Answers Long Misunderstood

Building the Great Pyramids


Author Howard West provides an impressive amount of evidence that goes beyond today’s simple understanding of Mythology of ancient Egypt
Offering a whirlwind trip into the past to reveal science with in Myths of Great Pyramid of Giza. Modern rationalist believe in using Occam ‘s Razor: “the shaving of a narrative into its simplest terms.”Nevertheless, Howard West’s,Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets:proves that the stories of the Riddle Lords of the Ancient Egypt and Egypt pyramids were intentionally encrypted to give two concepts; one in simple terms for their enemies and the common folk, the other locked away; treasure hidden for their heirs. Therefore, the Riddle Lords of ancient Egypt and Egypt pyramids stories today are thought to be, easily understood narratives to entertain the childlike.

The Riddle Lords of ancient Egypt have always baffled the Haughty: However, the haughty hold themselves to be the Gatekeepers of Wisdom. These gatekeepers, therefore, have relegated those stories of the Riddle Lords of ancient Egypt and Egypt pyramids to the status of fairy tales: stories such as of Osiris, Isis, and Horus. The same was true about Homer’s works, and his great poems that described a civilization of chariots, fleets of ships, warriors, and palaces, which once flourished on the Greek mainland. For years the Haughty of the Scholarly World had discounted Homer’s story of the expedition to Troy; all these stories have thought to have been colossal and compelling pieces of fictions, on the same lines as today’s writers of fiction as Dean Koontz, Dan Brown, and Ann Rice.

Even so, the Wise knew perfectly well that those story form riddles, myths and legends of ancient Egypt contained deeper meanings. Aristotle (in his Metaphysics, x. 8) admits, with regard to those story form riddles hidden with in mythology, that “much Wisdom had been lost”, and much “added after the mythical style,” while some knowledge, “may have been preserved to our times as the remains of ancient wisdom.” Polybius a Greek historian of the Mediterranean, and world famous for his book called. “The Histories”; in which he covered in detail the period of 220-146 BC; he also confesses, changes in those riddles hidden with in myths and legends were recognized as a “necessary means to (the Gatekeepers) political ends.” Michael Neander (1529-1581) a German astronomer says that the connections between the constellations of the night sky and the ancient legends and riddles were “the fragments of a tradition, which transmitted the knowledge of divine things possessed in the earliest times.” The Myths of ancient Egypt and of Great Pyramid of Giza have now become reality as complex as Minotaur’s Labyrinth. These discoveries present the students of history with a maze of literary and archeological connections that as of yet has no path that satisfies everyone. Think of this book as a ball of thread similar to the ball thread that Ariadne gave Theseus, a ball thread that lead Theseus out of the darkness of Minotaur’s Labyrinth.

The videos below use a computer generated voice because she does a better job with the materials than Howard West. Therefore, if that is your only complaint? A hard cover of this material is available: that way you can hear the information read to you in a voice that is more to your liking.

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