counsel; so he can understand (mashal)14 story riddles and their interpretation of the words of the wise, And their (chiydah15) Dark Sayings

The Book of Secrets16

From Qumran Cave Four

4Q300 F1 Col 2

Consider, those teachers of error: that say, ‘The story riddles (mashal) declares themselves that the (mashal) riddles is plain to see even before the Wise speaks…“

Proud in your foolishness teachers of error, for the vision is sealed up from you, and you have not properly understood the eternal mysteries and you have not become wise in understanding but foolish for you have not properly understood the origin of Wisdom; but if you should unseal the vision. The story riddles (mashal) is foolishness in all your wisdom.”

4Q301 F117

I shall speak out freely, and I shall express my various sayings among you for those who would understand story riddles (mashal) the dark hidden secrets (chiydah18) and that they propose and those who would penetrate the origins of knowledge, along with those who hold fast to the wonderful mysteries, hidden from those who walk in simplicity as well as those who are devious in every activity of the deeds of humanity. Hidden from those with stiff necks, and hard heads, and all the mass of the Common Folk.

The Egyptian Het Benben19

They see Ra (The light of sun) with their eyes and enter in his secret images. I protect my hidden things which are in Het Benben (house of the Renaissance)

The Story Riddle were used as a system to keep the knowledge of the Riddle Lords secrets from their Enemies and the Common Folk: though retrievable by the diligent. This system has worked well, almost too well. The answers to those Eastern Mediterranean cultures most baffling secrets, have been passed on from one generation to the next generation camouflaged within the essence of these riddles. Answers hidden, unchanged, and locked in riddles inside myths and legends of sex, violence, gods and goddesses and the super natural. This premise of the unwinding of threads to guide us through the maze of ignorance to the light of wisdom is a concept that was taught in the Greek story of the hero of the virgins of Athens. Theseus went to the labyrinth of Minotaur20 to take those young people’s place in darkness, and to do battle with that half-man-beast. Theseus knew he had no hope of escaping the Labyrinth, even if he defeated Minotaur. Luckily, Theseus had an admirer, the King’s daughter Ariadne; this young woman gave Theseus the key to unlock the riddle of the Labyrinth a simple ball of thread, Thread that was able to lead Theseus out of the maze into the light of day.

So why is this Wisdom locked away in these ancient story riddles so important that we must unwind these silk threads or riddles? Because they contain answers hidden in “Dark Sayings” (chiydah) that even the most educated of the 21th century of the Christian era have never been aware of; Dark Sayings that unlocks the most puzzling aspects of the Eastern Mediterranean culture. Alchemy is a case in point.

The Alchemists, who had learned the trick of turning Base Metals silver, loved this Game of Camouflage. The key to Alchemists silver and Gold was the element mercury also known as quicksilver. This liquid metal was known in Time’s Past as an “Anointing Oil.” The eternal question has been, “How do you turn a clean Base Metal coin: silver and then golden?” This is a well-known process that has been used in refining gold for thousands of years; yet, the truth of the Magic of Alchemy has eluded the Common Folk. All that is needed is a drop of quicksilver that was rubbed into the coin in so doing the mercury quickly spreads, turning the coin silver. The mercury would then spread out on the coin like oil on water. The coin then has a thin silver mirror finish. If you scratch the coin the mercury instantly fills the scratch, so the coin seems to be solid silver, therefore, a copper penny would seem to be a silver dime. Here in the “States” our Government has learned the Alchemist trick: our coins have a copper core and a bright silvery, finish, though not with mercury. Sadly the Common Folk here in the States value those coins as if they were solid silver. Our government has learned the value of the Alchemist Silver coin and the Common Folk have not.

To turn the Alchemist silver coin to a golden one is almost as simple, though the process does require a tiny amount of microscopic gold. The Alchemist silver coin is suspended in water and a mixture with a yellow or red sulfur to hide the tiny flecks of gold. The coin in the slurry is then agitated. This allows the stickiest of the oily quicksilver to capture the microscopic flakes of gold, which turns the coin golden with a coating, a veneer so thin that the tiny amount of gold looks solid. The Alchemist’s silver and gold are the keys to understanding many of the mysteries of the Eastern Mediterranean cultures of the past.

