Answers Long Misunderstood

Posts tagged “Christianity

God’s Story Board The Night Sky

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Job 38:33 Do you know the ordinances of heaven? canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?

In contemporary English, “can you find the dominate star or the north star of each age?”

In this post-modern world, Christian Believers are called “Bible Thumpers!” People now would rather look to the Heavens and the Stars for Answers. My LORD JESUS has not been caught unprepared. I am sure that you are well aware of Romans 10:17, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God”. However, the next verse (18) is where Paul shows Christian Believers, how to reach those people who would rather look to the heavens and the stars for Answers: by causing Christian Believers to go back to the Psalms: so we can give the Lost a powerful witness that points back to the Bible.


Romans 10:17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. 18 But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily, their voice went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world.

Paul is referencing, Psalms 19:1-4 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows his handy work 2 Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night shows knowledge. 3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. 4 Their voice is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world….

I am not so naive to think that after a life time of people telling the Church that, “the meanings behind the constellations of the night sky are all of pagan origins”: that the modern church will automatically embrace the constellations as God’s Story Board. Even in Paul’s time the unbelievers were corrupting the meanings behind the stars of the heavens. However, God gave us an interface between the Bible and the stars. Psalms 147:4 ‘He (God) tells the number of the stars; he calls them all by names”. Isaiah 40:26 Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that brings out their host by number: he calls them all by names. Surprising to Christians, many of the God given ancient star names have been preserved and are still used by modern astronomers. There is a star picture that has always been in the Northern sky, 24 hours a day not a monthly zodiacal constellation: this picture with its ancient star names creates a true depiction of the Scripture Genesis 3:15. And I(GOD) will put enmity between thee (Subtle Serpent) and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy (Serpent) head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

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The need to reach the Lost is why I have taken a section of my book, Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets and turned it into a free Star Talk, God’s Story Board, The Night Sky. In this way I hope to give the Church a powerful witnessing tool that few are aware of that refers back to the Bible. This free Star Talk/ Witnessing Class will be given at one of the darkest areas in the U.S.A. just after sunset about 9 pm on Memorial Day Sunday, May 24, 2015 on Highway 6, about 26 miles East of Tonopah, Nevada. Rest rooms and free over night camping available on site: hope to see you and your skeptical friends there, but, bring your Bible and lawn chairs.

Howard West

Author of Locked Gates

The Riddle Lord’s Secrets


Third Secret of Fatima , Egypt, Rome, Mecca and Medina’s Destruction

Most of the people who have heard of Locked Gates, The Riddle Lord’s Secrets   will discount it’s accuracy. The Common Folk that believe in fairytale will say “That is not what those stories mean.” And those who think those stories were only myths to control the Common Folk will say. “Those Ancient Stories were just Fairytales: nothing more.” However, I have taken this section of Locked Gates, The Riddle Lord’s Secrets  as a test for my accuracy. Knowing full well that I will be treated as a Cassandra, Schliemann, Noah, Xenophon, and many others who were never believed by their Enemies or the Common Folk, strangely that rejection did not prove those Visionaries wrong. Sadly, when this last section comes to pass, it will too late for millions of people to be saved. Their Future safety is now in your hands.

Third Secret of Fatima

Made public by Vatican

April 21 2010


We have traveled back in time to unwind riddles or parables of the Past. However, we are about to step into the Future. Parables of things that lay in the future are called “Prophecies.” The problem with these prophecies is that they can come true because “Certain People” want to have these prophecies come true, Fanatical people who are trying to make the Common Folk believe that God is on the side of these same Fanatical people. Two such men are Mr. Ahmadinejad of Iran and the late Ben Laden of Arabia, and there are many others (some of these Fanatics are Christian and others are Jews, however, most are not Believers but Atheist.) Men who believe that through total chaos, disorder, and confusion, a world leader of “Their mind set” will come, a –Man– that will bring peace, because of this chaos. A PEACE that those fanatical people could help maintain after this “Man of Peace” takes control. This concept is similar to what most “so called Christians” think will happen before the return of Christ. This apocalyptic “Mind Set” is a recipe for death and mayhem.

