Answers Long Misunderstood

Posts tagged “Resurrection

Q&A With Author Howard West about Book Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets

Howard, what is your book ,

Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets  about?

Myths and ancient legends that were intentionally encrypted to give two concepts; one in deceptively simple fictional stories for the Barbarians, the other concept locked away; treasure hidden in riddles. An example of that deception concept was used against the city of Troy. Three thousand years ago on the sunny shore of the Eastern Mediterranean, along the Aegean Sea, the Trojan Barbarians were safe from the Greeks behind their impenetrable gates, however the Greeks had left a key that would open their gates. Even though Cassandra tried to warned the Gate Keepers:  those Barbarians were too contemptuous  of anyone who disagreed with the Collective Concept about the Wooden Horse: therefore the city of Troy was destroyed.

Our modern Gate Keepers of knowledge are Ratio-Nihilist  and when they see someone like Cassandra who is in disagreement with their Collective Concept of Truth: the diagnosis is always, “They are just part of the Lunatic Fringe.” Our Gate Keepers of knowledge, therefore, would feel justified in the dismissing of our poor little Cassandra and her “Statements of Truth”  just like the Gate Keepers of Troy

Howard, what gates have you unlocked?

Two of the most profound deals with the riddle of the demigod, Thoth, “who  gave the Ancient Egyptians their scientific methods;” his existence was entwined within the stories of the ancients’ world wide.


Thoth was just a Myth!

How could a Myth influence Egypt?

There are many examples of the Knowledge given by this demigod, the most important were the Power of the Written Word, through a heliographic communication system  and irrigation dams.


The ancient name for the land of the Nile was, KMT. The hieroglyphic symbols are  commonly interpreted as, The Land of Black Dirt.  KMT hieroglyphics should be read, left to right: a yarn winding bobbin, a half circle, Horus  in the form of a hawk, and a dam. The meaning, the story of the rise of two sciences, communication, and irrigation dams.

What does Thoth have to do with Egypt’s rise?

Because those innovations, irrigation and  communication  are connected to the demigod, Thoth.  First as Horus stand on the backs of crocodiles in front of an image of Thoth.



This imagery is called Herupakhered and the unlocking of this  imagery was accomplished through its ancient Coptic Greek roots as heru, meaning the tool of strengths, pa, awesome accomplishment and khered, the ability to move stone. Both Osiris and young Horus stood on the backs of crocodiles and symbolized Herodotus’ Machana  that lifted the stone for the pyramid.

Didn’t the Egyptians pour the stones in forms?

The problem of the Cast  Block Theory  is the lack of an aggregate binder ,cement.  Egypt never has had an abundance of wood or coal to be used to create cement, nor is there any archeological  remnants of a large enough wood fired cement works and without that aggregate binder:   the blocks can not take the compression forces that a 450 foot pyramid would exert, however, there are in Egypt many stone block quarries.

16stone quarry pic bloxam

Didn’t Herodotus say:

“The Pyramid was twenty years in the building and the Machines to lift the stone were made of wood?

oblist barge

When you go to any common Greek Lexicon, it will say that “machana” is defined as a machine. However, those machines were boats, and if you look at Greek words with similar root forms, you will find they are defined as “ship captains and seamen.”

Why haven’t I heard of this concept before?

Traditional misinterpretation of the evidence, because, these boats were stylized in Egyptian art to look like crocodiles, large barges with segmented blocks that represent the body of a crocodile and two tow boats, bow and stern making the Oars look like swimming legs as they were seen from the lip of the valley, an image that looked like a crocodile.

 crock oneimage

How can a boat lift stone?

first kings

The first four Pharaohs solved that problem by building the great dam and their serekh shows that dam’s rising. However, Narmer, the first Pharaoh’s serekh shows his Machana  barges symbolized as catfish with only one tow boat.  However these crocodile like barges were often rotated 90 degrees and placed on columns of water in many papyrus. Which symbolizes the building of Osiris’ pyramid.


               40  life was good jpg40 b life is good jpg40 c life is good jpg



Thesecrocodile like barges, were one of the primary Low Tech Tools used to create a large irrigation reservoir, an irrigation project, that was once known as the Sea of Nun; an irrigation project through the creation of a huge dam that quickly turned the Nile river basin from a humble desert kingdom into a world agricultural power. Then that land became known by its Semitic name, Metzrayim, a name that today would be defined as River Dam.


5 jpg dam 2

The dam built with thesecrocodile like barges gave added benefits to the Pyramid builders, because, as the dam grew higher the stone masons working on the Pyramid had stone delivered to their level of construction by boat without the need for ramps and thousands of workers.

building pyramid


Where do you get the dating of this dam’s construction?

