Answers Long Misunderstood


Medusa and Hydra Unraveled

Now that we have the history of General Miles and his war with the Apaches as a template and the fact that Xenophon called his bright shield heliographs, “Aspis also interpreted as snakes”, we can use that information as the starting point to unwind these “Riddles” of Medusa and Hydra. Medusa’s adversary was also a herculean figure that also had Zeus as his father. Though Perseus (Lightning Shield) was born1 of Dana’e (not Alcmena), who after Zeus had tired of Perseus’ mom, the King of Seriphus fell in love with her. The problem was the King did not like being reminded that he was not Dana’e’s first love. She had a son; to the King it seemed Perseus was always in the way. Now Perseus is in “The Way”2 immortalized in the night sky, north of Taurus and to the right of Andromeda and to the left of Aurica. Perseus was also the founder of Clytemnestra’s home town, Mycenae. The King of Seriphus devised a Quest for young Perseus to prove to the world that he was a man and at the same time do a service for the Crown. This was a quest that the king was sure would rid him of this unwanted memory of Dana’e’s past. The King sent Perseus to Gorgon (the land of ugly women) and to Medusa the monster woman with aspis for hair. 3However, those aspis were: Xenophon’s bright shield heliographs: NOT SNAKES.


Each aspis was a magic mirror or heliograph that was installed on one of Medusa’s many mountain top or watchtower “Sentinel outposts” each of which were manned by her faithful Gorgons and those watchtowers were really her eyes and ears who sent communiques back to her from the horizon and beyond. The Gorgon sentinel out post was symbolized as snakes emanating from Medusa and these outposts had only one Eye, a mirrored shield that the Gorgons would blink (or wink) Morris Code like messages to Medusa and to other sentinel outposts, communiques that allowed for direct interaction with Medusa in her citadel in real time. In so doing Medusa controlled the “High Ground”. These heliographs gave up to the minute intelligence to Medusa, just as General Mile’s mountain top heliographs gave him the advantage over the Apache. bird blinks

These mirrored shields were also known as Eyes or Cyclopes, sorry that word Cyclopes also means a disk of copper with a bright finish4 besides the common definition of a one-eyed monster5 and the Egyptians called these Cyclopes, Horus, udjat depicted as a human eye and eyebrow.6 These were quicksilver coated copper shields/disks, a magic mirror using the alchemist silver trick.

Geronimo said of those mirrors:

“A power that I could not understand”


Because of the heilographic communication system which Medusa used, she was able to keep a constant watch on strangers, merchant caravans, and enemy troop movements. Medusa could set up ambushes with her troops, long before the unsuspecting visitor could even know that Medusa was aware of him. It must have seemed as if that stranger was moving like a stone when events overtook him.

Now Perseus had some advisers, Nymphs “Smart young women” at least as smart as Clytemnestra. These Nymphs gave that young man some good advice.7 Wear Shoes of Swiftness8 to be able to out run Medusa’s lighting fast communications system. So the Nymphs gave him some “Six League Boots” called the Shoes of Swiftness. The text does not call her Nike the goddess of Winged Victory but my guess is that she had some shoes for him to wear, however, those shoes never left the ground they were the wings of the Great Falcon


Coffin Text Passage 148


I am Horus, the great Falcon upon the ramparts of the house of him of the hidden name.

(Horus was the heliograph that was on the platform of the Great Pyramid.)

My flights have reached the horizon.

(Blinks of light “The message” could be read as far away as the horizon and be transmitted to the next horizon.)

I have passed by the gods of Nut. I have gone further that the gods of old. Even the most ancient bird could not equal my very first flight.

(A speed unequaled, because the messages that traveled at the speed of light to the horizon.)

I have removed my place beyond the power of Set, the foe of my father Osiris.

(Messages that were traveling above the enemy that had no way stop the message.)

No other god could do what I have done.

I have brought the ways of eternity to the twilight of the morning.

These messages could be transmitted during the daylight hours at speeds that would take days of travel by the fastest horsemen and that communication was done in a matter of seconds. A feat that would seem to be as amazing as Time Travel would be today.

I am Unique in my flight

(The message could be sent and the sender, stay at the point of origination.)

One of the many symbols of Horus was the winged sun disk 10with a mirror in its center. The wings of this heilographic device were not to fly with but too damper or screen the light so the field of view would be reduced. We get our letter “A” and the Sanskrit’s first letter from the Sun Disk’s folded wings.


You most often see the Sun disk with its wing spread: but when the wings are folded to reduce the field of view the Sun disk becomes an “A” from the overhead view .


First letter in



The light being affected in the same way that movie studio set lights use the same type of wings to put light only to the place most needed. This device gave Perseus knowledge from as far away as “the HORUSion” or six leagues away without taking a step. The messenger god of Rome was Mercury who also had winged feet of swiftness. Remember the metal that gave these copper mirrors their shine, mercury, the trick of the Alchemist silver.

The Nymphs Advised Perseus

Wear the Cap of Darkness and Use a Sword of Sharpness”

The Sentinel outposts of Medusa used the sun as a light source for their communication system making that interaction impossible during the nighttime hours: and because of the darkness, consequently, there was not enough light for the Gorgons to see clearly in the dark. Night is the “Cap of Darkness” and was the perfect time for Perseus to move unseen by Medusa’s watchtowers. “One tooth is all that the Gorgons had”, one copper sword, this type of weapon was the standard military issue of the time and was cheap, easy to sharpen; but would not hold a sharp edge and would nick with the first use. Unfortunately, because of that softness, they would become dull quickly and the sharper the copper sword, the quicker it would become blunted. Iron swords that were made from meteors were available, but were rare. Even so, the gold miners of that era had an abundance of magnetite iron that was cast off in the refining of gold, so that iron was available and easier to locate than a Falling Star. Though both types of Iron swords would keep an edge and if the antagonist was strong enough, he could cut a copper sword in two with one blow, that Iron sword made it easier to capture the Sentinel Outpost.

Because, of that victory Perseus was able to use the mirror of the Sentinel Eye to tell Medusa that he, Perseus was moving away from Medusa when he was actually coming toward her. Therefore, Medusa was unaware of the approach of Perseus; consequently, her defenses were down. This apathy was because she had grown to rely on the aspis (heliographs or mirrors) to blink a warning before an intruder could enter her city. This complacency made it easy for Perseus to walk in, and defeat Medusa.

Hydra Verses Hercules

Now let us get back to Perseus’ big brother, and Hercules’ problem, The Hydra. Again it is a problem that deals with a beast with many aspis heads or (heliographic) Sentinels Out posts. However, this time those Sentinels Out posts were on wooden watchtowers, Sentinel Outposts that were in the command of the “High Ground.” As a reference we will have to come back to the mid-20th century of the Christian era, and the war on the Korean peninsula, a war where thousands of men died over the control of “The High Ground.” There is an Old military adage:

He who controls the High Ground

Controls the Battle.

