Answers Long Misunderstood

Posts tagged “Thoth

Princess Entiu-ny


The Egyptians had a belief that if they would place a pool of ink into the hollow of their hand they could see the future (Chiromancy)1: but it was not always ink, no in the distant past it was a pool of Quicksilver (Mercury). That shiny molten liquid metal in their hand would make a mirror, and a face would gaze back at the seer. In ancient Egyptian the word “Hor2 translates to face, in English In the distant past a reflection of one’s face? Yes, the all Seeing Eye of Hor-aspis, the Dweller on the horizon (Horus-ion)3. Harpokrate: the infant Horus the baby sun4 the reflection of the sun in a magic mirror. A papyrus from Thebes produced in the Twenty-first Egyptian Dynasties known as, The Judgment of the Princess Entiu-ny5. This is depicting a scene in ancient Egypt. A young woman is standing before a scale and is presenting three eyes in her hand. Those Eyes are three messages that she received that are depicted at the top of that papyrus.


The three messages all end with an Eye denoting that a mirrored shield sent them from the location depicted by the larger symbol that she is facing above. The messages are quite similar to each other though the message that was from The Hawk (Horus) from atop the Great Pyramid6 is somewhat longer than the others. The little fellow (the baboon) that is sitting on the top of the scales is Egyptian representation of Thoth7 (aka Mercury)8. As he sits on the scales, he has the power to change the outcome of the trial by shifting his weight. The court Jester, Thoth or Mercury, was the real judge in this picture.9

Light Codes

The hardware was available to the people of Greece and to those of the Middle East of more than four thousand years ago. But what did they use for a code system? The Traditions of the Gatekeepers of the Scholarly World, tell us that transcribe-able communication is just a few thousand years old. That they evolved from picture-grams and hieroglyphic, which lead to our modern phonic alphabets of today. Nevertheless, it is the transitional system of Cuneiform and other similar forms with their roots in the ancient heliographic communications systems is where those modern alphabetic systems have their point of origin.

The Book of Enoch10 speaks of several nonhuman beings that gave Mankind certain pieces of knowledge (not all good)11. Some examples are the manufacturing of mirrors with the implication that those mirrors were clad with liquid metal, quicksilver and a written language. Tradition says the Being that gave that written language to Mankind had many names, Thoth, according to Egyptian legend; we are told that at the temple of Hermopolis housed fragments of the Cosmic Egg were found . Thoth himself as one of “The Eight” and was a divine Ibis, that had hatched from that Cosmic Egg. The Egg Souls of Thoth were also called Ogdoad or The Eight”. Thoth was said to be a Martian priest that left Mars prior to its destruction and moved to Khem 12(Egypt) where he founded a new civilization based on the higher knowledge of the Martian society13.

It is a tradition that Thoth gave the Egyptian their form of writing. The Assyria’s Nebo, appropriated the stylus like the Egyptian Thoth and, was the divine scribe. Nibiru (“Nebo Ur”) means the Prophet-Planet and is the ancient name for the planet Mercury in the Neo-Babylonian empire14. In Hindu astronomy the usual name for the planet Mercury was Buddha. Among the descriptive epithets applied to Mercury in India, were Buddha-“mind, spirit, intelligence”,15 “sarvagna” all-knowing,”shadhabhigna-” Possessor of the Six Sciences,” advayavadi–eloquent, unequalled in speech”.16 The Aramaic text called him Hermoni 17 the Greeks called him, Hermes or Armers for the morning star.18 The early culture of Mexico his name was Quechua19, to the ancient Chinese, Fu-his20 The Babylon’s Nabu21 a contraction of what Enoch called him Penemeu and the Roman version of Thoth, Mercury, this god of thought was somewhat androgynous in nature. A symbol of magic and intelligence.

Mercury was associated with quicksilver, the element mercury, and the planet closest to the sun. Mercury was known as the morning star.22 However, the evening star, Mercury was known as Apollo from the Greek prefix Apo:23 “from” and root and “ollumi24: meaning destroyer. Apuleius25 also, asserts that Mercury and Apollo were alternate names for Stilbon,26 “The Gleaming One”, the planet Mercury27. The ancient Germans spoke of their love for the demigod Mercury in a speech by Saxon envoys to Britain c. 450 A.D. Odin (Mercury) a god of strife and war, magic and death. Odin’s worship involved human sacrifices, who were generally hung from trees or crosses. “they worship Mercury, and count it no sin to win his favor on certain days by human sacrifices”.28

Tacitus’s, Germania IX,

“Deos patrios, scilicet Saturnum,Jovem atque ceteros, qui mundum gubernant,

Colimus, maxime autem Mercurium, quem lingua nostra Voden apellamus.”