31jpg star map2

Books from the Dead Sea Collection speak of the building of the Great Pyramid. When Bootes, Ursa Major and Minor were seasonal constellations, about 13 to 14 thousand years ago, when the level of that irrigation lake,the Sea of Nun rose, behind a dam.


Job 28


After that dam’s destruction and  the draining of the Sea of Nun; the Great Pyramid rose from those receding waters. This event of draining of the sea of Nun occurred over four thousand years ago and was well documented by a Jewish historian. After that dam’s destruction that nation became known by the Coptic Greek name, Aiguptis,  Egypt. Which is derived from aigi, a sea, and ptoe , to cause to flee away.

Isn’t there more evidence than that?

There is also an anomaly in the geological record of  the Nile river valley  that agrees with the flood building of the Great pyramids. A little over 13 thousand years ago.

82 a Geo record jpg.  JPG

Couldn’t an increase in precipitation cause that rise?

NO! Because Africa was in a one thousand year drought. A drought that was confirmed by the geological records to that same time period, the  river Nile rose by hundreds of feet during a Devastating Drought. A rise of the river Nile that had no natural reason to occur.

Sea Level Geological Record

82 B mwp1b two jpg

Only a man-made dam at the narrows of Cairo at the island of Roda  could account for such a sudden rise of the river Nile. Funny thing is the Egyptians recently considered putting a dam at the narrowing of the Nile near Cairo at the island of Roda:


First Pharoh      Narmer  1

Why,  isn’t  there a  dam there now?

The Egyptians thought better because the water would cover the Pyramids  and part of Cairo  so they put a dam shaped hotel there.

island of Roda

Theories are a dime a dozen.


The  thing is that by using this theory  as a template; I have been able to find an impressive amount of historical and scientific evidence to collaborate that concept of the building and revealing of the Great Pyramid and its intended function.


Why hasn’t any one else seen this?

karnack map isis osiris

Egyptian mythology was encrypted, here is one of the most beloved story that implies the dam building concept,  that of Osiris and Isis, who were deeply in love.  However, there was a problem in the kingdom, Osiris’ brother Set, coveted the throne. So Set through deception was able to capture, and then kill Osiris. Set cut our hero into pieces and carefully hid the dismembered pieces in the Nile.  Isis was distraught with grief over the loss of her husband and the emptiness of her womb. Consequently, Isis took up the gruesome task of finding Osiris’ missing pieces.

isis search


Eventually, Isis located most of the dismembered body.  Which she then wrapped in green and black  in so doing cocooning her husband.


mummy isis


Because, of Isis’ great devotion and love for Osiris, he was resurrected, A gift to allow the couple to couple?  However, Isis had not found all of her husband’s missing pieces; furthermore, that one piece was a very Important Piece, if you wanted children. Somehow Osiris was up to the task and Isis was given a son which she called Horus. A son that would take the part of his father’s Missing Piece?

Isn’t that a little “KINKY” ?

The Egyptians knew that their  enemies, the Barbarians loved kinky stories, and that “kinkiness” would help to keep the story told and retold throughout the generations, A stratagem which the Egyptians knew that the barbarians would be unaware of. Let’s start with the common tradition surrounding: Isis,  first Isis wears a strange crown, which the common tradition  calls a throne,  even so, that stair stepped triangle is depicted in many papyri as a dam. Furthermore, the hieroglyphic symbol for Isis implies just that concept.




The  Glyph for Isis is an oval symbolizing a body of water,  above that is a half circle symbolizing rising. Then to the left,  a stair step triangle, the dam symbol, the meaning?

Isis, water rising behind a dam.


What do we know about Osiris?

osiris 22

 Osiris’ glyph show an eye behind the dam symbol.

Next Osiris was cut into pieces, then those pieces were hidden in the Nile.


What about the mummification of Osiris?

Leave a stone in the Nile and it will soon grow green algae and black slime.


But Osiris was resurrected,

How do you explain that?

Funny thing is many stories of Egypt speak of the Great Pyramid rising out of the Sea. Next Osiris was missing an important piece  The Great pyramid is also missing a part its apex.


35 jpg pyramid

I don’t get how did Horus

Replace his fathers missing piece?

Pull out a one dollar bill what tops its Pyramid?  An Eye, which was One of Horus’ symbol , the Udjat.

dollar pyramid

Horus replaced the thirty feet of stone work which would have been needed to complete the “Apex” of the great Pyramid.