The reason being is that with the view from the high ground a general can see the battle field and knows where both his troops and those of his enemy troops are. However, his enemy is kept from having that field of view and command and control, making the generals troop’s invisible. This invisibility and this heilographic command and control, allows the general to move his troops unseen by his enemy. Troops moved to give our general the best advantage to win the battle. Today the US Military uses satellites as High Ground Sentinel out posts, but they are somewhat slower than the boots on the ground surveillance of the old fashion “High Ground” sentinels.

The problem for our old friend Hercules and his Legendary “Olive Branch” club had was that after working “all night” to take control of the High Ground Watchtower, and taking the Outposts Aspis heliograph; which was one of the many heads of the Hydra. Hercules would then move onto the next watchtower, leaving that High Ground unguarded, at which time his enemies would re-man the tower with a new aspis heliograph carried on the backs of horses  (Pegasus) and be back in business of controlling the High Ground. Hercules’ nephew saw what was happening and thought “this is DUMB” So even, though Iolaus was not the warrior that his uncle Hercules was, he knew how to start a fire and burned the watchtowers down after Hercules had cleared them out of enemy troops, but before the enemy could re-man them.


1Strongs, Op. Cite,, G. 785, 4442

2 Bullinger E, W. The Witness of the Stars 1893, The stars of the heavens were once known

3 Rose H. J, “Medusa” , Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.11, P. 234-235

4 Strongs, Op. Cite, G ,No,5467,5464, 5475, 5474

5 Ibid, no 3442


7One league is equal to one hour of walking

8 Waxman N., ”Winged Victory” , Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.23, P. 527

9 Clark R. T. R, Myth and Symbols of Ancient Egypt : Thames and Hudson, London 1991 65, Simmons S, D., Op. Cite, Colliers Vol. 15, p. 749

10Simmons S, D., Colliers, Vol. 15, p. 749


Mirror Mirror, Locked Gates, The Riddle Lord’s Secrets by Howard West Copyright 2011

cover 4

History, love stories and fairy-tales of wicked queens repeat themselves though most of us are bound to miss the point every time. Take for example the fall of Troy: a good mix of love stories, history and a wicked queen. For centuries Troy was thought to be a fictional kingdom, notwithstanding, Heinrich Schliemann, a self-educated German businessman read Homer and was convinced of the fundamental truth found in Homer’s story riddles of c. 800 years before the Christian era. Then in 1870, about twenty seven centuries after Homer’s death, Heinrich began to excavate near the village of Hissarlik in Asia Minor (Turkey)1 at which time Schliemann was under the same curse of disbelief that Cassandra had been under. Even so, Heinrich was vindicated, when he found architectural remains at his site at the village of Hissarlik, this evidence was in superposed layers and a wealth of artifacts were uncovered, objects made of stone, copper, silver, and gold. This discovery quickly forced the Gatekeepers of knowledge to revise their conclusion about the Heroic Age. Schliemann named the site The City Priam2 named for Homer’s, King of Troy. After Schliemann’s death, Wilhelm Dorpfeld continued Schliemann’s work and between 1893 and 1894 found “The Sixth Settlement.” This was contemporary with the “Mycenae” epoch of early Greece and was in turn called “Troy.”

The Greek Playwright, Aeschylus also wrote an account of the fall of Troy and of two adulterous women3. First a good-looking woman named Helen, the wife of Menelmaus, King of Sparta. Helen4 had gotten the Ancient world into a twist more than three thousand years ago, when she ran off with Cassandra’s brother to Troy. This caused Agamemnon, the King’s brother and the Greek army, to go to Troy to bring Helen back to Mycenae. Even as the siege ensued, a second woman was waiting in her palace, at Mycenae for word of the battle. This wicked queen’s name was Clytemnestra5, sister in-law to Helen and the woman who would later kill our poor little Cassandra. Clytemnestra was the unfaithful wife of Agamemnon the Commander of the Greek Forces. Agamemnon had aggravated the problems with both Troy and his wife by stealing Chryemneis, the daughter of one of the priests of Troy. Back in Mycenae, Clytemnestra was more than four hundred and fifty miles from Troy by land and two hundred and fifty miles by a land-sea route. As Clytemnestra paced back and forth, she wondered how long must she wait for news of the war, trying to make sure that her husband, Agamemnon did not come home unexpectedly from the War and find her in bed with her new lover.

If Caesar Augustus’ (born 27 years before the Christian era and died in the year 14 CE) Postal System6 had been available to Clytemnestra, those postal riders would have taken four and a half days to make the trip from Troy, with an average speed of one hundred miles per day. If William F. “Buffalo Bill “ Cody’ and his co-riders of the Pony Express7 were doing the delivery, the trip would have taken three days, based on the best time from St. Joseph to Sacramento8. The carrier pigeon message system9 developed by the Arabs sometime between the seventh and the ninth century of the Christian era, would have taken two days if the little pigeon came back at all. The square sailed ships of the time just would not meet the new racing yacht specifications of today, and if the winds were contrary the Greek square sailed ships could have taken days and days and if Odyssey was in charge years,

The funny thing is that Aeschylus, the Greek dramatist10: said that Clytemnestra knew of the fall of Troy that day. But how could she know? Did space aliens tell her? NO! Was Clytemnestra a clairvoyant?11 NO! Did she have an out of body experience then? NO! Catoptromance12 (Magic Mirrors) Now you’re getting close. But where is the thread that will start to unravel this Knot? Xenophon (434-355 years before the Christian era13) the ancient Greek war hero and historian answers that question in his history of ancient Greece called Hellenica. Nevertheless, Xenophon’s words like Cassandras’ words have been rejected by the Gatekeepers of knowledge. Even so, Hellenica contains the phrase to:

Signal with a Shield”

8 jpg signal with shield 2

This refers to reflecting sunlight with a mirrored shield. Those mirrors were called aspis14 the Ancient Greek word for snakes or mirrored shields. The messages that were sent by these ancient heliographs were called “aspasmos15 to “handle the shield.” Yes, they were what you would call Magic Mirrors the same kind that gave Clytemnestra the extra time needed to make sure she did not get caught with her new lover and what allowed Snow White’s wicked step mother to find The Fairest of them all.

Now why are those aspis or heliographs so important: because those Magic Mirrors gave the ancient world of the Eastern Mediterranean a system of communication equal to that of the late 19th to early 20th centuries. Think about that concept because the Gatekeepers of knowledge are blissfully unaware of that fact that thousands of years ago the cultures of the Middle East had almost instant communication between cities hundreds of miles apart. This is something that modern “Man” has only had for about one hundred and fifty years.

Aeschylus speaks of a system of dozens of beacons lights on mountaintops and watchtowers from Troy to Mycenae and Clytemnestra’s mansion. This indicates a network of beacons running at light speed more than three thousand years ago: though the Greek system was not the first of its kind. Such a system of this kind would not be instantly useable. The construction of such, a system would take time, to build watchtowers and climb mountains to find line of sight locations and a code system would also have to be developed. If this story has a hint of truth, there would have to be some remnants of that type of network, and of the code system that was used. Sorry to say, most of the skeptics will say:

fine, they were some campfires on the hills” or “It was a short-lived or one time fluke of history” or “I never heard of any such system used consistently at that time.”


