Answers Long Misunderstood


Paperback Now Avalable on Amazon

There has been problems with the hard cover shipping delays, GROSS amounts of printing errors (putting other people’s book between the cover of Locked Gates, the Riddle Lords’s Secrects.)  Therefore I changed publishers to Amazon Paperbacks.

Barbarians have always loved Kinky stories! The building of the Great Pyramids

Barbarians have always loved Kinky stories! The Egyptians created a story of incest, Fratricide , brother killing and necrophilia, sex with dead to hide the origins of the the land of Egypt and the building of the Great Pyramids


Building the Great Pyramid Slide Show

image.png1 b d z z f Pharoh 1 Narmer 1

The Bodleian Libraray Oxford England

Anomaly 2 of Many

There was a man named Sir Flides Petrie , Professor of Egyptology 1892-1933 then professor emeritus -1942 at London University, England. Many have called Sir Petrie the “Father of Modern  Archeological Methods” . A smart guy he invented the gyro-compass. He was precise, the Queen even gave him a costly tool, a measuring rod that way she could trust his results. So Sir Petrie could measure the great pyramid. Petrie found that that one of the Egyptian unites of measure was with in a hair’s breath of the English inch. Well things went fine until  ironically?Until Petrie got to the queens Chamber. There Petrie found the walls covered in “Salt”. That salt was so thick it took him a long time to scrape it off so he could get accurate measurements.(Petrie, Our Inheritance,3rd, Historical Studies II Ancient Egypt, England, 1917

The anomaly is the Nile water is a little salty but it would take a lot of water to render that much salt.  Petrie did not mention that he  found such large amounts of salt to remove anywhere else.Yes small amounts of salt leaches from the stone but not to that level. So the Nile would have had to be running a couple hundred feet high at the Narrows of Roda to reach the queens Chamber. Geological records do show the Nile that high but only long before Khufu’s birth, however, never after. (Hoffman, Michael A,  Egypt Before the Pharaohs.

Anomily 3 of many

The Pharaohs were to have been able to control the flooding of the Nile. Here is the problem with out a dam in place the Nile floods in late Summer through early Fall .That is not the best time of year to grow crops in Egypt. That is the reason the Dams at Aswan were built. However, the British controlled Egypt in the late 19th century and found that Cario ran out of water in late summer. So they built a dam at the narrows at the Island of Roda. Later when a larger dam sites were considered Aswan narrows won out. Because, if the larger dam was placed at the Narrows at the Island of Roda the DAM WOULD HAVE COVERED THE PYRAMIDS.
Khufu/ Cheops  was the second Pharaoh after the Nile River Dam Burst and the Pyramid was revealed as the Sea of Nun was drainedEgypt  Serekhs  pharoah 1 and 2 kingdoms

Twenty years to stack 2.3 million blocks,Eureka-Technology-Part-4,


Just as with Theseus in the Labyrinth we have been given a ball of thread to follow to unravel the mystery of how a Bronze Age society was able to erect two Great Pyramids more than four hundred and forty-seven feet high. Herodotus said:

The Pyramid was twenty years in the building and the Machines to lift the stone were made of wood.1

(Not of reeds)

Twenty years to stack 2.3 million blocks, which had an average weight five thousand pounds average thickness four feet, stacked to a height of more than four hundred and fifty feet, The Machines to stack the stones were “Made of Wood?” Machines are translated from the Greek word Machana, Which can mean:

Wooden, Stone Barges


However, if you go to any common Greek Lexicon, it will say that “machana” is defined as a machine. But surprisingly, if you look at similarly spelled words you will find they are defined as ship captains and seamen. Furthermore, if boats are not machines; what are they? crocodiles? Strangely, yes, those machanas were sometimes shown as crocodiles in Egyptian sculptures. Both Osiris and his son’s feet were on crocodile. Horus2: in the specific form of Heru-sa-Aset, or Heru-pa-Khered is depiction where young Horus is standing on the back of a crocodile, (also known as stone barges). Heru-pa-Khered is defined from ancient Coptic Greek as Heru": the Coptic form of the Greek word: "HER" and is defined as "the tool of strengths." This root word is used in the Greek man/god named Hercules; Pa, the narrows (of the Nile); Khered meant, earth or stone moving.


The vast majority of the stone blocks were transported by boat (Machana) envisaged as crocodiles, and not on rollers over land, though they were on rollers as they traveled in the boat. These barges when transporting numerous stone blocks would look like crocodiles on the river when looked on from the lip of the valley.