But what did that Eye symbolize?

bird blinks

The Book of the Dead’s, Coffin text, speaks of Horus as a communication device in the shape of an eye, a golden mirror that flashes sun light as a Morris like code as far as the Horizon.


Pyr eye horus

How does that communication device’s code

Lead us back to

 Thoth’s written language system?

cuneaform symbols

Like cuneiform it was written on soft clay tablets, like the  scratching of an Ibis bird, Thoth’s second icon. And just as the Osiris story said! Horus was the completing part of the Pyramid, but not as “kinky” as the common interpretation. This new interpretation of the story of Osiris and family leads us back to the rise of Egypt, KMT and implies a dam was created and the rising of the lake was the means which was used to build the Great Pyramid and the missing apex was intended as a communication hub.  

5 jpg dam 2


and just like Isis, the water of the rising lake cocooned the outside of the Pyramid with green algae and black slime; until the Great Pyramid rose out of the water of the receding lake.

mummy isis



Such a major event why isn’t there

Historical documentation of that event?


There is however, the ancient Egyptians wanted the traditions of the  Barbarians  to hold sway rather than the Truth. However, Isaiah 19  gives an account of the draining of the Sea of Metzrayim and the arrival of the Jews and their construction of a great city around the great Pyramid called the city of Heliopolis.

Your telling me that

The Jews are connected to the Great Pyramid

boat pits


Atum was another name for the Pyramid that spoke of itself and its arrival:

“When I, Atum was alone in the waters, in a state of immobility, Before I was found anywhere to stand or sit, Before Heliopolis had been founded that I might be there in.”


If this is true

There must be overwhelming evidence?

Which there is! A book full, here are a few more examples. The historians Josephus, of the first century and a ninth century Arab Masoudi, also confirms that the flooding of the Nile Valley was used in the pyramids construction. Much more can be found in the hard cover  book Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets , by Howard West- available at



cover 4

GOD and the Great Pyramid

Who built the Great Pyramid?  

GOD said a long time ago through Isaiah’s chapter 19:19-20

 On that day there shall be an ALTAR to the LORD, In the midst of the Land of Egypt and a PILLAR at its Border to the LORD. And it shall be a sign and for wittiness to the Lord of Host in the land of Egypt.

That is the location of the GREAT PYRAMID!

I have given the details of the connections between the God of Abraham and the Great Pyramids in my book Locked Gates. A book that has been Black Listed by those who fear the Truth, therefore don’t expect to see a show on the DISCOVERY CHANNEL about this connection to GOD.

Isaiah said in his chapter 19 that this Pillar or pile of Rocks in Egypt became visible after

And the waters shall fail from the sea (of Egypt) and the river (Nile) shall be wasted and dried up!

The Sea now called the Sea of Nun, which the geological records of the Nile River Valley show suddenly and to most unexplainable appeared about 11,000BC during a time of regional drought. An inland sea that just as suddenly drained about 2141BC, the funny thing is most Egyptologists say the Great Pyramids were built when the valley was under water according to the geological records. (Hoffman, Michael A.  Egypt Before the Pharaohs, Alfred A Knopf, 1979 New York) Do you understand? There was a huge lake there. Of course the geological record of this inland sea is never spoken of, because that does not match what God Haters want you believe!

Matthew  21:21Jesus  answered…

“If  ye shall say  unto this  mountain, Be thou removed, and  be thou cast  into  the sea ; it shall be done.”


This is a cross reference to JOB’s explanation of the building of the Great Pyramid.


9. He shoots [1]forth his power [2]against [3]the rock, he over turns the mountains from their foundation.


Therefore, he used the stones from the top of his quarry for the bottom of his new mountain his Pyramid.

10 He cuts the stone because[4] of the river perceiving the future[5] and the good that will come.

11. He dams the river that it may not overflow:And the thing that is hid [6]

Under the irrigation water of the rising lake

He might bring forth “Light”

Here is a video on the construction of that Dam and the links to Early Pharaohs and Egyptian mythology.

If you want more evidence buy the book Locked Gates.


Intellectually bigoted?

 Before Egypt was known by the Greek name Egypt,[7]  Aigu-ptis which is derived from aigialos[8]  a sea (as in Aegean), and ptoeo[9] to cause to flee away, Egypt’s ancient  Semitic name was Metz-ra-yim[10] the meaning of which is Metz[11] the wall or fence, or Mitzad[12] to capture, Ra[13] the power, and Yim[14] the river or sea.  

There is now a second sea of Egypt called Lake Nasser and it too is scheduled to be drained! Cleansing EGYPT. After that great flood  will you believe?   

