Answers Long Misunderstood


Part Two, The Power of the Sun, Mirror Mirror



History, love stories and fairy-tales of wicked queens repeat themselves though most of us are bound to miss the point every time. Take for example the fall of Troy: a good mix of love stories, history and a wicked queen. For centuries Troy was thought to be a fictional kingdom, notwithstanding, Heinrich Schliemann, a self-educated German businessman read Homer and was convinced of the fundamental truth found in Homer’s story riddles of c. 800 years before the Christian era. Then in 1870, about twenty seven centuries after Homer’s death, Heinrich began to excavate near the village of Hissarlik in Asia Minor (Turkey)1 at which time Schliemann was under the same curse of disbelief that Cassandra had been under. Even so, Heinrich was vindicated, when he found architectural remains at his site at the village of Hissarlik, this evidence was in superposed layers and a wealth of artifacts were uncovered, objects made of stone, copper, silver, and gold. This discovery quickly forced the Gatekeepers of knowledge to revise their conclusion about the Heroic Age. Schliemann named the site The City Priam2 named for Homer’s, King of Troy. After Schliemann’s death, Wilhelm Dorpfeld continued Schliemann’s work and between 1893 and 1894 found “The Sixth Settlement.” This was contemporary with the “Mycenae” epoch of early Greece and was in turn called “Troy.”

The Greek Playwright, Aeschylus also wrote an account of the fall of Troy and of two adulterous women3. First a good-looking woman named Helen, the wife of Menelmaus, King of Sparta. Helen4 had gotten the Ancient world into a twist more than three thousand years ago, when she ran off with Cassandra’s brother to Troy. This caused Agamemnon, the King’s brother and the Greek army, to go to Troy to bring Helen back to Mycenae. Even as the siege ensued, a second woman was waiting in her palace, at Mycenae for word of the battle. This wicked queen’s name was Clytemnestra5, sister in-law to Helen and the woman who would later kill our poor little Cassandra. Clytemnestra was the unfaithful wife of Agamemnon the Commander of the Greek Forces. Agamemnon had aggravated the problems with both Troy and his wife by stealing Chryemneis, the daughter of one of the priests of Troy. Back in Mycenae, Clytemnestra was more than four hundred and fifty miles from Troy by land and two hundred and fifty miles by a land-sea route. As Clytemnestra paced back and forth, she wondered how long must she wait for news of the war, trying to make sure that her husband, Agamemnon did not come home unexpectedly from the War and find her in bed with her new lover.

If Caesar Augustus’ (born 27 years before the Christian era and died in the year 14 CE) Postal System6 had been available to Clytemnestra, those postal riders would have taken four and a half days to make the trip from Troy, with an average speed of one hundred miles per day. If William F. “Buffalo Bill “ Cody’ and his co-riders of the Pony Express7 were doing the delivery, the trip would have taken three days, based on the best time from St. Joseph to Sacramento8. The carrier pigeon message system9 developed by the Arabs sometime between the seventh and the ninth century of the Christian era, would have taken two days if the little pigeon came back at all. The square sailed ships of the time just would not meet the new racing yacht specifications of today, and if the winds were contrary the Greek square sailed ships could have taken days and days and if Odyssey was in charge years,

The funny thing is that Aeschylus, the Greek dramatist10: said that Clytemnestra knew of the fall of Troy that day. But how could she know? Did space aliens tell her? NO! Was Clytemnestra a clairvoyant?11 NO! Did she have an out of body experience then? NO! Catoptromance12 (Magic Mirrors) Now you’re getting close. But where is the thread that will start to unravel this Knot? Xenophon (434-355 years before the Christian era13) the ancient Greek war hero and historian answers that question in his history of ancient Greece called Hellenica. Nevertheless, Xenophon’s words like Cassandras’ words have been rejected by the Gatekeepers of knowledge. Even so, Hellenica contains the phrase to:

Signal with a Shield”


This refers to reflecting sunlight with a mirrored shield. Those mirrors were called aspis14 the Ancient Greek word for snakes or mirrored shields. The messages that were sent by these ancient heliographs were called “aspasmos15 to “handle the shield.” Yes, they were what you would call Magic Mirrors the same kind that gave Clytemnestra the extra time needed to make sure she did not get caught with her new lover and what allowed Snow White’s wicked step mother to find The Fairest of them all.

Now why are those aspis or heliographs so important: because those Magic Mirrors gave the ancient world of the Eastern Mediterranean a system of communication equal to that of the late 19th to early 20th centuries. Think about that concept because the Gatekeepers of knowledge are blissfully unaware of that fact that thousands of years ago the cultures of the Middle East had almost instant communication between cities hundreds of miles apart. This is something that modern “Man” has only had for about one hundred and fifty years.

Aeschylus speaks of a system of dozens of beacons lights on mountaintops and watchtowers from Troy to Mycenae and Clytemnestra’s mansion. This indicates a network of beacons running at light speed more than three thousand years ago: though the Greek system was not the first of its kind. Such a system of this kind would not be instantly useable. The construction of such, a system would take time, to build watchtowers and climb mountains to find line of sight locations and a code system would also have to be developed. If this story has a hint of truth, there would have to be some remnants of that type of network, and of the code system that was used. Sorry to say, most of the skeptics will say:

fine, they were some campfires on the hills” or “It was a short-lived or one time fluke of history” or “I never heard of any such system used consistently at that time.”

9 jpg moon mirror

Lunar Laser Ranging Retro Reflector Array

Not only is there evidence of this type of heliographic system throughout history, NASA uses that same basic system today. A two-way communication system working between the Earth and the Moon, the system has a light source on Earth and a mirrored device on the Moon, a beam of light with a series of blinks that have a time sequence is sent to the Moon and light is reflected back to Earth.16

Ringed by footprints, sitting in the moon dust, lies a 2-foot wide panel studded with 100 (magic) Mirrors pointing at Earth.

It is the “lunar laser ranging retro reflector array” that Apollo 11 Astronaut Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong put there on July 21, 1969,

about an hour before the end of their final moonwalk…” and it’s the only Apollo science experiment still running”17


The university of Maryland physics professor Carroll Alley was the project’s principal investigator during the Apollo years, and he follows its progress today.



“Using these mirrors,” explains Alley, “we can ‘ping’ the moon with laser pulses and measure the Earth-moon distance very precisely.

This is a wonderful way to learn about the moon’s orbit and to test theories of gravity.”18

Flashes of light from the Past are the current “craze” in computing and fiber optic communication. Light flowing through tiny silken threads of glass -short little blinks of light– traveling over hundreds of miles of cable from computer to computer. The State of the Art is light transmission of data, real High Tech 21th century science: Guess what? Most of you send hundreds of “LIGHT” speed messages every year: to thousands of people you do not even know, with just a little stick and a tap of your foot. You do this when you drive a car. A series of blinks tells folks that you are turning, or a longer dash says you are slowing down or stopping. Not so high tech now, you use blinks of light every day without thinking. You automatically know what those blinks mean and adjust your speed or location without even thinking. Paul Revere used blinks of lights in a church steeple in the American Revolutionary War. For a secure short range means of communication, The United States Navy still uses a Blinker or Flasher Light System to send messages from “ship to ship” or “ship to shore.” The system consists of a hooded light and a Venetian blind shutter19: and you thought that the Venetian’s invented that type of light baffle to keep the light out of your eyes: No. Those louvers were developed to keep the light (message) from the eyes of their enemy.

Not everyone has rejected Xenophon’s evidence of the viability of the Aspis or Bright Shields communications. William Von Graysand and Johann Gass developed a Bright Shield system in Europe20. Sadly Von Graysand and Gass did not possess an adequate code system. However, the Celts in Ireland and Wales were using a flasher code called Ogham with great success a few centuries before Von Graysand and Gass system was developed, but Von Graysand and Gass were not as successful as those who were able to overcome the problems in the desert lands, Even so, the Russians of the 19th century used a flasher system. Nicholas I (1796-1855 of the Christian era) a Tsar of Russia (1825-1855)21 governed Russia with an iron hand and a centralized administration, a good communication system was needed. Old Nick set up a beacon light system with a network of more than two hundred and twenty repeater stations that stretched from the frontier of Austria to St. Petersburg. The government was the primary user of this system; even so, that communication system22 became a boon to the Merchants between both points


Sir Henry Mance’s


In the American southwest during the 1870s and 1880s of the Christian era the Apache Indians gave23 the United States government a run for its money, when the Apache cut telegraph wires and disrupted that communication system. The Apache also had a superior communication system of their own using Capornancy (smoke signals). Nevertheless, the US army was given a new Catoptromance invention of less than thirty years, a toy really: a lady’s pocket mirror. Justus Von Liebig had just developed the process of silver on glass in the year 1853. Before that, most mirrors were made of metal although the most effective and easiest to build was a copper plate that was coated with an oily liquid metal: quicksilver. The mercury would act just like oil in a fry pan and leave a thin even finish with the excess easily wiped off, the same process that the Alchemist used in their trick of turning a copper coin silver with a little mercury. Those magic mercury mirrors are still being used today by astronomers. Some of the world’s most powerful telescopes have liquid metal surfaces, magic mirrors that allow those astronomers to travel through time millions of years into the past without leaving their offices.24

Liquid Metal Telescope


To give a perspective to how these Magic Mirrors, heliographs, or aspis worked in the distant past, we need only to go to America’s recent past of its Wild, Wild West, when telegraph lines were easily cut. General Nelson A. Miles25 turned the tables on the Apaches with steam trains, pack mules, Cyrsteloge, (telescopes) and Catoptromance (the heliograph system developed by Gauss 26). The telescopes gave the Army the ability to know the future or at least to see that future coming. The pack mules gave the troops an endless supply of food and ammunition. The heliograph was a giant step beyond the simple mirror Catoptromance system however, with this system the troops on the move, a single mirror system could not always be seen if the Sun was at the wrong angle.