There is a bas-relief sculptor at Deir el Bahri that shows the Queen/Pharaoh Hatsheput to Punt3. At that temple there are also stone carvings that shows several vessels: seventy feet long by seventeen feet wide and five feet deep with fifteen oars per side (with a total of thirty to sixty oarsmen for propulsion and two more for steering.4) During that same time period large barges were also built for transporting stone blocks down the Nile River.5 Stone carvings show one such vessel with two Obelisks end to end, but the vessel must have been two hundred feet long. Herodotus wrote of the Great shipping fleet on the Nile. At Al-Lisht site, Sesostris I, had large wooden boats in or near his burial enclosure.6

The Great Pyramid has four boat pits around its base: because they were so important to that structure. We also know that the granite blocks were floated down from the Aswan area along the Nile. The one found next to the Great Pyramid, and is now in the Boat Museum nearby, is 43 meters long.7 The machana was found dismantled in a pit sealed with huge limestone blocks, the pit is too small for the assembled boat, and therefore, the boat seems to have been purposely dismantled. This indicates that the pyramids were once surrounded by water, and that water was use by those stone barges in the construction of the Great Pyramids

.boat pits 2

Isis the Queen of Navigation8 and (machana) barges are the keys to stacking the stones of the great Pyramids four hundred and fifty feet off the valley floor. However, this construction technique was never lost. Even today in the 21st century of the Christian era. Heavy construction materials are delivered to the tops of dams by large river barges, just as it was with the construction of the Isis Dam, a Dam that changed Egypt from a desert to a World Power. And as the Isis dam rose; the river also roses behind that dam, and so did the barges that delivered the construction materials.

1 b d z z f  Pharoh 2  b

However, the Isis dam gave added benefits to the Pyramid builders because as the dam grew higher the stone masons working on the Pyramid had stone delivered to their construction site because of the Queen of Navigation the Isis Dam allowed for navigation on the River Nile year round. So as the Isis dam grew higher the Great Pyramids grew at same rate as the dam grew, stone blocks supplied by those same wooden machines called river barges or machana, as the water covered the stone blocks of the Pyramid. The water would also cocoon the outside of the Osiris’ Pyramid with green algae and black slime, To be weathered away after the Great Pyramid rose out of the water of the receding lake in 2141 years before the Christian Era began. Even so, because this is an uncommon interpretation of the Osiris story, there must be over whelming evidence to validate this interpretation. Consequently, we are about to go where non-tenured professors fear to tread, to uncover that indisputable evidence. 9


The common traditions, that have been passed down for centuries tell 21st century man that the Egyptian stone masons built the Great Pyramids. Nevertheless, there is evidence that those same stone masons built a large stone masonry dam across the river Nile almost thirteen thousand years ago, evidence that has been put up on a shelf, because the evidence does not fit the Common Traditions surrounding the Great Pyramid theories. Consequently, the time has come to take that evidence off the shelf and dust it off, and answer the riddle to how the Pyramids were really constructed. Dams were more common that what most Archeologists10 are lead to believe and this because of traditions that have been handed down and have precluded out of The Box thought, because the teachers hand down their understanding to their students and as teachers are expected to be believed. In fact the Weekly Ahram story of the worlds the second oldest dam dating back about 4,000 years ago has been hidden away from most archeologists. Even so, the dam concept was very common, though it has been misunderstood for centuries. Many times misunderstanding the symbols used to portray them confuses many experts.

When the Caliph Al Mamaun in the year 840 of the Christian era broke into the Pyramid;11 he did not find, jewels, gold or even mummies, to be crushed and be sold for medicine. What he did find was bat droppings, lots of remnants of tiny water creatures, and ton and tons of dirt. The Caliph and his minions took months digging the dirt from the Great Pyramid. Dirt, that was in almost every tunnel and passageway. The dirt had seeped in through centuries of sitting in that lake (the Sea of Nun). Take a close look at the Sphinx and notice how bad it has been water eroded. The evidence is in plain sight. You will also notice that the river narrows near Cairo, has eroded islands like Roda, and evidence of a burst river dam. Which happened in the year 2141 before the Christian era began.


