Answers Long Misunderstood

Posts tagged “MeltWater Pulse

Resurrection of Osiris

O Height which

Is not sharpened



Isaiah 19 account of 2141 years

Before the Christian era

The Year of Tears

5. And the waters shall fail from the sea (of Egypt) and the river (Nile) shall be wasted (lost to the Mediterranean) and dried up.

6. And they shall turn the rivers far away (change the courses of the delta river channels to new locations)

and the brooks (irrigation canals) of defense shall be emptied and dried up: the reeds and flags, iris flower shall wither.

7. The paper reeds by the brooks (irrigation canals) and

everything sown by the brooks (irrigation canals) shall wither and be driven away and be no more.

8. The fisher also shall mourn, and they that cast angle into the brook (irrigation canals) shall lament

and they that spread nets upon the waters (the sea of Egypt) shall languish.

9. Moreover they that work in fine flax and they that weave networks shall be confounded.

This is a quote from an ancient Coptic text that was transcribed from a Hebrew text 1which was written eight century before the Christian era2 began, by a man named Isaiah. A later Egyptian writer/ historian mirrors this 19th chapter of Isaiah by the name of Manetho of the third century before the Christian era in his description is of the First Intermediate Period of Egyptian History3. The description in this chapter of Isaiah is not of a future event as in his eleventh and fifty first chapters but an event of the past 1,300 years before Isaiah’s birth, a commentary on the flood and aftermath caused by the destruction of the Isis dam across the Nile causing the Sesonchosis (the Season of Chaos) of Egypt’s history. Now here is the point in verses number nineteen and twenty.

19 On that day there shall be an ALTAR to the LORD, In the midst of the Land of Egypt and a PILLAR at its Border to the LORD.

20 and it shall be a sign and for a wittiness to the Lord of Host in the land of Egypt

However, we will need to decode those statements a little first, the location in “The midst land of Egypt “? Okay that means the middle of Ancient Egypt. Next, “at its border there of”, that statement does not mean at the outside edge of Egypt, but to the location where the two Ancient Egypt’s Upper and Lower meets, and where is that? Just up the river from Cairo. What is “a PILLAR? That is a tall rock or a stack of rocks. What is “an ALTAR?” It is a place to meet with GOD. Now here is the answer to this “Dark Saying” that locks these passages to the Great Pyramid in the verses 19-20. Remember the Hebrew Scholars use line ciphers to keep the transcriptions accurate? Well the total of verses 19-20 is 5,400, which is the total Pyramid Inches from the base to the platform of the Great Pyramid. Moreover, when did this Altar or Pillar come into view?

And the waters shall fail from the sea (of Egypt) and the river (Nile) shall be wasted and dried up.

The sea which the ancient Egyptians called the sea of Nun was also called the sea of Egypt by Isaiah4 the triumphantful resurrection of the Great Pyramid as that structure rose out of the Sea of Egypt is expressed as symbols; first the Primeval Mound5; the first to burst forth from the Waters of Nun. Next the Sacred Benben stone6; and the Bennu, the renascence bird, Phoenix 7, the pyramid was also called Het Benben (house of the renascence) “The temple of Benben 8” Which is often called “the Mansion of the Phoenix9 (Resurrection, the rising from the waters of Baptisms, just like Osiris. The Egyptians also called the Great Pyramid at Heliopolis; Innu10, and the pillar of Enoch and regarded the pyramid to be the first portion of land to have forced itself free of the Sea of Nun or Egypt

Atum another name for the Pyramid spoke of itself:

When I was alone in the waters, in a state of inertness, Before I was found anywhere to stand or sit, Before Heliopolis had been founded that I might be there in”

Again speaking of Atum of the Isis dam bursting and the sea of Nun receding the Utterance 600 of the Pyramid text.

When you came into being you rose as a High Hill you shone As the Benben Stone in the Temple of the Phoenix

From Antiquities II, Xv, 2


The students of the Common History of Egypt place Tahutmes III in the 18th dynasty, yet, his Serek more closely matches the style of those of the end of the Old Kingdom hundreds of years prior to the date given to the 18th dynasty.11

From his 21st year, when his sole reign began, to his 42nd Year inclusive, he was actively engaged on wars in Canaan and Nubia.