The “Gatekeepers of knowledge” of today understands these Dark Sayings such as Alchemy as clearly as the people of Troy understood “The Secret” contained in that Large Wooden Horse that their Gate Keepers brought through the gates into their city. A people that could describe the Horse’s outside in great detail and could give you a long list of Common people and of the Intellectual leaders of Troy that would describe the Wooden Horse in exactly the same way, EXCEPT.

cover 4

Locked Gates (The Riddle Lord’s Secrets)

The non-fiction book Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets by Howard West is published in Hard Cover format and is currently available through brick and mortar book stores and online retailers including


1Leaf, The Iliad in Prose, Schwab, Gustav, Gods and Heroes, Myths and Epics of Ancient Greece

2Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890 , no. 2330

3Ibid, no. 2420

4Ibid, no., 4912, 4897

5Ibid, no. 4872

6Ibid, no.4871

7The Silken Man: Zader Yiger Mantchih in Yiddish

8Strongs, Op.Cite, Hebrew no. 4899

9Strongs, James, Greek Dictionary of the New Testament, Madison,NJ, 1890, no. G, 3846

10Ibid, no. G,906

11Isaiah 13:13, Qumran Cave one, Isaiah second copy

12Strongs, Op Cite,, Hebrew, no.4871

13 Lamsa, G. M., The Holy Bible :from the ancient Eastern text -The Peshitta-; San Francisco : Harper & Row,1957: Proverbs 1:5-6

14Strongs, Op Cite, Hebrew no.4871

15Ibid, no. 2420

16The Book of Secrets” Qumran Cave Four” 4Q300 F1 Col 2

17Ibid 4Q301 F1

18Strongs, Op.Cite, Hebrew no. 2420

19Budge, E. A., The Egyptian Heaven and Hell ( Book of WHAT is in Duat) ,Martin Hopkinson Co. ,London,1925, Vol 1,P 196

20Schwab, Gustav, Gods and Heroes, Myths and Epics of Ancient Greece

Locked Gates, The Riddle Lord’s Secrets by Howard West Copyright 2011 – Introduction


Unto you it is given to know the mysteries:

but unto them that are without, all these things are done in riddles:

That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand


Astronomers 2


The Riddle Lords have always baffled the Haughty: However, the haughty hold themselves to be the Gatekeepers of Wisdom. These gatekeepers, therefore, have relegated those stories of the Riddle Lords to the status of fairy tales: stories such as of Hercules, Osiris, Isis, and Horus. The same was true about Homer’s works, and his great poems that described a civilization of chariots, fleets of ships, warriors, and palaces, which once flourished on the Greek mainland. For years the Haughty of the Scholarly World had discounted Homer’s story of the expedition to Troy; all these stories have thought to have been colossal and compelling pieces of fictions, on the same lines as today’s writers of fiction as Dean Koontz, Dan Brown, and Ann Rice.

Even so, the Wise knew perfectly well that those story form riddles, myths and legends contained deeper meanings. Aristotle (in his Metaphysics, x. 8) admits, with regard to those story form riddles hidden with in Greek mythology, that “much Wisdom had been lost”, and much “added after the mythical style,while some knowledge, “may have been preserved to our times as the remains of ancient wisdom.” Polybius a Greek historian of the Mediterranean, and world famous for his book called. “The Histories”; in which he covered in detail the period of 220-146 BC; he also confesses, changes in those riddles hidden with in myths and legends were recognized as a necessary means to (the Gatekeepers) political ends.” Michael Neander (1529-1581) a German astronomer says that the connections between the constellations of the night sky and the ancient legends and riddles were “the fragments of a tradition, which transmitted the knowledge of divine things possessed in the earliest times.”

Therefore, people like Heinrich Schliemann have burning within them a faith in the historical veracity of Homer and other Riddle Lords and have unearthed impressive evidence of the truth found in those ancient stories. Entire previously unknown civilization of vast material accomplishments and artistic achievement of a world is now revealed, Myths have now become reality as complex as Minotaur’s Labyrinth. These discoveries present the students of history with a maze of literary and archeological connections that as of yet has no path that satisfies everyone. Think of this book as a ball of thread similar to the ball thread that Ariadne gave Theseus, a ball thread that lead Theseus out of the darkness of Minotaur’s Labyrinth.

Part One


The Gates of Troy

Archimedes’ Mentor

Part Two

Power of the Sun


The Golden Shields of Solomon

The Stone Puzzle of Aten

Winds of Egypt

Daytime North Star

Part Three

Water in the Desert

Ramps Verses Crocodiles

The Legacy of Isis, Metzrayim

Resurrection of Osiris

Earth Changes c. 10,500 B.C.

Part Four

The Past and Future Collide

The Pyramid Cross-Referenced to the Stars

Return of the Caliph

Final Flood



Locked Gates (The Riddle Lord’s Secrets)


The non-fiction book Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets by Howard West is published in Hard Cover format and is currently available through brick and mortar book stores and online retailers including

Archaeological Discovery You Will Never See on the Discovery Channel



scroll dead sea 1

The last thing that Atheists want archeologists to disclose, is anything that gives credibility to the discoveries that agree with the Bible. Those Ratio-Nihilist spin important archeological findings into minor anomalies; that they hope will not be addressed. Especially, Isaiah’s 19th chapter   account of the destruction of a dam and the draining of the Sea of Egypt, Metzrayim. Which caused the fall of the Old Kingdom and the beginning of the First Intermediary Period of Egyptian history. Even more importantly the construction of a Hebrew city around the Great Pyramid called the city of Heliopolis, City of the Sun.