New Crusade Involving Pope .

Last update – 22:19 20/03/2008

Bin Laden tape By the Associated Press1

“A voice believed to be Bin Laden’s described

The attacks of the Europeans on women and children,” but said

These “paled [in comparison] when you went overboard in your unbelief and freed yourselves of the etiquettes of dispute and fighting

and went to the extent of publishing these insulting drawings, this is the greatest misfortune and the most dangerous.’”

Bin Laden went on to describe the “New Crusade against Islam, in which the Pope has played a large and lengthy Role, and warned the Europeans that a reaction would come.

“The response will be what you see and not what you hear and let our mothers bereave us

if we do not make victorious our messenger of God,” he said, without specifying what action would be taken


Harold Sun

Update February 2008 2

These accusations are totally unfounded,”

said Vatican spokesman Rev. Federico Lombardi.

“But they are not surprising. It is natural to think that he (BinLaden)

would lump the Vatican and the pope together with all his perceived enemies.”

This threat is related to a two part prophecy of Islam, which has been partly fulfilled. A prophecy predicting the fall of the two capitals of Christendom: that of Constantinople and of Rome. As the Fatimites centuries ago organizers the War Conference trying to decide where to attack first, this quote was given:

Quran, 47:18

Are they waiting for anything except the Hour to come to them suddenly?

But its Signs have already come!”

As one of these signs, Imam Ahmad reports in his Musnad that Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-’As (ra) mentioned:

Whilst we were around the Prophet (saw) writing he was asked,

‘Which of the two cities will be opened first, Constantinople or Rome?‘ He (Muhammad) answered,

‘The city of Heraclius, Constantinople will be opened first!’” 

Half of that prophecy was completed when Heraclius, the city of Constantine, Constantinople; fell into the hands of the Ottoman Turks on Tuesday, 29 of May, 1453 of the Christian era. However, the second part of that prophecy is yet to be fulfilled: “the fall of Rome.” One would think: that the followers of Islam will do the attack on Rome. But quite the opposite is the case. There are “Others” that want to change the Order of the World through Chaos. However, it will be ISLAM, WHICH WILL get the blame for the destruction of Rome, and not the True Perpetrators. Which the Fanatics’ think are their Allies. Rome is to be destroyed because that city is considered to be the Seat of Christianity. From these Fanatics’ prospective, their false leaders demand a violent path to conquer World of the Unbelievers. This must be accomplished to prepare the world to be totally under those Fanatical People who hope to control through this World Leader. This mantra is being “spoon fed” to the world, making the Common Folk of the world to automatically believe that Islam is to blame for this chaos. This destruction of Rome will quickly get out of hand and millions will die and then a World Leader (“The False Imam” or “Replacement-Christ”) will mediate this time of chaos into a temporary peace, and Jerusalem will quickly become “The Control Center” of all three monotheistic religions.


Roman Catholic Prophecy   Mirror Image

To the Islamic Prophecy


This prophecy also speaks of the destruction of Rome and this Secret is known to just a few Un-Common men. The prophecy is called the Final Secret of Fatima; and it also deals with the destruction of Rome and a Flood. There is a solid link between the two prophecies; the link is in the name “Fatima” to the Roman Catholic’s, the city Fatima of Portugal, where between May 13 and October 13, 1917 the Lady of Fatima was to have been manifested to three children: Lucia dos Santos, Francisco, and Jacints Marto. This “Lady?” told those children of future events. However, Fatima to the Shiite Muslim is the name of the daughter of the Prophet Mohammad. The city Fatima was named after the Most Holy Lady in the Islamic faith “Fatima”, as tribute to Mohammad’s daughter. That name of the city was never changed. An important fact, since Mohammad had no son, therefore, there was no male heir to pass down the leadership role of Islam to. Therefore, the earthly role of the Imam was passed down through Fatima’s son, HUSSAIN. The Islamic sects of the “Shiite or “Fatimites” have their origins from the daughter of Mohammad, Fatima. The New World Leader is said to be a decedent of or to come after (Fatima,) a violent path of chaos to conquer the World of Unbelievers. After which “This New World leader” will take command of the world’s stage. The Islamic Prophecy states “Mecca3 will be destroyed. This would happen if Rome was destroyed.