9 jpg moon mirror

Not only is there evidence of this type of heliographic system throughout history, NASA uses that same basic system today. A two-way communication system working between the Earth and the Moon, the system has a light source on Earth and a mirrored device on the Moon, a beam of light with a series of blinks that have a time sequence is sent to the Moon and light is reflected back to Earth.16

Ringed by footprints, sitting in the moon dust, lies a 2-foot wide panel studded with 100 (magic) Mirrors pointing at Earth. It is the “lunar laser ranging retro reflector array” that Apollo 11 Astronaut Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong put there on July 21, 1969, about an hour before the end of their final moonwalk…” and it’s the only Apollo science experiment still running”17

The university of Maryland physics professor Carroll Alley was the project’s principal investigator during the Apollo years, and he follows its progress today.

Using these mirrors,” explains Alley, “we can ‘ping’ the moon with laser pulses and measure the Earth-moon distance very precisely. This is a wonderful way to learn about the moon’s orbit and to test theories of gravity.”18

Flashes of light from the Past are the current “craze” in computing and fiber optic communication. Light flowing through tiny silken threads of glass -short little blinks of light– traveling over hundreds of miles of cable from computer to computer. The State of the Art is light transmission of data, real High Tech 21th century science: Guess what? Most of you send hundreds of “LIGHT” speed messages every year: to thousands of people you do not even know, with just a little stick and a tap of your foot. You do this when you drive a car. A series of blinks tells folks that you are turning, or a longer dash says you are slowing down or stopping. Not so high tech now, you use blinks of light every day without thinking. You automatically know what those blinks mean and adjust your speed or location without even thinking. Paul Revere used blinks of lights in a church steeple in the American Revolutionary War. For a secure short range means of communication, The United States Navy still uses a Blinker or Flasher Light System to send messages from “ship to ship” or “ship to shore.” The system consists of a hooded light and a Venetian blind shutter19: and you thought that the Venetian’s invented that type of light baffle to keep the light out of your eyes: No. Those louvers were developed to keep the light (message) from the eyes of their enemy.

Not everyone has rejected Xenophon’s evidence of the viability of the Aspis or Bright Shields communications. William Von Graysand and Johann Gass developed a Bright Shield system in Europe20. Sadly Von Graysand and Gass did not possess an adequate code system. However, the Celts in Ireland and Wales were using a flasher code called Ogham with great success a few centuries before Von Graysand and Gass system was developed, but Von Graysand and Gass were not as successful as those who were able to overcome the problems in the desert lands, Even so, the Russians of the 19th century used a flasher system. Nicholas I (1796-1855 of the Christian era) a Tsar of Russia (1825-1855)21 governed Russia with an iron hand and a centralized administration, a good communication system was needed. Old Nick set up a beacon light system with a network of more than two hundred and twenty repeater stations that stretched from the frontier of Austria to St. Petersburg. The government was the primary user of this system; even so, that communication system22 became a boon to the Merchants between both points.

10 jpg US army heliograph black

In the American southwest during the 1870s and 1880s of the Christian era the Apache Indians gave23 the United States government a run for its money, when the Apache cut telegraph wires and disrupted that communication system. The Apache also had a superior communication system of their own using Capornancy (smoke signals). Nevertheless, the US army was given a new Catoptromance invention of less than thirty years, a toy really: a lady’s pocket mirror. Justus Von Liebig had just developed the process of silver on glass in the year 1853. Before that, most mirrors were made of metal although the most effective and easiest to build was a copper plate that was coated with an oily liquid metal: quicksilver. The mercury would act just like oil in a fry pan and leave a thin even finish with the excess easily wiped off, the same process that the Alchemist used in their trick of turning a copper coin silver with a little mercury. Those magic mercury mirrors are still being used today by astronomers. Some of the world’s most powerful telescopes have liquid metal surfaces, magic mirrors that allow those astronomers to travel through time millions of years into the past without leaving their offices.24

To give a perspective to how these Magic Mirrors, heliographs, or aspis worked in the distant past, we need only to go to America’s recent past of its Wild, Wild West, when telegraph lines were easily cut. General Nelson A. Miles25 turned the tables on the Apaches with steam trains, pack mules, Cyrsteloge, (telescopes) and Catoptromance (the heliograph system developed by Gauss 26). The telescopes gave the Army the ability to know the future or at least to see that future coming. The pack mules gave the troops an endless supply of food and ammunition. The heliograph was a giant step beyond the simple mirror Catoptromance system however, with this system the troops on the move, a single mirror system could not always be seen if the Sun was at the wrong angle.

twin heliograph

Sir Henry Mance’s heliographic system added a second mirror; each of the two mirrors could be tilted or rotated. This movement allowed the lower mirror to be turned and tilted to catch the sun at the best angle and reflect that light to the top mirror. The upper mirror could then be turned to allow it to send the light to the location of the troops. The heliograph’s mirror had a telegraph type key to tip the mirror or in some cases shutters or lovers were used to allow the Magic Mirror to blink the message.

General Nelson A. Miles described the historic surrender of Geronimo and the Magic Mirror connection is as follow:

I (General Miles) told him (Geronimo) that we had the use of steam and could move with great rapidity. That we also had the telegraph and the heliostat (heliograph), both superior to any of their methods of communication

I (General Miles) said to (Geronimo) ‘We can watch your movements and send messages over the tops of the mountains in the small part of a day that would take a mounted man on a swift pony twenty days to travel” (Geronimo) told me he had observed these flashes of light upon the mountain heights and believed them to be spirits.”

For a demonstration a heilographic message was sent to inquirer of Geronimo’s brother at Fort Bowie. This is the response of Geronimo on the receipt of the return message as told by Miles.

This struck the savage with awe, and evidently made a strong impression upon him. I (General Miles) noticed that he (Geronimo) said something to one of his warriors close by him, at which the warrior quietly turned on his heel, and walked a short distance where his pony was lariated, jumped on his back and rode rapidly back in the direction of the mountains from which Geronimo had come.”

Miles asked what Geronimo had said.

The interpreter replied: “He (Geronimo) told him to go tell Natchez that there was a power here which he (Geronimo) could not understand: and to come in, and come quick.”

The heliograph had performed its magical God like function as it had in the centuries past and in a few hours Natchez came down from the mountain.

The western states of Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada, used a heliographic network of sentinels out posts in the high desert for a time in the late 19th century and the British also used a heliographic system in southern Africa and in the Sub Continent in the same era. The heliograph also provided the mobile communication element in the British service which was devised by Sir Henry Mance at Bombay in 1869. The system would be transported to high ground location on horseback. The location usually was on a high open mountaintop that was clear on all sides. This heliographic system was the forerunner of our modern satellite surveillance systems. This communication system was a huge leap forward in technology, or was it backwards?