Sir Henry Mance’s heliographic system added a second mirror; each of the two mirrors could be tilted or rotated. This movement allowed the lower mirror to be turned and tilted to catch the sun at the best angle and reflect that light to the top mirror. The upper mirror could then be turned to allow it to send the light to the location of the troops. The heliograph’s mirror had a telegraph type key to tip the mirror or in some cases shutters or lovers were used to allow the Magic Mirror to blink the message.



General Nelson A. Miles

Described the historic surrender of Geronimo

I (General Miles) told him (Geronimo) that we had the use of steam and could move with great rapidity.

That we also had the telegraph and the heliostat (heliograph), both superior to any of their methods of communication

I (General Miles) said to (Geronimo) ‘We can watch your movements and send messages over the tops of the mountains in the small part of a day

that would take a mounted man on a swift pony twenty days to travel”

(Geronimo) told me he had observed these flashes of light upon the mountain heights and believed them to be spirits.”

For a demonstration a heilographic message was sent to inquirer of Geronimo’s brother at Fort Bowie.

This is the response of Geronimo on the receipt of the return message as told by Miles.

This struck the savage with awe, and evidently made a strong impression upon him.

I (General Miles) noticed that he (Geronimo) said something to one of his warriors close by him,

at which the warrior quietly turned on his heel, and walked a short distance where his pony was lariated, jumped on his back

and rode rapidly back in the direction of the mountains from which Geronimo had come.”

Miles asked what Geronimo had said.

The interpreter replied: “He (Geronimo) told him to go tell Natchez that there was a power here

which he (Geronimo) could not understand: and to come in, and come quick.”

The heliograph had performed its magical God like function as it had in the centuries past

and in a few hours Natchez came down from the mountain.

The western states of Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada, used a heliographic network of sentinels out posts in the high desert for a time in the late 19th century and the British also used a heliographic system in southern Africa and in the Sub Continent in the same era. The heliograph also provided the mobile communication element in the British service which was devised by Sir Henry Mance at Bombay in 1869. The system would be transported to high ground location on horseback. The location usually was on a high open mountaintop that was clear on all sides. This heliographic system was the forerunner of our modern satellite surveillance systems. This communication system was a huge leap forward in technology, or was it backwards?

1 Wood, M., In Search of the Trojan War New York :Plume/ New American Library P. 2,48, Duckworth, G.E, “Trojan war”, Colliers Encyclopedia, Great Britain : The Crowell- Colliers Publishing CO: 1965, Vol. 7 p 307-309, Vol.22, Vol. 20. P485,86


3Caskely, J.L, ”Troy”, Op. Cite, Colliers Vol. 22 P494-495

4 Helen was symbolic of the beauty of Greek (Hellenistic) thought and logic that was being “Hi Jacked “ by the Trojans

5Clytemnestra was symbolic of the Greek public that was sliding away from Greek (Hellenistic) thought and logic into self-centered lust, pleasing themselves rather than adhering to the Greek’s system of thought and logic.

6 Gregg, I. “Postal System”, Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.19 P289




10, Aeschylus, Op. Cite, Colliers , Vol., 1

11Hall-Quest A. L. Fortune Telling, Op. Cite, Colliers , Vol., 10, p. 221

12 Ibid

13Xenophon, Hellenica Translated By Warner R, March Up Country, Miller R. L., Communications, Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.7,P74

14 Strongs, Op. Cite, Greek, no, 785

153Ibid, no., 783

16Phillips, DR. T., Mirrors on the Moon”, Science@

17 Ibid


19 Kelly, R. E. Talking Mirrors Versus The Indian, Frontier Times ,Western Publications inc Austin Texas

20Miller R. L., Communications, Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.7,P74

21Ibid, P74

22 Ibid

23Kelly, R. E. Op. Cite,


25Kelly, R. E. Op. Cite,

26Harris J. D. Amery (ED) Times History, Vol 5, p559


The Golden Shields of Solomon and NASA


NASA had a problem with solar heat gain in outer space and has developed a solar heat shield to reflect the sun’s heat away from its equipment. So unwittingly they took a page from Soloman’s play book and created the golden shields called “Space Blankets”1 , and similar reflective silvery blankets can be found at any Sporting Goods outlet; although, that heat shield is not the same as what NASA uses in space. NASA uses the best reflecting material of the Sun’s light, gold2. Even so, the gold leaf material gives a more yellow tint to the light that is reflected than quicksilver would but gold does have superior reflecting properties. One reason is because gold never tarnishes unlike silver that will oxidize or tarnish and quicksilver will evaporate way after a time. That is why the Dome of the Rock Mosque and the Statue of Liberty have a gold leaf coating on their dome and flame, consequently, they can be seen for miles during the day without the need for an outside power source and therefore, only a small amount of artificial light is needed at night. That yellow tint makes the Statue of Liberty’s torch look as if it’s aflame with fire (also known as a beacon).

Golden heliographic mirrors were preferred by those who could afford them. The reason being is because constant contact with mercury brings madness, the longer you were exposed to the slowly evaporating metal, the more symptoms you would display. The first is irritability, then blackening of the finger nails (that alchemists usually have), with the eventual loss of fingernails, hair, teeth, wife and your mind. Even so, men were expendable and gold was costly. Therefore, mercury mirrors were the common heliographic type.

In the mid-19th century lighthouses along the coasts of the world water-ways had an engineering problem. The great “Fresnel” lenses had been invented to send out a bright beam of light to warn ships of dangerous waters, were too heavy, and the lenses were hard to turn, and a mechanism to rotate them was far too expensive. However, the liquid metal, mercury came to the rescue. Per volume mercury is heavier than glass. So the Fresnel lens could be floated on a pool of mercury, because the glass floated on the oily liquid metal little effort was needed to turn the lens. One problem solved and a bigger one created. The heat of the light would cause the mercury to evaporate more quickly, so large amounts of the mercury vapors were inhaled by the “Light Keepers.” So at that time there was a colloquialism, “Mad as a Light Keeper.”

The 500 Golden Shields of Solomon,3 the Hittite Sun Disks,4 the Egyptian Eye of Osiris, or the Udjat that was depicted as a human eye.5 ,The Babylonian winged Utu,6 and the Four Bronze Mirrors of Taoism7 were common as far back as two thousand years before the Christian era, and even to Enoch’s time more than twelve thousand years ago. That statement is based on the texts of the Book of Enoch8 that speaks of Ursa Major and Minor being on the western horizon at sun set during the month of June 10,000 years before the Christian era began.9

31jpg star map2

The Golden Communication Shields or Eyes (winged sun disks) were in every city in the Middle East three thousand years ago. David was King of Israel at about that time which was about the same time that Clytemnestra and Princess Entiu-ny lived. When David would capture a city the first thing he would take as booty was the Golden Shields. He not only took the ones in the town itself, but David would also take the portable military winged units that were on the pack-horses. (Shades of Pegasus) The English translation of the Coptic Peshitta text of The Chronicles of the Kings of Israel10


And King David took the (winged sun disks) Shields of Gold

that were on the horses of the servants of Hadarezer, and brought them to Jerusalem

and likewise from Tibhath and from Berothi cities of Hadarezer.”

The loss of a city’s Golden Magic Mirrored Communication Shield was a major loss. That city was no longer able to carry on trade outside the local area or be able to request help from other cities in case of an attack. Consequently, when David took those mirrored shields the loss of communication to other cities was as though they lost both thumbs and both big toes:they were totally defeated.

The Shield of Hercules

translated by Evelyn-White

Hercules took his strong spear, pointed with shining bronze, and on his valiant head set a well-made helm of adamant,

cunningly wrought, which fitted closely on the temples; and that guarded the head of god-like Hercules.

In his hands he took his shield, all glittering: no one ever broke it with a blow or crushed it.

And a wonder it was to see; for its whole orb was a-shimmer with enamel

and white ivory and electrum (an amalgam of gold and mercury used to produce gold plate), and it glowed with shining gold;

The Shield of Achilles

The Iliad, Book 18:

The first thing he created was a huge and sturdy shield, all wonderfully crafted.

Around its outer edge, he fixed a triple rim, glittering in the light…

The Hebrew words used for these glittering golden or quicksilver-coated shields are, SHALAT or SHALET that means: dominions, in power, have power or rule.11 Other words used for those types of shields are MAGEN, MAGAN or MEGILLAN,12 all means: to deliver up, present or a scroll. KYDOW a spark or blink of light.13 The Hebrews scribes who used these shields were called armor bearers, and the communications were called “saw-far14 which translate to “Collect and record with slashes or marks.”


Solomon’s Forest of Lebanon

When David’s son, Solomon became king, he built watchtowers all over his kingdom and beyond. There were so many watchtowers that they were likened to “The Forest of Lebanon.” Solomon made two hundred large shields of gold and three hundred smaller shields of gold to be used in those watchtowers, each shield symbolized the heliographic connection to one of the many tribal leaders. The main warehouse and communication watchtower was called”: The House of The Forest of Lebanon.” 15

This Network of disbursed watchtowers and golden magic mirrored heliographs gave Solomon intelligence on everything in his realm. This included information on such things as: grazing conditions, water sources, availability of commodities, arrival of caravans, the location of strangers or even enemy troop movements. This intelligence went beyond King Solomon’s realm into the land of the Hittites and even into the land of Egypt, which Solomon had an alliance with. As you know, Information is SHALAT16 (power). This was the same Power that Medusa and General Miles had and used.