Please be aware Isaiah in his 19th chapter used the Hebrew name, Metzrayim,: metzr=the wall that has power over,  yim =the river: in other words a River Dam. Not the Coptic Greek name Egypt, Aiguptis: which is derived from aigia = a sea, and ptoeo = to cause to flee away. These two names for the land of the Nile River and the correct interpretation of the hieroglyphic name for the land of the Nile, KMT are the keys to understanding what Isaiah is trying to tell you in his 19th chapter and the most important archaeological documented discovery of the 21st century: that the Ratio-Nihilist hope you never consider.


The Dead Sea Scrolls of Isaiah

(1QaIsa and 1QpHab)

19:5 And the waters shall fail from the Sea of Egypt, Metzrayim, and the river shall be wasted and dried up.

19:18 In that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt, Metzrayim: speak the language of Canaan, and swear to the LORD of hosts; one (city) shall be called, Heliopolis.

19:19 In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, Metzrayim and a pillar at the border thereof to the LORD.( The only things there are the Great Pyramids)

19:20 And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt


Atum was another name for the Pyramid that spoke

of itself and its arrival:

When I, Atum was alone in the waters, in a state of immobility, Before I was found anywhere to stand or sit, Before Heliopolis had been founded that I might be there in.

This short video will connect these two texts and give you all the evidence that you will need to begin a conversation on this subject.

dam building

This short video will connect these two texts and give you all the evidence that you will need to begin a conversation on this subject. That video contains the evidence of an ancient dam, its destruction and the pyramids rising from those receding waters  that dam had held back. The point is this, you have been presented with a discovery that will start a fire that will burn to the ground much of what Atheist want the common man to believe about the Bible.

cover 4


The non-fiction book Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets by Howard West is published in Hard Cover format and is currently available through brick and mortar book stores and online retailers including ( and (


Solar Energy Discovered in the Pylons of Karnack



Ancient stone blocks found in the Pylons of Karnack, revealed the remnant of the City of the Horizon of Aten, a city which contained a technology of the ancient Egyptians that was so Top-Secret that the priesthood of Amun of during the reign of the Pharaoh Horemheb, dismantled that city piece by piece, then those broken stones were shuffled and hidden with in the Pylons of Karnack to hide their prized technology: A stone riddle that could only be revealed by an earth quake and reassembled by modern computer wizardry.

42 bit Karnak Aten

This short video will give you all the evidence you will need to begin a conversation on the solar energy used by ancient Egypt.


The non-fiction book Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets by Howard West is published in Hard Cover format and is currently available through brick and mortar book stores and online retailers including ( and  ( )

Archaeological Discovery That Atheists Hope You Never Consider.



scroll dead sea 1

The last thing that Atheists want archeologists to disclose, is anything that gives credibility to the discoveries that agree with the Bible. Those Ratio-Nihilist spin important archeological findings into minor anomalies; that they hope will not be addressed. Especially, Isaiah’s 19th chapter   account of the destruction of a dam and the draining of the Sea of Egypt, Metzrayim. Which caused the fall of the Old Kingdom and the beginning of the First Intermediary Period of Egyptian history. Even more importantly the construction of a Hebrew city around the Great Pyramid called the city of Heliopolis, City of the Sun.

Please be aware Isaiah in his 19th chapter used the Hebrew name, Metzrayim,: metzr=the wall that has power over,  yim =the river: in other words a River Dam. Not the Coptic Greek name Egypt, Aiguptis: which is derived from aigia = a sea, and ptoeo = to cause to flee away. These two names for the land of the Nile River and the correct interpretation of the hieroglyphic name for the land of the Nile, KMT are the keys to understanding what Isaiah is trying to tell you in his 19th chapter and the most important archaeological documented discovery of the 21st century: that the Ratio-Nihilist hope you never consider.


The Dead Sea Scrolls of Isaiah

(1QaIsa and 1QpHab)

19:5 And the waters shall fail from the Sea of Egypt, Metzrayim, and the river shall be wasted and dried up.

19:18 In that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt, Metzrayim: speak the language of Canaan, and swear to the LORD of hosts; one (city) shall be called, Heliopolis.