The final battle will be waged by Muslim faithful coming on the backs of horses… carrying black banners. They will stand on the east side of the Jordan River and will wage war that the earth has never seen before. The true Messiah who is the Islamic Mahdi… will defeat Europe… will lead this army of Seljuks, He will preside over the world from Jerusalem because Mecca would have been destroyed…” (Yawm Al-Ghabab, Safar Alhwaly).




Sunan Abu Dawud

Book 37 number 4281

“The Prophet said: “The flourishing state of Jerusalem will be when Yathrib (Medina) is in ruins,

the ruined state of Yathrib (Medina) will be when the great war comes,

the outbreak of the great war will be at the conquest…

This is as true as you are here or as you are sitting”; meaning, Mu’adh ibn Jabal, the narrator of: the book

Daniel 9:26

Quoted in the Fatima Document

“And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off,

but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city (Rome)

and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood,

Medina and many other cities including Cairo, cities that are thought to harbor ill feeling against the Jew will be destroyed. Jerusalem will then become “The Control Center”. This New World Leader and The Dark Pope of Christendom will meet there in Jerusalem and sign a peace pact that has long been searched for, which will bring peace to Palestine and the Mid-East that has long been searched for.

However, the Jews have their own Prophecy concerning how to deal with this threat from these Fanatics. The Jews will not take any chances after that attack on Rome. The War Plans have been made for the destruction of the Aswan Dam and the draining of Lake Nasser. “The LORD shall utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian sea.”4 (Also known as Lake Nasser)


Isaiah 115

10 there shall be a root of Jesse, (JESUS) which shall stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek (NOT Many JEWS)

11 the second time to recover the remnant of his people, (BIRTH OF THE NATION OF ISRAEL in 1948)

12. Assemble the outcasts of Israel (Which has been happening since 1948)

13 Ephraim shall not envy Judah, (The Christian nations show kindness to the Jews)

14 But they shall fly upon the shoulders of the Philistines (War Ships of air and sea of the Jews):

they shall lay their hand upon Edom and Moab; and the children of Ammon (The  people of the Mid-East) shall obey them.

When Will this Flood Happen?

15 And the LORD shall utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian Sea. (The draining Lake Nasser)


Most biblical scholars are quite dogmatic in their studies of this text, found in the eleventh chapter of Isaiah relying on other scholars from the Past to color their interpretation of the text; rejecting the sudden appearance of a huge lake on the Aswan’s construction in the 1960’s. Most biblical scholars and are not aware of the huge lake called Nasser, Isaiah called “the Egyptian Sea”: These scholars call a tiny lake the Sea of Galilee and cannot see Lake Nasser as the Sea of Egypt. Please look at these Google Maps to give a perspective as to how big this Second Sea of Egypt (Lake Nasser)is and the destructive power that is held behind the Aswan Dam.7 That lake is over 10 miles wide in places, hundreds of miles long and is up to three hundred sixty four feet deep.

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That dam is going to be destroyed. Most of Egypt’s population is in that narrow Nile River Valley downstream from Aswan. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? When the Isis Dam of Egypt was destroyed in the year 2141 before the Christian era, a flood took Egypt hundreds of years to recover from that disaster, a flood that will soon happen again, the first destruction of a dam which gave Egypt its name Aigu-ptis.8 (The sea that fled away)

Isaiah11:16 And there shall be a highway for the remnant of his people, 9

Millions of refugees will be on the move throughout the Middle East and southern Europe after that destruction because the flood

and the destruction of so many Holy Cities/sites in response to the destruction of Rome.

Isaiah 51:9-10,

Art thou not it that hath cut Rahab,10 The Wall is Also Known as the Aswan Dam) and wounded the dragon? 11 (The waters of Lake Nasser)

10 dried the sea, the waters of the great deep; (Lake Nasser) a way for the ransomed to pass over?