Isaiah 51:9-10,

Art thou not it that hath cut Rahab,[15]The Wall is Also Known as the Aswan Dam) and wounded the dragon? [16] (The waters of Lake Nasser/ the Nile)


10 dried the sea, the waters of the great deep; (Lake Nasser) a way for the ransomed to pass over?


Psalms 89:10

10 Thou hast broken Rahab (The Wall Aka Aswan) in pieces, as one that is slain; thou hast scattered thine enemies with thy strong arm.


Ezekiel 29:2-12 2

Son of man set thy face against Pharaoh King of Egypt,


3 My (GOD’S) river is mine own, and I have made it for myself.


4 But I will put hooks in thy jaws, and I will cause the fish of thy rivers to stick unto thy scales,


5 And I will leave thee thrown into the wilderness, (The waters of lake Nasser drained) thee and all the fish of thy rivers: thou shalt fall upon the open fields; thou shalt not be brought together, nor gathered (After the dam bursts)


6 And all the inhabitants of Egypt shall know that I am the LORD,


8 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will bring a sword upon thee, and cut off man and beast out of thee.


When that huge Aswan dam is breached, a dam that is three hundred sixty four feet high, eleven thousand eight hundred and eight feet wide and holds back 125,600,000 cubic acre-feet of water what will be left of Egypt?

[1]Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890, Hebrew, no 79711

[2]Ibid, no. 3028

[3]Ibid, no.5921

[4]Ibid, no.4481

[5]Ibid, no.7200

[6]Ibid, no.8587, 8585

[7]Strongs, James, Greek Dictionary of the New  Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890  G 125

[8]Ibid  ,123

[9]Ibid ,4422

[10]Strongs, James, Hebrew  Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890  H,4714

[11]Ibid. 4694

[12]Ibid, 4679

[13]Ibid, 7200

[14]Ibid, 3220

[15]Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890  , H, 7292

[16]Ibid, Hebrew, Ref. No. 8577        “Dragons of the Bible are always connected to raging water.”

Title Index

GOD and the Great Pyramid

New Videos for Book Locked Gates By Howard West

Philip Keller of “Strange but True” interviews Howard West

 on The Great Pyramids


Albert Einstein asked. “Does GOD play dice?”

 Yes Al




History, Riddles, Silk Worms and Mummies


NASA uses Golden Mirrors of Egypt’s Shamans


Alternative Energy Solutions, from the Past


Obama’s Riddle, A good pit stop is an Asteroid


Comment on “History of Information”, NPR interview

 with James-Gleick


Wisdom Hidden in Balls of Thread


The 27th of Sivan AKA June 30


Thursday June 30 the symbol for Constantinople, that was

 appropriated by Islam was in the sky.


Break the Law of Thermo-Dynamics


for Nothing?  


Wisdom Hidden in Balls of Thread


Locked Gates deals with ancient mysteries; the wise men of the past knew transporting complex wisdom through Time was like trying to push a string.  However, if you roll that string or wisdom into a ball of knots by telling that wisdom in the form of stories of mystical beings, that ball form, allows you to push that ball, and then the ball just keeps rolling downhill though “Time” creating a life of its own.

Those riddles about mystical beings contain the secrets for everything from where we got the alphabets to where the moon came from, In the book Locked Gates, I  have taken the time needed to unravel those Time Traveling Balls of Wisdom , balls of threads like the one that lead Theseus out of the darkness of labyrinth of Minotaur

Locked Gates


Coast to Coast AM Introduction

 of Howard West

History, Riddles, Silk Worms and Mummies

The Mythology of Eastern Mediterranean is where the answers to a great number of the most puzzling aspects of Mankind’s Past are found. Answers locked away, woven into their religions, myths, and legends. The Semitic people described this concept of dissimulation, as a “Khood[1]” which implied a knot or a snarl of silk thread; or the word “chiydah[2]: a riddle. The complementary word was “mashal,[3]” the unwinding of a silk worm cocoon. However, to manufacture a silk piece of cloth you must first have thread. Therefore, you must find the end of the silk worm’s last strain that he had spun around himself. Then carefully unravel that last strain as the cocoon sits floating in water. Then hundreds of strains per-inch were used in the manufacture of silk cloth. A process that is far more time consuming than the production of felt cloth; where you smash short unsorted fibers together to produce, a cloth for the Common Folk. The genesis of this process of silk production dates back thousands of years ago to Egypt. Though the Art was lost in antiquity, nevertheless, traces of that production can be seen in the language of the Semitic people. One of the most famous of the Hebrew leaders was a man named, Moses[4]and that name is derived from that same Hebrew root word as “mashal[5] and he too was drawn up from the water of the Nile in a Cocoon of Bulrushes. The title Messiah, or The Spinner of “Mashals”, (Zader Yiger Mantchih:“The Silken Man”,)[6] also comes from that same Semitic root word “Mash”, however, Messiah ends with the “Sacred Name” Jah or Iah [7](not “ich”).