19:19 In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, Metzrayim and a pillar at the border thereof to the LORD.( The only things there are the Great Pyramids)

19:20 And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt


Atum was another name for the Pyramid that spoke

of itself and its arrival:

When I, Atum was alone in the waters, in a state of immobility, Before I was found anywhere to stand or sit, Before Heliopolis had been founded that I might be there in.

This short video will connect these two texts and give you all the evidence that you will need to begin a conversation on this subject.

dam building

This short video will connect these two texts and give you all the evidence that you will need to begin a conversation on this subject. That video contains the evidence of an ancient dam, its destruction and the pyramids rising from those receding waters  that dam had held back. The point is this, you have been presented with a discovery that will start a fire that will burn to the ground much of what Atheist want the common man to believe about the Bible.

cover 4


The non-fiction book Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets by Howard West is published in Hard Cover format and is currently available through brick and mortar book stores and online retailers including ( and (


Myths and the Science they Expose

Part I Archimedes

Father of Experiential Science and Engineering

1 B  Archimedes

More than fifty years ago in my “Introduction to Greek Literature” was in science class, I learned of Archimedes and his “Bath Tub Revelation“. Even so, in the decades since I have found that our dear little Archimedes was far wiser that the image of a little old man that ran through the streets of the capital city Syracuse, Sicily: naked and screaming. Archimedes was born 287 years Before the Christian Era and was educated in Alexandra, Egypt and his death was recorded at the fall of Syracuse. Plutarch writes in his work on “Marcellus”: the Roman commander, about how Archimedes’ engines of war were used against the Romans in the siege of 212 Before the Christian Era.
2  signal with shield
Archimedes is said to have, “single handedly defended the cityby constructing many of Hercules Glittering Shield (translated by Evelyn-White) a system of mirrors now called heliostats.

30 Aten Jpg

However, that system was known as Aten Orb  and Amenophis IV , Akhenaten created a presentation park  to  promoting them Karnack Egypt. Mirrors that were to focus the Sun’s light by more than one thousand fold onto Roman ships.

The power of the sun and King Tut and the Stone Quarry Conspiracy

Now mirrors are used to power our cities



Other engines of war used in that defense were based on Hercules’ Birds of Styphalian story. Archimedes also used noise makers against the land forces, immense masses of stones that came down with incredible noise and violence: against which no man could stand: breaking the Roman army’s ranks, just as Hercules used “noise makers” thrown  to flush the Birds of Styphalian.


The strange thing is when you look up Archimedes word of praise that he screamed in a Greek lexicon? Eureka starts with the Greek letter Epsilon: which means“to cover in a lion” And as often as not Epsilon is pronounced as an “ H ” sound, as in Helen and eureka would be pronounced as “ heureka,” linking that word to the name Heurcules. The Greek prefix and root word heur-cole that refers to. The tool or “The Splendid Gift” or inherent power linked to Hercules. A man that wore a suit of armor made of lion skin. Hercules was a man with the right tool for each job. That is why Archimedes loved his Mentor Hercules so much, and why Archimedes was known for discovering so many of the right tools based on the stories of Hercules. Could have our dear little Archimedes have written part of his own biography using the pen name Heuracleides? A name that means a follower of Heurcules, but what else would you call a man like Archimedes that could tow a loaded ship on land as easily as he could on water, with Hercules’ rope of the Cretan Bull story and a few pulleys.


A man that held the Roman Navy and then Army at bay with a few blinks of mercury clad copper magic mirrors and a few of Hercules’ noise makers. The Myths of Hercules lead Archimedes to become the father of “Experiential Science and Engineering”: Heuristic. Sadly the children of the 21st century of Christian Era think Hercules was a super hero like Super Man: not a man that used his intellectual skills to multiply his strength or advantage. All the same, that is the point of Myths. The plot of the story is not the Wisdom of the Myth.

Hercules origins are found in the night skies of Egypt

where he is called Bau,

beu zodac

Where he is still in battle with the dreaded snake Draco.

4 jpg Fight

The Stars and History of Egypt

Surprisingly, even in the later versions you do not find a man of superhuman strength but a man of great wisdom and wisdom was more powerful that brute force. One of the best-known Herculean stories is, The Stuck Cart. A man had mired his cart and was unable to free his vehicle. So on the cart seat, the driver was in fervent prayer to the pantheon of the Greek gods and goddesses asking for them to free his cart. Hercules hears the man’s prayer for help; however, his response is not of a godlike benefactor, but as an exasperated father speaking to a dim-witted son.

The gods help them that help themselves.”

