Answers Long Misunderstood

Posts tagged “Herupakhered

Barbarians have always loved Kinky stories! The building of the Great Pyramids

Barbarians have always loved Kinky stories! The Egyptians created a story of incest, Fratricide , brother killing and necrophilia, sex with dead to hide the origins of the the land of Egypt and the building of the Great Pyramids


O Height which is not Sharpened


Just as with Theseus in the Labyrinth we have been given a ball of thread to follow to unravel the mystery of how a Bronze Age society was able to erect two Great Pyramids more than four hundred and forty-seven feet high. Herodotus said:

The Pyramid was twenty years in the building and the Machines to lift the stone were made of wood.1

(Not of reeds)

Twenty years to stack 2.3 million blocks, which had an average weight five thousand pounds average thickness four feet, stacked to a height of more than four hundred and fifty feet, The Machines to stack the stones were “Made of Wood?” Machines are translated from the Greek word Machana, Which can mean:

 Wooden, Stone Barges


However, if you go to any common Greek Lexicon, it will say that “machana” is defined as a machine. But surprisingly, if you look at similarly spelled words you will find they are defined as ship captains and seamen. Furthermore, if boats are not machines; what are they? crocodiles? Strangely, yes, those machanas were sometimes shown as crocodiles in Egyptian sculptures. Both Osiris and his son’s feet were on crocodile. Horus2: in the specific form of Heru-sa-Aset, or Heru-pa-Khered is depiction where young Horus is standing on the back of a crocodile, (also known as stone barges). Heru-pa-Khered is defined from ancient Coptic Greek as Heru”: the Coptic form of the Greek word: “HER” and is defined as “the tool of strengths.” This root word is used in the Greek man/god named Hercules; Pa, the narrows (of the Nile); Khered meant, earth or stone moving.


The vast majority of the stone blocks were transported by boat (Machana) envisaged as crocodiles, and not on rollers over land, though they were on rollers as they traveled in the boat. These barges when transporting numerous stone blocks would look like crocodiles on the river when looked on from the lip of the valley.


There is a bas-relief sculptor at Deir el Bahri that shows the Queen/Pharaoh Hatsheput to Punt3. At that temple there are also stone carvings that shows several vessels: seventy feet long by seventeen feet wide and five feet deep with fifteen oars per side (with a total of thirty to sixty oarsmen for propulsion and two more for steering.4) During that same time period large barges were also built for transporting stone blocks down the Nile River.5 Stone carvings show one such vessel with two Obelisks end to end, but the vessel must have been two hundred feet long. Herodotus wrote of the Great shipping fleet on the Nile. At Al-Lisht site, Sesostris I, had large wooden boats in or near his burial enclosure.6


The Great Pyramid has four boat pits around its base: because they were so important to that structure. We also know that the granite blocks were floated down from the Aswan area along the Nile. The one found next to the Great Pyramid, and is now in the Boat Museum nearby, is 43 meters long.7 The machana was found dismantled in a pit sealed with huge limestone blocks, the pit is too small for the assembled boat, and therefore, the boat seems to have been purposely dismantled. This indicates that the pyramids were once surrounded by water, and that water was use by those stone barges in the construction of the Great Pyramids

.boat pits 2

Isis the Queen of Navigation8 and (machana) barges are the keys to stacking the stones of the great Pyramids four hundred and fifty feet off the valley floor. However, this construction technique was never lost. Even today in the 21st century of the Christian era. Heavy construction materials are delivered to the tops of dams by large river barges, just as it was with the construction of the Isis Dam, a Dam that changed Egypt from a desert to a World Power. And as the Isis dam rose; the river also roses behind that dam, and so did the barges that delivered the construction materials.

1 b d z z f  Pharoh 2  b

However, the Isis dam gave added benefits to the Pyramid builders because as the dam grew higher the stone masons working on the Pyramid had stone delivered to their construction site because of the Queen of Navigation the Isis Dam allowed for navigation on the River Nile year round. So as the Isis dam grew higher the Great Pyramids grew at same rate as the dam grew, stone blocks supplied by those same wooden machines called river barges or machana, as the water covered the stone blocks of the Pyramid. The water would also cocoon the outside of the Osiris’ Pyramid with green algae and black slime, To be weathered away after the Great Pyramid rose out of the water of the receding lake in 2141 years before the Christian Era began. Even so, because this is an uncommon interpretation of the Osiris story, there must be over whelming evidence to validate this interpretation. Consequently, we are about to go where non-tenured professors fear to tread, to uncover that indisputable evidence. 9


The common traditions, that have been passed down for centuries tell 21st century man that the Egyptian stone masons built the Great Pyramids. Nevertheless, there is evidence that those same stone masons built a large stone masonry dam across the river Nile almost thirteen thousand years ago, evidence that has been put up on a shelf, because the evidence does not fit the Common Traditions surrounding the Great Pyramid theories. Consequently, the time has come to take that evidence off the shelf and dust it off, and answer the riddle to how the Pyramids were really constructed. Dams were more common that what most Archeologists10 are lead to believe and this because of traditions that have been handed down and have precluded out of The Box thought, because the teachers hand down their understanding to their students and as teachers are expected to be believed. In fact the Weekly Ahram story of the worlds the second oldest dam dating back about 4,000 years ago has been hidden away from most archeologists. Even so, the dam concept was very common, though it has been misunderstood for centuries. Many times misunderstanding the symbols used to portray them confuses many experts.