The watchtowers of Solomon were stationary unlike those used by General Miles troops; nevertheless, there was still the problem of making sure that the watchman was alert for any messages. The problem was also that the signal could only be seen at certain times of the day.17 This meant that they could set a time to be extra alert for a message. The Muslims still have a memory trace of that to this day. A man goes to the top of his minaret or watchtower to call the people to prayer five times a day. When direct communication between any two watchtowers was impossible because of the angle of the sun, they would use a trick that the Arab sailors would discover centuries later and tack into the wind,18 the watchman would send his message to any Watchtower that could speed his message along the way to its final destination, even if that message had to zig zag through a dozen extra watchtowers. The message would have an ending code or a line cipher that enabled the receiver to double-check the accuracy of the message.

Solomon and David were neither the first nor the last of the Kings of Israel to use the communication Shields. Saul before them used a bronze or copper shield that he anointed with a slick and oily liquid metal.19 After Solomon’s death his son Rehoboam reined, however, Rehoboam lost those five hundred magic mirrored communication aspis or shields of gold to the king of Egypt, Shishaik.

Rehoboam20 replaced the Golden shields with bronze coated with quicksilver (mercury) shields. This process was also used by gold miners of that day. The liquid metal would cling to copper and make an excellent mirror; and if small pieces of gold dust were in a copper gold pan with a mercury coating it would make the gold cling to the mercury. This is a quick, cheap, and efficient way to gold plate a mirror with the Alchemist Gold. The mercury would slowly evaporate leaving the gold locked in the matrix of the surface of the copper plate and then that gold would then be polished into the surface leaving a bright golden finish.

The Alchemist’s Trick

 1 A  AlchemistJpg

This was the alchemist’s trick that Jason and his Argonauts were sent to discover. You see when a copper plate is covered with amalgam of mercury and a slurry of gold laden aggregate is poured over the plate: the gold is captured by the sticky mercury just like the alchemist gold coin. Then at the end of the day the gold would be harvested and the amalgamate covered plate would be ready to “Grow” more gold; that would be harvested, just like sheep who just grow more wool after their shearing. However, the process of gold refining only works if there is gold in the aggregate solution flowing over the amalgamated copper plate.

1 NASA. Gov/space blanket

2“Silver”, Op. Cite, Colliers V. 21, 1997+

3 Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite P. 466, C19:160

4 Simmons S.D., Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.15, P749



7 “Taoism”, Op. Cite, Colliers V.22, 1997+

8Laurence Dr. R, Ethiopian Enoch, Also known as The Book of Pa- Hanok, University of Oxford, England, Chapter 81

9 Starry Nights, Computer star charting program.

10Lamsa, G. M., Op. OiteP466, C,18:78

11Strongs, Op. Cite, H, No. 7982

12 American Revised Standard Concordance and Hebrew Dictionary

13Strongs, James,Op. Cite H. 7782

14 Ibid H. 5608, 5618

15 Lamsa, G. M., Op. Cite P488, C. 9:15-16

16 Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890, H, No. 7982

17 Islam Op. Cite Colliers

18Taylor W. H, ”Sailing” Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.20, P. 338

19 Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite P343

20Ibid P491, C.8:9


The Stone Riddle of Aten


The Egyptologist, Howard Carter, in the year 1922, opened a tomb and made, Tutankhamen the most renowned Pharaoh of Egypt. However, that boy king started his reign with a purge, to remove anything related to, Aten, a god like technology. A cleansing, that ended with the removal of every thing King Tutankhamen’s childhood adviser, Horemheb, could find of the technology once called, Aten orb, a science, that produces a clean energy, a technology that would be resurrected over three thousand years later in the twentieth, century.


The boy king’s advisers, the priesthood of Amun, seemed to have had a problem with the Pharaoh, Akhenahten, and his flagrant display of this field of engineering through the creation of a city dedicated to that technology. This city included outside displays of the magical powers of Aten. A power that was well known centuries prior to that city’s building.


Tutankhamen’s, adviser, Horemheb, had convinced the boy King that all the displays of this technology needed to be removed.


A Cleansing that began with the purging of the city, called, the Horizon of Ah-ten, in which the Pharaoh, Akhenahten, and his queen Nefer,titi, loved the pomp and ceremony where they would bask in as the queen Nefertiti, showed off the power of this technology, therefore, when Horemheb, became pharaoh, he took great pleasure in the disassembling of the city’s displays, even to the point of hiding the stones inside the Pylon of Karnack . However, centuries later an earth quake would shake and crumble Horemheb’s pylon to reveal the stones of that forgotten city, thousands of jumbled stone blocks that held a lost technology. Henri, Chevyer started the excavation of the Horemheb pylon in 1926, even so, those thousands of stones remained disjointed without a cipher for many years. Karnack  stones

However, in 1965 a group of archaeologists, including R. W. Smith began a program, to reassemble a representation of that city through photographs and a computer referencing programs.

Karnack  stones  photos

A curriculum, that would reveal the secret power, that belonged to the Aten enigma


This giant jigsaw puzzle showed Aten with three attributes, first light, secondly, heat and thirdly, in this case the Ankh’s true representation, a simple mirror. Mirrors that were used to reflect the light of the sun: and when those mirrors were used in conjunction and their reflected light was redirected to the same point, it produced, heat, which was Aten’s, second attribute,

Aten 2

A technology that is now known as solar furnaces, these mirrors were made of gold or of copper with a silvery, mercury finish. Reflectors that were common in other technologies of Egypt, such as in their communication system, and these mirrors were a powerful tool in Egypt’s concealed science. The city of, Aten was a problem for, the priesthood of Amun, the city, revealed too much knowledge that belonged to Egypt’s elite .

30 Aten Jpg

Orb of Aten


Miraculously, the reassembled blocks of that dismantled city showed, that the heat of the Aten system had many uses.

42 bit Karnak Aten

However, it was an exchange student to Egypt from Syracuse, by the name of Archimedes, that would show the power of Aten to the world, especially the Romans. Archimedes is said to have, “single handedly defended the city of Syracuse” in 212 BC, by constructing a system that is now called solar furnaces. Mirrors that were used to focus the Sun’s light by more than one thousand fold onto the Roman ships. Today the power of, Aten has gone high tech and is used too create electrical power out of thin air. 6 heliostat

However, it was in the quarries of Egypt that the Aten technology really showed off its power. The Egyptian stone quarries have been, an enigma, how did a copper age society cut millions of stone blocks with just copper tools: even with today’s iron tool, the process would take far too long.

44 bit cutting stone  9


1 Edwards I. E. S, “The Pyramid” ” Op. Cite, Colliers , Vol. 19, P.543

2Hughes G.R, “The Pyramid” ” World Book Encyclopedia Vol. 15, P110


4 Davison, D Op. Cite. , Vol. 1 Plate View of north base casting stones

5 Ibid


7 Laurence Dr. R, Op.Cite C 81:1

8 Ibid

9 Bunson M. ”Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, Facts on File, New York and Oxford 1991,P23

10Edwards I. E. S, “The Pyramid” ” Op. Cite, Colliers , Vol. 19, P.543






Quarrying 2.3 Million Stone Blocks


A Greek by the name of Herodotus lived back four hundred and ninety years before the Christian era began and is considered by The Scholarly World to be “The Father of History.” In one of his many books that he wrote called HISTORY BOOK II page 124. Herodotus gives an account of the building of the pyramid that was related to him by some local Egyptian Priest.1

That is Twenty Years to cut and stack 2.3 million blocks2, (average weight five thousand pounds average thickness four feet), to stack to a height of almost four hundred and fifty feet: twelve hours per day, seven days a week. That is twenty-six blocks per hour, (with copper and wooden tools?) now double that amazing feat because there was the Second (red) Pyramid next to the Great pyramid that was only two and one-half feet shorter and was built at the same time as the Great Pyramid. Even so, those structures construction was far easier than what you have been expected to believe. The Egyptian used simple engineering techniques to do their amazing feats. Techniques that are surprisingly still used today, concepts that have never been lost; nonetheless, those techniques have never been applied to the building of the Pyramids, by the Discovery or, History Channel, and certainly not by Wikipedia.


To interpret the riddle of the construction techniques, you must understand the basic laws of physical science, which includes the tools’ of Archimedes. However, these techniques were Egyptian “TOP SECRETS” so they were locked in a safe place hidden from their “Enemies” and from the “Common Folk” in Riddles. Making sure that the ignorant saw only what the Egyptians wanted them to see Fairy Tales. The process of quarrying the stone for the Pyramids has been as BIG a mystery as the Pyramid itself. How could a Copper Age society use its copper tools to cut and finish rocks some of which were harder that the copper tools themselves? This baffled the Scholarly World for hundreds of years and was “hard to explain” (a crux, riddle). The answer should have been in plain sight. And it was “with a handle” (ansala), because, the Egyptians used cruxansalas and sunshine to quarry the stone.


To understand this riddle, we will need to go back to my Great-Grand-Parent’s time. Many of those folks were poor. There were times that they needed just one more drinking glass. As it happens, my folks had no money to buy an extra drinking glass and sitting down to supper with an old beer bottle when the visiting pastor came by was a little tacky. So what is a poor woman to do? Have Grandpa make a glass. Forget your visions of a blast furnace and a pipe with a glob of glass on the end. No. What the Old Man did was, take that beer bottle and put a kerosene-soaked sting around the bottle and then tie the kerosene string tight. He would then light the string on fire all the way around. Then he would stand the bottle up straight then in a few seconds he would hear a PING. Then Grandpa would blow out the string. The bottle now separated in two pieces. The top makes a handy dandy new funnel and the bottom is Grandma’s new drinking glass. Now why did that happen? The heat from the flames heated the top and the neck of the beer bottle. Below the flame stayed cool when the differential in temperature was high enough between the top (from the flame and above) and the cool bottom (below the flame) a fracture would start and run around at the point of the temperature differential separating the glass bottle into two pieces.