2 blue donkeys

Then Hercules shows the driver how to multiply his own strength using levers, in so doing frees the cart. The Wisdom of this Myth is not that prayers work: even though the driver’s prayer did work. And it was not that Hercules got the cart unstuck, which he did. The wisdom of the myth is the lesson of fulcrums and levers. Even so, who got the credit for discovering “The Law of Levers,” Archimedes and not Hercules. Each of Hercules’ Labors held great wisdom that was camouflaged in what seems to be a fairytale or myth, Labors that were achieved by intellectual and engineering principles. When Hercules tries in his own strength, he fails. That is the wisdom of the Hercules myth, “Use your head not your back, ”When Hercules cleansed King Augeas’ Ox Stable that had not been cleaned for three decades: was the cleaning of the King’s stable done by Hercules’ ability to shovel “Bull Shit” that got the job done? No! It was hydrodynamics principles. Hercules used two dams to change the course of two rivers to flow through the stable to cleanse it’s of the massive amounts of Ox Dung. That process is used in gold mining and is known as Hydraulic Mining. And who got the credit for that field of scientific endeavor of hydrodynamics? Archimedes has been given the title of the Father of that field of scientific research.
Hercules had another problem: there was a Lion running around that had a hide that was impenetrable. That made the Nemean lion “un-defeat-able.”So how could our Hero prevail against such a beast? In many versions of this story our Hero was swallowed whole, in order that, Hercules could kill the beast from the inside by choking the beast. After the battle with that lion, our Hero fashioned himself a suite of armor, which takes us back to the Greek letter Epsilon, to be clothed with the lion. That is right Hercules got a Greek letter named after one of his Labors.
TrojanHorse (2)
Eight hundred years before the birth of Archimedes what army used that Herculean concept from that myth to defeat a city that had impenetrable walls? –BINGOThe Greek army that was encamped around the City of Troy, with its impenetrable walls, though it took them a while to remember. Eventually, someone must have remembered that old Herculean myth. So they loaded up some men in a big Wooden Horse and left them to be swallowed by the Gates of Troy with its “Impenetrable walls.”
Even though much Truth has been hidden outside the Locked Gates of mainstream academia, much of that lost
knowledge is revealed in the E-book Locked Gates By Howard West




Truth that is Outside Organized Religion and Atheism

“Truth is to be searched for as fine gold.” However, Pilate asked, What is truth?”  that query is  one of the Three Fundamental Questions that all thinking men and women have pondered. Some people think, that experience and memories of past experience being used as material for the processing of analyzing enabling  a pattern of  a permanent and unvarying  reference can be used as a yard stick to hold when judging concepts and theories ”.  In most cases that is a valid yard stick, however, if  a concept is outside the experience of the one judging, they will be held captive inside the Locked Gates of those experiences. They, therefore, are with out vision of what is beyond their experience.  Many other people reason, “Truth is common opinion grounded on hearsay and habit”: the problem with that form of judgment is if concept is outside the knowledge of ones peers or people that they are depend on for guidance, therefore, if they believe an  unreliable or out of date witness’ accounts as  fact: the judgment is made void and the person judgment is subject to other’s invalid opinions. The Nazis knew if youtell an untruth often enough with conviction, peculiarly if you put it in print, people will believe that lie and would  become a wide spread tradition held as truth.”


Enoch 68

enoch (2)

from Qumran Cave 7

He (Armers) taught men to understand writing, and the use of ink and paper. Therefore, numerous have been those who have gone astray from every period of the world, even to this day… But by this their knowledge they perish, and by this also its power consumes them.

Ockham (Occam)  believed that by: shaving an argument into its simplest terms is how to find the validity  of a statement”. A concept which is made invalid if the “Truth” is deliberately hidden with in a way to throw off those who are lazy and foolish along with the enemies of the presenter of that truth. Even so, the Wise knew perfectly well that those myths and legends from around the Eastern Mediterranean contained deeper meanings.  Aristotle his  admits, with regard to Greek mythology,

Meta-Physics, x. 8


“That much Wisdom had been lost, and much added after the mythical style, though the truth may have been preserved to our times as the remains of ancient wisdom.”.

The Book of Secrets.

Cave 4 Qumran

4Q300 F1 Col 2


I shall speak out freely, and I shall express my various sayings among you for those who would understand the dark hidden secrets and conundrums,, that they propose and those who would penetrate the origins of knowledge, along with those who hold fast to the wonderful mysteries. Hidden from those who walk in simplicity as well as those who are devious in every activity of the deeds of humanity Hidden from those with a stiff neck, a hard-headed, and all the mass of the fools who reject God.


Conundrums, are the customs of the fool who reject God and the inheritance of the wise that understand their meanings. Now what good is the conundrums to you, you who search for the origins of knowledge? Why is the heart honored, for it is the dominion and understanding of the conundrums? Why is it splendid to you, for it is the key to the mysteries? Why is a prince of conundrums made an adviser of the Ruler? A man without strength, and he dominates him the ruler with a whip that cost nothing.