“We worship the gods of our fathers, that is, Jupiter, Saturn, and the rest of those that rule the world,

but most of all we worship Mercury above all “29

The symbols for Nibiru or Mercury are universal: they are a reed or stylize to form Cuneiform30, winged shoes to denote speed that his messages are delivered, his traveling hat the Petasos31 which has a low crown with a wide brim or wings turn it on its side and it is the silhouette of a Sun Disk, or the Egyptian Eye of Osiris, the udjat. This written language was the Trinary Heilographic Code system known as Cuneiform.32 The symbols are called , Cuneus: (Latin, wedge-form) the symbols used to make this code. These symbols where formed on soft clay tablets or tables with a piece of a reed also called a stylist that is either pushed or pulled in the soft clay of the table. When the message was complete, it would be transcribed onto a soft clay cylinder or roller that would then be kiln dried to harden after the roller cooled it would be painted with oil to keep the soft clay from sticking, when the cylinder was used to roll out copies of the message by placing the cylinder on damp soft clay tables, rolling the cylinder like a fancy pastry textured rolling pin. By that means transferring the message to as many tables as needed, this same system was used in the Jewish watchtowers of Isaiah:.


Prepare the tables, (clay tables) watch in the watchtowers…. O princes and anoint the shield”33

(The Sacred Anointing Oil of Mercury).

Cuneiform Flasher Code

To convert Thoth’s Cuneiform alphabet to a flasher code similar to the famous Morse code is simple. However, even as simple as Cuneiform was, after the message was transcribed, you can find a more stylized form of script for public consumption. The men that transcribed the heliographic messages used the simplest form not the later stylized form.


Notice that the point of this wedge is going left, is equivalent to a Dot. The Morse code short Dash would be an arrow that with its wedge pointing right. The Morse code long Dash, the symbol is a vertical arrow with wedge. Two long Dashes were created with a wedge at the top line of spelling the word and one wedge at the lower end would give a second long dash at the beginning of the last phase of the word’s spelling. Notice the wedge at the top wedge is going down and the bottom wedge is going up also denoting two different long dashes.



The Celtic people of Wales and Ireland used the flasher type of heliographic code in Europe. This code system is called Oghams34 and is formed by incising from one to five straight strokes above or below or both above and below the base line. Again a Trinary type of code system or flasher code system. The piece of stroke that is above the line the stroke would equal a Morris code dot .If the piece of stroke was below the line that stroke would be a Morris Code short dash. When the stroke was on both sides of the line, the symbol would be a long dash.


There are other heliographic codes of the past. However, we need to find the first thread of this Knot. So let us go back to your child hood, grade school and those code breaking handouts. How did you break those codes? First you counted the most used symbols in the text. When using the English language that was almost always the letter E. The next most often used was T followed by I, A, N, O, R, and S. The simple way to remember them is the word that they spell SENORITA35 to break the code handout was a simple matter of you filling in the blanks with the most used letter to make the message make sense. Samuel F. Morris used that same principle to make his famous Morris Code. He made the most used letters the simplest. Now you can win at HANG MAN.

The Greek and the Hebrew alphabets both have a number component to each of the letters. The Greek Ionian letter is A for one or 1 in the Greek Attic and corresponds to Aleph the first letter in the Hebrew alphabet, where the corresponding number go consecutively to the number ten, at that point by tens, ten through ninety. The next letter is one hundred and goes up by one hundred jumps. To nine hundred though some of the last few numbers are not letters in either alphabet: but a type of symbol just for that number. The chart with both alphabets and their corresponding letters, and the Greek Attic equivalents beside that are the flasher code symbols and the equation used to formulate the code.36 This Trinary code again uses the dot, dash and long dash symbols, but unlike the Morris code the symbols are stacked to form characters rather than using the linear system of Morris.

1Hall-Quest A. L. Fortune Telling, Colliers ,Op. Cite Vol., 10, P211-212


3 Ibid

4 Ibid

5 “Ancient Egypt”, Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.8, P. 670 Judgment of Entiu-Ny, from the Metropolitan Museum of art

6 Clark R. T. R, Myth and Symbols of Ancient Egypt : Thames and Hudson, London 1991

7 Van Rosen ,B. “Medicine” , Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.15, P. 641

8 Duckworth, G. E., “Hermes” , Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.12, P. 79


10Milik J. T, The Book of Enoch: Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4 : Oxford Press , Oxford England 1976

11Laurence Dr. R, Ethiopian Enoch, Also known as The Book of Pa- Hanok University of Oxford, England

12Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890, H 2526, 2346


14 Langdon, Babylonian Liturgies (Paris, 1913), p. 65

15Akhtar, Jamna das, transl.

16 Paulinus Fr., Systema Brahmanicum (Rome, 1791), pp. 156f

17Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite, P.C21:5

18 Slipher, , Op. Cite, Colliers Op. Cite, V13,P339

19Sullivan, Secret of the Inca, Crown Publisher, New York, 1996

20“China” Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.17, P. 108

21Simmon S. D, ”Mesopotamia: Ancient Civilization ” Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.15, P749.