Now let us go back to my child hood and when I was in the Cub Scouts, and one of those many Christmas presents that children would make. Some of those projects would have pretty colored clear glass marbles that looked nice just by themselves. Nevertheless, my Den Mother said, “West, it is your job to add some value to those marbles.” The scout leader heated these round pieces of glass in the oven as hot as that oven would go. Then the leader pulled the clear colored marbles out, and each child drops his marbles carefully into a glass of water SNAP, CRACKLE, and sometimes POP. Now those marbles have pretty hair line fractures and are very fragile if you drop one of those fractured marbles it would break into a thousand pieces, all mine did!


Those two little experiments are the foundation for cutting the stone for the Great Pyramids, surfacing the site and tunneling the passage for the Bottomless Pit. Because, there is sufficient evidence that Ancient man used heat or fire and water to break stone in his mining operations of the past.3 Even so, there was a lack of precision, (though the process was a lot easier than mushrooming your copper tools) in fact that is how the Caliph Al Mamaun broke through the stones of the Great Pyramid to gain access to the interior.


The Caliph Al Mamaun broke into that structure by placing wood and brush against the stones of the Great Pyramid then setting the wood on fire. The fires heated the stone just like my Den Mother’s oven heated the marbles. Next at the right time the Caliph’s minions threw water and vinegar against the stone fracturing the stone into pieces that were easy to dislodge, (the vinegar help fizz the limestone pieces loose). The Caliph was the first man in centuries to enter The Great Pyramid of Gizeh back in the year 840 of the Christian era.4 The problem was that the Caliph and his minions chipped a hole into the side of the Pyramid at the wrong place. He was 286.1 inches off from the easy Sinister (left) entrance below.5 Instead, The Caliph broke through at the spot he chose, leaving a large hole in the wrong place. This system of breaking rock with fire and water is fine for a slow mining operation. However, wood has never been that abundant in Egypt and when you have millions of precision stones to cut the process would be impossible to do in the allotted time of twenty years.

The Egyptians used Mercury and Golden Mirrors to do their Magic. However we must first go back to Syracuse, Sicily to the year 209 before the Christian era and look at one of the many innovations of our old friend Archimedes. King Hiero had Problems; ships of the Roman Navy, which were full of troops, were on their way to besiege his kingdom.6 So king Heiro called for his most trusted scientist, Archimedes.

1   Archimedes

When asked for his advice our little old friend probably said, Don’t worry our harbor faces south, and when I was in Alexandra Egypt I learned of Aten and his Magic Mirrors. Those mirrors were used to create the heat of the sun (a heilostat). We can just make a bunch of those round, mirrored, and burn the Roman Armies eye balls out.”


And those mirrors did just that. Now let us apply that knowledge to our riddle of the stone quarry.

The process goes all the way back to Enoch Chapter 8 and the Watcher Azazyel.7

Who taught men… the fabrication of mirrors… and the uses of stone of every valuable and select kind.8


However, if the Egyptians use sunshine and mercury mirrors to quarry those stones: where is the Historical evidence? All over Egypt on its temple walls, its papyrus’s, its jewelry and especially Karnakh: Sadly, the process has been misinterpreted for centuries. Let us go back to the Hittite Sun disk; that is the basic design: a mirror in the center of two wings for precision targeting and a tail to sit on the ground to allow vertical alignment. In its simplest form, elongate the tail; move the wings down and the mirror up and what have you got? The Ankh also known as the cruxansalas, the riddle with a handle, Amenophis IV also known as Akhenaten showed Aten as a solar orb, a sun-globe with rays which end in tiny human hands holding an Ankh, this tool was the genesis for Archimedes’ mirror defense of Syracuse.


To the Ancient Egyptians the Ankh was a symbol and a tool of power.9 The loop of the cruxansalas is where the mirror went. A funny thing about mirrors they can seem transparent at times giving the illusion that you can see right through them. Therefore, the Egyptians left out the mirrors in many ceremonial Ankhs to give that effect.


However, there are also many pictures of Ankh with golden mirrors in the loop and as you know gold is the best reflector of sunshine. You also know that you can redirect the light and heat from the sun to another location with a mirror. Now if you take a second mirror and redirect its reflection of the sun to the same point you double that heat and light. If you keep doing that with more mirrors you can produce some real heat you can use the power of the sun that is easy to harness with a few magic mirrors. A form of energy that is fresh and clean with no cost of production, a power to the common folk as magical as Alchemy. In fact Barstow, California has a solar furnace system that can produce ten megawatts of electric power out of thin air using one thousand nine-hundred mirrors. The system uses Steam electric turbines’ not solar electric cells to produce the power.

Now that we have the Ankh with a mirror on the top and a central shaft to rest on the ground, This shaft also stabilizes its movements for long periods, which allows that mirror to be tilted to catch the sun and its vertical movement. The cross handles or wings of the cruxansalas allow for horizontal precision targeting over shorter distances. Now put a few thousand men of your 100,000 men10 to targeting a mirrored Ankh, now you have some real heat. To reduce the area needed for all those men and give a higher concentration of light: make some of the Ankhs taller and some shorter, and have the men stair-step them: and this enables you to concentrate the heat on a smaller target when needed. An example would be the tunneling of the Bottomless Pit, because this process is lot cleaner that a brush fire.

Yes, the Ankh was thought to be a symbol of great power and the cruxansalas of Aten were, nevertheless, what will people think of our “computer and mouse” of today in 10,000 years?


The limestone of Egypt was important in the quarrying process, because of its sedimentary origins; Limestone is a stratified rock, with individual layers ranging from the thickness from laminate to beds measuring several feet from top to bottom.1 Granite in the Aswan area of Egypt occurs in dikes and sheets which magma has injected between layers of older rock: A type of magma emplacement known as lit by lit (bed-by-bed) injection, forming two flat surfaces, tops and bottoms2, and, many times forming large square crystals.


The most common stone in the Great Pyramid is limestone, though Granite is cut in a similar manner, when the large crystals had not been pre-shaped by GOD were used. The limestone is stratified rock from thin layers to several feet thick. These layers have a consistent thickness for hundreds of feet to miles and are as flat as a calm mountain pond at dawn. That gives the quarry men two perfectly flat working surfaces to work with that need no detail work to be used in the pyramid.

However, to accomplish this quarrying of stone, we must first call in the string pullers or the chalk linemen to lay out the stone: and then the spaldings would chisel the line that the string pullers had laid out, the line would go between two natural fault lines in the stone. As the spaldings worked, the quarry men would remove the under burden back parallel to the line that the spaldings had chiseled out on the top of the stone. The nice thing about fresh limestone rather than cured limestone is that it is softer: the longer that it is out of the ground the harder the limestone gets (to a point)3. The quarry men used a similar process as the Caliph did, but Egyptians used the Ankh, solar furnaces system of Aten of Karnack as the heat source to superheat the stone.


They would then throw the water and vinegar against the stone: no need to play in wet ashes, like the Caliph’s minions did. After the fractured rock had cooled, a copper headed battering ram that was suspended by an A-frame was used to break loose the fractured rock. Nevertheless, as soon as possible, wooden supports would quickly be installed to stabilize the upper layer of rock. The different strata of rock would buffer the heat and allow for a smooth transition between layers of rock. The scrap rock was important too, but more on that later in this book.

44 bit cutting stone  9

When the under burden was removed to the point of the chiseled groove, the whole section of rock that was cantilevered would be blackened with charcoal and behind the line the stone was covered with wet sand. The blackened stone was then heated with the sun and the hundreds of Ankhs mirrors. Under the stone a thick layer of sand was placed for the stone to land and a fire to help heat the stone from the bottom. Moreover, at just at the right time, the supports were pulled, and wedges were driven down at various places. Because of the weight of the stone and the heat differential of the rock, the long slab would snap. Crackle. BOOM!

On the bed of sand, if the slab was at least the second cut, now lies a long slab of stone with two smooth perfect and flat sides. The other two sides will lock into the slabs that had been cut just before and just after as if they were one: because they were one once, and every piece fitted together like a jigsaw puzzle: because they are all the same thickness, each layer stays flat without deviation. Now that, the long slab of rock weighing hundreds of tons is lying on a thick bed of sand and rubble.


What next? Lay out the cuts to offset the last row of blocs that had been cut. Next, undermine the slabs at the point the stone has been scored and place a fulcrum, and then remove the sand to the fulcrum. The Quarry-men placed log rollers under as they remove the sand. And by, positioning a support under the black end block, the quarry-men then would put wet sand on top of the rest. By this means heating of the stones with the Ankh, solar furnace system and a fire below the stone; when they pulled supports at the right time, wedges were driven down at various places and snap, crackle, BOOM. You now have a block ready for the pyramid. The next block will fit together as if they were one because they were one once. Then the stone was sent down the hill on the log rollers to the river. Yes the quarrying was done with soft metal tools more quickly than with modern high tech equipment .

1 Landes K.K, “Limestone” ” Op. Cite, Colliers Vol. 14, P.650

2 Landes K. K, “Granite” ” Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol. 11, P. 31

3 Landes, ”Limestone”, Op Cite Colliers

Part Three, Water in the Desert, Ramps verses Crocodiles



There have been many books and television shows about how the Great Pyramids were built. Let us start with those theories on how to build the pyramid the hard way: Most of those theories used ramps of some kind.1 Though on the late night talk shows some guests say the lifting of the stone was done by space aliens, other theories say the lifting was done by Giant Cone headed men that hummed them into place, still others say the lifting was done by good or bad Angels. My favorite failed theory was airlifting the stones. We will talk about that theory but even that system was far too slow.