Psalms 89:10

10 Thou hast broken Rahab (The Wall Aka Aswan) in pieces, as one that is slain; thou hast scattered thine enemies with thy strong arm.

Ezekiel 29:2-12 2

Son of man set thy face against Pharaoh King of Egypt,

3 My (GOD’S) river is mine own, and I have made it for myself.

4 But I will put hooks in thy jaws, and I will cause the fish of thy rivers to stick unto thy scales,

5 And I will leave thee thrown into the wilderness, (The waters of lake Nasser drained) thee and all the fish of thy rivers: thou shalt fall upon the open fields; thou shalt not be brought together, nor gathered (After the dam bursts)

6 And all the inhabitants of Egypt shall know that I am the LORD,

8 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will bring a sword upon thee, and cut off man and beast out of thee.


When that huge Aswan dam is breached, a dam that is three hundred sixty four feet high, eleven thousand eight hundred and eight feet wide and holds back 125,600,000 cubic acre-feet of water what will be left of Egypt?


Ezekiel 29:9 And the land of Egypt shall be desolate and waste;

Total destruction of Egypt will be complete as the waters of Aswan pass down that valley like a tsunami.

And they shall know that I am the LORD: because he (the Egyptians) hath said, The River is mine, and I have made it.

The Egyptians now control the River Nile by means of the Aswan Dam and Lake Nasser.

10 Behold, therefore I (GOD) am against thee (Egypt), and against thy rivers, and I will make the land of Egypt utterly waste

11 No foot of man shall pass through it, nor shall foot of beast pass through it, neither shall it be inhabited forty years.

12 And I will make the land of Egypt desolate in the midst of the countries that are desolate, and her cities among

the cities that are laid wastes shall be desolate forty years:

Cities like Cairo, Rome, Mecca, and Medina.

And I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations, and will disperse them through the countries.


Will you be caught unaware when this destruction occurs? Will you then believe only after the destruction of Egypt that there is a God who has been involved with mankind since mankind’s creation, a God that has kept His word accurate for thousands of years and left his story in the stars, a God that has given you warning of the consequences of rebellion against His guidance?



3This is an oral tradition among many Fatimids.

4Qumran cave one, Isaiah chapter 11 , second copy




8Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890 H, 207, 208, 209

9Qumran cave one, Isaiah, chapter 11 , second copy

10Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890 , H, 7292

11Ibid, Hebrew, Ref. No. 8577 “Dragons of the Bible are always connected to raging water.”

The Heavens Praise God’s Wonders and Christian are Afraid to Proclaim Them

Psalm_89:5And the heavens shall praise thy wonders, O LORD: thy faithfulness also in the congregation of the saints.” Even so, most Christian experts are afraid to look at the constellations of the night sky. Afraid that someone will think: “they believe in the Zodiac.” Isaiah_13:10 For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their אור enlightenment. However, the early Church called the stars of the heavens “The Way” and did not use the stars for personal predictions. Those constellations acted as an interface or Story Board to pass down the believers stories using the constellations as their text and the star names to unfold stories hidden in the stars of the night sky.However, Job describes two of  these constellations in 26:13, as a fight between God and evil in this way: 1

HE garnishes the heavens and with His hand slew the fleeing Serpent”

Genesis  3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed;

it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

31jpg star map24 jpg Fight

This star picture is connected to “an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt” The Manuscript of Makrizi states that. “The first (the Great) Pyramid was especially dedicated to the history and astronomy;2 Tohfat Aalabib states that the Great Pyramid contains “Plans of the stars and historical and prophetical records.3


Isaiah 19:19 -20a In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt,

and a pillar at the border thereof to the LORD.

And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt


To understand this interface between the stars and the Great Pyramid we must go back to the year 2141 before the Christian Era, Sesonchosis (the Season of Chaos) September 21st at which time the Patriarch Joseph was living in Egypt and go through the entrance of the Great Pyramid and down the long passage way as the darkness engulfs us, and as we move toward a pool of water that is at the bottom. The water has flooded almost to the opening to the well shaft4; and as we continue down a small light appears out of the darkness then turning a round we see that same light behind us.