22 Paulinus,Fr. Systema Brahmanicum (Rome, 1791), pp. 156

23Strongs, Op. Cite,. Greek no.575

24Ibid no. 3639

25Ibid, no. 619

26Ibid, no. 4744

27Pliny, Historia Naturalis II. 8. 30; Macrobius, Saturnalia I. 19. 7.

28Flores ed. Matthew of Westminster (, 1601, p. 82)

29 Mattingly H. Tacitus, Germania IX, transl. (1948):

30Duckworth, Op. Cite, Colliers Op. Cite, V12,p79


32Bowman, Colliers Op. Cite

33Laurence Dr. R, Op.Cite C.8:1

34Gair, Op Cite , Colliers p600

35“Cryptography “ Op. Cite, Colliers 1997+

36Boyers C. B , ”Numbers” Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.19, P. 9


Arithmomancy the Past and Future Told by Numbers and Light



Notice in the alphanumeric chart, that the number sixty has the same symbol for both codes: the Greek letters and the flasher code transcription. Sorry, but the letter name is Xi: it marks the spot that the two codes match code symbols. As luck (?) would have it, later in history, the ancient Xi symbol was reintroduced; a throwback to the heliographic code of the ancient past. There are many other examples of the connections between the ancient heliographic codes of the past and the Greek alphabet such as delta, however, Xi is the key that unlocks the stacked code and the numeric connection with 5 +1 times 10 value. A symbolic code that was far easier to learn than the linear type used by Morris in his code.

Samechs and Xi


The symbolize concept from


Psalms 10:5a, 25:15, 34:15 , 37:24, 103:15, 119:105, 145:14

Help, Neck yoke Circle


The Greek letter is called Xi1, and the symbol of both the heliographic and the Greek is the same. The Greek word is xio2: to make easier as in: Xulon3; which means, neck yoke. The Egyptian hieroglyph for this character is a cross or what you might call a cross member or a twin handled bar. This bar was attached to a rope allowing the men to push against the bar that was attached to the rope. This added to the ability of transferring human muscle power more efficiently to the moving of an object. When using horses it is called a single tree or in butchering the same device is call a gambrel. The Hebrew word is Samek4: to lean on, take hold, or sustain. The heliographic code is Six a short dash (5) over a dot (+1): Mercy or to make easier, over a long dash (X 10): Make known the power, which is what a lever, or neck yoke does.qum54

Sanskrit, Hebrew and  Greek

There are many other examples of the connections to the heliographic code of the ancients to the origins of systems like Sanskrit, Hebrew and the Greek, however, if you look at the comparison chart of the Arithmomancy you notice that the simplest codes are highlighted because those are the most used letters in the most ancient texts of both the Greek and the Hebrew alphabets.5 That is a tell tail sign of a designed code system that was used with a transmitted system. Additional evidence is that both the Hebrew and Greek alphabets have the same order as the northern Semite alphabet of the Hittites, the Greek and Hebrew alphabets ,also mirror the early Ugaritic Cuneiform symbol because they were all alphanumeric/ heliographic codes. These codes allowed the most used letters to have the simplest symbol that corresponds to 1, 5, 10, 2, 4, 6, 9, 50 and 100. Here is the kicker; the message would be totaled, so that when it was received a line cipher was given with the numeric total of the message or line by line, therefore, if the totals did not match up? The mismatch allowed the error to be discovered and allowing message be re-sent or corrected. There are at least two places where this principle is still used, first in computer code writing so that the errors in the written code can be found if the computer or software has a malfunction and which allows the line cipher to locate where the error is so that error can be fixed.

Then there are the Jews, who still use those number values of their alphabet to total their Holy Scriptures. This is so that, the WORD of GOD would be constant without variations in its transcriptions. The problem is that there are few vowels in Hebrew with a number value and the Hebrew alphabet has mostly constants that do have numeric values. Because a certain group of letters (a word) could have several meanings, Mazoritc Jewish scholars, therefore, would pick vowel points that they felt would best fit the context of the text, sometimes replacing the symbol, h “He” with the similarly formed symbol, x “Cheth” as in the word Messiah. Most of the time they are right, but biases work into some of those translations. The men that do the recopying work of the scriptures are still called Counters6. The reason for this name is because each letter in their sacred texts has to be counted as they transcribe each line, constantly checking to see if the line value equals the line cipher of the older text. If not the error is shown so that error can be found and corrected, if there are too many errors the new scroll must be destroyed. Other ancient alphabets have the same problem of lack of vowels as in the text such as the early Middle Eastern alphabets which caused the problem with the choice of letters in the Great King of Lights, Khatti.7