The Long Ramp Theory

The mainstream theories of the Egyptologist use ramps. The most common is the long ramp. The theory goes: that the slaves could not push a huge block of stone up a gradient of more than (ten to one) ten feet of horizontal movement2 to one-foot vertical movement. To build the Pyramid to the projected height of 480 feet tall with ramps, you would need a ramp four thousand, eight hundred feet long of material that is very hard and smooth. (Have you ever tried to push a car in sand?). The volume of materials that would be needed would be more than EIGHT MILLION CUBIC YARDS3. Nevertheless, some construction engineers say to lift all those stones; it would take FOUR of those ramps4 which would be more than THIRTY TWO-MILLION cubic yards of materials5. The Great Pyramid itself only has a little more than two-point eight million cubic yards of materials. But where did all the materials6 go that were used to build those ramps after the construction was finished?



Spiral Ramp Theory

Former professor, John Blaines of Oxford University developed a spiral ramp theory by which the Egyptians went round and round the pyramid until the stone blocks on log rollers reached the top.7 The problem is that those log rollers do not make tight turns. The blocks would fall off before they could make the turn. Unless the ramps were far beyond the foot print of the structure itself which would take almost as much materials as a straight Long Ramp.



Many Fringe Egyptologist say Edward Leedskalnin knew the secret method used to lift the stones used in the pyramid construction. Sadly, No, Ed used a large compressor and tube type truck tires as lifting bags to air lift the stones for his Corral Castle in Miami, Florida. No magic, sorry, a photo shows an air compressor in the background taken during the construction phase –simple but effective– Nonetheless, Egyptians had a much faster and easier way of moving stones.

Aesop’s Thirsty Dog

In this story, the Dog (the common or unclean) was thirsty. However, the water that he was given by the stork or Egyptian Ibis (Thoth) was in the bottom of a narrow container. Making an easy drink for the Dog impossible, Even so, the Dog solved his problem by placing stones into the container, in so doing raised the water level allowing him to drink. That problem of thirst and the solution of placing stones into a water source is the “Key Stone” to understanding the Egyptian process of stacking the stones 450 feet above the valley floor. The Geological records of the river Nile basin and the world wide sea level records (see charts8), tell us that in the later portion of the Pleistocene Epoch Earth was in a time of Great Drought. Even so, at that time of drought, (12,500 to 13,500 years ago) the Nile river level suddenly rose by hundreds of feet, an event that turned the Nile River Valley and delta into a fruitful place for man in a time the rest of the world was in a Great Drought. Then almost as suddenly eight thousand years later about 2141 years before the Christian era began the river levels dropped about the same amount.


The Geological Record of Egypt


Great Pyramids were constructed about 13,000 years ago

The Gatekeepers of knowledge will not consider the evidence that the three Great Pyramids were constructed about 13,000 years ago at the end of the Pleistocene Epoch. To have that date verified would foul up their carefully crafted “Traditions” of the development of Civilization. Verifying that there was a civilization that far advanced would cause “The Traditions” of countless Scholars to go up in “Smoke.”


Even so, there is evidence of just that construction date. The Book of Job places the Great Pyramid construction in a time when Polaris was a seasonal star of early summer, not a Pole star as it is today. Polaris only becomes a seasonal star when the Progressions of the Equinoxes moves that star below the Northern Horizon Circle. That only happens to Polaris once every 26,000 years and then only for a few years, and the last time Polaris was under the Northern Horizon Circle was 12,000 to 13,000 years ago, A time that matches the astronomer, Robert Bauva’s10 alignment of three Great Pyramids with the three stars of Orion’s Belt. Bauva determined that the three Great pyramids have the same relationship in size ratio and placement as the three stars in the Belt of Orion as they were seen from earth 12,450 years ago.11 Even the colors of those stars match the three Great Pyramids, white, red and white.

three Pyramids white

This one shall comfort us concerning our work and the toil of our hands

These pieces of “seemingly implausible” evidence have been rejected by the Gate Keeper of History; nevertheless, the “Spinner of Time” has locked those pieces of silk threads into place with geological records of The Nile River Valley. Geological records show the Nile River level rising hundreds of feet during a time of World Wide Drought12, a river level rise that has NO NATURAL reason to rise during a time of regional drought.

About that time (13,000 years ago) a man named Lemech who had a son and when he was born Lemech said of his son:

This one shall comfort us concerning our work and the toil of our hands, because of the ground which the lord has cursed.”13

The son of Lemech went by many Names: Gilgamesh called him Utnapishtim,14 The Aztecs called him Coxcoxtli15, the Central Americans called him Tezcatil16, To the Brahmans he had the name Manu17. This man also authored most of the book now known as the Book of Enoch, because portions of his book were incorporated into the Book of Enoch over the centuries.


All the same, we must first deal with another member of “the family”; Great-Great-Great Grandpa Khunm (Khain) Khufu. The name Khufu meant in the ancient Semitic tongue, “to cover up.18 And in Greek, Cheops means, a well-watered garden19. Khufu built the Great Pyramid and controlled the annual flooding of the Nile River. Now how did he do his amazing feats of engineering, like controlling the flooding of the Nile? The same way the Egyptians control the annually flooding now: with an irrigation dam of course. As Sherlock Homes would say, “The Game is a foot.” The development of irrigation systems was said to be the one of the biggest factors in the civilization of man. Egypt is the birthplace of that science.20 Along the Nile, irrigation was used and Egypt became known as “Wheat Cakes.” The problem with the Nile is that the river is in flood or drought. That is one of the reasons that the Aswan Dam and Lake Nasser were built, to regulate the flow of the Nile

Plateau or Valley?

The Experts say that, “The Great Pyramid is on a big flat plateau”, giving you pictures of a flat land that looks as if that plateau goes on for hundreds of miles, and that plateau does go on for hundreds of miles. Even so, the River Nile cuts a very deep valley through that plateau. Back in the country where I come from we call that kind of thinking being a “Flat Lander;” or what you might call being a two-dimensional thinker.

 74jpg Isis Dam sat zzzegypt flood zone1

The Nile river valley is hundreds of feet deep and in some places eight to twelve miles wide then narrowing to spots like where the Aswan dam is now, and behind that dam is Lake Nasser which is the Second Sea of Nun. This lake is very important in the history of the future.

Egypt Sat

These narrows in the Nile valley are called cataracts. There is a narrowing just up the river from Cairo and then the Nile River begins its delta. That narrows is a lot wider now than it was ten thousand years ago; although just a few years ago a hydroelectric dam project was canceled at that point. The reason was that dam’s lake would have covered the Great Pyramid.

1Winston A.,,p1

2Hancock ,Finger Prints of the Gods: Crown Publishing , New York P285

3Hodges. and Keable J. How the Pyramid Was Built, :Element Books, Shaftesbury, 1989,p. 123

4Blaines J. and Malek J., Atlas of Ancient Egypt, Time Life Books, Virginia , 1990p160, cited, Pyramids of Egypt ,p229-230

5Hodges, Ibid


7Ibid P125-126

8 Hoffman, Michael A. Op. Cite,

9 Ibid

10Bauval, Robert, and Gilbert Adrian, The Orion Mystery, Heinemann, London, 199

11 Starry Nights, Computer star charting program.

12 Op. Cite, Colliers V. 8 P671

13Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite, p. 12

14 Hancock. G, Mirrors of Heaven, Op.Cite P188


16 Hamlyn P. , New Lararousse Encyclopedia of Mythology, London, 1989. ,p362

17Hancock. G, Mirrors of Heaven, Op.Cite P188

18Strongs James, Op. Cite, Hebrew , no.2644

19 Strongs, Op. Cite, Greek, no.2779

20Colliers, Egypt Op cite,

The Secrets of the Great Pyramid

Building the Great Pyramid

Author Howard West provides an impressive amount of evidence that goes beyond today’s simple understanding of Mythology of ancient Egypt. Offering a whirlwind trip into the past to reveal science with in Myths of Great Pyramid of Giza. Modern rationalist believe in using Occam ‘s Razor: “the shaving of a narrative into its simplest terms.”Nevertheless, Howard West’s,Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets:proves that the stories of the Riddle Lords of the Ancient Egypt and Egypt pyramids were intentionally encrypted to give two concepts; one in simple terms for their enemies and the common folk, the other locked away; treasure hidden for their heirs. Therefore, the Riddle Lords of ancient Egypt and Egypt pyramids stories today are thought to be, easily understood narratives to entertain the childlike.The Riddle Lords of ancient Egypt have always baffled the Haughty: However, the haughty hold themselves to be the Gatekeepers of Wisdom. These…

View original post 534 more words

Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Dump,s Boiling Rock



  A 6,000 mile Burro wagon trip in the 1990s

I’m sure you’ve heard old stories of how some burros have helped their owners to find gold. My wife Carol and I should have known better, but we left our burros behind when we went looking for gold in the Amargosa Desert. For that particular and peculiar prospecting trip we had to leave the burros behind, because we climbed into a chartered bus and went to visit the proposed Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Dump near Lathrup Wells, Nevada.

We had no more than gotten seated on the bus when security guards came onto the bus, examined our ‘official invitations,’ and pinned little badges to our flannel shirt collars to identify us and to alert us to any radiation. (There was not yet supposed to be any nuclear waste there, in fact Yucca Mountain had not even been approved as a waste site, but we were on The Nevada Test Site which is part of Nellis Air Force Bombing and Gunnery Range.)

Nobody flunked the security test so with our little badges dangling from our shirts we were treated to a whole day of touring the government facilities and the summit of Yucca Mountain.

One of the first stops we made was out in the open on Jackass Flats where we listened to a female biologist, walking around in the back of a pickup truck in high heeled cowboy boots; give a talk on how the government is protecting wildlife in the area. I remember that the heels of her boots kept sliding into the grooves in the truck bed causing her to lurch sideways now and then as she performed. Most of what she had to say was about endangered tortoises.

Being a “jackass prospector” and standing there in a place called Jackass Flats, I was wondering why she didn’t mention burros, so I asked about burros. She told me that there weren’t any. When I told her there used to be and asked what had happened to them, the educated young lady answered, “They were gone before I got here!”