Then in his 50th year we find him active at the first Cataract,

Clearing an obstruction there and issuing a decree to keep it clear.

The administrative activity here indicates the conditions that accompany famine.

The dates of the 50th to his 57th year..12

The Aswan cataract was not considered the First Cataract in the year 2141 before the Christian era. If the first Cataract had been on the Aswan Cataract, the constriction that would have been needed on the Nile, for that obstruction to have create a famine in the lower valley for seven years. That constriction point on the Nile would have been almost as large as The Isis Dam. The location of the Isis Dam was located at that point where the valley narrows just up river from the present-day city Cairo near the island of Roda. Remember that the cataract has been washed out quite a bit. This area is much wider than the narrows was before the wash out of the Isis Dam. So much so, in the centuries that passed the Isis narrows lost its ranking as the first Cataract to the Aswan narrowing of the Nile. The Isis narrows was once known as Pa-Hanock (the mouth of the narrows) or in English “the Narrows of Enoch.” Again this point on the Nile divided the two Egypt’s Upper and Lower.


To find physical evidence of the Isis dam we of necessity we must look at the destructive power unleashed by the breaching of a large dam, and understand why there is no longer any evidence of a dam at the Isis site after four thousand years.

A few years ago there was a problem in Washington State with one of their mountains. You may have heard of Mount Saint Helen. Part of that mountain slid down and plugged a large creek called The Toutle River. The plug of mud and earth became a dam one hundred feet high which held back a rather large lake of twenty three-square miles, when this dam was breached, the receding waters that had been behind that dam cut a canyon one thousand feet wide and one hundred and forty feet deep. The water had rocks, sand, logs, and flotsam and jetsam which widened that narrow little creek: which made a sizable canyon one thousand feet wide where that little creek is now. Compare that to the Aswan dam,13 a dam which is three hundred sixty four feet high, eleven thousand eight hundred and eight feet wide and holds back 125,600,000 cubic acre-feet of water.14 Equal to about eleven hundred miles of water three hundred feet high traveling at hundreds of miles per hour tearing through the Aswan narrows on its way to the Island of Roda and the City of Cairo on its way to the Mediterranean. When that dam bursts: not if, what size of a hole will be left where that dam is now? Because Isaiah states15 that dam will soon BURST, It is enough to say that the area on the Nile where the first dam was is wider then narrows was when the dam was in place. However there is evidence of the lake or sea of Nun which the Isis Dam created and a geological time frame for that dam’s existence.

Geologic Evidence

Of the Isis Dam

Nile valley

Stellar Time Stamp

During the Late Pleistocene Epoch the “Stellar  Time Stamp” (c. 12,500 years ago) given in the text of Job16, Sea level was down. However, the Nile river was higher, much higher than today. That is strange; the valley was lush with vegetation. Strange because during During the Epipalaeolithic period the Sea and Nile levels river were all most equal during a time of relative plentiful rain and vegetation, Sea level and Nile consistent during a time of plentiful rain. c. 2100 years before the Christian era17 to Current the sea and Nile river levels were constant during periods drought or rain. However, at the time of the building of the Great Pyramid (c. 12,500 years ago) Sea level was down.18 Even so, the water of the Nile rose far above today’s river level during that time of drought? When vegetation of the surrounding area was low and matching the pre-MWP1B19 sea levels which were in a sea level stagnation period; that were indicated by the core samples of the Pearl River Delta the Barbados, Tahiti, and New Guinea data. The reason for this anomaly was the Isis dam, because, that dam allowed the waters of the Nile to rise far above current and prior levels during a time of drought. From the Isaiah 19:18 account of events of the destruction of the Isis Dam, Isaiah said, the Israelites were in Egypt near that time and built a city called Harris (The city of Destruction)20 Also known as Heliopolis.