TrojanHorse (2)

Deception to conceal the truth as in the Wooden Horse that the Greeks used was the “Common Trick” in Eastern Mediterranean Mythology. Within their stories were hidden answers to a great number of the most puzzling aspects of their History. Answers locked away, woven into their religions, myths, and legends. The Semitic people described this concept of dissimulation, as a “Khood 1” which implied a knot or a snarl of silk thread; or the word “chiydah2”: a conundrum. The complementary word was “mashah,3 h v m ” the unwinding of a silk worm cocoon. However, to manufacture a silk piece of cloth you must first have thread. Therefore, you must find the end of the silk worm’s last strand that he had spun around himself. Then carefully unravel that last strand as the cocoon sits floating in water. Then thousands of strands per-inch were used in the manufacture of silk cloth. A process that is far more time consuming than the production of felt cloth; where you smash short unsorted fibers together to produce, a cloth for the Common Folk. The genesis of this process of silk production dates back thousands of years ago to Egypt. Though the Art was lost in antiquity, nevertheless, traces of that production can be seen in the language of the Semitic people. One of the most famous of the Hebrew leaders was a man named, Moses 4  h v m and his name was derived from that same Hebrew root word as “mashah5 h v m ” and he too was drawn up from the water of the Nile in a Cocoon of Bulrushes.

silk cocoons

The title Messiah, h y v m or The  LORD  of Mashah or Zader Yiger Mantchih: “The Silken Man”,6  also comes from that same Semitic root word as “mashah” h v m, however,  the Yod  y is added: Messiah  h y v m therefore ending with the “Sacred Name” or LORD   y h Iah  7  

The synonym for this Semitic concept of the “Mashah” h v m in the ancient Greek secular world was derived from its root words of para,8be close to or run alongside” and bolo9to be thrown off or redirected.” There are many words that have those root words, and most of which still hold true to the basic meaning of the Greek as: parallel, paraboloid, and parabolic. Even so, for some strange reason the Religious Crowd change the meaning of parable to mean,An illustration given to make a concept clear for the Common folk. Though, the “Book” that they say confirms this concept says just the opposite  and refers to the concept of a conundrum :

Isaiah 13:13 10 

imanuel isaiah

From Qumran Cave One


The reason that I speak to them in parables 11( mashah h v m ) is that seeing they will not perceive; and hearing they will not understand.

Solomon said: in Proverbs 1:5-6 12

The Wise will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsel; so he can understand parables13 ( mashah h v m ) and their interpretation of the words of the wise, And their (chiydah)14 Dark Sayings.

These Conundrums or chiydah were used as a system to keep the Storytellers secrets from their Enemies and the Common Folk. This system has worked well, almost too well. The answers to those Eastern Mediterranean cultures most baffling secrets, have been pasted on from one generation to the next generation camouflaged within the essence of these stories, unchanged, and locked in myths and legends of sex, violence, gods, goddesses and the super natural. The mashah was a premise of the unwinding of threads to guide us through the maze of ignorance to the light of wisdom is a concept that was taught in the Greek story of the hero of the virgins of Athens. Theseus went to the labyrinth of Minotaur  to take those young people’s place in darkness, and to do battle with that half-man-beast. Theseus knew he had no hope of escaping the darkness of the Labyrinth, even if he defeated Minotaur. Luckily? Theseus had an admirer, the King’s daughter Ariadne; this young woman gave Theseus the key to unlock the riddle of the Labyrinth: a simple ball of thread, thread that was able to lead Theseus out of the maze of darkness into the light of day.

1 A  AlchemistJpg

So why is this Wisdom so important that we must unwind these silk threads or conundrums? Because they contain answers hidden in “Dark Sayings” (chiydah) that are outside the knowledge of the most educated people of the 21th century. Alchemy is a case in point, the Alchemists, who had learned the trick of turning Base Metals silver, loved this Game of deception through camouflage. The key to Alchemists Magic was the element mercury also known as quicksilver. This liquid metal was known in Time’s Past as an “Anointing Oil.” The eternal question has been, “How do you turn a clean Base Metal coin, silver and then golden?” This is a well-known process that has been used in the refining of gold for thousands of years; yet, the truth of the Magic of Alchemy has eluded the Common Folk. All that is needed is a drop of quicksilver that was rubbed into the clean coin in so doing the mercury quickly spreads, turning the coin silver like in appearance. The mercury would then spread out on the coin like oil on water. The coin then has a thin silver mirror finish. If you scratch the coin the mercury instantly fills the scratch, so the coin seems to be solid silver, therefore, a copper penny would seem to be a silver dime. Here in the “States” our Government has learned the Alchemist trick: our coins have a copper core and a bright silvery, finish, though not with mercury. Sadly the Common Folk here in the States value those coins as if they were solid silver. Our government has learned the value of the Alchemist trick to debase our currency and the Common Folk have not.

