Answers Long Misunderstood

Posts tagged “Building Pyramids

Barbarians have always loved Kinky stories! The building of the Great Pyramids

Barbarians have always loved Kinky stories! The Egyptians created a story of incest, Fratricide , brother killing and necrophilia, sex with dead to hide the origins of the the land of Egypt and the building of the Great Pyramids



Ancient Solar Energy Project Found in Egypt

Howard West will reveal the Riddle Lords’ additional concepts hidden in their riddles, ancient wisdom and technologies, such as those found The city of the Horizon of Aten, a city which contained a technology of ancient Egypt that was so Top-Secret that the priesthood of Amun of during the reigns of the Pharaohs Tutankhamen and Horemheb, dismantled that city piece by piece,


How Egyptians Built the Great Pyramids

Herupakhered, was one of the primary Low Tech Tools project that quickly turned Egypt from a humble desert kingdom into a world agricultural power. Which then became known by its Semitic name, Metzrayim, River Controlling Wall .Upon the destruction of that dam and the draining of the sea of Nun, that nation became known by the Coptic Greek name, Egypt. Aiguptis, which is derived from aigialos, a sea , and ptoeo to cause to flee away.

Archaeological Discovery You Will Never See on the Discovery Channel



scroll dead sea 1

The last thing that Atheists want archeologists to disclose, is anything that gives credibility to the discoveries that agree with the Bible. Those Ratio-Nihilist spin important archeological findings into minor anomalies; that they hope will not be addressed. Especially, Isaiah’s 19th chapter   account of the destruction of a dam and the draining of the Sea of Egypt, Metzrayim. Which caused the fall of the Old Kingdom and the beginning of the First Intermediary Period of Egyptian history. Even more importantly the construction of a Hebrew city around the Great Pyramid called the city of Heliopolis, City of the Sun.

Please be aware Isaiah in his 19th chapter used the Hebrew name, Metzrayim,: metzr=the wall that has power over,  yim =the river: in other words a River Dam. Not the Coptic Greek name Egypt, Aiguptis: which is derived from aigia = a sea, and ptoeo = to cause to flee away. These two names for the land of the Nile River and the correct interpretation of the hieroglyphic name for the land of the Nile, KMT are the keys to understanding what Isaiah is trying to tell you in his 19th chapter and the most important archaeological documented discovery of the 21st century: that the Ratio-Nihilist hope you never consider.


The Dead Sea Scrolls of Isaiah

(1QaIsa and 1QpHab)

19:5 And the waters shall fail from the Sea of Egypt, Metzrayim, and the river shall be wasted and dried up.

19:18 In that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt, Metzrayim: speak the language of Canaan, and swear to the LORD of hosts; one (city) shall be called, Heliopolis.

19:19 In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, Metzrayim and a pillar at the border thereof to the LORD.( The only things there are the Great Pyramids)

19:20 And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt


Atum was another name for the Pyramid that spoke

of itself and its arrival:

When I, Atum was alone in the waters, in a state of immobility, Before I was found anywhere to stand or sit, Before Heliopolis had been founded that I might be there in.

This short video will connect these two texts and give you all the evidence that you will need to begin a conversation on this subject.

dam building

This short video will connect these two texts and give you all the evidence that you will need to begin a conversation on this subject. That video contains the evidence of an ancient dam, its destruction and the pyramids rising from those receding waters  that dam had held back. The point is this, you have been presented with a discovery that will start a fire that will burn to the ground much of what Atheist want the common man to believe about the Bible.

cover 4


The non-fiction book Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets by Howard West is published in Hard Cover format and is currently available through brick and mortar book stores and online retailers including ( and (


Archaeological Discovery That Atheists Hope You Never Consider.



scroll dead sea 1

The last thing that Atheists want archeologists to disclose, is anything that gives credibility to the discoveries that agree with the Bible. Those Ratio-Nihilist spin important archeological findings into minor anomalies; that they hope will not be addressed. Especially, Isaiah’s 19th chapter   account of the destruction of a dam and the draining of the Sea of Egypt, Metzrayim. Which caused the fall of the Old Kingdom and the beginning of the First Intermediary Period of Egyptian history. Even more importantly the construction of a Hebrew city around the Great Pyramid called the city of Heliopolis, City of the Sun.

