Answers Long Misunderstood


“What makes an Ancient Civilization Truly Prosper?”

What I believe is the most necessary   items  need to turn a small village into a nation of greatness: without  certain inventions that  many people have not considered. Those inventions deal with communications.

Let us start with China,  a communication system that was mentioned in the 13th century of the Christian era. In the traveler, Marco Polo’s account of his visit to the Far East, the account mentions that the Emperor of China was alerted to Polo’s arrival by sunlight reflected by mercury mirrors between mountaintops along Polo’s route. .

Moul, The Book, The Book of Marco Polo, Yule and Cordiel 1903

India, while Sir Henry Mance was serving the Crown of England  he noticed  that  the local Rajah were out flanking him through the uses of the sun and mirrors.  Mance developed his heliographic system by added a second mirror; each of the two mirrors could be tilted or rotated. This movement allowed the lower mirror to be turned and tilted to catch the sun at the best angle and reflect that light to the top mirror. The upper mirror could then be turned to allow it to send the light to the location of the troops. The heliograph’s mirror had a telegraph type key to tip the mirror .

General Nelson A. Miles  used heliograph with shutters or lovers were used to allow the Magic Mirror to blink the message.


General Nelson A. Miles described the historic surrender of Geronimo and the Magic Mirror connection is as follow:
“I (General Miles) told him (Geronimo) that we had the use of steam and could move with great rapidity. That we also had the telegraph and the heliostat (heliograph), both superior to any of their methods of communication

I (General Miles) said to (Geronimo) ‘We can watch your movements and send messages over the tops of the mountains in the small part of a day that would take a mounted man on a swift pony twenty days to travel” (Geronimo) told me he had observed these flashes of light upon the mountain heights and believed them to be spirits.”

For a demonstration a heilographic message was sent to inquirer of Geronimo’s brother at Fort Bowie. This is the response of Geronimo on the receipt of the return message as told by Miles.

“This struck the savage with awe, and evidently made a strong impression upon him. I (General Miles) noticed that he (Geronimo) said something to one of his warriors close by him, at which the warrior quietly turned on his heel, and walked a short distance where his pony was lariated, jumped on his back and rode rapidly back in the direction of the mountains from which Geronimo had come.”
Miles asked what Geronimo had said.

The interpreter replied: “He (Geronimo) told him to go tell Natchez that there was a power here which he (Geronimo) could not understand: and to come in, and come quick.”

The heliograph had performed its magical God like function as it had in the centuries past and in a few hours Natchez came down from the mountain. In the western states of Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada, used a heliographic network of sentinels out posts in the high desert for a time in the late 19th century and the British also used a heliographic system in southern Africa and in the Sub Continent in the same era. The heliograph also provided the mobile communication element in the British service which was devised by Sir Henry Mance at Bombay in 1869. The system would be transported to high ground location on horseback. The location usually was on a high open mountaintop that was clear on all sides. This heliographic system was the forerunner of our modern satellite surveillance systems. This communication system was a huge leap forward in technology, or was it backwards?

In ancient Greece a funny thing happened Aeschylus, the Greek dramatist1: said that Clytemnestra knew of the fall of Troy that day. But how could she know? Did space aliens tell her? NO! Was Clytemnestra a clairvoyant? NO! Did she have an out of body experience then? NO!  Catoptromance (Magic Mirrors) Now you’re getting close. But where is the thread that will start to unravel this Knot? Xenophon (434-355 years before the Christian era) the ancient Greek war hero and historian answers that question in his history of ancient Greece called Hellenica. Nevertheless, Xenophon’s words like Cassandras’ words have been rejected by the Gatekeepers of knowledge. Even so, Hellenica contains the phrase to:

“Signal with a Shield”


This refers to reflecting sunlight with a mirrored shield. Those mirrors were called aspis the Ancient Greek word for snakes or mirrored shields. The messages that were sent by these ancient heliographs were called “aspasmos6” to “handle the shield.” Yes, they were what you would call Magic Mirrors the same kind that gave Clytemnestra the extra time needed to make sure she did not get caught with her new lover and  what allowed Snow White’s wicked step mother to find The Fairest of them all.

Those sundisks, or aspis were easily  spotted  on the mountain sides. The  British also used a heliographic system in southern Africa that were sited down gun bores to narrow the field of view. But what did the ancients use? That  leads us back to Egypt and  one of the symbols of Horus which  was the winged sun disk with a mirror in its center. The wings of this heilographic device were not to fly with but too damper or screen the light so the field of view would be reduced.

The best snapshot of the uses of the Hittite Winged Sun Disk heliograph is a bas-relief8  sculpture of three Horsemen with woolie chaps with lead ropes for their  horses (they did not have tails) who were holding the Magic mirrored unit, which is found in the collection at the Metropolitan museum of arts. This sculpture has been dated to two thousand years before the Christian era began.