Nine Hitite sundisk Jpg

This system of line ciphers was put to the test with the discovers of Qumran, since 1948 through the 21st Century of the Christian era. The caves of Qumran have been treasure houses of ancient Hebrew documents. Hundreds of pieces of the Hebrew of the accepted, Holy Writings of the Jews (Tana”kh) have been found, scrolls that when compared to the current accepted texts have matched those modern texts with a +99% accuracy rating. This is amazing to most of the Worlds Secular Scholars, the reason for this accuracy after more than two thousand years of separation? These line ciphers that have their origins in the heliographic codes of the past. Even so, those closely matched texts have had changes with the introduction of the Mazoritc vowel points system that was adopted so that the texts would have consistency with “The Traditions of the Elders” and pronunciation. Still, those meanings of each symbol of the Hebrew Aleph-Bet can be reconstructed through the accepted Cannon of the Jews (Tanakh). These definitions have been imbedded into many texts called acrostics. Texts like Psalms 9-10, 25, 34, 37, 103, 119, 145, Proverbs 31, Lamentations 1, 2, 3, 4 and many others give the definitions to the symbolization of each letter. Using these concepts as definitions as a guide to the Hebrew heliographic code, these references shows amazing continuity with the acrostic definitions when those concepts are used to translate Hebrew into English

. hebrewc

The letters of a given Hebrew word when definition and are compared matches the Hebrew definitions found in most lexicons, though in a riddle format. Even so, there is a grammatical system that takes into account the placement of letters placed creating antonyms, to the left (sinister) side of letters like Dalth, Nun, and others that cause the concept to become antonym of the original letters meanings. Then there are the root, prefixes, suffixes and their combinations, which must be taken into account when deciphering a given Hebrew word using this method. Of course there are words that have been added to the Hebrew vocabulary from the Babylonians, Egyptians and other groups that do not use the same symbolisms of a given letter. Nevertheless, in many cases alphabetic symbolism of other ethnic groups, have similar definitions to the Hebrew heliographic code; and make this system the prototype for many modern alphabets such as Greek, Arabic, and even corresponding to some of the Egyptian Hieroglyphic symbols.


Isaiah scroll

Among the scrolls found at Qumran were found two books. Books that were written in the same self-correcting Hebrew script, however, these books, Job and Enoch contained star references to constellations that were in the wrong places in the sky when compared to where those constellations should have been if the Gatekeeper of knowledge had dated them correctly. The Book of Enoch’s co-author gave twelve monthly textual star references for the year c. 12,500 years ago,8 monthly because the constellations were below the Northern Horizon Circle, thereby enabling the constellations to set with the sun. One of these constellations has only been under the Northern Horizon Circle once in the last c. 26,000 years that was c. 12,500 years ago,9 most of that 26,000 year period the constellation could be seen year round in the northern sky at all hours of the night. In Arabic its main star was called the Yean but you know that star as Polaris our current NORTH STAR and the constellation is now called Ursa Minor. The Progression of the Equinoxes changes the North Star. Hipparchus the Greek of 161-126 years before the Christian era10 began, was the first modern man who had an idea that there was a Progression of the Equinoxes that causes the North Star to change. We now have computer programs like Starry nights and Sky Globe that can show us the skies of 12,000 years ago.


To place Ursa Minor at that location at the time that they were seen means that many changes of the North Star must have transpired since that time. Who could have known about that slow movement of Polaris in the heavens in the distant past? It currently takes a computer to run the stars back in time to even know that the Big and Little Dippers had ever been out of their current location. Historians know that Enoch11 was read and considered Holy Rite by the Jews, in the second Century before the Christian era began. The book of Enoch was known to the Egyptians before that and was placed into their graves as part of the Book of the Dead. Ancient Babylonians had cups and wine vessels that were discovered with inscriptions with the same names of demons that were written in: The Book of Enoch. Moses used one of those same demons names in the Book of Leviticus in the Coptic Text12. The Book of Enoch was referred to by Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jude, Paul, John, Luke, Matthew, and JESUS and may others. Either the writers of Enoch and Job made a very good guess without any facts to base them on, which would be a one hundred million to one shot or those writers were there at that time that those constellations were on the western horizon at sun set during the new moon of June of c. 10,500 years before the Christian era began. 13


The word Merchant has its roots in the word Mercury who was the Roman god of merchants. A merchant with a mercury clad copper or a golden heliographic mirror could use that mirror in conjunction with the Crown’s watchtower system, to contact other merchants and combine their inventories. So if one merchant had extra wheat, and another merchant was out of wheat that was miles away, the lacking merchant would know who had the wheat and could request that some could be shipped to him with a few blinks of light. This mercantilism was an aid to civilizing the world. A trace of a type of communication system that was mentioned in the 13th century of the Christian era. In the traveler, Marco Polo’s account of his visit to the Far East, the account mentions that the Emperor of China was alerted to Polo’s arrival by sunlight reflected by mercury mirrors between mountaintops along Polo’s route.14


Ahura Mazda

In the Middle East there is a Religion whose founder was a fellow by the name of Zoaster15 and this man’s work has spread all over the world even to China where this sect is known as Taoism16. In Persia, there on the Gateway wall that leads into the city of Persepolis is Ahura Mazda, Zoroastrianism god of truth, good and LIGHT. The first thing that you will notice is that he is standing in the middle of a Hittite Sun Disk. Next please note that he has what looks to be a ring in his hand, it is not a ring; but around mercury clad or a golden mirror, which would allow a person to communicate with a watchtower from almost anywhere. This type of heliographic mirror was the same type of mercury clad copper or golden disks that were found by Schiemann at his dig at Mycenae.17.