To turn the Alchemist silver coin to a golden one is almost as simple, though the process does require a very tiny amount of microscopic gold. The Alchemist silver coin is suspended in water and a mixture with a yellow or red sulfur to hide the tiny flecks of microscopic gold. The coin in the slurry is then agitated. This allows the stickiest of the oily quicksilver to capture the microscopic flakes of gold, which turns the coin golden with a coating, a veneer so thin that the tiny amount of gold looks solid. The Alchemist’s silver and gold are the keys to understanding many of mysteries the Eastern Mediterranean cultures of the past.

The “Gatekeepers of knowledge” of today both atheist and the organized religious crowd  understands these Dark Sayings such as Alchemy as clearly as the people of Troy understood “The Secret“ contained in that Large Wooden Horse that their Gate Keepers brought through their gates into their city. A people that could describe the Horse’s outside in great detail and could give you a long list of Common people and of the Intellectual leaders of Troy that would describe the Wooden Horse in exactly the same way, EXCEPT THAT ACCURSED CASSANDRA: and what did she get for her truthful statements? First  she was ridiculed, then rape by Ajax and finally hacked to pieces by Clytemnestra,


Even though much Truth has been hidden outside the Locked Gates of mainstream academia, much of that lost knowledge is revealed in the E-book Locked Gates By Howard West


cover 4


1Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890 , no. 2330

2Ibid, no. 2420

3Ibid, no., 4912, 4897

4Ibid, no. 4872

5Ibid, no.4871

6The Silken Man: Zader Yiger Mantchih in Yiddish ,

7Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890, H . 4899

8Strongs, James, Greek Dictionary of the New Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890, G, 3846

9Ibid, . G,906

10Isaiah 13:13, Qumran Cave one, Isaiah second copy

11Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890, H.4871

12Lamsa, G. M., The Holy Bible :from the ancient Eastern text -The Peshitta-; San Francisco : Harper & Row,1957: Proverbs 1:5-6

13Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890, H.4871

14Ibid, H. 2420

Ps. Thank you Bill for helping me in the up loading this blog post

Egypt’s Flood Dragon Prophecy

Most of the people who read or have heard of the hard cover book, Locked Gates by Howard West will discount its accuracy. The Common Folk that believe in fairy tales will say “That is not what those stories (in Locked Gates) mean.” And those people who think those stories were only myths to control the Common Folk will say. “Those Ancient Stories were just Fairy-tales: nothing more.” Therefore, I have put this video on line, a film that is based on the final section of the Hard cover book,LOCKED GATES  Riddle Lord’s Secrets as a test for my accuracy. I know full well that I will be treated like Cassandra of Troy, and as many other visionaries who were never believed by their Enemies or the Common Folk, strangely that rejection did not prove those predictions of those seers wrong. Sadly, when this last section of my book comes to pass, it will be too late for millions of people around the world, some of these people may be your friends. Their Future safety is now in your hands.

The Egypt’s Flood Dragon Prophecy, is a warning that everyone on earth should be aware of. The prediction of the destruction of the Aswan dam, and the events that will happen just before its breaching. Twenty five hundred years before the construction of the Aswan dam: that structure was predicted to be destroyed. When will that disaster happen you ask? Isaiah, says after the Jew are brought back to Israel the second time, which has been happening 1948, the book of Amos, dates the breaching near the time of a solar ecliptic, Daniel, says before the Mahdi begins his rule. I am giving you a heads, up before events that will change your world before they happen. Events that will happening.

Your future may depend on watching this video

Experience with CHP that may cause a Civil Rights Case


Dear Governor Brown:

I have had a very bad experience that may cause a Civil Rights Case being brought forward: if not addressed, a problem that deals with the Officers of the Barstow Highway Patrol, actions that caused damage to my vehicle’s front suspension and tires if not repaired quickly along with injury and bleeding to the rear hocks of my burro. Those officers also made every effort to infringe on my Constitutional Right of Travel in the state of California and harassed me without legal cause.

On 21 December 2011 at 9:03 AM I made a courtesy call to the Officers of the Barstow Highway Patrol from Razor road to notify them that I was to a point that there was no longer any other road that I could travel on other than I15 ( a section of road designated bikes and slow moving vehicles) with my very small covered wagon that is pulled by my donkey, Blue. However, the inexperienced officer was unaware of THE LAWS of the state of California and the US Constitution (see below). This CHP officer told me that I would be arrested if I attempted to use the only maintained road available to travel and refused to understand my Constitutional Right of travel. When I asked to talk to his supervisor HE REFUSED, and when I asked to talk to someone else with BRAINS, the officer HUNG UP! At 9:07 I cooled down then called back, and was connected to the same officer who had also cooled down; at this point I asked for the statute that made him believe he had any right to arrest me for traveling on I15 on that section of road. The Officer gave the CLASSIC RESPONSE, “I don’t have the LAW in front of me”: that is always given when there is NO LAW. Finally he agreed that I could use I15 and implied that I could expect to be harassed by CHP.