That is about a thousand years before King David of Israel, Clytemnestra and the Egyptian Princess Entiu-ny. We get our letter “A” and the Sanskrit’s first letter from the Sun Disk’s folded wings.  The ancient translation of the word we pronounce Pegasus is Pege-aspis which means a stratagem and the signaling bright shield. Did Rome have this system? There is some anecdotal evidence that they did.

Now why are those aspis or heliographs so important: because those Magic Mirrors gave the ancient world of the Eastern Mediterranean all the way to China a system of communication equal to that of the late 19th to early 20th centuries. Think about that concept because the Gatekeepers of knowledge are blissfully unaware of that fact that thousands of years ago the cultures of the Middle East had almost instant communication between cities hundreds of miles apart. This is something that modern “Man” has only had for about one hundred and fifty years.

For the rest of the story and lots of pictures
Locked Gates, The Riddle Lord’s Secrets, Introduction, Table of Contents, Links and footnotes



Building the Great Pyramids


Author Howard West provides an impressive amount of evidence that goes beyond today’s simple understanding of Mythology of ancient Egypt
Offering a whirlwind trip into the past to reveal science with in Myths of Great Pyramid of Giza. Modern rationalist believe in using Occam ‘s Razor: “the shaving of a narrative into its simplest terms.”Nevertheless, Howard West’s,Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets:proves that the stories of the Riddle Lords of the Ancient Egypt and Egypt pyramids were intentionally encrypted to give two concepts; one in simple terms for their enemies and the common folk, the other locked away; treasure hidden for their heirs. Therefore, the Riddle Lords of ancient Egypt and Egypt pyramids stories today are thought to be, easily understood narratives to entertain the childlike.

The Riddle Lords of ancient Egypt have always baffled the Haughty: However, the haughty hold themselves to be the Gatekeepers of Wisdom. These gatekeepers, therefore, have relegated those stories of the Riddle Lords of ancient Egypt and Egypt pyramids to the status of fairy tales: stories such as of Osiris, Isis, and Horus. The same was true about Homer’s works, and his great poems that described a civilization of chariots, fleets of ships, warriors, and palaces, which once flourished on the Greek mainland. For years the Haughty of the Scholarly World had discounted Homer’s story of the expedition to Troy; all these stories have thought to have been colossal and compelling pieces of fictions, on the same lines as today’s writers of fiction as Dean Koontz, Dan Brown, and Ann Rice.

Even so, the Wise knew perfectly well that those story form riddles, myths and legends of ancient Egypt contained deeper meanings. Aristotle (in his Metaphysics, x. 8) admits, with regard to those story form riddles hidden with in mythology, that “much Wisdom had been lost”, and much “added after the mythical style,” while some knowledge, “may have been preserved to our times as the remains of ancient wisdom.” Polybius a Greek historian of the Mediterranean, and world famous for his book called. “The Histories”; in which he covered in detail the period of 220-146 BC; he also confesses, changes in those riddles hidden with in myths and legends were recognized as a “necessary means to (the Gatekeepers) political ends.” Michael Neander (1529-1581) a German astronomer says that the connections between the constellations of the night sky and the ancient legends and riddles were “the fragments of a tradition, which transmitted the knowledge of divine things possessed in the earliest times.” The Myths of ancient Egypt and of Great Pyramid of Giza have now become reality as complex as Minotaur’s Labyrinth. These discoveries present the students of history with a maze of literary and archeological connections that as of yet has no path that satisfies everyone. Think of this book as a ball of thread similar to the ball thread that Ariadne gave Theseus, a ball thread that lead Theseus out of the darkness of Minotaur’s Labyrinth.

The videos below use a computer generated voice because she does a better job with the materials than Howard West. Therefore, if that is your only complaint? A hard cover of this material is available: that way you can hear the information read to you in a voice that is more to your liking.

Princess Entiu-ny


The Egyptians had a belief that if they would place a pool of ink into the hollow of their hand they could see the future (Chiromancy)1: but it was not always ink, no in the distant past it was a pool of Quicksilver (Mercury). That shiny molten liquid metal in their hand would make a mirror, and a face would gaze back at the seer. In ancient Egyptian the word “Hor2 translates to face, in English In the distant past a reflection of one’s face? Yes, the all Seeing Eye of Hor-aspis, the Dweller on the horizon (Horus-ion)3. Harpokrate: the infant Horus the baby sun4 the reflection of the sun in a magic mirror. A papyrus from Thebes produced in the Twenty-first Egyptian Dynasties known as, The Judgment of the Princess Entiu-ny5. This is depicting a scene in ancient Egypt. A young woman is standing before a scale and is presenting three eyes in her hand. Those Eyes are three messages that she received that are depicted at the top of that papyrus.