Sir Flides Petrie (1853-1943 of the Christian era.) Professor of Egyptology 1892-1933 and later to become professor emeritus from 1933-1942 of the world famous London University and the “Father of Modern Archeological Methods” made extensive measurements of the Great Pyramid, especially in the Queens Chamber where he had to spend much time cleaning away salt deposits that were caked on the wall of that chamber so he could make accurate measurements. The salt that was left behind after the brackish water from the lake left inside had evaporated. However, the Queen’s chamber was hundreds of feet above the valley floor, evidence that the Pyramid had once been under water.12

72 jpg Queen's

Modern carbon dating of “Silt sediments rising to fourteen feet around the base of the pyramid contain many seashells and fossils that have been radiocarbon-dated to be nearly twelve thousand years old. These sediments could have been deposited in such great quantities only by major sea flooding. This evidence alone suggests that the three main Giza pyramids are at least twelve thousand years old.13

The engineers who believe “The Four Ramp Theory” tell the Common Man the materials needed to build a four ramp system would have taken thirty two-million cubic yards of materials to construct. It only took a little over twenty nine-million cubic yards of materials to build the Trinity dam across the Trinity River in California the Trinity River dam is five hundred thirty seven feet high. That is eighty-seven feet taller that the Great Pyramid. The Trinity dam is not all concrete but that dam is Earth filled.

In a Masoretic text of Job there is a passage that is linked to the star Polaris that indicates that this book is more than 13,000 years old:14 to the time of the building of the Pyramids there are other verses that give additional verification of how the Great pyramids were constructed.15

9. He shoots16 forth his power17 against18 the rock, he over turns the mountains from their foundation.

Therefore, he used the stones from the top of his quarry for the bottom of his new mountain his Pyramid.

10 He cuts the stone because19 of the river perceiving the future20 and the good that will come.

11. He dams the river that it may not overflow:

This passage speaks of the benefits of the dam. The dam was the device controlled that annual flooding and drought cycle of the Nile. Flooding and drought made the Nile delta farm land unusable for most of the prime growing seasons; until the Isis Dam was constructed.

And the thing that is hid21

Under the irrigation water of the rising lake

He might bring forth “Light”

Understanding of the hidden mysteries of the Pyramid

11 But where is wisdom to be found?

12 No man knows the treasures thereof: And where is the place of understanding.

This Image is of the Isis Dam site showing the Cairo narrows, the island Roda, and the High hills coming down to the River Nile where the Isis dam was up until 2141 years before the Christian era began.

1 b d z z f  Pharoh 1     Narmer  173 jpg Cairo narrows damimage

The next Image is a satellite picture of that area. The dark purple is a geological outcropping high above the valley floor that restricts the flow of the river Nile at that location near Cairo. Notices the island Roda in the river at that location? 22

1 b d z z f  Pharoh 1     Narmer  1

This is one of three images that are are Serekhs of the next three Pharaohs from the Book Introductory Guide to the Egyptian Collections Published by the British Museum page 23. Narmer was the first Pharaoh of the First Egyptian Dynasty. This pharaoh’s Serekh illustrates the narrows (Matsuwd24) near modern Cairo with the island Roda and the Nile passing on each side of the island in the middle of the between the two sets of parallel lines.The next three show the building of the Isis Dam.

serikhs 1

1 Edwards I. E. S, “The Pyramid” ” Colliers,, Vol. 19, P.543

2Hawthorn, J. The Masterpieces and History of Literature V1, P22 E.R. Du Mont, New York 1903

3 Casson, Ships, and Seaman in the ancient world , Princeton Press, Princeton, 1973 CMA.

4Hodges, P., and Keable J. How the Pyramid Was Built, :Element Books, Shaftesbury, 1989 V8, 8 p.652-676




8Rice, S., Pandora, Alford A. Knopf, New York, 1998, p.62



11Davison, D Op. Cite.

12Petrie, Our Inheritance, 3rd, Historical Studies II Ancient Egypt, England 1917

13Gray Martin, sacred sites. Com

14 #32

15 #9

16Strongs James, Op. Cite,, Hebrew, no 79711

17Ibid, no. 3028

18Ibid, no.5921

19Ibid, no.4481

20Ibid, no.7200

21Ibid, no.8587, 8585


23Introductory Guide to the Egyptian Collections, Published by the British Museum 1976