These magic mirrors were for the military, rich merchants and the ruling class of the time the equal to having a cell-phone of today. A second bas-relief at Persepolis shows Persian subjects bring Tribute to the King. The bearers of these gifts are wearing helmets shaped to look like curls. Notice the man in the middle is bringing a communication link mirror disk; this heliographic system of magic mirrors of the past gave the ancients merchants a system of communication with the use of these small heliographic mirrors.


This feat has only been equaled after the invention of the cell phone systems that are now used in the cities. The mountaintop sentinel gave instant up-dates on troop movements with communication from a single mirror with a visible range of eighty miles with a mirror of only 9-12 inches across18 many of the ancient mirrored shields were several feet in diameters. In India during the latter part of the 19th century, the British heliographs that were placed on mountaintops gave visible distances was extended over a one hundred miles19. In the later part of the 19th century a heliograph system was used in the southwestern part of the United States. A heliograph message could be sent from Prescott, Arizona to Nogal, New Mexico20, until the copper wired telegraph superseded the heliograph.

The military uses of these high ground heliographic systems of surveillance was unequaled until the invention of aircraft and wireless radio communication. The ancients with the uses of the Greek and Hebrew alphanumeric code system that allowed for code to be verified for accuracy. However, that system was used by The Greeks, Jews, Hittites, Assyrians, Sumerians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Celts, Chinese, and even the natives of the New World used this type of heliograph system. A beacon light at night or a large golden shield heliograph such as were constructed by Solomon were, used to broadcast the NEWS of the day over hundreds of square miles. Those blinks of light were in plain view to hundreds if not thousands of people, enabling anyone that was able to decipher the transmission to know what was happening in his world, much as the common man when he listens to the radio or goes to the internet today. Yes! The world before Christ had much of what Modern Man holds as his Greatest Accomplishments: such as lighting fast communications between cities hundreds of miles apart, personal communication devices similar to modern cell phones in the form of golden mirrors. Even wide disbursal NEW outlets for the Masses in the form of large mirrors that used up to 218 ounces of gold leaf. The reflections from the Great Pyramid could be seen in Israel.21

Even so, the end of the Golden Age of the heliograph was caused by: War22, thieves, a lack of mercury, and gold: but mostly the decline was caused by the lust for control by men like King David and King Shishank that caused the decline of the Golden age of communication. Small wars would cause the loss of equipment until too few were available for service and the system collapsed, so by the time that the Roman Empire was on the scene: the Golden Age of Light Speed Communication had mostly faded into legends and myths and the secret of the Golden age of commutation was lost for centuries, however, remnants of that Golden Age still remain.


The most impressive of all watchtowers is still standing the Great Pyramid of Giza four hundred and fifty feet tall with a platform, instead of a sharpened apex. As I have mentioned, the means of transmission was a Line of Sight system and the machines to transmit that code were mirrors and beacon fires. The word Pyramid in Greek: is broken down to pyra23 which means beacon fire or lights and mid or metronto count or measure. The Hebrew word for pyramid is Urim-middin is Urim24 which means lights and middin to measure or count. On top of The Pyramid the back of the US one dollar bill has the Eye of Osiris, the udjat, that machine was a golden mirror that would be winked with a disk or eyelid on a stick to transmit the code.