Locked Gates (The Riddle Lord’s Secrets)

The non-fiction book Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets by Howard West is published in Hard Cover format and is currently available through brick and mortar book stores and online retailers including

1 Wood, M., In Search of the Trojan War New York :Plume/ New American Library P. 2,48, Duckworth, G.E, “Trojan war”, Colliers Encyclopedia, Great Britain : The Crowell- Colliers Publishing CO: 1965, Vol. 7 p 307-309, Vol.22, Vol. 20. P485,86


3Caskely, J.L, ”Troy”, Op. Cite, Colliers Vol. 22 P494-495

4 Helen was symbolic of the beauty of Greek (Hellenistic) thought and logic that was being “Hi Jacked “ by the Trojans

5Clytemnestra was symbolic of the Greek public that was sliding away from Greek (Hellenistic) thought and logic into self-centered lust, pleasing themselves rather than adhering to the Greek’s system of thought and logic.

6 Gregg, I. “Postal System”, Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.19 P289




10, Aeschylus, Op. Cite, Colliers , Vol., 1

11Hall-Quest A. L. Fortune Telling, Op. Cite, Colliers , Vol., 10, p. 221

12 Ibid

13Xenophon, Hellenica Translated By Warner R, March Up Country, Miller R. L., Communications, Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.7,P74

14 Strongs, Op. Cite, Greek, no, 785

153Ibid, no., 783

16Phillips, DR. T., Mirrors on the Moon”, Science@

17 Ibid


19 Kelly, R. E. Talking Mirrors Versus The Indian, Frontier Times ,Western Publications inc Austin Texas

20Miller R. L., Communications, Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.7,P74

21Ibid, P74

22 Ibid

23Kelly, R. E. Op. Cite,

25Kelly, R. E. Op. Cite,

26Harris J. D. Amery (ED) Times History, Vol 5, p559

Truth that is Outside Organized Religion and Atheism

“Truth is to be searched for as fine gold.” However, Pilate asked, What is truth?”  that query is  one of the Three Fundamental Questions that all thinking men and women have pondered. Some people think, that experience and memories of past experience being used as material for the processing of analyzing enabling  a pattern of  a permanent and unvarying  reference can be used as a yard stick to hold when judging concepts and theories ”.  In most cases that is a valid yard stick, however, if  a concept is outside the experience of the one judging, they will be held captive inside the Locked Gates of those experiences. They, therefore, are with out vision of what is beyond their experience.  Many other people reason, “Truth is common opinion grounded on hearsay and habit”: the problem with that form of judgment is if concept is outside the knowledge of ones peers or people that they are depend on for guidance, therefore, if they believe an  unreliable or out of date witness’ accounts as  fact: the judgment is made void and the person judgment is subject to other’s invalid opinions. The Nazis knew if youtell an untruth often enough with conviction, peculiarly if you put it in print, people will believe that lie and would  become a wide spread tradition held as truth.”


Enoch 68

enoch (2)

from Qumran Cave 7

He (Armers) taught men to understand writing, and the use of ink and paper. Therefore, numerous have been those who have gone astray from every period of the world, even to this day… But by this their knowledge they perish, and by this also its power consumes them.

Ockham (Occam)  believed that by: shaving an argument into its simplest terms is how to find the validity  of a statement”. A concept which is made invalid if the “Truth” is deliberately hidden with in a way to throw off those who are lazy and foolish along with the enemies of the presenter of that truth. Even so, the Wise knew perfectly well that those myths and legends from around the Eastern Mediterranean contained deeper meanings.  Aristotle his  admits, with regard to Greek mythology,

Meta-Physics, x. 8


“That much Wisdom had been lost, and much added after the mythical style, though the truth may have been preserved to our times as the remains of ancient wisdom.”.

The Book of Secrets.

Cave 4 Qumran

4Q300 F1 Col 2


I shall speak out freely, and I shall express my various sayings among you for those who would understand the dark hidden secrets and conundrums,, that they propose and those who would penetrate the origins of knowledge, along with those who hold fast to the wonderful mysteries. Hidden from those who walk in simplicity as well as those who are devious in every activity of the deeds of humanity Hidden from those with a stiff neck, a hard-headed, and all the mass of the fools who reject God.


Conundrums, are the customs of the fool who reject God and the inheritance of the wise that understand their meanings. Now what good is the conundrums to you, you who search for the origins of knowledge? Why is the heart honored, for it is the dominion and understanding of the conundrums? Why is it splendid to you, for it is the key to the mysteries? Why is a prince of conundrums made an adviser of the Ruler? A man without strength, and he dominates him the ruler with a whip that cost nothing.

TrojanHorse (2)

Deception to conceal the truth as in the Wooden Horse that the Greeks used was the “Common Trick” in Eastern Mediterranean Mythology. Within their stories were hidden answers to a great number of the most puzzling aspects of their History. Answers locked away, woven into their religions, myths, and legends. The Semitic people described this concept of dissimulation, as a “Khood 1” which implied a knot or a snarl of silk thread; or the word “chiydah2”: a conundrum. The complementary word was “mashah,3 h v m ” the unwinding of a silk worm cocoon. However, to manufacture a silk piece of cloth you must first have thread. Therefore, you must find the end of the silk worm’s last strand that he had spun around himself. Then carefully unravel that last strand as the cocoon sits floating in water. Then thousands of strands per-inch were used in the manufacture of silk cloth. A process that is far more time consuming than the production of felt cloth; where you smash short unsorted fibers together to produce, a cloth for the Common Folk. The genesis of this process of silk production dates back thousands of years ago to Egypt. Though the Art was lost in antiquity, nevertheless, traces of that production can be seen in the language of the Semitic people. One of the most famous of the Hebrew leaders was a man named, Moses 4  h v m and his name was derived from that same Hebrew root word as “mashah5 h v m ” and he too was drawn up from the water of the Nile in a Cocoon of Bulrushes.

silk cocoons

The title Messiah, h y v m or The  LORD  of Mashah or Zader Yiger Mantchih: “The Silken Man”,6  also comes from that same Semitic root word as “mashah” h v m, however,  the Yod  y is added: Messiah  h y v m therefore ending with the “Sacred Name” or LORD   y h Iah  7  

The synonym for this Semitic concept of the “Mashah” h v m in the ancient Greek secular world was derived from its root words of para,8be close to or run alongside” and bolo9to be thrown off or redirected.” There are many words that have those root words, and most of which still hold true to the basic meaning of the Greek as: parallel, paraboloid, and parabolic. Even so, for some strange reason the Religious Crowd change the meaning of parable to mean,An illustration given to make a concept clear for the Common folk. Though, the “Book” that they say confirms this concept says just the opposite  and refers to the concept of a conundrum :

Isaiah 13:13 10 

imanuel isaiah

From Qumran Cave One


The reason that I speak to them in parables 11( mashah h v m ) is that seeing they will not perceive; and hearing they will not understand.

Solomon said: in Proverbs 1:5-6 12

The Wise will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsel; so he can understand parables13 ( mashah h v m ) and their interpretation of the words of the wise, And their (chiydah)14 Dark Sayings.