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We are somewhere between the star Thuman the North Star of 2141 BC, that is above us and it’s reflection on the water below us, a bottomless pit halfway between a star and that same star: a type of hell or a bottomless pit where up could be down and down could be up, which is a fearful of a place as drowning in a dark sea. A place where a wrong step or a passing cloud will plunge you into total darkness without a star to guide you, “We know that we can escape. Can’t we?”


As we quickly walk back up toward the entrance, a star picture appears, that of the constellation Draco (The snake of the North Star Thuman of 2141 years before the Christian era,)5 it was a time Egyptian Archeologist call “Sesonchosis ( the Season of Chaos)” The Snake star picture is trying to encircle other star pictures of the sky, especially Ursa Minor and our current North Star Polaris then known as Yean. There is one Star picture that Draco cannot encircle, and that is the picture of The Mighty One, who is kneeling down with one foot on Draco’s head as the snake tries to strike his foot. The Mighty One has a club in his hand beating the Snake with it and the shape of that legendary olive branch club is a Cross.6


4 jpg Fight

Moreover, Moses wrote of this star picture as a prophecy 7 .

“I will put Enmity (Snake) between you and the woman, and between your posterity and her Posterity:

and her Posterity shall tread your head under his foot, and you shall strike in his heel”

That star picture is still in the sky today. Who is this Mighty One? That occupies a large portion of the heavens? Who is seen bending on one knee, with his right heel lifted up as if it had been wounded, while his left foot is set directly over the head of The Great Dragon? A mystical Hero who in his right hand he wields a great olive branch club or cross,  even in the Denderah (the ancient Stone Star Chart of Egypt) which was recovered during Napoleon’s expedition to Egypt in 1798-1802 at which time the French also found the Rosetta Stone, the block of stone that acts as an interface to writings of the past.


beu zodac

There on the Denderah Star Chart, we have a human figure, in the same position in the night sky as our old friend Hercules again with a club. His name is Bau, which means “Who is to come”, and is evidently intended for Him who is to come to crush The Serpent’s head, and “destroy the works of the devil.”8 In Arabic Hercules or Bau of the northern night sky is called Al Giscale, The Strong One. There are 113 stars in this constellation. The brightest star, in his head, is named Ras al Gethi, and means the head of him who bruises. The next, in the right armpit, is named Kornephorus, and means The Branch, (Nazarene in Hebrew) plus, kneeling. The star in the right elbow is called Marsic, The wounding. The star in the upper part of the left arm is named Ma’asyn, the sin-offering or the protector in Hebrew9. While in the lower part of the right arm is Caiam, or Guiam, punishing; and in Arabic, treading under foot.10 Many of these star names have Arabic or Hebrew origins dating to hundreds of years before the Birth of MY LORD JESUS CHRIST and the definitions are not redefined terms to fit a Christian theology. Psalm_89:5 “And the heavens shall praise thy wonders, O LORD: thy faithfulness also in the congregation of the saints.” However, will you use this Wonder God placed in the heavens and proclaim His faithfulness? Or dismiss one of the greatest witnessing tool given to the Church?

1Lamsa, G. M., The Holy Bible :from the ancient Eastern text The Peshitta, San Francisco : Harper & Row,1984,



4Ibid p. 7


6 Starry Nights, computer star charting program.

7Moses, Genesis 3 Cave Qumran

8 Bullinger E, W.The Witness of the Stars1893

9Strongs, Op. Cite, , Hebrew, Ref. No, 4937

10Bullinger E, W. Op. Cite

GOD and the Great Pyramid

Who built the Great Pyramid?  

GOD said a long time ago through Isaiah’s chapter 19:19-20

 On that day there shall be an ALTAR to the LORD, In the midst of the Land of Egypt and a PILLAR at its Border to the LORD. And it shall be a sign and for wittiness to the Lord of Host in the land of Egypt.

That is the location of the GREAT PYRAMID!

I have given the details of the connections between the God of Abraham and the Great Pyramids in my book Locked Gates. A book that has been Black Listed by those who fear the Truth, therefore don’t expect to see a show on the DISCOVERY CHANNEL about this connection to GOD.