24Strongs James, Op. Cite,,H,4689

Egypt’s Daytime North Star, Eureka Technology Part 3


The so-called experts try to make the process of finding true north difficult. It is no big deal, the process is simple. The first thing that the surveyor would need to do is build a sundial. It is not that hard. Just put a long stick (Gnomon) in the ground or a tall stone obelisk, (which is called The Chief Corner Stone1)and that obelisk, would be the best tool to use. To make sure that obelisk is plumb the surveyor used a plumb bob and its string. Gravity and the weight of the plumb is what will hold the string straight and the deviation of the distance from the string to the obelisk can be adjusted to make the obelisk plumb. Then for the next few days he would mark the length of the shadow, and when the surveyor found the shortest shadow several days in a row. That is the point the Sun is straight south from the end of the shadow of The Chief Corner Stone, which explains why Obelisks2 have a pointed top (pyramidion). Therefore, he now had a perfect north-south line between the obelisk and the tip of its shadow. Our surveyor probably did this measurement in mid-to late December3 which would be the best time because his “shortest line” would be longest. The surveyor then placed a second taller obelisk on the north side to line up with the first at noon (time sun). Our surveyor now had an “accurate” north-south line to due north not magnetic north.


Our surveyor then sent a Horpakrate, the Little Sun4 (a mirror) to the north Horizon so that the operators can target his obelisk with their mirrors reflected light. Then the surveyor walk back until he could see only The Chief Cornerstone Chief Corner Stonetip and just the tip of the second obelisk just above the chief Corner stone’s pyramidion. The surveyor would then signaled the Horpakrate, the Little Sun until the reflection is setting on the top of his obelisk’s pointed top (pyramidion)5 that Horpakrate, the Little Sun is north and the farther away the more accurate. At 10 miles that artificial pole star is more accurate than a laser. The Horpakrate, the Little Sun would become an artificial Day time North Star that was an accurate point to north to the left or right for some distance on any given east-west line: but again the farther away the better. The mirror, Horpakrate could be moved as the building progressed the same distance from the starting point on an east/west line giving unheard of accuracy.


The line of light’s foundation


Our surveyor then would take a stone that was true and square and placed on top of it on its expected north south line: what is called an Egyptian Stone Sundial6 an ancient transit gun site. The word for this tool in Arabic for this device is al-idhâdah, “ruler”, where it signifies the same thing, in Greek and Latin, it is respectively called dioptra, the line of light’s foundation”, and linea fiduciae, “fiducial line” also known as the trusted line. Our surveyor would affix the dioptra’s long straight base that will sit on the surveyor block. Now if the surveyor could just see the Horpakrate or artificial Daytime North Star as he sited down the tool: good. If he was off, the mirror’s reflection will on one side or the other of the far end of the tool. The surveyor would adjust the stone and his dioptra so he could just see the reflection setting on the top of his near and far end of his transit: the surveyor block was then dead on north. From that point on just set the next block, the surveyor would just site down the Egyptian dioptra, transit from the last aligned block’s corner “marker point”, and the next block’s north base line until he could see the mirror’s refection on top of both points and then his line was dead-on north. Two small plumb bobs on strings were attached to the ends of the dioptra which gave the location of two points aligned with the bright mirror on the HORUSion and the position of the starting point plumb bob and of the second plumb bob, an accurate line of all three points due north, the longer the transit the more accurate the line. The model for those plumbs is an inverted pyramid.

Egypt Trip 1 032

For the surveyor’s East west line he need two mirrors or two Ra-Hararkhte, Horus7 of the Two Horizons one on each horizon (East and West) though surveyor still need to use the Chief Corner Stone ,obelisk and second obelisk / corner stone as his marker for North and South and use what is now known as Pythagoras’ three, four, five principle. That is how you square 90 degree corners. The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the square of both the sides.8 Therefore (3×3) + (4×4) = 25 and 5×5=25. The four line would be along your verifiable north south line and connects to line the three will be your new east, west line. The three line other end is moved until the ten line touches both the north end of the four line which is permanent and the east end of the six line which is moved to allow that to occur. When the ends of the two lines are five apart, you are square because all triangles with that 6,8,10 ratio have a 90 degree corner and you have “a dead on” east west line. All our surveyor needed to do was measure with something that will not stretch, like a metal chain and the larger unit of measurement the better. Then, from the end of the surveyor triangle on his East or West side he sited to the horizon just like surveyor did with his North line and line up his Ra-Hararkhte mirror with the top of his Chief Corner Stone. The west one is used for the morning and the east for the afternoon. Then the surveyor used his Egyptian dioptra, and the East or West Ra-Hararkhte just like the North Horpakrate he then aligned his test block with the East or star of the West how be it an artificial Day time star just like his artificial Day time North Star. Finely he aligned his test block with his Egyptian Stone Sun Dial or dioptra.