On our way back to the bus for the next leg of the tour we talked over possible reasons for the loss of the asses of Jackass Flats with our neighbors. Our tour guides began to feel that I was a security threat and Carol, sensing their unease, had to remind me that our quest was a quest for gold.

There was a stop at a large warehouse where we were shown a video of how test drilling is done at Yucca Mountain and how the ‘core samples’ taken are documented and analyzed. We were shown that salt, basalt; granite shale and volcanic tuff were all, in their opinion, good for storing nuclear waste.

After the video we were allowed to wander through a room of rock samples and minerals. This part was fascinating to us and we enjoyed looking at crystals and fossils, and minerals lit with black lights.

Seeing no gold in the samples, I asked, “In these core samples you’ve taken, have you found any gold?”

The answer was “No.”

“Not even microscopic gold?”

“No, not a bit.”

So there we were, disappointed and empty handed in our search for gold and feeling amazed that in this whole mountain, that stands in gold bearing ground, not one bit of gold was found. Though over thirty holes were drilled to a depth of 3,000 feet each and still no gold?

There was one finding in those core samples that really interested us Zeolite. You may not know about Zeolite, so this prospector will try to enlighten you. Zeolite is a mineral that contains water in microscopic channels within a framework of aluminum silicate units. In other words, the water in Zeolite can be driven out of the rock by heat, without altering the structure of the Zeolite crystals. The word ‘Zeolite’ means ‘boiling rock’.

With that little bit of knowledge ricocheting around in my brain I questioned some of the government employees at Yucca Mountain about how the Zeolite would react to the proximity of nuclear waste.

They acted like they didn’t know much about the layer of Zeolite that exists between the big holes they planned to store the “hot” nuclear waste in and the huge body of water called the Amargosa aquifer lying just under Yucca Mountain, for they assured me that it wouldn’t be a problem!

I didn’t believe them; so I jumped the traces and leaving my tour guides behind I went in search of a real scientist. (Is there such a thing nowadays?)

Anyway, I didn’t get far on my aberration before the bell rang for lunch and we were all ushered into the dining hall together: like cattle to a feed lot. Though I never can say “no” to a good meal, so I went meekly along with the flow and I soon found out that the detour worked out splendidly for my aborted purpose, because all the folks working there came to lunch with us.

I was soon elbow to elbow with one of their leaders, and over a delicious meal I asked him, “If this repository is approved, and ‘hot’ nuclear waste is placed in Yucca Mountain and the Zeolite boils, where will the radioactive water go?”

He looked glumly down at his busy fork and shrugged.

I pressed him “Will it go down into the aquifer that provides water to the Nevada towns of Beatty, Lathrup Wells, Amargosa, Shoshone and Las Vegas?”

“I’ll tell you what bothers me the most,” he said, “Yucca Mountain is supposed to be one of many sites tested to see if it is suitable for storage of spent fuel rods from nuclear reactors but, we are not testing any others. We are putting so much money and time into ‘exploring’ Yucca Mountain that even if it proves to be unsuitable, you will never hear of its dangers. This is the only site being considered and this is where the waste will lie!”

When I was climbing down from the bus after being delivered back to our starting point at Lathrup Wells, I looked back up at our tour guide and asked, “Who paid for my lunch and the tour?”

He smiled at me. “You did,” he said, “your tax dollars pay for everything pertaining to the project at Yucca Mountain.”


On our way back to the wagon Carol put a hand to her head and told me she was feeling carsick from riding in the bus. I took her hand in mine and told her I felt a bit sick too.

Later, I explained to my disappointed wife, that we’d better stick to our gold prospecting with burros. “It’s not as high tech,” I told her, “but it sure is more comforting than finding Zeolite in such an unexpected and dangerous place.”

She agreed with me and stated rather emphatically, “If those Yucca Mountain workers still had the benefit of jackasses on Jackass Flats, they might have found gold in their exploration of Yucca Mountain!”

Now here is the rest of the story. We had offered this story to a magazine called Rock & Gem in which the article was published in November 1996 after of over a year of government delays. With a disclaimer on my finding, from Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Dump, US Department of Energy.  Little did Department of Energy know that I had contact with people in side that complex. Those people years later who when I showed a copy of the article to sat and stared, and with a faraway looked and said: “So that is where all that water came from.”

To make a long story short my little article in an obscure magazine, ROCK&GEM; had put a “bee” into some ones “Bonnet”, therefore, a test was order: that test consisted of drilling holes into the floor and wall then placing resistant electric heaters into those holes to simulate the heat that would be given off by the thermally “HOT NUCLEAR MATERIALS ” Over the period of the test, water began to accumulate on the floor of the test tunnel that really got some people upset. The Brass said: Where in the HELL is all this water coming from. At that point a test of the water was made. The results of that test were that the water did not come from any known source. The test said, “that it was ‘NEW WATER’ without the trace isotopes that would indicate its origins. It was if it came out of “thin air.” WRONG it was out of solid ROCK (Zeolite rock to be exact).

I have since checked for articles on the subject on Yucca Mountain, zeolites and have found a few posted, long after my article was published. Funny thing is: the government went out and paid to have one written by a person with the same last name as the pen name Spalding, that I was using at that time, all positive about zeolites at Yucca Mountain. Yes always the Bride’s maid never the Bride.

Why Does NASA Need Abundant Water in Space? Nuclear Rockets

Mr. Obama in a Twitter town hall at the White House /2011/07/06/ *said that:

“[W]e’ve set a goal to– let’s ultimately get to Mars, A good pit stop is an asteroid…

Mr. Obama, gave the world a Riddle, and most of the people in the Press let it pass unanswered.

What is a Pit Stop?


The biggest problem with Space Exploration is the fuel to get “Cargo/ Pounds” in orbit.

 “in the order of 1000 to 1 ratio, fuel to cargo.”

You have been told: “the combustion of oxygen and hydrogen is the most effective rocket fuel.” That is half true. There is a second that is equal to the oxygen/hydrogen fuel: Nuclear rockets! We use a form of that technology in aircraft carriers, icebreakers, and Three Mile Island. The concept is simple, place enough nuclear fuel together, the mass will heat up. That heat will vaporize volatile materials in so doing creating pressure/ propellant. Examples of volatile materials are Hydrogen (H), carbon dioxide (CO2), potassium (K), sodium (Na), tin (Sn), lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), and  water (H2O) which is the easiest to acquire.

A proven nuclear water steam rocket system (KIWI B4-1965 and KIWI TNT -1965) developed in the mid-1960. A nuclear water steam propulsion system with thrust out puts which can be designed to exceed that of the Space Shuttle liquid Hydrogen oxygen rocket engines.[1]These nuclear engines are much cheaper to operate because there is no need to break the bond of the water molecule to then reform that bond in an explosive combustion. Just inject the solid water ice into the chamber containing “the super-hot nuclear pile”. This nuclear heated steam system is also cheaper because, the propellant can be stored in solid form there is no need for expensive pressurized containers.

NASA wants to refuel its rockets in space at a “zero to one ratio.” However, Obama has been told by NASA, that it hopes to find an abundant source of one of these materials on asteroids. However, frozen water is the preferred substantial. That is why NASA unhappily spent millions to drill two virtually dry holes

 1. There is very little water that  is easily available  on the Moon, so  NASA says “don’t bother with stopping there.”

  2.  The Deep Impact Mission’s copper Impactor found comet Temple to be a dry rock, covered with less than ¼ inch of light snow.

The reason NASA’s Manned Missions out of Earth orbit is On Hold?

  The lack of abundant WATER ICE in Space.

Link to NASA’s last hope  for WATER, NASA’s  mission to an asteroid.

Details in Locked Gates by Howard West


Ancient Solar Energy Project Found in Egypt

Howard West will reveal the Riddle Lords’ additional concepts hidden in their riddles, ancient wisdom and technologies, such as those found The city of the Horizon of Aten, a city which contained a technology of ancient Egypt that was so Top-Secret that the priesthood of Amun of during the reigns of the Pharaohs Tutankhamen and Horemheb, dismantled that city piece by piece,


How Egyptians Built the Great Pyramids

Herupakhered, was one of the primary Low Tech Tools project that quickly turned Egypt from a humble desert kingdom into a world agricultural power. Which then became known by its Semitic name, Metzrayim, River Controlling Wall .Upon the destruction of that dam and the draining of the sea of Nun, that nation became known by the Coptic Greek name, Egypt. Aiguptis, which is derived from aigialos, a sea , and ptoeo to cause to flee away.

Solar Energy Discovered in the Pylons of Karnack



Ancient stone blocks found in the Pylons of Karnack, revealed the remnant of the City of the Horizon of Aten, a city which contained a technology of the ancient Egyptians that was so Top-Secret that the priesthood of Amun of during the reign of the Pharaoh Horemheb, dismantled that city piece by piece, then those broken stones were shuffled and hidden with in the Pylons of Karnack to hide their prized technology: A stone riddle that could only be revealed by an earth quake and reassembled by modern computer wizardry.

42 bit Karnak Aten

This short video will give you all the evidence you will need to begin a conversation on the solar energy used by ancient Egypt.


The non-fiction book Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets by Howard West is published in Hard Cover format and is currently available through brick and mortar book stores and online retailers including ( and  ( )

Myths and the Science they Expose

Part I Archimedes

Father of Experiential Science and Engineering

1 B  Archimedes

More than fifty years ago in my “Introduction to Greek Literature” was in science class, I learned of Archimedes and his “Bath Tub Revelation“. Even so, in the decades since I have found that our dear little Archimedes was far wiser that the image of a little old man that ran through the streets of the capital city Syracuse, Sicily: naked and screaming. Archimedes was born 287 years Before the Christian Era and was educated in Alexandra, Egypt and his death was recorded at the fall of Syracuse. Plutarch writes in his work on “Marcellus”: the Roman commander, about how Archimedes’ engines of war were used against the Romans in the siege of 212 Before the Christian Era.
2  signal with shield
Archimedes is said to have, “single handedly defended the cityby constructing many of Hercules Glittering Shield (translated by Evelyn-White) a system of mirrors now called heliostats.