Isaiah said in his chapter 19 that this Pillar or pile of Rocks in Egypt became visible after

And the waters shall fail from the sea (of Egypt) and the river (Nile) shall be wasted and dried up!

The Sea now called the Sea of Nun, which the geological records of the Nile River Valley show suddenly and to most unexplainable appeared about 11,000BC during a time of regional drought. An inland sea that just as suddenly drained about 2141BC, the funny thing is most Egyptologists say the Great Pyramids were built when the valley was under water according to the geological records. (Hoffman, Michael A.  Egypt Before the Pharaohs, Alfred A Knopf, 1979 New York) Do you understand? There was a huge lake there. Of course the geological record of this inland sea is never spoken of, because that does not match what God Haters want you believe!

Matthew  21:21Jesus  answered…

“If  ye shall say  unto this  mountain, Be thou removed, and  be thou cast  into  the sea ; it shall be done.”


This is a cross reference to JOB’s explanation of the building of the Great Pyramid.


9. He shoots [1]forth his power [2]against [3]the rock, he over turns the mountains from their foundation.


Therefore, he used the stones from the top of his quarry for the bottom of his new mountain his Pyramid.

10 He cuts the stone because[4] of the river perceiving the future[5] and the good that will come.

11. He dams the river that it may not overflow:And the thing that is hid [6]

Under the irrigation water of the rising lake

He might bring forth “Light”

Here is a video on the construction of that Dam and the links to Early Pharaohs and Egyptian mythology.

If you want more evidence buy the book Locked Gates.


Intellectually bigoted?

 Before Egypt was known by the Greek name Egypt,[7]  Aigu-ptis which is derived from aigialos[8]  a sea (as in Aegean), and ptoeo[9] to cause to flee away, Egypt’s ancient  Semitic name was Metz-ra-yim[10] the meaning of which is Metz[11] the wall or fence, or Mitzad[12] to capture, Ra[13] the power, and Yim[14] the river or sea.  

There is now a second sea of Egypt called Lake Nasser and it too is scheduled to be drained! Cleansing EGYPT. After that great flood  will you believe?   

Isaiah 51:9-10,

Art thou not it that hath cut Rahab,[15]The Wall is Also Known as the Aswan Dam) and wounded the dragon? [16] (The waters of Lake Nasser/ the Nile)


10 dried the sea, the waters of the great deep; (Lake Nasser) a way for the ransomed to pass over?


Psalms 89:10

10 Thou hast broken Rahab (The Wall Aka Aswan) in pieces, as one that is slain; thou hast scattered thine enemies with thy strong arm.


Ezekiel 29:2-12 2

Son of man set thy face against Pharaoh King of Egypt,


3 My (GOD’S) river is mine own, and I have made it for myself.


4 But I will put hooks in thy jaws, and I will cause the fish of thy rivers to stick unto thy scales,


5 And I will leave thee thrown into the wilderness, (The waters of lake Nasser drained) thee and all the fish of thy rivers: thou shalt fall upon the open fields; thou shalt not be brought together, nor gathered (After the dam bursts)


6 And all the inhabitants of Egypt shall know that I am the LORD,


8 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will bring a sword upon thee, and cut off man and beast out of thee.


When that huge Aswan dam is breached, a dam that is three hundred sixty four feet high, eleven thousand eight hundred and eight feet wide and holds back 125,600,000 cubic acre-feet of water what will be left of Egypt?

[1]Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890, Hebrew, no 79711

[2]Ibid, no. 3028

[3]Ibid, no.5921

[4]Ibid, no.4481

[5]Ibid, no.7200

[6]Ibid, no.8587, 8585

[7]Strongs, James, Greek Dictionary of the New  Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890  G 125

[8]Ibid  ,123

[9]Ibid ,4422

[10]Strongs, James, Hebrew  Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890  H,4714

[11]Ibid. 4694

[12]Ibid, 4679

[13]Ibid, 7200

[14]Ibid, 3220

[15]Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890  , H, 7292

[16]Ibid, Hebrew, Ref. No. 8577        “Dragons of the Bible are always connected to raging water.”