The book of Isaiah, the text implies that the destruction happened before the Exodus of the Jews: in line with the end of the Old Kingdom and the beginning of the First Intermediary period, but sometime after the patriarch Joseph’s arrival. The Ipuwer Papyrus that was translated by Sir Alan Gardiner in 191621, and was also known as “The Admonition of an Egyptian Sage,” And that document has a 500-year adjustment in the accepted time line of Egypt’s history. A document that speaks of the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt22 at the close of the Middle Kingdom that began the second Intermediate Period,” this is a major adjustment to the common understanding of Manetho’s time line, and the First Intermediate Period. This moved Tahutmes III King of Egypt (from Antiquities II XV. 2) and his misplaced Serekh into First Intermediate Period. Where we find Tahutmes III King of Egypt23 is active at clearing an obstruction on the Nile. With that and the subtraction of around 400 years and the lifetime of one man named Joseph. This text would put the destruction of the Isis Dam in line with the Book of Isaiah24 time line of his 19th chapter and indicated the conditions accompany famine. And Tahutmes III proclaimed that The EYE of Thoth (the planet mercury) was in the sky this is an anchor point in the history of Egypt to the Stars and the first year of tears of 2141 before the Christian era. 25

1 a a a a c a a north stars

The history of this period was well documented by Isaiah in his 19th chapter. Where Isaiah describes this Eye of Thoth as “The Lord ridding on enveloping darkness” that darkness was caused by the close approach of a planetary traveler which was on its return loop of its elliptical orbit from the sun. This closeness to Earth caused Thoth’s shadow to eclipses Earth and to fall on Egypt as this Traveler approached. Thoth’s additional tide forces were the last straw and caused the 8,000 year old Isis dam to be breached, and then hundreds of years later those same tide forces cause a temporary low tide in the Red Sea on Thoth’s return in about the year 1483 before the Christian era.



The Greek term for that type of outlaw interplanetary body is Disaster (des- away + aster- a star26). That does not mean just a one-time problem but a Cause that can create many problems over and over again: by what the Greeks thought was a runaway star. Apollo27 was one such Greek “Runaway’ Star” In the distant past the Egyptians called this Traveler, Thoth28, and today is known as Mercury. The Queens of Egypt are often shown with a headdress with horns and a large golden mirror the model for the scientific symbol of the planet Mercury.


When that mirror caught the sun, the brightness of the mirror s reflection would make it hard for you to look at her; the mirror would make it like looking into the Sun. This silver disk and horns are also the symbol for the Apis Bull and of Zeus in the Europa story.

image93 europa 2

In the Tahutmes III Dynasty the first month of the year was called Thoth. Our old friend Tahutmes III made his inscription about The Eye of Thoth just after the dam had been breached and the famine that had come to Egypt. Then five centuries later when the children of Israel were in bondage, a Death Angel (Thoth) passed over: if a man or boy was outside they died. Some call this Death Angel Nibiru (Nebo Ur) which means the Prophet-Planet? Many people today are looking for this Tenth planet called Nibiru to cause Earth problems: I wonder why? That disaster is now called Mercury and it is not the tenth planet it is now parked in a permanent orbit number ONE.

This traveler was also known as Nabu, Mercury, and Thoth, and now this traveler is the closest planet to the sun just a little larger than Pluto. As of 8/24/2006 the revisionists took Pluto out of planetary status. Mercury is just a little larger and at one time some people thought that Pluto was larger than Mercury. Will Mercury be next? Thoth/Mercury has a slight atmosphere and is very hot. Mercury also has a pronounced offset on its orbit, and a very slow daily rotation, which is proof of a recent capture of the Sun. The first person to know that Mercury was in a stationary orbit around the sun was Heraclide of Pontus in the 4th Century before the Christian era began.29 However there is mounting evidence that Mercury once was in an elliptical orbit past Earth. Just because Mercury is in its present orbit now, many factors could have made this orbit quite different in the past.