I have been traveling with burros and covered wagons on the high way of the South-West of America (including California) off and on for the last twenty years (over 6,000 mile of travel): and have never been involved any road mishap. I, therefore, know the LAW and how to keep people and my stock SAFE. I have even written a book on my travels: Last Grand Adventure (available on Amazon the first week of 2012). I stay to far outside edge of the shoulder and seldom use the travel lane, I therefore, NEVER BACK UP TRAFIC because cars have plenty of room to pass without crossing the center line.

I planned my trek on I15 so that I would be on the road between exits during low traffic DAYLIGHT hours. However the section between Afton road and Field road on 12-23-2011 just as I got to Field road traffic started to back up behind the Inspection Portal, however NO TRAFFIC was impeded by my wagon. At which time I was moving as quickly as possible to the Field Road exit ¼ mile away when Officer Rice STOPPED me. At which time he wanted to question me there on the SIDE of I15. I took control of the situation and said if he was concerned about SAFTY and me being on the 15 the exit was only ¼ mile away where I was already moving towards at the best possible speed.

Officer Rice wanted a license (state authorization for the privilege to do an activity that would be illegal without permission of the state) I said that that the Constitution gives me the RIGHT OF TRAVEL with my animal drawn wagon, he therefore, illegally detained without any CAUSE for almost an hour. At which time I was told that I could not rejoin I15 even when the traffic thinned that I would have to take the CLOSED SECTION OF FIELD ROAD that the bridge had been destroyed by military equipment. Field road was not passable without damage to my wagon and burro, blue. The front axle was damaged by the passage through the wash and the extreme steepness of the bank pushed the wagon on to the hocks of Blue causing bleeding.

Then the next day I was again harassed by a female CHP officer to do a facile recognition picture: was the last straw, and caused this letter to you as a REDRESS OF GRIEVANCE.

  1. Please inform you Barstow CHP of the law and that their job is to serve and protect not to infringe on citizens’ RIGHTS or harass them.
  2. Please maintain the roads of California that people are commanded by CHP to use: so equipment and livestock will not be damaged.
  3. Please call off CHP or I will have reason for a CIVIL RIGHTS CASE against the state of California.

I will be sending a copy of this letter to Marine Corp Logistic Base, Yermo, CA and a bill of $200 for damages wear and grief that I incurred to my equipment and stock because of damage they inflicted to the bridge on Field road, payable to Classic If they refuse to pay I will take legal recourse against the state of California, CHP and Marine Corp Logistic Base, Yermo, CA. unless the state of California choses to pay for the damages.

Howard West

CC to Marine Corp Logistic Base, Yermo, CA



Freedom of movement under United States law is governed primarily by the Privileges and Immunities Clause of the United States Constitution states, “The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.” As far back as the circuit court ruling in Corfield v. Coryell, 6 Fed. Cas. 546 (1823), the Supreme Court recognized freedom of movement as a FUNDAMENTAL CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT. Not a state licensed privilege.


Slow moving vehicle / person driving or riding the animal or in

charge of the livestock.

SECTION 21754 and 21759


21754.  The driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass to the right
of another vehicle only under the following conditions:
   (a) When the vehicle overtaken is making or about to make a left
   (b) Upon a highway within a business or residence district with
unobstructed pavement of sufficient width for two or more lines of
moving vehicles in the direction of travel.
   (c) Upon any highway outside of a business or residence district
with unobstructed pavement of sufficient width and clearly marked for
two or more lines of moving traffic in the direction of travel.
   (d) Upon a one-way street.
   (e) Upon a highway divided into two roadways where traffic is
restricted to one direction upon each of such roadways.
   The provisions of this section shall not relieve the driver of a
slow moving vehicle from the duty to drive as closely as practicable
to the right hand edge of the roadway.

21759.  The driver of any vehicle approaching any horse drawn

vehicle, any ridden animal, or any livestock shall exercise proper

control of his (the driver) vehicle and shall reduce speed or stop as may appear necessary or as may be signalled or otherwise requested by any person

driving, riding or in charge of the animal or livestock in order to

avoid frightening and to safeguard the animal or livestock and to

insure the safety of any person driving or riding the animal or in

charge of the livestock.