These Conundrums or chiydah were used as a system to keep the Storytellers secrets from their Enemies and the Common Folk. This system has worked well, almost too well. The answers to those Eastern Mediterranean cultures most baffling secrets, have been pasted on from one generation to the next generation camouflaged within the essence of these stories, unchanged, and locked in myths and legends of sex, violence, gods, goddesses and the super natural. The mashah was a premise of the unwinding of threads to guide us through the maze of ignorance to the light of wisdom is a concept that was taught in the Greek story of the hero of the virgins of Athens. Theseus went to the labyrinth of Minotaur  to take those young people’s place in darkness, and to do battle with that half-man-beast. Theseus knew he had no hope of escaping the darkness of the Labyrinth, even if he defeated Minotaur. Luckily? Theseus had an admirer, the King’s daughter Ariadne; this young woman gave Theseus the key to unlock the riddle of the Labyrinth: a simple ball of thread, thread that was able to lead Theseus out of the maze of darkness into the light of day.

1 A  AlchemistJpg

So why is this Wisdom so important that we must unwind these silk threads or conundrums? Because they contain answers hidden in “Dark Sayings” (chiydah) that are outside the knowledge of the most educated people of the 21th century. Alchemy is a case in point, the Alchemists, who had learned the trick of turning Base Metals silver, loved this Game of deception through camouflage. The key to Alchemists Magic was the element mercury also known as quicksilver. This liquid metal was known in Time’s Past as an “Anointing Oil.” The eternal question has been, “How do you turn a clean Base Metal coin, silver and then golden?” This is a well-known process that has been used in the refining of gold for thousands of years; yet, the truth of the Magic of Alchemy has eluded the Common Folk. All that is needed is a drop of quicksilver that was rubbed into the clean coin in so doing the mercury quickly spreads, turning the coin silver like in appearance. The mercury would then spread out on the coin like oil on water. The coin then has a thin silver mirror finish. If you scratch the coin the mercury instantly fills the scratch, so the coin seems to be solid silver, therefore, a copper penny would seem to be a silver dime. Here in the “States” our Government has learned the Alchemist trick: our coins have a copper core and a bright silvery, finish, though not with mercury. Sadly the Common Folk here in the States value those coins as if they were solid silver. Our government has learned the value of the Alchemist trick to debase our currency and the Common Folk have not.

To turn the Alchemist silver coin to a golden one is almost as simple, though the process does require a very tiny amount of microscopic gold. The Alchemist silver coin is suspended in water and a mixture with a yellow or red sulfur to hide the tiny flecks of microscopic gold. The coin in the slurry is then agitated. This allows the stickiest of the oily quicksilver to capture the microscopic flakes of gold, which turns the coin golden with a coating, a veneer so thin that the tiny amount of gold looks solid. The Alchemist’s silver and gold are the keys to understanding many of mysteries the Eastern Mediterranean cultures of the past.

The “Gatekeepers of knowledge” of today both atheist and the organized religious crowd  understands these Dark Sayings such as Alchemy as clearly as the people of Troy understood “The Secret“ contained in that Large Wooden Horse that their Gate Keepers brought through their gates into their city. A people that could describe the Horse’s outside in great detail and could give you a long list of Common people and of the Intellectual leaders of Troy that would describe the Wooden Horse in exactly the same way, EXCEPT THAT ACCURSED CASSANDRA: and what did she get for her truthful statements? First  she was ridiculed, then rape by Ajax and finally hacked to pieces by Clytemnestra,


Even though much Truth has been hidden outside the Locked Gates of mainstream academia, much of that lost knowledge is revealed in the E-book Locked Gates By Howard West


cover 4


1Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890 , no. 2330

2Ibid, no. 2420

3Ibid, no., 4912, 4897

4Ibid, no. 4872

5Ibid, no.4871

6The Silken Man: Zader Yiger Mantchih in Yiddish ,

7Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890, H . 4899

8Strongs, James, Greek Dictionary of the New Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890, G, 3846

9Ibid, . G,906

10Isaiah 13:13, Qumran Cave one, Isaiah second copy

11Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890, H.4871

12Lamsa, G. M., The Holy Bible :from the ancient Eastern text -The Peshitta-; San Francisco : Harper & Row,1957: Proverbs 1:5-6

13Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890, H.4871

14Ibid, H. 2420

Ps. Thank you Bill for helping me in the up loading this blog post


Stone Art and the Winds of Egypt from the Hard cover book, Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords’ Secrets

Mankind’s Past is controversial with competing intellectual groups proudly holding on to differing traditions, each field of study believing that their traditions best chronicles the human race’s Past, these differing traditions are each held as undeniable FACTS. Howard West’s hard cover book, Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords’ Secrets stands in opposition to those tradition by revealing contrary subject materials that have been hidden in ancient books, scrolls, geological, and archaeological records. This evidence shows a far different account of mankind’s distant Past and its approaching Future. To showcase this evidence found in the E-book, Locked Gates, West has produced a series of nine videos, the third book trailer Stone Art and the Winds of Egypt, solves the problem with the massive amount of stone, bas-relief and statuary created in Egypt with copper tools, the explanation found on the wall art called the Giants of Denderah, a technology that uses sand and fast moving air.


Flash Back to last Grand Adventure ‘Harley Chicks’

Today Blue, the little Red Wagon Zeck and I will be going over the Goldfield summit again thisis what happened 16 years ago

Six miles south of Goldfield we started the climb to Goldfield Summit (elevation 6,087′.) The weather was cold and we were bundled up in as many layers of clothing as we had available. (Our clothing was inadequate because we had expected hot weather all through the spring and summer, and we planned to be back in Death Valley by winter.)

It was obvious that road construction was in progress because there were the usual road signs, i.e. ‘Flagman ahead,’ but, there were no state workers to be seen so we progressed unhampered by delay.

I wish there had been a flagman for we were about to have a little trouble because the north bound lane we were traveling was newly paved, and was several inches higher than the south bound lane, and the white line was buried beneath the new pavement.

You’re probably wondering how such little details could mean trouble. Well, my donks had come to think of the white line as their path and they had trained themselves to go right down it with each of the ‘near’ animals to the left of the line and all of the ‘off’ animals on the right.

When the white line disappeared beneath the new pavement my burros balked and refused to be driven forward, and then when I’d screamed myself hoarse, and finally got them started again they wandered disconsolately to the right and then veered to the left as though they hadn’t a clue as to where on the pavement they were suppose to be.

To aid the confused animals, Carol got down and walked out in front, and the burros much relieved followed meekly behind her pulling the grade with a will.

Halfway up the hill, some young people riding in a car with Nevada plates, sped by and yelled, “Get into the nineties!”

They couldn’t hear my reply of course, but I yelled in return, “We are! The 1890’s!”

Sometime later, a large blonde man pulled over and video taped us for awhile as we toiled along uphill. Then he squeezed his bulk back into his tiny rental car, lifted the camera above his head, and bellowed, “FOR GERMANY!”

He hadn’t yet pulled out when a long string of Harley Davidson Motorcycles came up behind the wagon and began to roar around us in clumps of two or three. Most of them had blasted by safely when a black bike carrying a man and a woman swept in close to the wagon and then veered off to go around, crossing over the rise in the pavement caused by one side of the pavement being freshly caped with new asphalt and the other side wanting to be capped the next Monday.