Please be aware Isaiah in his 19th chapter used the Hebrew name, Metzrayim,: metzr=the wall that has power over,  yim =the river: in other words a River Dam. Not the Coptic Greek name Egypt, Aiguptis: which is derived from aigia = a sea, and ptoeo = to cause to flee away. These two names for the land of the Nile River and the correct interpretation of the hieroglyphic name for the land of the Nile, KMT are the keys to understanding what Isaiah is trying to tell you in his 19th chapter and the most important archaeological documented discovery of the 21st century: that the Ratio-Nihilist hope you never consider.


The Dead Sea Scrolls of Isaiah

(1QaIsa and 1QpHab)

19:5 And the waters shall fail from the Sea of Egypt, Metzrayim, and the river shall be wasted and dried up.

19:18 In that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt, Metzrayim: speak the language of Canaan, and swear to the LORD of hosts; one (city) shall be called, Heliopolis.

19:19 In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, Metzrayim and a pillar at the border thereof to the LORD.( The only things there are the Great Pyramids)

19:20 And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt


Atum was another name for the Pyramid that spoke

of itself and its arrival:

When I, Atum was alone in the waters, in a state of immobility, Before I was found anywhere to stand or sit, Before Heliopolis had been founded that I might be there in.

This short video will connect these two texts and give you all the evidence that you will need to begin a conversation on this subject.

dam building

This short video will connect these two texts and give you all the evidence that you will need to begin a conversation on this subject. That video contains the evidence of an ancient dam, its destruction and the pyramids rising from those receding waters  that dam had held back. The point is this, you have been presented with a discovery that will start a fire that will burn to the ground much of what Atheist want the common man to believe about the Bible.

cover 4


The non-fiction book Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets by Howard West is published in Hard Cover format and is currently available through brick and mortar book stores and online retailers including ( and (


GOD and the Great Pyramid

Who built the Great Pyramid?  

GOD said a long time ago through Isaiah’s chapter 19:19-20

 On that day there shall be an ALTAR to the LORD, In the midst of the Land of Egypt and a PILLAR at its Border to the LORD. And it shall be a sign and for wittiness to the Lord of Host in the land of Egypt.

That is the location of the GREAT PYRAMID!

I have given the details of the connections between the God of Abraham and the Great Pyramids in my book Locked Gates. A book that has been Black Listed by those who fear the Truth, therefore don’t expect to see a show on the DISCOVERY CHANNEL about this connection to GOD.

Isaiah said in his chapter 19 that this Pillar or pile of Rocks in Egypt became visible after

And the waters shall fail from the sea (of Egypt) and the river (Nile) shall be wasted and dried up!

The Sea now called the Sea of Nun, which the geological records of the Nile River Valley show suddenly and to most unexplainable appeared about 11,000BC during a time of regional drought. An inland sea that just as suddenly drained about 2141BC, the funny thing is most Egyptologists say the Great Pyramids were built when the valley was under water according to the geological records. (Hoffman, Michael A.  Egypt Before the Pharaohs, Alfred A Knopf, 1979 New York) Do you understand? There was a huge lake there. Of course the geological record of this inland sea is never spoken of, because that does not match what God Haters want you believe!

Matthew  21:21Jesus  answered…

“If  ye shall say  unto this  mountain, Be thou removed, and  be thou cast  into  the sea ; it shall be done.”


This is a cross reference to JOB’s explanation of the building of the Great Pyramid.


9. He shoots [1]forth his power [2]against [3]the rock, he over turns the mountains from their foundation.


Therefore, he used the stones from the top of his quarry for the bottom of his new mountain his Pyramid.

10 He cuts the stone because[4] of the river perceiving the future[5] and the good that will come.

11. He dams the river that it may not overflow:And the thing that is hid [6]

Under the irrigation water of the rising lake

He might bring forth “Light”

Here is a video on the construction of that Dam and the links to Early Pharaohs and Egyptian mythology.

If you want more evidence buy the book Locked Gates.


Intellectually bigoted?