When the Caliph Al Mamaun in the year 840 of the Christian era broke into the Pyramid;11 he did not find, jewels, gold or even mummies, to be crushed and be sold for medicine. What he did find was bat droppings, lots of remnants of tiny water creatures, and ton and tons of dirt. The Caliph and his minions took months digging the dirt from the Great Pyramid. Dirt, that was in almost every tunnel and passageway. The dirt had seeped in through centuries of sitting in that lake (the Sea of Nun). Take a close look at the Sphinx and notice how bad it has been water eroded. The evidence is in plain sight. You will also notice that the river narrows near Cairo, has eroded islands like Roda, and evidence of a burst river dam. Which happened in the year 2141 before the Christian era began.


Sir Flides Petrie (1853-1943 of the Christian era.) Professor of Egyptology 1892-1933 and later to become professor emeritus from 1933-1942 of the world famous London University and the “Father of Modern Archeological Methods” made extensive measurements of the Great Pyramid, especially in the Queens Chamber where he had to spend much time cleaning away salt deposits that were caked on the wall of that chamber so he could make accurate measurements. The salt that was left behind after the brackish water from the lake left inside had evaporated. However, the Queen’s chamber was hundreds of feet above the valley floor, evidence that the Pyramid had once been under water.12

72 jpg Queen's

Modern carbon dating of “Silt sediments rising to fourteen feet around the base of the pyramid contain many seashells and fossils that have been radiocarbon-dated to be nearly twelve thousand years old. These sediments could have been deposited in such great quantities only by major sea flooding. This evidence alone suggests that the three main Giza pyramids are at least twelve thousand years old.13

The engineers who believe “The Four Ramp Theory” tell the Common Man the materials needed to build a four ramp system would have taken thirty two-million cubic yards of materials to construct. It only took a little over twenty nine-million cubic yards of materials to build the Trinity dam across the Trinity River in California the Trinity River dam is five hundred thirty seven feet high. That is eighty-seven feet taller that the Great Pyramid. The Trinity dam is not all concrete but that dam is Earth filled.

In a Masoretic text of Job there is a passage that is linked to the star Polaris that indicates that this book is more than 13,000 years old:14 to the time of the building of the Pyramids there are other verses that give additional verification of how the Great pyramids were constructed.15

9. He shoots16 forth his power17 against18 the rock, he over turns the mountains from their foundation.

Therefore, he used the stones from the top of his quarry for the bottom of his new mountain his Pyramid.

10 He cuts the stone because19 of the river perceiving the future20 and the good that will come.

11. He dams the river that it may not overflow:

This passage speaks of the benefits of the dam. The dam was the device controlled that annual flooding and drought cycle of the Nile. Flooding and drought made the Nile delta farm land unusable for most of the prime growing seasons; until the Isis Dam was constructed.

And the thing that is hid21

Under the irrigation water of the rising lake

He might bring forth “Light”

Understanding of the hidden mysteries of the Pyramid

11 But where is wisdom to be found?

12 No man knows the treasures thereof: And where is the place of understanding.

This Image is of the Isis Dam site showing the Cairo narrows, the island Roda, and the High hills coming down to the River Nile where the Isis dam was up until 2141 years before the Christian era began.

1 b d z z f  Pharoh 1     Narmer  173 jpg Cairo narrows damimage

The next Image is a satellite picture of that area. The dark purple is a geological outcropping high above the valley floor that restricts the flow of the river Nile at that location near Cairo. Notices the island Roda in the river at that location? 22

1 b d z z f  Pharoh 1     Narmer  1

This is one of three images that are are Serekhs of the next three Pharaohs from the Book Introductory Guide to the Egyptian Collections Published by the British Museum page 23. Narmer was the first Pharaoh of the First Egyptian Dynasty. This pharaoh’s Serekh illustrates the narrows (Matsuwd24) near modern Cairo with the island Roda and the Nile passing on each side of the island in the middle of the between the two sets of parallel lines.The next three show the building of the Isis Dam.

serikhs 1


1 Edwards I. E. S, “The Pyramid” ” Colliers,, Vol. 19, P.543

2Hawthorn, J. The Masterpieces and History of Literature V1, P22 E.R. Du Mont, New York 1903

3 Casson, Ships, and Seaman in the ancient world , Princeton Press, Princeton, 1973 CMA.

4Hodges, P., and Keable J. How the Pyramid Was Built, :Element Books, Shaftesbury, 1989 V8, 8 p.652-676




8Rice, S., Pandora, Alford A. Knopf, New York, 1998, p.62



11Davison, D Op. Cite.

12Petrie, Our Inheritance, 3rd, Historical Studies II Ancient Egypt, England 1917

13Gray Martin, sacred sites. Com

14 #32

15 #9

16Strongs James, Op. Cite,, Hebrew, no 79711

17Ibid, no. 3028

18Ibid, no.5921

19Ibid, no.4481

20Ibid, no.7200

21Ibid, no.8587, 8585


23Introductory Guide to the Egyptian Collections, Published by the British Museum 1976

24Strongs James, Op. Cite,,H,4689


Dead Sea Scrolls and the Pyramids from the Hard cover book, Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords’ Secrets

Mankind’s Past is controversial with competing intellectual groups proudly holding on to differing traditions, each field of study believing that their traditions best chronicles the human race’s Past, these differing traditions are each held as undeniable FACTS. Howard West’s hard cover book, Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords’ Secrets stands in opposition to those tradition by revealing contrary subject materials that have been hidden in ancient books, scrolls, geological, and  archaeological records. This evidence shows a far different account of mankind’s distant Past and its approaching Future. To showcase this evidence found in the E-book, Locked Gates, West has produced a series of nine videos, the fourth book trailer, Dead Sea Scrolls and the Pyramids, details how the Egyptians used hydraulics to lift millions of tons of rock through the use of the rising lake behind a dam on the river Nile.