mercury naburo

The Eye of Thoth had many names, and the Babylonians called this planet Nabu or Nibiru (Nebo Ur) means the Prophet-Planet and the patron god of the scribes. In the old Babylonian Empire times Mercury was known as Nabium. Nabu rose to preeminence in the Neo-Babylonian (Chaldean) empire30, just after several disasters took place. The destruction of the Isis dam in c.2141 years before the Christian era is just one example. According to Isaiah 19:20B31A Great One… shall deliver them” with the reappearance of Thoth hundreds of years later in 1483 before the Christian era causing ten major plagues and the Death Angel (Thoth) caused a Tsunamis in the Red Sea basin. And at the same time earth quakes destroyed the palaces of the Minoans: Knossos, Phaistos, Mallia and Zakros which allowed the Greeks to control the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Disasters caused by the close proximity of Thoth to Earth and then about fifty years later in c.1433 BCE Joshua had extra Thoth light to finish a battle.32. About five hundred years later in c.933 years before the Christian era the Greek army as they were stationed outside the walls of Troy had thousands of troops die, and at the same time King David of Israel had thousands of his people die when the sword in the sky passed overhead. Five hundred years later in c.433 BCE the Assyrians, laid siege to Jerusalem; and again the Assyrians had thousands of troops die.33 Soon after these disasters a new king of Babylon came on the scene: his name was Nebuchadnezzar. These disasters seemed to happen about every 50 or so years, in the Hebrew year of Jubilee. Nevertheless, the worst disaster happened every five or six hundred years when whole nations like Israel were moved. (“I think that I would be prepared to take that year off too.”)


Translated Into English

Planet Mercury watch over my boarders 35

What good is a planet like Mercury millions of miles away? Mercury is hard to see now because the planet is so close to the Sun. Why name yourself after Mercury unless that planet could help you. Maybe the reason is that Mercury could help because that planet had a different orbit than Mercury does now: An elliptical orbit. The Romans and the Greeks called this Disaster or runaway planet, Mercury and Hermes the morning star and Apollo (The Destroyer) the evening star, The Herald of death, and the Traveler. This evidence has been dismissed by our Gate keepers of the Scholarly World, just as the Gatekeepers of Troy discounted Cassandra’s evidence. The reason is because this evidence does not fit the accepted theories of The Scholarly World, that they expect the Common Folk to believe. This Traveler may (?) have one trip left to make. There have been some predictions that Nibiru (Mercury) will return. As weird as that sound: The Sun has been known to throw off Coronal Mass Ejections as has high as X Class 40 out into space, a force that could indeed change Mercury’s current orbit upon impact with Nibiru (Mercury).36 Who knows? However, the Earth changes of the years 1483, 2141 and 1483 before the Christian era were just dust devils compared to the Earth Changes of c. 10,500 years before the Christian era.

1Qumran cave one, Isaiah second copy

2Seele , Colliers ,Op. Cite, P.659


4Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite, P.714-715, C. 19:1-22

5Hancock. G, Mirrors of Heaven, Op.Cite, P.106






11Introductory Guide to the Egyptian Collections Op. Cite, Serekh plates

12 Davison, D Op. Cite. p. 334

13Water Water part four of this book

14“Dams” , Op. Cite, Colliers Op. Cite 1997+

15Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite, P. 709, C. 11:15, 11:11-16

16 #9,Job

17 Hamelin, Bard, E., Montaggioni, Arnold, M., Faure, Cabioch, G. ,Rougerie ,F. 1996 .Deglacial sea-levels records from Tahiti corals and the timing of global meltwater discharge NATURE 382,241-244

18 Ibid

19 Ibid

20Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite, P714, C. 19:18

21“Sir Alan Gardiner”, “Ipuwer” ”, Colliers ,Op. Cite, 1997+

22 Lamsa, G. M., Op. OiteP.72-81, C. 7:15- 15:19

23 Davison, D Op. Cite. p. 334

24Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite, P.714, C. 19:1-22

25 Hoffman, Michael A. Op. Cite

26 Thordike, Barnhart, Comprehensive Desk Dictionary Doubleday, New York,1967

27 Strongs James, Op. Cite,, H, 625,622,575,3639

28 Davison, D Op. Cite.

29 Armitage A. ”Astronomy, History of ”, Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.3 , P. 127

30 Simmons, OP. Cite Colliers, V. 15, p. 749

31Qumran Cave One, Isaiah Second copy,19:20B

32Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite, P.254-255, C. 10:6-27