30 Aten Jpg

However, that system was known as Aten Orb  and Amenophis IV , Akhenaten created a presentation park  to  promoting them Karnack Egypt. Mirrors that were to focus the Sun’s light by more than one thousand fold onto Roman ships.

The power of the sun and King Tut and the Stone Quarry Conspiracy

Now mirrors are used to power our cities



Other engines of war used in that defense were based on Hercules’ Birds of Styphalian story. Archimedes also used noise makers against the land forces, immense masses of stones that came down with incredible noise and violence: against which no man could stand: breaking the Roman army’s ranks, just as Hercules used “noise makers” thrown  to flush the Birds of Styphalian.


The strange thing is when you look up Archimedes word of praise that he screamed in a Greek lexicon? Eureka starts with the Greek letter Epsilon: which means“to cover in a lion” And as often as not Epsilon is pronounced as an “ H ” sound, as in Helen and eureka would be pronounced as “ heureka,” linking that word to the name Heurcules. The Greek prefix and root word heur-cole that refers to. The tool or “The Splendid Gift” or inherent power linked to Hercules. A man that wore a suit of armor made of lion skin. Hercules was a man with the right tool for each job. That is why Archimedes loved his Mentor Hercules so much, and why Archimedes was known for discovering so many of the right tools based on the stories of Hercules. Could have our dear little Archimedes have written part of his own biography using the pen name Heuracleides? A name that means a follower of Heurcules, but what else would you call a man like Archimedes that could tow a loaded ship on land as easily as he could on water, with Hercules’ rope of the Cretan Bull story and a few pulleys.


A man that held the Roman Navy and then Army at bay with a few blinks of mercury clad copper magic mirrors and a few of Hercules’ noise makers. The Myths of Hercules lead Archimedes to become the father of “Experiential Science and Engineering”: Heuristic. Sadly the children of the 21st century of Christian Era think Hercules was a super hero like Super Man: not a man that used his intellectual skills to multiply his strength or advantage. All the same, that is the point of Myths. The plot of the story is not the Wisdom of the Myth.

Hercules origins are found in the night skies of Egypt

where he is called Bau,

beu zodac

Where he is still in battle with the dreaded snake Draco.

4 jpg Fight

The Stars and History of Egypt

Surprisingly, even in the later versions you do not find a man of superhuman strength but a man of great wisdom and wisdom was more powerful that brute force. One of the best-known Herculean stories is, The Stuck Cart. A man had mired his cart and was unable to free his vehicle. So on the cart seat, the driver was in fervent prayer to the pantheon of the Greek gods and goddesses asking for them to free his cart. Hercules hears the man’s prayer for help; however, his response is not of a godlike benefactor, but as an exasperated father speaking to a dim-witted son.

The gods help them that help themselves.”

2 blue donkeys

Then Hercules shows the driver how to multiply his own strength using levers, in so doing frees the cart. The Wisdom of this Myth is not that prayers work: even though the driver’s prayer did work. And it was not that Hercules got the cart unstuck, which he did. The wisdom of the myth is the lesson of fulcrums and levers. Even so, who got the credit for discovering “The Law of Levers,” Archimedes and not Hercules. Each of Hercules’ Labors held great wisdom that was camouflaged in what seems to be a fairytale or myth, Labors that were achieved by intellectual and engineering principles. When Hercules tries in his own strength, he fails. That is the wisdom of the Hercules myth, “Use your head not your back, ”When Hercules cleansed King Augeas’ Ox Stable that had not been cleaned for three decades: was the cleaning of the King’s stable done by Hercules’ ability to shovel “Bull Shit” that got the job done? No! It was hydrodynamics principles. Hercules used two dams to change the course of two rivers to flow through the stable to cleanse it’s of the massive amounts of Ox Dung. That process is used in gold mining and is known as Hydraulic Mining. And who got the credit for that field of scientific endeavor of hydrodynamics? Archimedes has been given the title of the Father of that field of scientific research.
Hercules had another problem: there was a Lion running around that had a hide that was impenetrable. That made the Nemean lion “un-defeat-able.”So how could our Hero prevail against such a beast? In many versions of this story our Hero was swallowed whole, in order that, Hercules could kill the beast from the inside by choking the beast. After the battle with that lion, our Hero fashioned himself a suite of armor, which takes us back to the Greek letter Epsilon, to be clothed with the lion. That is right Hercules got a Greek letter named after one of his Labors.
TrojanHorse (2)
Eight hundred years before the birth of Archimedes what army used that Herculean concept from that myth to defeat a city that had impenetrable walls? –BINGOThe Greek army that was encamped around the City of Troy, with its impenetrable walls, though it took them a while to remember. Eventually, someone must have remembered that old Herculean myth. So they loaded up some men in a big Wooden Horse and left them to be swallowed by the Gates of Troy with its “Impenetrable walls.”
Even though much Truth has been hidden outside the Locked Gates of mainstream academia, much of that lost
knowledge is revealed in the E-book Locked Gates By Howard West




Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Dump



I’m sure you’ve heard old stories of how some burros have helped their owners to find gold. My wife Carol and I should have known better, but we left our burros behind when we went looking for gold in the Amargosa Desert. For that particular and peculiar prospecting trip we had to leave the burros behind, because we climbed into a chartered bus and went to visit the proposed Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Dump near Lathrup Wells, Nevada.

We had no more than gotten seated on the bus when security guards came onto the bus, examined our ‘official invitations,’ and pinned little badges to our flannel shirt collars to identify us and to alert us to any radiation. (There was not yet supposed to be any nuclear waste there, in fact Yucca Mountain had not even been approved as a waste site, but we were on The Nevada Test Site which is part of Nellis Air Force Bombing and Gunnery Range.)

Nobody flunked the security test so with our little badges dangling from our shirts we were treated to a whole day of touring the government facilities and the summit of Yucca Mountain.

One of the first stops we made was out in the open on Jackass Flats where we listened to a female biologist, walking around in the back of a pickup truck in high heeled cowboy boots; give a talk on how the government is protecting wildlife in the area. I remember that the heels of her boots kept sliding into the grooves in the truck bed causing her to lurch sideways now and then as she performed. Most of what she had to say was about endangered tortoises.

Being a “jackass prospector” and standing there in a place called Jackass Flats, I was wondering why she didn’t mention burros, so I asked about burros. She told me that there weren’t any. When I told her there used to be and asked what had happened to them, the educated young lady answered, “They were gone before I got here!”

On our way back to the bus for the next leg of the tour we talked over possible reasons for the loss of the asses of Jackass Flats with our neighbors. Our tour guides began to feel that I was a security threat and Carol, sensing their unease, had to remind me that our quest was a quest for gold.

There was a stop at a large warehouse where we were shown a video of how test drilling is done at Yucca Mountain and how the ‘core samples’ taken are documented and analyzed. We were shown that salt, basalt; granite shale and volcanic tuff were all, in their opinion, good for storing nuclear waste.

After the video we were allowed to wander through a room of rock samples and minerals. This part was fascinating to us and we enjoyed looking at crystals and fossils, and minerals lit with black lights.

Seeing no gold in the samples, I asked, “In these core samples you’ve taken, have you found any gold?”

The answer was “No.”

“Not even microscopic gold?”

“No, not a bit.”

So there we were, disappointed and empty handed in our search for gold and feeling amazed that in this whole mountain, that stands in gold bearing ground, not one bit of gold was found. Though over thirty holes were drilled to a depth of 3,000 feet each and still no gold?

There was one finding in those core samples that really interested us Zeolite. You may not know about Zeolite, so this prospector will try to enlighten you. Zeolite is a mineral that contains water in microscopic channels within a framework of aluminum silicate units. In other words, the water in Zeolite can be driven out of the rock by heat, without altering the structure of the Zeolite crystals. The word ‘Zeolite’ means ‘boiling rock’.

With that little bit of knowledge ricocheting around in my brain I questioned some of the government employees at Yucca Mountain about how the Zeolite would react to the proximity of nuclear waste.

They acted like they didn’t know much about the layer of Zeolite that exists between the big holes they planned to store the “hot” nuclear waste in and the huge body of water called the Amargosa aquifer lying just under Yucca Mountain, for they assured me that it wouldn’t be a problem!

I didn’t believe them; so I jumped the traces and leaving my tour guides behind I went in search of a real scientist. (Is there such a thing nowadays?)

Anyway, I didn’t get far on my aberration before the bell rang for lunch and we were all ushered into the dining hall together: like cattle to a feed lot. Though I never can say “no” to a good meal, so I went meekly along with the flow and I soon found out that the detour worked out splendidly for my aborted purpose, because all the folks working there came to lunch with us.

I was soon elbow to elbow with one of their leaders, and over a delicious meal I asked him, “If this repository is approved, and ‘hot’ nuclear waste is placed in Yucca Mountain and the Zeolite boils, where will the radioactive water go?”

He looked glumly down at his busy fork and shrugged.

I pressed him “Will it go down into the aquifer that provides water to the Nevada towns of Beatty, Lathrup Wells, Amargosa, Shoshone and Las Vegas?”

“I’ll tell you what bothers me the most,” he said, “Yucca Mountain is supposed to be one of many sites tested to see if it is suitable for storage of spent fuel rods from nuclear reactors but, we are not testing any others. We are putting so much money and time into ‘exploring’ Yucca Mountain that even if it proves to be unsuitable, you will never hear of its dangers. This is the only site being considered and this is where the waste will lie!”