In drafting before there were computers, a straight edge and compass or string were used to make a line perpendicular to the base line by taking a compass or string; set it longer than ½ the line length. And then scribe an arc from each end of that line. The arcs will meet and cross in two places above and below the base line, draw a straight line that hits both points and that will be at a 90 degree to the base line. If you have a chain with a preset measurement and arc that chain that is attached to the base line that has been set with the Chief Corner Stone the top of that arc will be at a 90 degree angle to the base. Moreover, every point on that new line that touches the top of those arcs will be the same length.9

The survey lines radiating from the Chief Corner Stone ,obelisk and the artificial stars were very important. If a stone were too big and touched one of those optical lines the oversize stone would be (broken) chipped way to fit. On the other hand, if the stone were too small it would be totally smashed to a size that could be easily hauled away by the cleanup men. The process was easier to have a new stone made and the small stone crushed, so the miss-sized stone would be out of the way. A Hebrew text about this process was written of the

Corner Stone Lines 10


And whoever falls on this stone will be broken and whomever it falls upon it will be destroyed”

The Great pyramid has three Corner Stone Sockets, of those only the South East corner is the Corner marker, the rest are taken from that point. The South East corner is where the Chief Corner stone ,obelisk  was placed.11.

Isaiah put it this way12

“A foundation (the starting point), a stone a tried stone (square and true),

a precious corner stone, a sure foundation (Starting point)

, he that believes shall not be afraid (if his line is true or not).

And I will make justice to the measuring line (metal so that the chain will not stretch),

and righteousness to the plummet (the plumb bob)

The Chief Corner Stone ,obelisk has been miss-understood to mean the “head” this word in the Coptic Egyptian has a different vowel sign than the word “Chief” but pronounced the same “reshey,13 corner stone, ergo, the Capstone for of the pyramid, which The Great Pyramid never had nor will never have. When the building was completed The Chief Corner Stone along with the other corner stones were removed leaving only their sockets at the Corners.

The Stone that the builder rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone. 14.

Who laid out the foundations of the Earth? Declare, if you have understanding.

Who has laid its measure, if you know? Who has stretched the line upon it?

Upon what are its limits resting or who lain the Chief Corner stone.15

Doctor Gene Scott who received his doctorate from The University of California, Berkeley, said in a dissertation on The Pyramid referenced D. Davison and Petries: ‘‘that the height of The Pyramid is of the same ratio of that of the radius of the Earth at it polar axes through the center to the line of the Equator, also that the height of the extended lines of The Pyramid face angle (52 degrees 51 minutes) the sides extending past the platform it is equal ratio of the polar radius of the Moon.16. Davidson figures also shows a formula in the length of the base of the Pyramid that are equal to the three years of Earth (the Solar or Tropical year or 365.242465 days, Sidereal or Stellar year or 365.256471536-days and Anomalistic or Orbital year or 365.25997317 days)17denoting that the Pyramid is a scale model of Earth in a Pyramid form.18

The Pyramid’s Star Alignments of the Passages were important and was quite simple to accomplish. The surveyor would take four Egyptian dioptras; place them at the lowest spot of where his shaft will be above ground spacing for the top, bottom, and sides. Center them in the middle of where the surveyor wants his shaft to be. Then, that night he would, align two points on each Egyptian dioptra to the star he wanted his shaft to align with both on the vertical and the horizontal. The dioptra was locked into the position that so it would not move. The surveyor could now go to bed. The next morning they took four mirrored Ankh with very small mirrors set to match with the same dimensions as the four dioptras, and then align the mirrors with the surveyor’s solid Egyptian dioptra with their two points: it was be best as far away as possible. The closer the surveyor’s mirror is, the smaller the mirror must be. This Ankh shaft must be made immovable though the mirror will need to rotate to redirect the Sun. If the distance is too close to the work site, the mirrors must be smaller. The surveyor used a mirror just like his North Horpakrate (mirror) to align each side of your shaft with a dioptra against the block as you set them, using your mirrors to align each side though you can double check the sides for square with the 3,4,5 principle.