It’s my observation that ‘Harley Chicks’ never hang on and this one, who was still staring back over her shoulder at us, and fell off the bike as it went over the hump in the middle of the road. She flew for a short distance landing in a heap on the opposite berm.

I pulled the donks over to the shoulder of the highway while a group of bikers gathered around the fallen woman. Then I handed the lines to Carol, and grabbed a wool blanket from the wagon before advancing on the group to see if I could help.

A wild-eyed, tattooed fellow barred my way and began to blame me loudly for the accident saying that we shouldn’t be allowed on the road. Seeing that he was raging and cursing two other bikers grabbed him and hustled him off for a private confab.

Meanwhile several others assisted the woman, now cursing a blue streak, to rise and they helped her crawl into the back of a hatchback that was apparently traveling as a support vehicle. The hatchback drove off with the woman, and the bikers all followed except for one leather-clad man who followed me back to the wagon.

“Gee,” he said, “I’m sorry, of course it wasn’t your fault. The lady broke her finger is all? We’ll take care of everything. I’m sorry about that guy, we’ve had trouble with him before…” He shook my hand and departed.

As I climbed back up onto the wagon seat I noticed that Carol had pulled our 30-30 up alongside of her leg. She handed me the lines and then calmly and carefully lowered the hammer on the rifle and slid the latch back to safety.

I was shocked. “Carol,” I asked, “what were you going to do?”

“I was prepared to kill someone if they had attacked you.” she answered. When carol is mad she is MAD and she would have killed them with out a regret.

It was raining by the time we reached the summit and it wasn’t only the cold and the rain that had us down. We were feeling pretty depressed about the motorcycle incident and were concerned lest we had made some lasting enemies. It was a relief though to know that the long climb was over and as there was an open area within the highway fence on the west side of the road we pulled across and made camp right there at the top.

I stretched our electric fence from the highway fence to our wagon and back again and just as we finished ‘putting the burros to bed’ and giving them their sixty pounds of alfalfa a little blue-green car drove in.

I groaned feeling too unhappy to be hospitable but when a middle-aged lady with dark hair approached us carrying a fresh loaf of home-made bread my attitude underwent a sudden change.

I can tell you that she and her gift sure were welcome. There is nothing more comforting to a discouraged man than warm home-made bread spread with real butter and jam! I figured that God knew we needed a lift when he sent Connie Gates along with the bread a friendship that would last for years.

The rain was still falling and it was so cold that we couldn’t visit with Connie outdoors, so the three of us climbed up onto our bed of hay and huddled there together while we listened to the rain beat on the canvas overhead. Our new friend was so tickled to be invited into our private domain that her cheerfulness soon lifted our spirits. We were so encouraged by her gift and her visit that we were able to cast away our gloom and we rested well that night.

Quicksilver Key Book Tour

Howard West

November 15, 2011

Every adventure has to start somewhere; this one begins at my tiny ranch called Pilgrim, 50 miles from the small village called Tonopah Nevada. My traveling companions are a little red covered wagon pulled by one large blue\white donkey named Blue Pegasus, who reminds me she did not hire on to this Dog and Donkey Show to stand still and Ezekiel the Austrian Shepard half of the Show.

The reason for this trip: Locked Gates book two of the Quicksilver Key series and a $4,000 BALLOON payment on the ranch due March 2012.

So to “Save the Ranch” and prove history repeats itself, my little band of intrepid pilgrims and I are going on a book tour. No need to “Saddle up” just go to and my page @LockedGates. There you will find links to my daily blog post both written and video.

Help me “Save the Ranch” and a few million people lives as History Repeats itself.  Oh yea! If you see me (I look like Santa) stop by and please tell your friends to follow my wintery wagon trek at @LockedGates. Remember, Crazy People have the most fun.

West a long time Tonopah, Nevada area resident has written for such magazines as Western Horseman, NEVADA, Golf Digest, 4 Wheeler, and Rock & Gem. On subjects as varied as Round Mountain Gold, Yucca Mountain, local sculptors  even on the Pickle Meadow Mountain Warfare Center. West has also published three  books his newest of the Quicksilver Key series Locked Gates, Quicksilver Key and The Last Grand Adventure, a six thousand mile travel log of West, Carol and their six loveable burros.

Buy an E-book at Amazon

Title Index

GOD and the Great Pyramid

New Videos for Book Locked Gates By Howard West

Philip Keller of “Strange but True” interviews Howard West

 on The Great Pyramids


Albert Einstein asked. “Does GOD play dice?”

 Yes Al




History, Riddles, Silk Worms and Mummies


NASA uses Golden Mirrors of Egypt’s Shamans


Alternative Energy Solutions, from the Past


Obama’s Riddle, A good pit stop is an Asteroid


Comment on “History of Information”, NPR interview

 with James-Gleick


Wisdom Hidden in Balls of Thread


The 27th of Sivan AKA June 30


Thursday June 30 the symbol for Constantinople, that was

 appropriated by Islam was in the sky.


Break the Law of Thermo-Dynamics


for Nothing?  


Break the Law of Thermo-Dynamics = Something for Nothing?

The age old question has been “How can I break the law of thermo-dynamics and get ‘Something for Nothing?’” That is when Morpheus, Thoth, Hermes, Satan, the Drug Dealer or whatever you want call him today, steps up and says: “Take this pill and you’ll be in heaven” or “Eat this apple and you will be like GOD.” –Deception- is the name of the game. There has always been those who Know the laws of physics and human nature far better than the Common Man. Because, of that knowledge, -Deception- is easy. Just use that knowledge to prove to the Common People that you can break the laws of Nature and Nature’s God, in so doing showing yourself to be a god.


The gods of the past were just facades to hide the wisdom of these uncommon people, facades that are –now- held in place by Common Tradition.  The Gatekeepers of Scholarly World say; “The gods of the past were to keep the Common Man submissive, but there were no real gods.” Which is not true in the strictest sense and because of that misconception of the Scholarly World misses the point of why there were gods of the Ancient World. The gods were used to put a human face (a façade) on wisdom, knowledge that gave the holders of that wisdom, godlike qualities that seem to break the laws of thermo-dynamics.


The book, Locked Gates unlocks that wisdom behind the facades of the gods of the Middle East. Here are three video trailers that show how our forefathers and the current Gatekeepers of Scholarly World have been deceived into believing LIES.

Comment on “History of Information”, NPR interview with James-Gleick

The NPR “History of Information” interview with James-Gleick was great,

 However, he did not go back far enough! We get our letter “A” and the Sanskrit’s first letter from the heliographic device called the Sun Disk and its light dampering folding wings.