2Strongs, Op. Cite,. Greek, No.,3582 137Ibid No.,3586

3137Ibid No.,3586

4 Strongs James, Op. Cite,. Hebrew, No.,5564

5Alphabets , Op. Cite, Colliers v. 1

6Rich T.R,,

7Woods, M, Op.Cite

8Laurence Dr. R, Op.Cite Ethiopian Enoch,

9 Starry Nights, Computer star charting program

10Colliers ,Op. Cite, V. 3 P. 127

11Evans E., Non-Canonical Writing and New Testament Interpretation : 1992

12 Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite, P115, C. 21:5

13 Starry Nights, Computer star charting program.

14 Moul, The Book, The Book of Marco Polo, Yule and Cordiel 1903

15 Zoroaster, Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.23, P. 777

16 Taoism, Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.22, P. 63

17 Scranton R. L., “Mycenae” ” Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol. 22, P. 108

18 Harris J.D. Military History Journal, Vol 2 #1 Cited in

19 Ibid


21Scott Dr. G, The Pyramid, and “Audio tapes”: Deloris Press, Los Angles

22 Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite 491, C. 12:6-10

23Strongs, Op. Cite, Greek, No.,4443

24Strongs James, Op. Cite,, Hebrew, No.,224

The Winds of Egypt

35 jpg pyramid

The surrounding deserts of Egypt contain numerous examples of wind and sand eroded stone. Even the Sphinx has not escaped the sculpturing effect of the wind and sand. Mankind has harnessed the effect of fast-moving sand bouncing against rock to cut memorials in stone of dates, people, and event  This fast moving sand can precisely remove stone far more quickly than the finest metallic hammers and chisels ever made. The device that can do this magic is now call, a sandblaster. A device that can take the barnacles off of Super Tankers or create replicas of the enigmatic Crystal Sculls, replicas that can be created in a matter of hours; compared to what the Scholarly World tells the Common Folk took decades for those ancients to create.


Amazingly, images from more than 2,000 years ago show sand blasting machines being immortalized on the walls at the temple  of Hathor of Dendere, Egypt.


Egyptian imagery starts at the bottom right and moves to the left. The first image on this wall, therefore, is Thoth in the form of a long-tailed baboon. Tradition tells us that; “Thoth gave the Ancient Egyptians their scientific methods.” This image has the baboon, Thoth holding a single scribe reed stylized to look like a feather, which is symbolic of Revealed Knowledge. Thoth is holding the reed in both hands as if he were grasping an old fashion Butter Churn Dasher. This single scribe reed is pointing down toward a figure with its arms up raised toward the heavens. Those arms are stylized handles, so two men can operate the dasher at the same time. Below this figure with up lifted arms is a cylinder somewhat similar to the base of a butter churn. If the disk attached to the dasher of a butter churn is too tight in the cylinder of the device and the dasher is depressed, the container will pressurize. Surprisingly, this depiction has a hose attached to its base showing that this device indeed was made to produce pressure.

Surprisingly, with a few unseen additions of leather valves this depiction from Dendere, Egypt became the prototype of the modern bicycle pump sold around the world. This air pump Glyph has air lines running out and attaching to cones that are on support stands and the cones are being directed by two giant men. On the side of these cones are snakes that are extended to their full length, however, the head and necks of those reptiles are bent back as if recoiling after they had hit a wall. This symbolism depicts that of air and sand as they moved toward and hits the target then ricocheting off.

These Egyptian sand blasting machines utilized multiple Man-Powered pumps to insure that a constant supply of air would be available. This sand blasting system allowed the energy produced by dozens of men to be focused through one small point the nozzle of the sandblaster.


The Dendera sand blasting machines were hungry gods and required that offerings are given before these gods would do their magic. The offerings these gods required were sand and air. Alongside the baboon and the air pump glyph is an image of two men on their knees in the act of pushing down on an air pump to produce air for the Giants to use in their sand blasting gods. To their left is a single man also on his knees offering a container of sand.


The two giants operating the sand blasting machines were much larger than the men offering air and sand because these giants symbolized the massive amount of work they were able to do when compared to the work accomplished by men using hammers and copper chisels. The cone shaped hoppers and the pillar supports allowed large amounts of sand to be available for the machines air venturi jets used in the machines. The venturi jet pump used in this machine is the simplest vacuum and pump output system ever developed. All that is needed is a constant supply of air that is expelled through the small internal discharge nozzle that is placed inside a larger pipe with two open ends as the air jets through and escapes out the discharge nozzle it pushes the air in the large pipe out creating a vacuum at the other end of the larger pipe that vacuum, sucks the sand into the pipe and is in turn blasted out the nozzle of the discharge pipe. The speed of the abrasive sand scratches the stone being worked on removing the stone without leaving any metallic tool marks that would have been left by a hammer and chisel

. 36 jpg stone quarry men

The Egyptian riddle of the Giants of Dendera has held the secret of how an ancient copper age society could finish and sculpture stone harder than the copper tools themselves without high tech equipment, iron tools or magic incantations.



Q&A With Author Howard West about Book Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets

Howard, what is your book ,

Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets  about?

Myths and ancient legends that were intentionally encrypted to give two concepts; one in deceptively simple fictional stories for the Barbarians, the other concept locked away; treasure hidden in riddles. An example of that deception concept was used against the city of Troy. Three thousand years ago on the sunny shore of the Eastern Mediterranean, along the Aegean Sea, the Trojan Barbarians were safe from the Greeks behind their impenetrable gates, however the Greeks had left a key that would open their gates. Even though Cassandra tried to warned the Gate Keepers:  those Barbarians were too contemptuous  of anyone who disagreed with the Collective Concept about the Wooden Horse: therefore the city of Troy was destroyed.

Our modern Gate Keepers of knowledge are Ratio-Nihilist  and when they see someone like Cassandra who is in disagreement with their Collective Concept of Truth: the diagnosis is always, “They are just part of the Lunatic Fringe.” Our Gate Keepers of knowledge, therefore, would feel justified in the dismissing of our poor little Cassandra and her “Statements of Truth”  just like the Gate Keepers of Troy

Howard, what gates have you unlocked?