The synonym for this Semitic concept of the khood in the ancient Greek secular world was derived from its root words of para,[8] “be close to or run alongside” and bolo[9] “to be thrown off or redirected.” There are many words that have those root words, and most of which still hold true to the basic meaning of the Greek root words such as: parallel, paralegal, paraboloid, and parabolic. Even so, for some strange reason the Religious Crowd change the meaning of parable to mean, “An illustration given to make a concept clear for the Common folk.” Though, the “Book” that they say confirms this concept says just the opposite:


Isaiah 13:13 [10]

From Qumran Cave One


The reason that I speak to them in Parable [11](mashal) is that seeing they will not perceive; and hearing they will not understand.


Solomon said: in Proverbs 1:5-6 [12]


The Wise will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding

Shall attain unto wise counsel; so he can understand

(Mashal) Parables [13]and their interpretation of the words of the wise,

And their (chiydah) Dark Sayings[14]


“The Book of Secrets.”

From Qumran Cave Four

4Q300 F1 Col 2 [15]


“Consider, those teachers of error:  that say,

‘The parable (mashal) declares themselves that the (mashal) parables is plain to see

     Before the Wise speaks; then you will know if you have understood.’


Proud in your foolishness teachers of error, for the vision is sealed up from you, and you have not properly understood the eternal mysteries and you have not become wise in understanding but foolish for you have not properly understood the origin of Wisdom; but if you should unseal the vision. The parable (mashal) is foolishness in all your wisdom.”


4Q301 F1[16]

“I shall speak out freely, and I shall express my various sayings among you for those who would understand parables (mashal) the dark hidden secrets (chiydah) [17]and riddles, that they propose and those who would penetrate the origins of knowledge, along with those who hold fast to the wonderful mysteries, hidden from those who walk in simplicity as well as those who are devious in every activity of the deeds of humanity. Hidden from those with stiff necks, and hard heads, and all the mass of the Gentiles,” (The Common Folk)


The Egyptian Het Benben Parable:

They see Ra (The light of day) with their eyes and enter in his secret images.

I protect my hidden things which are in Het Benben [18]



The Parable or Mashal were used as a system to keep the Storytellers secrets from their Enemies and the Common Folk.  This system has worked well, almost too well. The answers to those Eastern Mediterranean cultures most baffling secrets, have been pasted on from one generation to the next generation camouflaged within the essence of the parable or mashal, unchanged, and locked in myths and legends of sex, violence, gods and goddesses and the super natural. This premise of the unwinding of threads to guide us through the maze of ignorance to the light of wisdom is a concept that was taught in the Greek story of the hero of the virgins of Athens. Theseus went to the labyrinth of Minotaur [19] to take those young people’s place in darkness, and to do battle with that half-man-beast. Theseus knew he had no hope of escaping the Labyrinth, even if he defeated Minotaur. Luckily, Theseus had an admirer, the King’s daughter Ariadne; this young woman gave Theseus the key to unlock the riddle of the Labyrinth a simple ball of thread, Thread that was able to lead Theseus out of the maze into the light of day.


[1]Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890 , no. 2330

[2]Ibid,  no. 2420

[3]Ibid, no., 4912, 4897

[4]Ibid, no. 4872

[5]Ibid, no.4871

[6]The Silken Man: Zader Yiger Mantchih in Yiddish ,

[7]Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890, Hebrew no. 4899

[8]Strongs, James, Greek Dictionary of the New Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890, no. G, 3846

[9] Ibid, no. G,906

[10]Isaiah 13:13, Qumran Cave one, Isaiah second copy

[11]Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890, Hebrew, no.4871

[12] Lamsa, G. M., The Holy Bible :from the ancient Eastern text -The Peshitta-; San Francisco : Harper & Row,1957: Proverbs 1:5-6

[13]Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890, Hebrew no.4871

[14]Ibid,  no. 2420

[15] “The Book of Secrets” Qumran Cave Four” 4Q300 F1 Col 2

[16]Ibid 4Q301 F1

[17]Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890, Hebrew no. 2420

[18]Budge, E. A., The Egyptian Heaven and Hell ( Book of WHAT is in Duat) ,Martin Hopkinson Co. ,London,1925, Vol 1,P 196

[19]Schwab, Gustav, Gods and Heroes, Myths and Epics of Ancient Greece