The Hebrew and Greek alphabets have the same order as the northern Semite alphabet of the Hittites, the Greek and Hebrew alphabets, also mirror the early Ugaritic Cuneiform symbol because they were all alphanumeric/ heliographic codes. These codes allowed the most used letters to have the simplest symbol that corresponds to 1, 5, 10, 2, 4, 6, 9, 50 and 100. Here is the kicker; the message of these flashes of light from those ancient mirrors would be totaled, so that when the message was received a line cipher was given with the numeric total of the message or line by line, therefore, if the totals did not match up? The mismatch allowed the error to be discovered allowing message to be re-sent or corrected. There are at least two places where this principle is still used, first in computer code writing. And the Jews, who still use those number values of their alphabet to total their Holy Scriptures. This is so that, the WORD of GOD would be constant without variations in its transcriptions. That is why when the Qumran documents from almost 2000 years ago  are compared today’s  those texts match the modern Tanakh versions almost perfectly, a fact that amazes the Scholarly World.

Obama’s Riddle, A good pit stop is an Asteroid

Mr. Obama in a Twitter town hall at the White House /2011/07/06/ *said that:

“[W]e’ve set a goal to– let’s ultimately get to Mars, A good pit stop is an asteroid…

Mr. Obama, gave the world a Riddle, and most of the people in the Press let it pass un-answered.

What is a Pit Stop?     


The biggest problem with Space Exploration is the fuel to get “Cargo/ Pounds” in orbit.

 “in the order of 1000 to 1 ratio, fuel to cargo.”

You have been told: “the combustion of oxygen and hydrogen is the most effective rocket fuel.” That is half true. There is a second that is equal to the oxygen/hydrogen fuel: Nuclear rockets! We use a form of that technology in aircraft carriers, icebreakers, and Three Mile Island. The concept is simple, place enough nuclear fuel together, the mass will heat up. That heat will vaporize volatile materials in so doing creating pressure/ propellant. Examples of volatile materials are Hydrogen (H), carbon dioxide (CO2), potassium (K), sodium (Na), tin (Sn), lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), and  water (H2O) which is the easiest to acquire.

A proven nuclear water steam rocket system (KIWI B4-1965 and KIWI TNT -1965) developed in the mid-1960. A nuclear water steam propulsion system with thrust out puts which can be designed to exceed that of the Space Shuttle liquid Hydrogen oxygen rocket engines.[1]These nuclear engines are much cheaper to operate because there is no need to break the bond of the water molecule to then reform that bond in an explosive combustion. Just inject the solid water ice into the chamber containing “the super-hot nuclear pile”. This nuclear heated steam system is also cheaper because, the propellant can be stored in solid form there is no need for expensive pressurized containers.


NASA wants to refuel its rockets in space at a “zero to one ratio.” However, Obama has been told by NASA, that it hopes to find an abundant source of one of these materials on asteroids. However, frozen water is the preferred substantial. That is why NASA unhappily spent millions to drill two virtually dry holes 


  1. There is very little water that  is easily available  on the Moon, so  NASA says “don’t bother with stopping there.”

  2.  The Deep Impact Mission’s copper Impactor found comet Temple to be a dry rock, covered with less than ¼ inch of light snow.

The reason NASA’s Manned Missions out of Earth orbit is On Hold?

  The lack of abundant WATER ICE in Space.

Link to NASA’s last hope  for WATER, NASA’s  mission to an asteroid.

Details in Locked Gates by Howard West

Flash back to the book The Last Grand Adventure


Women will often approach our covered wagon that my wife Carol and I travel through the desert southwest in, look up to my wife perched on the seat and say to her, “I admire you, that’s a pretty brave way to travel!” My wife, Christmas Carol, always replies, “I couldn’t do it without the constant help of God; He makes it easy for me.” The women usually rejoin, “I’m sure they are a big help. But, I still think it’s pretty brave!”


Sometimes Carol is brave and sometimes she isn’t. I know that no man ever fully understands his wife, and I never did, but I aim to explain what I observe about mine so that right from the beginning of this story you can begin to know my peculiar traveling companion.


First of all, she is tough! Or, so she tells me regularly. My stock reply is a shrug and a grin and “Yeah, you’re as tough as whipped cream!”


She’ll lift her chin, put her arms akimbo, and declare, “I took the spurs off of John Wayne!”


Now, that is an impressive statement and I happen to know that it’s true, but I also knew that particular John Wayne. The John Wayne she de-spurred was a chicken, or more properly, a rooster. No, I’m not referring to the starring role of Rooster Cogburn played by movie actor John Wayne in the movie True Grit. I’m referring to a flesh and blood rooster who lost his spurs because he “messed” with my tough little wife.


Secondly, you should know that the same tough woman who dealt with John Wayne so decisively is also the one who became a weeping, hand-wringing, helpless girl when our female donkey Bean met head-on with a five-strand barbed wire fence in Arizona and, she’s the red-faced woman suffering from heat-stroke that fled from me in the Mohave Desert of California in search of shade, at high noon. Not! the place every woman should run to first her husband. But that is Christmas Carol for you; head strong and independent every time team work would makes the work lighter for both of us.


It’s true that I do all of the maintenance on the wagon and work hard labor to keep us going, and that this enterprise wouldn’t and couldn’t be possible without the help of our loving Heavenly Father who guides me every step of the way. But, what fun could it possibly be without Christmas Carol who can’t keep herself safe in traffic, or carry more than half a bucket of water at one time?


She is a woman who has tramped through eight states without eye glasses or a hearing aid, (even though she needs both) and who rises up in hot indignation against tyranny (if she thinks I am imposing it), yet whimpers over removing a splinter.


Standing in at 5″3″ and weighing just 120 pounds she is always bouncing along in blue jeans and a flannel shirt, with her curly blonde head in the clouds and her blue eyes sparkling in laughter over what she calls our “Grand Adventures!”


Her mama named her “Christmas Carol” because she was born nine months and a day after the Christmas of “1956 but I figure that “Puzzle” might be a better name for this one who fluctuates between being hard as iron when she demands her own way and smooth as oil when thing go her way. I love my wife and I know she’s tough.


Right now, she’s sitting in the shade of a cottonwood tree in Caliente, Nevada nursing a cut thumb and busily writing of our adventure she is the secretary of our little band. She gets away with a good deal, that woman of mine, because she’s tough. Tough as whipped cream! Or is because that I love her?


We’ll leave her sitting comfortably in the shade and I’ll tell you about my other tough Ass-sistances .


They are six little desert burros (also referred to as donkeys, donks, or asses) that work hard for the two of us drawing our wagons in a six-up-hitch (three spans of two) or packing our camp goods into the mountains on their backs.


They stand in at an average height of eleven hands (which is forty-four inches high at the shoulder). Their coats stay shaggy pretty much year round, and their fertile little brains flanked by long furry ears really keep me on my toes.


The oldest donkey, Bean Burrito, is our only jenny. She’s a good riding animal for Carol, who likes to go slow, a good companion to children animal. But like an old maid puts her ears back and stops her foot if the children cry too much, even so, she is a pretty good draft The first time I ever put her in harness and hitched her to the wagon she did well. Within five minutes she was pulling with a will and answering nicely to commands and the touch of the line. She’s still good, most days. I often use her for a leader when we are in town but when I do, we can count on being much slower, especially down hill. She likes to stop for every person she sees and every spot of shade. She starts looking for our campsite at about 4 P.M. every day of travel and if I don’t take the hint and find one, she’ll choose one and stop on her own. When she’s one of the leaders  or in swing position (one of the middle pair) and she stops, all the burros stop. When she’s a wheeler (next to the wagon) she works well and we can keep the others going even when she stops. At that point she slides along on her steel shoes a step or two and gets the messages.