 Before Egypt was known by the Greek name Egypt,[7]  Aigu-ptis which is derived from aigialos[8]  a sea (as in Aegean), and ptoeo[9] to cause to flee away, Egypt’s ancient  Semitic name was Metz-ra-yim[10] the meaning of which is Metz[11] the wall or fence, or Mitzad[12] to capture, Ra[13] the power, and Yim[14] the river or sea.  

There is now a second sea of Egypt called Lake Nasser and it too is scheduled to be drained! Cleansing EGYPT. After that great flood  will you believe?   

Isaiah 51:9-10,

Art thou not it that hath cut Rahab,[15]The Wall is Also Known as the Aswan Dam) and wounded the dragon? [16] (The waters of Lake Nasser/ the Nile)


10 dried the sea, the waters of the great deep; (Lake Nasser) a way for the ransomed to pass over?


Psalms 89:10

10 Thou hast broken Rahab (The Wall Aka Aswan) in pieces, as one that is slain; thou hast scattered thine enemies with thy strong arm.


Ezekiel 29:2-12 2

Son of man set thy face against Pharaoh King of Egypt,


3 My (GOD’S) river is mine own, and I have made it for myself.


4 But I will put hooks in thy jaws, and I will cause the fish of thy rivers to stick unto thy scales,


5 And I will leave thee thrown into the wilderness, (The waters of lake Nasser drained) thee and all the fish of thy rivers: thou shalt fall upon the open fields; thou shalt not be brought together, nor gathered (After the dam bursts)


6 And all the inhabitants of Egypt shall know that I am the LORD,


8 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will bring a sword upon thee, and cut off man and beast out of thee.


When that huge Aswan dam is breached, a dam that is three hundred sixty four feet high, eleven thousand eight hundred and eight feet wide and holds back 125,600,000 cubic acre-feet of water what will be left of Egypt?

[1]Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890, Hebrew, no 79711

[2]Ibid, no. 3028

[3]Ibid, no.5921

[4]Ibid, no.4481

[5]Ibid, no.7200

[6]Ibid, no.8587, 8585

[7]Strongs, James, Greek Dictionary of the New  Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890  G 125

[8]Ibid  ,123

[9]Ibid ,4422

[10]Strongs, James, Hebrew  Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890  H,4714

[11]Ibid. 4694

[12]Ibid, 4679

[13]Ibid, 7200

[14]Ibid, 3220

[15]Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890  , H, 7292

[16]Ibid, Hebrew, Ref. No. 8577        “Dragons of the Bible are always connected to raging water.”

Title Index

GOD and the Great Pyramid

New Videos for Book Locked Gates By Howard West

Philip Keller of “Strange but True” interviews Howard West

 on The Great Pyramids


Albert Einstein asked. “Does GOD play dice?”

 Yes Al




History, Riddles, Silk Worms and Mummies


NASA uses Golden Mirrors of Egypt’s Shamans


Alternative Energy Solutions, from the Past


Obama’s Riddle, A good pit stop is an Asteroid


Comment on “History of Information”, NPR interview

 with James-Gleick


Wisdom Hidden in Balls of Thread


The 27th of Sivan AKA June 30


Thursday June 30 the symbol for Constantinople, that was

 appropriated by Islam was in the sky.


Break the Law of Thermo-Dynamics


for Nothing?  


Wisdom Hidden in Balls of Thread


Locked Gates deals with ancient mysteries; the wise men of the past knew transporting complex wisdom through Time was like trying to push a string.  However, if you roll that string or wisdom into a ball of knots by telling that wisdom in the form of stories of mystical beings, that ball form, allows you to push that ball, and then the ball just keeps rolling downhill though “Time” creating a life of its own.

Those riddles about mystical beings contain the secrets for everything from where we got the alphabets to where the moon came from, In the book Locked Gates, I  have taken the time needed to unravel those Time Traveling Balls of Wisdom , balls of threads like the one that lead Theseus out of the darkness of labyrinth of Minotaur

Locked Gates


Coast to Coast AM Introduction

 of Howard West

New Videos for Book Locked Gates By Howard West


And the link to the commentary blog post.

Stone Quarry Mystery

And the link to the commentary blog post.

Winds of Egypt Not Copper Tools

And the link to the commentary blog post  


Boats over the Pyramids

And the link to the commentary blog post.