Two of the most profound deals with the riddle of the demigod, Thoth, “who  gave the Ancient Egyptians their scientific methods;” his existence was entwined within the stories of the ancients’ world wide.


Thoth was just a Myth!

How could a Myth influence Egypt?

There are many examples of the Knowledge given by this demigod, the most important were the Power of the Written Word, through a heliographic communication system  and irrigation dams.


The ancient name for the land of the Nile was, KMT. The hieroglyphic symbols are  commonly interpreted as, The Land of Black Dirt.  KMT hieroglyphics should be read, left to right: a yarn winding bobbin, a half circle, Horus  in the form of a hawk, and a dam. The meaning, the story of the rise of two sciences, communication, and irrigation dams.

What does Thoth have to do with Egypt’s rise?

Because those innovations, irrigation and  communication  are connected to the demigod, Thoth.  First as Horus stand on the backs of crocodiles in front of an image of Thoth.



This imagery is called Herupakhered and the unlocking of this  imagery was accomplished through its ancient Coptic Greek roots as heru, meaning the tool of strengths, pa, awesome accomplishment and khered, the ability to move stone. Both Osiris and young Horus stood on the backs of crocodiles and symbolized Herodotus’ Machana  that lifted the stone for the pyramid.

Didn’t the Egyptians pour the stones in forms?

The problem of the Cast  Block Theory  is the lack of an aggregate binder ,cement.  Egypt never has had an abundance of wood or coal to be used to create cement, nor is there any archeological  remnants of a large enough wood fired cement works and without that aggregate binder:   the blocks can not take the compression forces that a 450 foot pyramid would exert, however, there are in Egypt many stone block quarries.

16stone quarry pic bloxam

Didn’t Herodotus say:

“The Pyramid was twenty years in the building and the Machines to lift the stone were made of wood?

oblist barge

When you go to any common Greek Lexicon, it will say that “machana” is defined as a machine. However, those machines were boats, and if you look at Greek words with similar root forms, you will find they are defined as “ship captains and seamen.”

Why haven’t I heard of this concept before?

Traditional misinterpretation of the evidence, because, these boats were stylized in Egyptian art to look like crocodiles, large barges with segmented blocks that represent the body of a crocodile and two tow boats, bow and stern making the Oars look like swimming legs as they were seen from the lip of the valley, an image that looked like a crocodile.

 crock oneimage

How can a boat lift stone?

first kings

The first four Pharaohs solved that problem by building the great dam and their serekh shows that dam’s rising. However, Narmer, the first Pharaoh’s serekh shows his Machana  barges symbolized as catfish with only one tow boat.  However these crocodile like barges were often rotated 90 degrees and placed on columns of water in many papyrus. Which symbolizes the building of Osiris’ pyramid.


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Thesecrocodile like barges, were one of the primary Low Tech Tools used to create a large irrigation reservoir, an irrigation project, that was once known as the Sea of Nun; an irrigation project through the creation of a huge dam that quickly turned the Nile river basin from a humble desert kingdom into a world agricultural power. Then that land became known by its Semitic name, Metzrayim, a name that today would be defined as River Dam.


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The dam built with thesecrocodile like barges gave added benefits to the Pyramid builders, because, as the dam grew higher the stone masons working on the Pyramid had stone delivered to their level of construction by boat without the need for ramps and thousands of workers.

building pyramid


Where do you get the dating of this dam’s construction?

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Books from the Dead Sea Collection speak of the building of the Great Pyramid. When Bootes, Ursa Major and Minor were seasonal constellations, about 13 to 14 thousand years ago, when the level of that irrigation lake,the Sea of Nun rose, behind a dam.


Job 28


After that dam’s destruction and  the draining of the Sea of Nun; the Great Pyramid rose from those receding waters. This event of draining of the sea of Nun occurred over four thousand years ago and was well documented by a Jewish historian. After that dam’s destruction that nation became known by the Coptic Greek name, Aiguptis,  Egypt. Which is derived from aigi, a sea, and ptoe , to cause to flee away.

Isn’t there more evidence than that?

There is also an anomaly in the geological record of  the Nile river valley  that agrees with the flood building of the Great pyramids. A little over 13 thousand years ago.

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Couldn’t an increase in precipitation cause that rise?

NO! Because Africa was in a one thousand year drought. A drought that was confirmed by the geological records to that same time period, the  river Nile rose by hundreds of feet during a Devastating Drought. A rise of the river Nile that had no natural reason to occur.

Sea Level Geological Record

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Only a man-made dam at the narrows of Cairo at the island of Roda  could account for such a sudden rise of the river Nile. Funny thing is the Egyptians recently considered putting a dam at the narrowing of the Nile near Cairo at the island of Roda:


First Pharoh      Narmer  1

Why,  isn’t  there a  dam there now?