Bean is the glue that keeps our geldings together as a family. Her light gray hide is visible to them even at night and she’s their pole star and bell-mare. Her brand is a navy anchor on the left side of her neck. That tells us she was a wild donkey taken off the China Lake Navy Base of California. Because the other donkeys all love her, the brand is fitting. She’s their anchor. In fact, when we are away from roads we often picket her and our other leader, Chaps on a single leg hobble and a long line and let the other geldings all run free. They won’t leave Bean.

Bean’s closest friend in the herd is Beef Burrito. Beef is our shortest donkey and he wears a dark gray coat without any visible brand. I reckon that if we shaved him we’d find a freeze brand mark. Who would ever want to shave furry, little, lovable Beef? Small he may be; but Beef is one of the strongest burros I have. He’ll pack 120 pounds uphill at a run, will willingly carry me, (weighing in at 170 pounds) for short distances and has the thickest legs and shortest back of them all. He’s stout.


Also stout, and taller by three inches is Rags, our largest donkey. Rags moves position from left to right in the hitch but is always a wheeler. He’s got brawn, but (don’t tell him I told you) he’s not real bright.


Most older men look at Rags’ size and impressive muscles and declare, “Now, there’s the best looking donkey I’ve ever seen!” His black coat slicks down maybe once a year but he’s usually a “curly” with long, thick, black ringlets of hair topping his white underbelly, those men are right about his looks but like I said, this one just isn’t a smart-ass. He does his share, has a fast walk, and is good most of the time but now and then he wakes up and takes a fright over absolutely nothing or takes a notion all of a sudden to make unexpected and extreme right or left hand turns. Lovable he is – intelligent he is not.


Our smartest ass, on the other hand, is Chaps (short for Woolly Chaparajos the leggings that cowboys were). He’s fun for Christmas Carol to ride and makes a good leader because he works without much encouragement, shows spunk and spirit (which is unusual for a burro) and loves to go. But, on the subject of looks, he really hasn’t any! His black coat usually isn’t, he bleaches out to a dismal red brown, and though his coat is silky it hangs in unbecoming tatters under his belly and forms long chin hairs that make him look like an old man. We often keep him on a single leg hobble near Bean when we’ve turned the other donkeys loose to browse, because he loves to lead the other “boys” off on a merry chase or take them thundering up and down at full speed through the camp kitchen! Don’t tell the other burros but he is a tattle tale if the others fine a break in the fence he comes running to me braying that the others are running away from home and that I should go get them.


Disney (or Diz I call him because he is kind mixed up most of the time) and Dean are the remaining pair of burros in our six-up-hitch. They are both black with gray bellies and were born at the same time in the same place. I often tell folk, “These burros came from the wildest environment there is… ‘Los Angeles!’ ” Their wild mothers dropped them at the adoption corrals that used to be a part of Disneyland.

Disney is inbred, his front knees knock, and he does a strange two-step walk, like a tightrope walker. He was foundered as a baby (over-fed almost to the point of death) so that his neck crest leans to one side and he has a flat-shelf back, but, he’s perky, walks with his head up alertly, and works hard to please us. Most of the time. 


Dean, on the other hand, carries his head really low and does only as much work as we insist on when he is in the hitch. He’d rather be ridden or packed!


Like I said, these six animals really keep me on my toes – six fertile little brains (excepting Rags’ maybe) working hard to outsmart me all the time.


The eight of us make up an interesting mix and just lately we completed a trek through eight western states. It took a couple of years to do it. If you’ll settle back into that easy chair you’re sitting in, I’ll tell you the story of our remarkable journey



The Riddles or Mashal were used as a system to keep the Storytellers secrets from their Enemies and the Common Folk.  This system has worked well, almost too well. The answers to those Eastern Mediterranean cultures most baffling secrets, have been pasted on from one generation to the next generation camouflaged within the essence of the parable or mashal, unchanged, and locked in myths and legends of sex, violence, gods and goddesses and the super natural. This premise of the unwinding of threads to guide us through the maze of ignorance to the light of wisdom is a concept that was taught in the Greek story of the hero of the virgins of Athens. Theseus went to the labyrinth of Minotaur  to take those young people’s place in darkness, and to do battle with that half-man-beast. Theseus knew he had no hope of escaping the Labyrinth, even if he defeated Minotaur. Luckily, Theseus had an admirer, the King’s daughter Ariadne; this young woman gave Theseus the key to unlock the riddle of the Labyrinth a simple ball of thread, Thread that was able to lead Theseus out of the maze into the light of day.


So why is this Wisdom so important that we must unwind these silk threads or parables? Because they contain answers hidden in “Dark Sayings” (chiydah) that even the most educated of the 21th century of the Christian era have never been aware of; Dark Sayings that unlocks the most puzzling aspects of the Eastern Mediterranean culture: Alchemy is a case in point the Alchemists, who had learned the trick of turning Base Metals silver, loved this Game of Camouflage. The key to Alchemists Gold was the element mercury also known as quicksilver. This liquid metal was known in Time’s Past as an “Anointing Oil.” The eternal question has been, “How do you turn a clean Base Metal coin: silver and then golden?” This is a well-known process that has been used in refining gold for thousands of years; yet, the truth of the Magic of Alchemy has eluded the Common Folk. All that is needed is a drop of quicksilver that was rubbed into the coin in so doing the mercury quickly spreads, turning the coin silver. The mercury would then spread out on the coin like oil on water. The coin then has a thin silver mirror finish.  If you scratch the coin the mercury instantly fills the scratch, so the coin seems to be solid silver, therefore, a copper penny would seem to be a silver dime. Here in the “States” our Government has learned the Alchemist trick: our coins have a copper core and a bright silvery, finish, though not with mercury. Sadly the Common Folk here in the States value those coins as if they were solid silver. Our government has learned the value of the Alchemist Silver coin and the Common Folk have not.


To turn the Alchemist silver coin to a golden one is almost as simple, though the process does require a tiny amount of microscopic (colloidal) gold. The Alchemist silver coin is suspended in water and a mixture with a yellow or red sulfur to hide the tinny flecks of colloidal gold. The coin in the slurry is then agitated. This allows the stickiest of the oily quicksilver to capture the microscopic flakes of gold, which turns the coin golden with a coating, a veneer so thin that the tiny amount of gold looks solid. The Alchemist’s silver and gold are the keys to understanding many of mysteries the Eastern Mediterranean cultures of the past. 


The “Gatekeepers of knowledge” of today understands these Dark Sayings such as Alchemy as clearly as the people of Troy understood “THE secret“ contained in that Large Wooden Horse that their Gate Keepers brought through the gates into their city. A people that could describe the Horse’s outside in great detail and could give you a long list of Common people and of the Intellectual leaders of Troy that would describe the Wooden Horse in exactly the same way, EXCEPT THAT ACCURSED CASSANDRA