Title Index

GOD and the Great Pyramid

New Videos for Book Locked Gates By Howard West

Philip Keller of “Strange but True” interviews Howard West

 on The Great Pyramids


Albert Einstein asked. “Does GOD play dice?”

 Yes Al




History, Riddles, Silk Worms and Mummies


NASA uses Golden Mirrors of Egypt’s Shamans


Alternative Energy Solutions, from the Past


Obama’s Riddle, A good pit stop is an Asteroid


Comment on “History of Information”, NPR interview

 with James-Gleick


Wisdom Hidden in Balls of Thread


The 27th of Sivan AKA June 30


Thursday June 30 the symbol for Constantinople, that was

 appropriated by Islam was in the sky.


Break the Law of Thermo-Dynamics


for Nothing?  


Thursday June 30 the symbol for Constantinople, that was appropriated by Islam was in the sky.

The 27th of Sivan AKA June 30


1934 AD The Night of the Long Knives, Adolf Hitler’s violent purge of his political rivals in Germany, takes place.

251 AD The Sassanid king, The Sassanid Empire, the last pre-Islamic Persian Empire, orders an invasion of the Roman East

165 AD   The Antonine Plague, of Rome , also known as the Plague of Galen, who described it, was an ancient pandemic, according to the Roman historian Dio Cassius, and caused up to 2,000 deaths a day in Rome. Total deaths have been estimated at five million.

67 AD  The Romans stormed the Samaritan stronghold on Har Gerizim and killed 11,600 people mostly Jews and Christians.


Wisdom Hidden in Balls of Thread


Locked Gates deals with ancient mysteries; the wise men of the past knew transporting complex wisdom through Time was like trying to push a string.  However, if you roll that string or wisdom into a ball of knots by telling that wisdom in the form of stories of mystical beings, that ball form, allows you to push that ball, and then the ball just keeps rolling downhill though “Time” creating a life of its own.

Those riddles about mystical beings contain the secrets for everything from where we got the alphabets to where the moon came from, In the book Locked Gates, I  have taken the time needed to unravel those Time Traveling Balls of Wisdom , balls of threads like the one that lead Theseus out of the darkness of labyrinth of Minotaur

Locked Gates


Coast to Coast AM Introduction

 of Howard West

History, Riddles, Silk Worms and Mummies

The Mythology of Eastern Mediterranean is where the answers to a great number of the most puzzling aspects of Mankind’s Past are found. Answers locked away, woven into their religions, myths, and legends. The Semitic people described this concept of dissimulation, as a “Khood[1]” which implied a knot or a snarl of silk thread; or the word “chiydah[2]: a riddle. The complementary word was “mashal,[3]” the unwinding of a silk worm cocoon. However, to manufacture a silk piece of cloth you must first have thread. Therefore, you must find the end of the silk worm’s last strain that he had spun around himself. Then carefully unravel that last strain as the cocoon sits floating in water. Then hundreds of strains per-inch were used in the manufacture of silk cloth. A process that is far more time consuming than the production of felt cloth; where you smash short unsorted fibers together to produce, a cloth for the Common Folk. The genesis of this process of silk production dates back thousands of years ago to Egypt. Though the Art was lost in antiquity, nevertheless, traces of that production can be seen in the language of the Semitic people. One of the most famous of the Hebrew leaders was a man named, Moses[4]and that name is derived from that same Hebrew root word as “mashal[5] and he too was drawn up from the water of the Nile in a Cocoon of Bulrushes. The title Messiah, or The Spinner of “Mashals”, (Zader Yiger Mantchih:“The Silken Man”,)[6] also comes from that same Semitic root word “Mash”, however, Messiah ends with the “Sacred Name” Jah or Iah [7](not “ich”).