The Egyptians thought better because the water would cover the Pyramids  and part of Cairo  so they put a dam shaped hotel there.

island of Roda

Theories are a dime a dozen.


The  thing is that by using this theory  as a template; I have been able to find an impressive amount of historical and scientific evidence to collaborate that concept of the building and revealing of the Great Pyramid and its intended function.


Why hasn’t any one else seen this?

karnack map isis osiris

Egyptian mythology was encrypted, here is one of the most beloved story that implies the dam building concept,  that of Osiris and Isis, who were deeply in love.  However, there was a problem in the kingdom, Osiris’ brother Set, coveted the throne. So Set through deception was able to capture, and then kill Osiris. Set cut our hero into pieces and carefully hid the dismembered pieces in the Nile.  Isis was distraught with grief over the loss of her husband and the emptiness of her womb. Consequently, Isis took up the gruesome task of finding Osiris’ missing pieces.

isis search


Eventually, Isis located most of the dismembered body.  Which she then wrapped in green and black  in so doing cocooning her husband.


mummy isis


Because, of Isis’ great devotion and love for Osiris, he was resurrected, A gift to allow the couple to couple?  However, Isis had not found all of her husband’s missing pieces; furthermore, that one piece was a very Important Piece, if you wanted children. Somehow Osiris was up to the task and Isis was given a son which she called Horus. A son that would take the part of his father’s Missing Piece?

Isn’t that a little “KINKY” ?

The Egyptians knew that their  enemies, the Barbarians loved kinky stories, and that “kinkiness” would help to keep the story told and retold throughout the generations, A stratagem which the Egyptians knew that the barbarians would be unaware of. Let’s start with the common tradition surrounding: Isis,  first Isis wears a strange crown, which the common tradition  calls a throne,  even so, that stair stepped triangle is depicted in many papyri as a dam. Furthermore, the hieroglyphic symbol for Isis implies just that concept.




The  Glyph for Isis is an oval symbolizing a body of water,  above that is a half circle symbolizing rising. Then to the left,  a stair step triangle, the dam symbol, the meaning?

Isis, water rising behind a dam.


What do we know about Osiris?

osiris 22

 Osiris’ glyph show an eye behind the dam symbol.

Next Osiris was cut into pieces, then those pieces were hidden in the Nile.


What about the mummification of Osiris?

Leave a stone in the Nile and it will soon grow green algae and black slime.


But Osiris was resurrected,

How do you explain that?

Funny thing is many stories of Egypt speak of the Great Pyramid rising out of the Sea. Next Osiris was missing an important piece  The Great pyramid is also missing a part its apex.


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I don’t get how did Horus

Replace his fathers missing piece?

Pull out a one dollar bill what tops its Pyramid?  An Eye, which was One of Horus’ symbol , the Udjat.

dollar pyramid

Horus replaced the thirty feet of stone work which would have been needed to complete the “Apex” of the great Pyramid.

But what did that Eye symbolize?

bird blinks

The Book of the Dead’s, Coffin text, speaks of Horus as a communication device in the shape of an eye, a golden mirror that flashes sun light as a Morris like code as far as the Horizon.


Pyr eye horus

How does that communication device’s code

Lead us back to

 Thoth’s written language system?

cuneaform symbols

Like cuneiform it was written on soft clay tablets, like the  scratching of an Ibis bird, Thoth’s second icon. And just as the Osiris story said! Horus was the completing part of the Pyramid, but not as “kinky” as the common interpretation. This new interpretation of the story of Osiris and family leads us back to the rise of Egypt, KMT and implies a dam was created and the rising of the lake was the means which was used to build the Great Pyramid and the missing apex was intended as a communication hub.  

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and just like Isis, the water of the rising lake cocooned the outside of the Pyramid with green algae and black slime; until the Great Pyramid rose out of the water of the receding lake.

mummy isis



Such a major event why isn’t there

Historical documentation of that event?


There is however, the ancient Egyptians wanted the traditions of the  Barbarians  to hold sway rather than the Truth. However, Isaiah 19  gives an account of the draining of the Sea of Metzrayim and the arrival of the Jews and their construction of a great city around the great Pyramid called the city of Heliopolis.

Your telling me that

The Jews are connected to the Great Pyramid

boat pits


Atum was another name for the Pyramid that spoke of itself and its arrival:

“When I, Atum was alone in the waters, in a state of immobility, Before I was found anywhere to stand or sit, Before Heliopolis had been founded that I might be there in.”


If this is true

There must be overwhelming evidence?

Which there is! A book full, here are a few more examples. The historians Josephus, of the first century and a ninth century Arab Masoudi, also confirms that the flooding of the Nile Valley was used in the pyramids construction. Much more can be found in the hard cover  book Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets , by Howard West- available at



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