Now that you understand the basic survey techniques on the horizontal; we are now able to move to the vertical. The area that was to be used as the foundation would have a dike or dam built around it. Then the area behind the dam was filled with water. The pond was filled to cover all the high spots completely around the building site to include the area of the first course of rock and the apron around it with water. Then slowly drain the water: the men would mark the high spots until the water was gone at that point the foundation plane was established. All the high spots were leveled using the Ankh, solar furnace system; heating the high spots and fracturing them with water and vinegar. The main change was the Ram/A frame was now on the vertical dropping with a rope and pulley and boom-boom-boom. Then remove the muck. This system of filling, marking, and muck removal was used until the building site was level.

To make sure that the entire structure is level: measure down from the top of the Pyramid’s blocks to the water when there is no wind. Guess what? The water is “level” all the way around the structure and that measurement will be the same.

It must have been a nightmare for those who pushed and pulled those huge rocks up from the river on those hot dry days. Stone blocks on rollers with ropes and slaves, handling them in the heat of the day and aligning those stones. Moreover, that was just the first layer of rock. When the blocks were being moved, a drumbeat was used so each man’s steps would be synchronized with the rest. The men would manhandle the blocks with two basic systems. First the rope and cross member timbers system. This system would allow several men to push on timbers that were attached to a rope along its length enabling more men on a shorter rope to maneuver the block. The second system was similar though it used a wooden central shaft rather than a rope. Not! With ropes over the slaves shoulder as the process is often shown. As a matter of fact this cross bar system allowed the men to push rather than pull the block and push with the cross members. This allowed movement of the block at any point on the block, which gave added maneuverability when placing the stone. When the blocks were ready to be locked into place, the men would push on the diagonal so that two sides of the block would make contact with the complementary matrix of the blocks that had already been placed. This allowed the block to interlock at the same time as if the three blocks were one because they were one once. Each block was placed back in the order that it was quarried. However, the bigger problem has been how those stones get stacked more than 457.5 feet above the Nile River Valley floor.

1Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite,p 976-977

2Habachi L., The Obelisks of Egypt, American U.P. Cairo 1988

3Rice H. S,”Seasons” Op. Cite, Colliers V. 20, P. 557-559


5Hancock. G, Mirrors of Heaven: Crown Publishing, New York.p.108

6Mayall N. R, “Sundial”, Op. Cite, Colliers V.21, P634


8Smith, “Informal Geometry”, Addison-Wesley, Publishing Co, New York, 1992, p.346-347

9Ibid, p. 365

10Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite P. 976-977

11Davison, D Op. Cite. 37 Foundation plate

12Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite P. 967-698

13Ibid, P. Forward P. xiv

14Ibid. P.646

15Ibid P986-987

16 Scott Dr. G, Op. Cite , Davison citing, D The Great Pyramid, (Its Divine Message), William and Norgate, LTD, England 1937, Vol. 1 and Petrie, Our Inheritance, 3rd, Historical Studies II Ancient Egypt, England 1917

17 Davison, D Op. Cite. p.91

18Hancock. G, Mirrors of Heaven, Op.Cite, P. 45-48


Egypt’s Flood Dragon Prophecy and the Samson Option is the Final Solution

Egypt’s Flood Dragon Prophecy and the Samson Option is the final solution to the problems of the Middle East, the War of Isaiah 11:13 -17

The Gates of Troy, From Locked Gates,The Riddle Lords Secret by Howard West

cover 4

Copyright 2011 Howard West,

Second Edition

All rights reserved.



Three thousand years ago on the sunny shore of the Eastern Mediterranean, along the Aegean Sea, lived a priestess named Cassandra, a young “Paul Revere” who was telling the people of Troy that:

The Greeks are coming and the Wooden Horse they left is a trick to allow them to breach our impenetrable walls.”

The Greek Army was using a tactic against the Trojan people that was a hallmark of Middle Eastern thought, The Riddle Concept: the misleading of ones Enemies and the Common Folk. Sadly, even though Cassandra had been given a great Gift, the uncanny ability to unravel riddles, with that Gift came a Cruel Curse. The curse that no one ever believed her, because of that disbelief, the citizens of Troy were deceived into believing a lie, a lie that would cost them their City. Consequently, as the Orators of Troy (also known as Gatekeepers) brought through the gates of Troy the large Wooden Horse, our Visionary, poor little Cassandra was being ridiculed to shame, and told:

Shut up and go home Cassandra or something ‘Bad’ might happen to you” 1

Today if our Gatekeepers of knowledge saw someone like Cassandra who was so far out of touch with those skeptics ’ concept of Truth: The diagnosis would be, “She is just part of a Lunatic Fringe .” Our modern Gatekeepers of knowledge, therefore, would feel justified in dismissing our poor little Cassandra and her “Statements of Truth” in a similar situation.