33Ibid, P.372-373, C. 24:10-17

34“Nebuchadnezzar” , Colliers ,Op. Cite, 1997+


36Westcott B. F, Hort J. A., The New Testament in the Original Greek, 1881,. Rev. 6:12-17

A Star in a Crescent Moon



Above the Plane of the Ecliptic

The Babylonians connected Venus to the most important goddess of the Sumer- Akkadian pantheon, “Ishtar” in Sumerian; “Inanna” (Lady of heaven), Daughter of the moon. Her symbol in the distant past was a star in a crescent Moon: This crescent moon and star is seen on many Muslim countries flags. A memory trace to the arrival of the moon and that Venus pulled the moon here as Venus passed by Earth. What did the Ancients Say about this much Larger Planet? The Greeks connected Venus with Aphrodite. The Greeks feared her as a powerful force in the universe that could not be denied: Though Aphrodite did not receive the respect that Venus did from the Romans, and the book of Enoch called Venus, Dendayen

Dendayen, Ishtar, Aphrodite, and Vulcan also, known as Venus: the sixth largest planet just slightly smaller than Earth. Venus is larger than Mars by about seven times. The Planets rotation is Retrograde (turning backwards: the sun comes up in the west) and Dendayen has an elliptical orbit. The first person to know that Venus was in a stationary orbit around the sun was Heraclide of Pontus in the 4th century before the Christian era began. There is some evidence that Venus was in an elliptical orbit past Mars. Just because Venus is in its present orbit now, many factors could have made Venus/ Dendayen quite different in the past.

The Analog of Nebuchadnezzar to the Planet Venus, refers to a wide spread tradition that Venus had once moved in an eccentric orbit that took it both outside the orbit of Earth and above the plain of the Ecliptic. The Greeks called the planet Venus: Phosphorus or Lucifer (the light bearer) for the morning Star and Hesperus or Vulcan (the Black smith) for the evening star.

Isaiah 141 speaks of Lucifer

Also Known as Venus

How art thou fallen from heaven Lucifer, son of the morning, for thou has said “I will ascend into the heavens. I will exalt my throne above the stars of GOD: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, I will ascend above the clouds I will be like the most high (the sun)” Yet thou shall be brought to hell, to the side of the pit. (A very slow decaying orbit toward the Sun) They that see thee shall look upon thee and say. “Is this the One? That made the Earth to tremble. That did shake kingdoms: that made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities there of.


In the distant past Venus had an elliptical orbit that took Lucifer above the ecliptic and Venus’ orbit took it through the asteroid belt where its gravitational wake sucked in a large amount of space junk (rocks).


The path at that time, that Venus took, was above and close to the north polar of Mars. Its close proximity caused a decompression of the atmosphere of Mars pulling the water and air and its moon along within its gravitational field. The pulling caused the orbit of Mars to be off set or oval. This gravitational force caused the planets magma to surge to the north causing great volcanic features to accumulate.


As Venus comes closer to Mars, Venus pulled Mars north toward Venus. Venus’ rotation was reversed as the planet Venus was turned over as the atmosphere and oceans are pulled off Mars.


Enoch 66:15

these waters of judgment shall be for their healing, and for the death of their bodies.

But they shall not perceive and believe that the waters will change, and become like fire.2

Who knows the time that the trip took for the moon to arrive here? The trip may have taken tens of thousands of years. Yet we do know there was a close encounter, and the Moons vapor trails contact about 15,000 years ago called the Melt water Pulse 1 A.


The texts are unclear about the time the trip took the Moon’ and its frozen water vapor to arrival but when they did: Things changed on planet Earth.