The synonym for this Semitic concept of the khood in the ancient Greek secular world was derived from its root words of para,[8] “be close to or run alongside” and bolo[9] “to be thrown off or redirected.” There are many words that have those root words, and most of which still hold true to the basic meaning of the Greek root words such as: parallel, paralegal, paraboloid, and parabolic. Even so, for some strange reason the Religious Crowd change the meaning of parable to mean, “An illustration given to make a concept clear for the Common folk.” Though, the “Book” that they say confirms this concept says just the opposite:


Isaiah 13:13 [10]

From Qumran Cave One


The reason that I speak to them in Parable [11](mashal) is that seeing they will not perceive; and hearing they will not understand.


Solomon said: in Proverbs 1:5-6 [12]


The Wise will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding

Shall attain unto wise counsel; so he can understand

(Mashal) Parables [13]and their interpretation of the words of the wise,

And their (chiydah) Dark Sayings[14]


“The Book of Secrets.”

From Qumran Cave Four

4Q300 F1 Col 2 [15]


“Consider, those teachers of error:  that say,

‘The parable (mashal) declares themselves that the (mashal) parables is plain to see

     Before the Wise speaks; then you will know if you have understood.’


Proud in your foolishness teachers of error, for the vision is sealed up from you, and you have not properly understood the eternal mysteries and you have not become wise in understanding but foolish for you have not properly understood the origin of Wisdom; but if you should unseal the vision. The parable (mashal) is foolishness in all your wisdom.”


4Q301 F1[16]

“I shall speak out freely, and I shall express my various sayings among you for those who would understand parables (mashal) the dark hidden secrets (chiydah) [17]and riddles, that they propose and those who would penetrate the origins of knowledge, along with those who hold fast to the wonderful mysteries, hidden from those who walk in simplicity as well as those who are devious in every activity of the deeds of humanity. Hidden from those with stiff necks, and hard heads, and all the mass of the Gentiles,” (The Common Folk)


The Egyptian Het Benben Parable:

They see Ra (The light of day) with their eyes and enter in his secret images.

I protect my hidden things which are in Het Benben [18]



The Parable or Mashal were used as a system to keep the Storytellers secrets from their Enemies and the Common Folk.  This system has worked well, almost too well. The answers to those Eastern Mediterranean cultures most baffling secrets, have been pasted on from one generation to the next generation camouflaged within the essence of the parable or mashal, unchanged, and locked in myths and legends of sex, violence, gods and goddesses and the super natural. This premise of the unwinding of threads to guide us through the maze of ignorance to the light of wisdom is a concept that was taught in the Greek story of the hero of the virgins of Athens. Theseus went to the labyrinth of Minotaur [19] to take those young people’s place in darkness, and to do battle with that half-man-beast. Theseus knew he had no hope of escaping the Labyrinth, even if he defeated Minotaur. Luckily, Theseus had an admirer, the King’s daughter Ariadne; this young woman gave Theseus the key to unlock the riddle of the Labyrinth a simple ball of thread, Thread that was able to lead Theseus out of the maze into the light of day.


[1]Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890 , no. 2330

[2]Ibid,  no. 2420

[3]Ibid, no., 4912, 4897

[4]Ibid, no. 4872

[5]Ibid, no.4871

[6]The Silken Man: Zader Yiger Mantchih in Yiddish ,

[7]Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890, Hebrew no. 4899

[8]Strongs, James, Greek Dictionary of the New Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890, no. G, 3846

[9] Ibid, no. G,906

[10]Isaiah 13:13, Qumran Cave one, Isaiah second copy

[11]Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890, Hebrew, no.4871

[12] Lamsa, G. M., The Holy Bible :from the ancient Eastern text -The Peshitta-; San Francisco : Harper & Row,1957: Proverbs 1:5-6

[13]Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890, Hebrew no.4871

[14]Ibid,  no. 2420

[15] “The Book of Secrets” Qumran Cave Four” 4Q300 F1 Col 2

[16]Ibid 4Q301 F1

[17]Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890, Hebrew no. 2420

[18]Budge, E. A., The Egyptian Heaven and Hell ( Book of WHAT is in Duat) ,Martin Hopkinson Co. ,London,1925, Vol 1,P 196

[19]Schwab, Gustav, Gods and Heroes, Myths and Epics of Ancient Greece