Deception through camouflage as in the Wooden Horse that the Greeks used was the “Common Trick” in Eastern Mediterranean Mythology. Within their story form riddles were hidden answers to a great number of the most puzzling aspects of their History. Answers locked away, woven into their religions, myths, and legends. The Semitic people described this concept of dissimulation, as a “Khood2 which implied a knot or a snarl of silk thread; or the word “chiydah”:3 a riddle. The complementary word was “mashah, 4 the unwinding of a silk worm cocoon, and mashal a story form riddle. However, to manufacture a silk piece of cloth you must first have thread. Therefore, you must find the end of the silk worm’s last strand that he had spun around himself. Then carefully unravel that last strand as the cocoon sits floating in water. Then hundreds of strands per-inch were used in the manufacture of silk cloth. A process that is far more time consuming than the production of felt cloth; where you smash short unsorted fibers together to produce, a cloth for the Common Folk. The genesis of this process of silk production dates back thousands of years ago to Egypt. Though the Art was lost in antiquity, nevertheless, traces of that production can be seen in the language of the Semitic people. One of the most famous of the Hebrew leaders was a man named, Moses5 and that name is derived from that same Hebrew root word as “mashah”  6 and he too was drawn up from the water of the Nile in a Cocoon of Bulrushes. The title Messiah, , LORD of the Riddle, The Spinner of mashals, (Zader Yiger Mantchih:“The Silken Man”7,) also comes from that same Semitic root word “Mash”, however, Messiah ends with the “Sacred Name” Jah or Iah8, LORD: not “ich”, Union.)

The synonym for this Semitic concept of the mashal in the ancient Greek secular world was derived from its root words of para,9 “be close to or run alongside” and bolo10 “to be thrown off or redirected.” There are many words that have those root words, and most of which still hold true to the basic meaning of the Greek root words such as: parallel, paralegal, paraboloid, and parabolic. Even so, for some strange reason the Religious Crowd change the meaning of parable to mean, “An illustration given to make a concept clear for the Common folk.” Though, the “Book” that they say confirms this concept says just the opposite:

Isaiah 13:13

From Qumran Cave One11

The reason that I speak to them in Parables12 (mashal Story riddles) is that seeing they will not perceive; and hearing they will not understand.

Solomon said: in Proverbs 1:5-613

The Wise will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding Shall attain unto wise counsel; so he can understand (mashal)14 story riddles and their interpretation of the words of the wise, And their (chiydah15) Dark Sayings

The Book of Secrets16

From Qumran Cave Four

4Q300 F1 Col 2

Consider, those teachers of error: that say, ‘The story riddles (mashal) declares themselves that the (mashal) riddles is plain to see even before the Wise speaks…“

Proud in your foolishness teachers of error, for the vision is sealed up from you, and you have not properly understood the eternal mysteries and you have not become wise in understanding but foolish for you have not properly understood the origin of Wisdom; but if you should unseal the vision. The story riddles (mashal) is foolishness in all your wisdom.”

4Q301 F117

I shall speak out freely, and I shall express my various sayings among you for those who would understand story riddles (mashal) the dark hidden secrets (chiydah18) and that they propose and those who would penetrate the origins of knowledge, along with those who hold fast to the wonderful mysteries, hidden from those who walk in simplicity as well as those who are devious in every activity of the deeds of humanity. Hidden from those with stiff necks, and hard heads, and all the mass of the Common Folk.

The Egyptian Het Benben19

They see Ra (The light of sun) with their eyes and enter in his secret images. I protect my hidden things which are in Het Benben (house of the Renaissance)

The Story Riddle were used as a system to keep the knowledge of the Riddle Lords secrets from their Enemies and the Common Folk: though retrievable by the diligent. This system has worked well, almost too well. The answers to those Eastern Mediterranean cultures most baffling secrets, have been passed on from one generation to the next generation camouflaged within the essence of these riddles. Answers hidden, unchanged, and locked in riddles inside myths and legends of sex, violence, gods and goddesses and the super natural. This premise of the unwinding of threads to guide us through the maze of ignorance to the light of wisdom is a concept that was taught in the Greek story of the hero of the virgins of Athens. Theseus went to the labyrinth of Minotaur20 to take those young people’s place in darkness, and to do battle with that half-man-beast. Theseus knew he had no hope of escaping the Labyrinth, even if he defeated Minotaur. Luckily, Theseus had an admirer, the King’s daughter Ariadne; this young woman gave Theseus the key to unlock the riddle of the Labyrinth a simple ball of thread, Thread that was able to lead Theseus out of the maze into the light of day.