The three messages all end with an Eye denoting that a mirrored shield sent them from the location depicted by the larger symbol that she is facing above. The messages are quite similar to each other though the message that was from The Hawk (Horus) from atop the Great Pyramid6 is somewhat longer than the others. The little fellow (the baboon) that is sitting on the top of the scales is Egyptian representation of Thoth7 (aka Mercury)8. As he sits on the scales, he has the power to change the outcome of the trial by shifting his weight. The court Jester, Thoth or Mercury, was the real judge in this picture.9

Light Codes

The hardware was available to the people of Greece and to those of the Middle East of more than four thousand years ago. But what did they use for a code system? The Traditions of the Gatekeepers of the Scholarly World, tell us that transcribe-able communication is just a few thousand years old. That they evolved from picture-grams and hieroglyphic, which lead to our modern phonic alphabets of today. Nevertheless, it is the transitional system of Cuneiform and other similar forms with their roots in the ancient heliographic communications systems is where those modern alphabetic systems have their point of origin.

The Book of Enoch10 speaks of several nonhuman beings that gave Mankind certain pieces of knowledge (not all good)11. Some examples are the manufacturing of mirrors with the implication that those mirrors were clad with liquid metal, quicksilver and a written language. Tradition says the Being that gave that written language to Mankind had many names, Thoth, according to Egyptian legend; we are told that at the temple of Hermopolis housed fragments of the Cosmic Egg were found . Thoth himself as one of “The Eight” and was a divine Ibis, that had hatched from that Cosmic Egg. The Egg Souls of Thoth were also called Ogdoad or The Eight”. Thoth was said to be a Martian priest that left Mars prior to its destruction and moved to Khem 12(Egypt) where he founded a new civilization based on the higher knowledge of the Martian society13.

It is a tradition that Thoth gave the Egyptian their form of writing. The Assyria’s Nebo, appropriated the stylus like the Egyptian Thoth and, was the divine scribe. Nibiru (“Nebo Ur”) means the Prophet-Planet and is the ancient name for the planet Mercury in the Neo-Babylonian empire14. In Hindu astronomy the usual name for the planet Mercury was Buddha. Among the descriptive epithets applied to Mercury in India, were Buddha-“mind, spirit, intelligence”,15 “sarvagna” all-knowing,”shadhabhigna-” Possessor of the Six Sciences,” advayavadi–eloquent, unequalled in speech”.16 The Aramaic text called him Hermoni 17 the Greeks called him, Hermes or Armers for the morning star.18 The early culture of Mexico his name was Quechua19, to the ancient Chinese, Fu-his20 The Babylon’s Nabu21 a contraction of what Enoch called him Penemeu and the Roman version of Thoth, Mercury, this god of thought was somewhat androgynous in nature. A symbol of magic and intelligence.

Mercury was associated with quicksilver, the element mercury, and the planet closest to the sun. Mercury was known as the morning star.22 However, the evening star, Mercury was known as Apollo from the Greek prefix Apo:23 “from” and root and “ollumi24: meaning destroyer. Apuleius25 also, asserts that Mercury and Apollo were alternate names for Stilbon,26 “The Gleaming One”, the planet Mercury27. The ancient Germans spoke of their love for the demigod Mercury in a speech by Saxon envoys to Britain c. 450 A.D. Odin (Mercury) a god of strife and war, magic and death. Odin’s worship involved human sacrifices, who were generally hung from trees or crosses. “they worship Mercury, and count it no sin to win his favor on certain days by human sacrifices”.28

Tacitus’s, Germania IX,

“Deos patrios, scilicet Saturnum,Jovem atque ceteros, qui mundum gubernant,

Colimus, maxime autem Mercurium, quem lingua nostra Voden apellamus.”

“We worship the gods of our fathers, that is, Jupiter, Saturn, and the rest of those that rule the world,

but most of all we worship Mercury above all “29

The symbols for Nibiru or Mercury are universal: they are a reed or stylize to form Cuneiform30, winged shoes to denote speed that his messages are delivered, his traveling hat the Petasos31 which has a low crown with a wide brim or wings turn it on its side and it is the silhouette of a Sun Disk, or the Egyptian Eye of Osiris, the udjat. This written language was the Trinary Heilographic Code system known as Cuneiform.32 The symbols are called , Cuneus: (Latin, wedge-form) the symbols used to make this code. These symbols where formed on soft clay tablets or tables with a piece of a reed also called a stylist that is either pushed or pulled in the soft clay of the table. When the message was complete, it would be transcribed onto a soft clay cylinder or roller that would then be kiln dried to harden after the roller cooled it would be painted with oil to keep the soft clay from sticking, when the cylinder was used to roll out copies of the message by placing the cylinder on damp soft clay tables, rolling the cylinder like a fancy pastry textured rolling pin. By that means transferring the message to as many tables as needed, this same system was used in the Jewish watchtowers of Isaiah:.