When I was climbing down from the bus after being delivered back to our starting point at Lathrup Wells, I looked back up at our tour guide and asked, “Who paid for my lunch and the tour?”

He smiled at me. “You did,” he said, “your tax dollars pay for everything pertaining to the project at Yucca Mountain.”


On our way back to the wagon Carol put a hand to her head and told me she was feeling carsick from riding in the bus. I took her hand in mine and told her I felt a bit sick too.

Later, I explained to my disappointed wife, that we’d better stick to our gold prospecting with burros. “It’s not as high tech,” I told her, “but it sure is more comforting than finding Zeolite in such an unexpected and dangerous place.”

She agreed with me and stated rather emphatically, “If those Yucca Mountain workers still had the benefit of jackasses on Jackass Flats, they might have found gold in their exploration of Yucca Mountain!”

Now here is the rest of the story. We had offered this story to a magazine called Rock & Gem in which the article was published in November 1996 after of over a year of government delays. With a disclaimer on my finding, from Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Dump, US Department of Energy.  Little did Department of Energy know that I had contact with people in side that complex. Those people years later who when I showed a copy of the article to sat and stared, and with a faraway looked and said: “So that is where all that water came from.”

To make a long story short my little article in an obscure magazine, ROCK&GEM; had put a “bee” into some ones “Bonnet”, therefore, a test was order: that test consisted of drilling holes into the floor and wall then placing resistant electric heaters into those holes to simulate the heat that would be given off by the thermally “HOT NUCLEAR MATERIALS ” Over the period of the test, water began to accumulate on the floor of the test tunnel that really got some people upset. The Brass said: Where in the HELL is all this water coming from. At that point a test of the water was made. The results of that test were that the water did not come from any known source. The test said, “that it was ‘NEW WATER’ without the trace isotopes that would indicate its origins. It was if it came out of “thin air.” WRONG it was out of solid ROCK (Zeolite rock to be exact).

I have since checked for articles on the subject on Yucca Mountain, zeolites and have found a few posted, long after my article was published. Funny thing is: the government went out and paid to have one written by a person with the same last name as the pen name Spalding, that I was using at that time, all positive about zeolites at Yucca Mountain. Yes always the Bride’s maid never the Bride.

Authors on Space, time and the Moon

There have been countless books written about the Moon, the below you will find a list of some of the current authors. However, I think you would enjoy what Howard West has to say on the Moon; you will get a taste by watching these videos for the E-Book, Locked Gates and after that you may consider buying the inexpensive E-book, Locked Gates by Howard West.

Buzz Aldrin,

 Magnificent Desolation: The Long Journey Home from the Moon


J. Richard Gott,

 Time Travel in Einstein’s Universe: The Physical Possibilities of Travel Through Time


Jack Sarfatti,

 Space – Time and Beyond II: The Series: Episode 2 “Dark Energy”


 Neil deGrasse Tyson,

 Origins: Fourteen Billion Years of Cosmic Evolution


Robert Zimmerman,

 The Universe in a Mirror: The Saga of the Hubble Space Telescope



Title Index

GOD and the Great Pyramid

New Videos for Book Locked Gates By Howard West

Philip Keller of “Strange but True” interviews Howard West

 on The Great Pyramids


Albert Einstein asked. “Does GOD play dice?”

 Yes Al




History, Riddles, Silk Worms and Mummies


NASA uses Golden Mirrors of Egypt’s Shamans


Alternative Energy Solutions, from the Past


Obama’s Riddle, A good pit stop is an Asteroid


Comment on “History of Information”, NPR interview

 with James-Gleick


Wisdom Hidden in Balls of Thread


The 27th of Sivan AKA June 30


Thursday June 30 the symbol for Constantinople, that was

 appropriated by Islam was in the sky.


Break the Law of Thermo-Dynamics


for Nothing?  


Authors on Ancient Mentors of Mankind

There have been countless books written about the Ancient Mentors of Mankind, below you will find a list of some of the current authors. However, I think you would enjoy what Howard West has to say on the Ancient Mentors of Mankind; you will get a taste by watching these videos for the E-Book, Locked Gates and after that you may consider buying the inexpensive E-book, Locked Gates by Howard West.

 Other authors on the subject.


Frank Joseph Hoff,

Atlantis, The Lost Continent Finally Found


L. A. Marzulli,




Daniel Pinchbeck,

 The Stargate Conspiracy


Steve Quayle,

 LongWalkers: Return of the Nephilim


Loren Coleman ,

 True Giants: Is Gigantopithecus Still Alive?


John Rhodes,

 The CryptoHunter, is one of America’s most outspoken and controversial, known around the world for his pioneering work researching reports of Reptilian…


Mike Bara,

 Dark Mission


David Darling,

 We Are Not Alone


George J. Haas,

The Martian Codex: More Reflections from Mars


Giorgio Tsoukalos,

 A trailblazer he is changing the way the world thinks about the Ancient Astronaut Theory.


Ancient Mentors,Frank Joseph Hoff, L. A. Marzulli, Daniel Pinchbeck, Steve Quayle, Loren Coleman, John Rhodes, Mike Bara, David Darling, George J. Haas, Giorgio Tsoukalos, cydoniain, The Martian Codex, We Are Not Alone, lunar anomalies, Dark Mission, reptoids, Giants, Gigantopithecus, Return of the Nephilim, Stargate

Alternative Energy Solutions, from the Past

The problem is most of the common folk seemed to miss the point of alternative energy, which should be to construct a self-sufficient (off the Grid), New product production plants that are powered by the sun, wind, water or a combination of all of three.

It would seem that the rhetoric of the Energy Producers has tainted the public’s prospective the future of energy production. The Energy Producers want the public to chase their “Rabbit”, the need to place alternative energy production near the “Grid.” So they, the Energy Producers can distribute the power.   That is very inefficient; we currently have an electrical system that will be over loaded if we try to run all future industries on that Grid, and the cost to upgrade that system is out of the realm of possibility. So don’t. The USA can create NEW self-sufficient industries off the Grid and allow the old Grid system to maintain the rest of America’s needs. In this way eliminate the expense of building a new distribution system controlled by the Energy Producers.

Here are some simple off the “Grid” examples.

1.      Recycling metals into new products with a wall type heliostat/ mirrored solar furnace.

2.      Manufacturing facilities, which now use “AIR” Powered Tools, can convert to heliostat/ steam or wind powered air compressors.

3.      Bakeries

4.      Ice factories

5.      Food processing plants

6.      Clothes lines (which are out lawed by most home owners associations) 

The list goes on and on; the power is in Nevada, we need to use it; not inefficiently plug our power into the Grid for the Energy Producers to make the profit. The funny thing is these same simple solutions are thousands of years old. Solutions used in a different desert of northern Africa, a country then known by the Semitic name Metz-r-yim now called Egypt.

Here are a few of alternative systems disclosed in my book, Locked Gates.


FLASH BACKS TO The Last Grand Adventure/ Training Burros

To get us lined out and headed in the right direction, I’ll explain some of the events preceding the journey.

The whole adventure began when I gave my wife, Carol, two gray donkeys (Beef and Bean) for her birthday. Because they were wild burros that had been used by a roper for roping practice: they were afraid of horses, people, and ropes. Carol fell in love with those two shaggy animals and quickly gentled them with grain and a curry comb. Where I had the job of out thinking and convincing them that what I wanted was their idea. Most people who don’t like donkeys: have been out smarted by one.

We were living in Furnace Creek Ranch in Death Valley, California at the time and one month after acquiring our two new friends Beef and Bean  we took them out on a two-week pack trip into the Panamint Mountains of Death Valley National Monument. We had a great time exploring even though all did not go smoothly;  Christmas Carol said: “let Beef follow us he will be GOOD.” Beef got away and went running and bucking away from us spewing our groceries and camp gear over a mile of terrain before we got him under control again.

We couldn’t let a few difficulties stop us. That trip hooked us into a whole new lifestyle. Carol had swallowed the adventure of living life “on the move” hook, line and sinker and we returned home to Furnace Creek Ranch in Death Valley hungering for more. 

Four months later we were back in those same mountains again for a four month pack-trip. The best parts of the trip were exploring old mines and ghost towns, hiking three hundred miles over some of the loneliest country still on earth and meeting a few fun eccentrics.

Those were the best parts. The worst parts were having to hike through the awful heat of a Death Valley summer, Carol’s frightening bout with sunstroke, suffering through several dry camps without access to any water, and later being held-up by a rogue park ranger with a semi-automatic rifle. This government employee spent hours watching us burst in to camp with gun drawn flack jacket in place and screamed  Park Police   Who thought we were “Gun Runners.” With Burros?  He asked “what are you doing” Having lunch would you like some?”: I said. Our government at work.

After those four months, we came out of the mountains as lean as wolves with a wild look about our eyes that frightened our friends. Carol gasped the first time she got a look at herself in a mirror and declared, “I look like I’ve just come out of a Nazi concentration camp! I don’t ever want to be this thin again – it’s horrible being so skinny and hollow-eyed!” Her friends thought we looked GREAT: “your so slim and trim may be I should try your Jackass Diet.”

Even though we had suffered, we weren’t about to give up on this new way of living we had discovered. It was too exciting. By the time Carol’s Birthday was coming again I had decided that to solve our problems we’d go to the Bureau of Land Management (B.L.M.) Wild Horse and Burro Adoption Corrals in Ridgecrest, California to get “just one more” birthday burro for Carol? so we could haul more water.

We ended up adopting four matched blacks (Rags, Chaps, Diz and Dean) that had been gentled by previous owners and used as a four-up in draft work. Carol was excited about the new additions to our little family and it wasn’t long before Carol was begging me to get her a wagon and harness so she could exercise all six at once.