So why is this Wisdom locked away in these ancient story riddles so important that we must unwind these silk threads or riddles? Because they contain answers hidden in “Dark Sayings” (chiydah) that even the most educated of the 21th century of the Christian era have never been aware of; Dark Sayings that unlocks the most puzzling aspects of the Eastern Mediterranean culture. Alchemy is a case in point.

The Alchemists, who had learned the trick of turning Base Metals silver, loved this Game of Camouflage. The key to Alchemists silver and Gold was the element mercury also known as quicksilver. This liquid metal was known in Time’s Past as an “Anointing Oil.” The eternal question has been, “How do you turn a clean Base Metal coin: silver and then golden?” This is a well-known process that has been used in refining gold for thousands of years; yet, the truth of the Magic of Alchemy has eluded the Common Folk. All that is needed is a drop of quicksilver that was rubbed into the coin in so doing the mercury quickly spreads, turning the coin silver. The mercury would then spread out on the coin like oil on water. The coin then has a thin silver mirror finish. If you scratch the coin the mercury instantly fills the scratch, so the coin seems to be solid silver, therefore, a copper penny would seem to be a silver dime. Here in the “States” our Government has learned the Alchemist trick: our coins have a copper core and a bright silvery, finish, though not with mercury. Sadly the Common Folk here in the States value those coins as if they were solid silver. Our government has learned the value of the Alchemist Silver coin and the Common Folk have not.

To turn the Alchemist silver coin to a golden one is almost as simple, though the process does require a tiny amount of microscopic gold. The Alchemist silver coin is suspended in water and a mixture with a yellow or red sulfur to hide the tiny flecks of gold. The coin in the slurry is then agitated. This allows the stickiest of the oily quicksilver to capture the microscopic flakes of gold, which turns the coin golden with a coating, a veneer so thin that the tiny amount of gold looks solid. The Alchemist’s silver and gold are the keys to understanding many of the mysteries of the Eastern Mediterranean cultures of the past.

The “Gatekeepers of knowledge” of today understands these Dark Sayings such as Alchemy as clearly as the people of Troy understood “The Secret” contained in that Large Wooden Horse that their Gate Keepers brought through the gates into their city. A people that could describe the Horse’s outside in great detail and could give you a long list of Common people and of the Intellectual leaders of Troy that would describe the Wooden Horse in exactly the same way, EXCEPT.

cover 4

Locked Gates (The Riddle Lord’s Secrets)

The non-fiction book Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets by Howard West is published in Hard Cover format and is currently available through brick and mortar book stores and online retailers including


1Leaf, The Iliad in Prose, Schwab, Gustav, Gods and Heroes, Myths and Epics of Ancient Greece

2Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890 , no. 2330

3Ibid, no. 2420

4Ibid, no., 4912, 4897

5Ibid, no. 4872

6Ibid, no.4871

7The Silken Man: Zader Yiger Mantchih in Yiddish

8Strongs, Op.Cite, Hebrew no. 4899

9Strongs, James, Greek Dictionary of the New Testament, Madison,NJ, 1890, no. G, 3846

10Ibid, no. G,906

11Isaiah 13:13, Qumran Cave one, Isaiah second copy

12Strongs, Op Cite,, Hebrew, no.4871

13 Lamsa, G. M., The Holy Bible :from the ancient Eastern text -The Peshitta-; San Francisco : Harper & Row,1957: Proverbs 1:5-6

14Strongs, Op Cite, Hebrew no.4871

15Ibid, no. 2420

16The Book of Secrets” Qumran Cave Four” 4Q300 F1 Col 2

17Ibid 4Q301 F1

18Strongs, Op.Cite, Hebrew no. 2420

19Budge, E. A., The Egyptian Heaven and Hell ( Book of WHAT is in Duat) ,Martin Hopkinson Co. ,London,1925, Vol 1,P 196

20Schwab, Gustav, Gods and Heroes, Myths and Epics of Ancient Greece