Prepare the tables, (clay tables) watch in the watchtowers…. O princes and anoint the shield”33

(The Sacred Anointing Oil of Mercury).

Cuneiform Flasher Code

To convert Thoth’s Cuneiform alphabet to a flasher code similar to the famous Morse code is simple. However, even as simple as Cuneiform was, after the message was transcribed, you can find a more stylized form of script for public consumption. The men that transcribed the heliographic messages used the simplest form not the later stylized form.


Notice that the point of this wedge is going left, is equivalent to a Dot. The Morse code short Dash would be an arrow that with its wedge pointing right. The Morse code long Dash, the symbol is a vertical arrow with wedge. Two long Dashes were created with a wedge at the top line of spelling the word and one wedge at the lower end would give a second long dash at the beginning of the last phase of the word’s spelling. Notice the wedge at the top wedge is going down and the bottom wedge is going up also denoting two different long dashes.



The Celtic people of Wales and Ireland used the flasher type of heliographic code in Europe. This code system is called Oghams34 and is formed by incising from one to five straight strokes above or below or both above and below the base line. Again a Trinary type of code system or flasher code system. The piece of stroke that is above the line the stroke would equal a Morris code dot .If the piece of stroke was below the line that stroke would be a Morris Code short dash. When the stroke was on both sides of the line, the symbol would be a long dash.


There are other heliographic codes of the past. However, we need to find the first thread of this Knot. So let us go back to your child hood, grade school and those code breaking handouts. How did you break those codes? First you counted the most used symbols in the text. When using the English language that was almost always the letter E. The next most often used was T followed by I, A, N, O, R, and S. The simple way to remember them is the word that they spell SENORITA35 to break the code handout was a simple matter of you filling in the blanks with the most used letter to make the message make sense. Samuel F. Morris used that same principle to make his famous Morris Code. He made the most used letters the simplest. Now you can win at HANG MAN.

The Greek and the Hebrew alphabets both have a number component to each of the letters. The Greek Ionian letter is A for one or 1 in the Greek Attic and corresponds to Aleph the first letter in the Hebrew alphabet, where the corresponding number go consecutively to the number ten, at that point by tens, ten through ninety. The next letter is one hundred and goes up by one hundred jumps. To nine hundred though some of the last few numbers are not letters in either alphabet: but a type of symbol just for that number. The chart with both alphabets and their corresponding letters, and the Greek Attic equivalents beside that are the flasher code symbols and the equation used to formulate the code.36 This Trinary code again uses the dot, dash and long dash symbols, but unlike the Morris code the symbols are stacked to form characters rather than using the linear system of Morris.

1Hall-Quest A. L. Fortune Telling, Colliers ,Op. Cite Vol., 10, P211-212


3 Ibid

4 Ibid

5 “Ancient Egypt”, Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.8, P. 670 Judgment of Entiu-Ny, from the Metropolitan Museum of art

6 Clark R. T. R, Myth and Symbols of Ancient Egypt : Thames and Hudson, London 1991

7 Van Rosen ,B. “Medicine” , Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.15, P. 641

8 Duckworth, G. E., “Hermes” , Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.12, P. 79


10Milik J. T, The Book of Enoch: Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4 : Oxford Press , Oxford England 1976

11Laurence Dr. R, Ethiopian Enoch, Also known as The Book of Pa- Hanok University of Oxford, England

12Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890, H 2526, 2346


14 Langdon, Babylonian Liturgies (Paris, 1913), p. 65

15Akhtar, Jamna das, transl.

16 Paulinus Fr., Systema Brahmanicum (Rome, 1791), pp. 156f

17Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite, P.C21:5

18 Slipher, , Op. Cite, Colliers Op. Cite, V13,P339

19Sullivan, Secret of the Inca, Crown Publisher, New York, 1996

20“China” Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.17, P. 108

21Simmon S. D, ”Mesopotamia: Ancient Civilization ” Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.15, P749.

22 Paulinus,Fr. Systema Brahmanicum (Rome, 1791), pp. 156

23Strongs, Op. Cite,. Greek no.575

24Ibid no. 3639

25Ibid, no. 619

26Ibid, no. 4744

27Pliny, Historia Naturalis II. 8. 30; Macrobius, Saturnalia I. 19. 7.

28Flores ed. Matthew of Westminster (, 1601, p. 82)

29 Mattingly H. Tacitus, Germania IX, transl. (1948):

30Duckworth, Op. Cite, Colliers Op. Cite, V12,p79


32Bowman, Colliers Op. Cite

33Laurence Dr. R, Op.Cite C.8:1

34Gair, Op Cite , Colliers p600

35“Cryptography “ Op. Cite, Colliers 1997+

36Boyers C. B , ”Numbers” Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.19, P. 9