Genesis explains the conditions

On Earth at that time

That the waters were 22 feet deep on the mountains.”3

However, that water was in the form of snow, ice, tidal waves, and the Earthquakes Would Have Been off the Scale the Melt Water Pulse 1 B was not all incoming water as the Gilgamesh Epic said and A. J Anderson surmised. A large part of the flood was caused when the Moon’s gravity first got a hold of the oceans. The tidal waves must have been tremendous; the Earthquakes would have been off the scale. The tidal forces of the Moon are why so much of the Earth has changed since the Pleistocene Epoch that was in the last 10,000 to 12,000 years. However where did this water ice that the moon captured come from in the depths of space? The answer to that question will also answer two other questions. First, Tom Donahue’s “Why isnʼt Mars inundated” (with Lou Frank’s Ice balls) and secondly, how NASA’s Martian rock ALH84001 ended up in the Antarctic.4

Mars is about 5/8th the size of Earth but only about 1/10th the mass and has about 1/3rd the gravity. The Morning Star, looking from, Mars called EARTH. Ares/Thracian/Mars was the Greek god of war: though he was unpopular with the Greek gods. The goddess, Aphrodite /Venus hated Mars but had two children with him; the children were called Deimos and Phobos. Even though Mars was a god when in battles with humans Mars, the god of war sometimes lost. Nergal was the Babylonian god for Mars and of the underworld: in the Sumero-Akkalian pantheon Ne-iri-gal was also Mars, “the god of the great abode,” the Abyss?

NASA’s Rock

Called “Peace”5

Currently almost no water has been found on Mars, though NASA’s Martian Rover Spirit found a rock called “Peace” that proved that at one time Mars had lots of water. Where did all that water go? Mars is almost divided in two as far as topography goes. The old pocks marked by meteors in the south and the new lava flows of the north: Why? Then there is the problem of the tidal bulges; one on each side of the planet though Mars has no moon now: at least that is big enough to cause those bulges. Just a couple very large rocks, called Deimos and Phobos the sons of the union of the Ancient gods of Mars and Venus, so what happened? Deimos and Phobos can help answer that question. However, we will have to analyze other pieces of this riddle first.

Rock Type Found at Mars

by Staff post6

The rock, named ʻPeace,ʼ is an exposure of bedrock in the Columbia Hills within the Gusev Crater,

where Spirit landed 13 months ago (Jan04). Though appearing mundane in a black and- white image,

the rock is significant to scientists for what they’ve learned by digging into it and analyzing it with a suite of instruments.”

“This is probably the most interesting and important rock Spirit has examined,” Said Dr. Steve Squyres of Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., and the principal investigator for the rovers. “This may be what the bones of this mountain are really made of….The rock provides even more compelling evidence for water playing a major role for altering the rocks in the region, Squyres said.” Peace contains more sulfate salt than any other rock Spirit has examined.” (Elements deposited by sea water)

It would seem that not so long ago and not so very far away in a solar system near you, Planets were moving like a game of nine balls. Close encounters changed the surfaces of planets leaving no trace of what did the dirty little deed. Little Mercury (Nabu/Thoth) pulled some dirty tricks and was the big offender of the last 10,000 years. The biggest offender of all time was Venus also known as Lucifer, who was the “Big Dog” in this fight.

Again the first thread to unwind this story is in that Ancient Coptic text . Enoch’s book is written in chiydahs, marshals, or story riddles, which means to put the answers into a locked form: in an Ancient text Coptic, GOD said:

This is the reason I speak to them in parables, (story riddles):

because they see and yet cannot perceive; and they hear and do not listen,

nor do they understand.”7

The book of Enoch speaks of an interplanetary billiard game in parable form. These story riddles are footnoted in the text to help unlock their message. Just as the Greek symbol “Xi” in the flasher Code or the “Eye of Osiris“, the udjat, for the surveying of the Pyramid. The key is in plain sight: but hidden. So “Where’s Waldo? “


The Cue Ball

But in this Game of Billiards it is the Planet Venus, also known as Dendayen, Lucifer and “The Morning Star of Planet Earth” the energy to move that Cue Ball was from GOD, who placed planetary bodies for this purpose. Fossil and seabed records indicate that at one time changed drastically to a point that CO2 and water levels suddenly dropped and temperatures also dropped. So that two million years ago the seas had dropped nearly one thousand feet below the Cretaceous maximum.8 So that almost two thirds of the planet lost one thousand feet of water: Gone? Turned in to snow? NO! It went off the planet and the CO2 level dropped way down, too, as if a great vacuum sweeper whisked it away. The Ancients knew that Venus had been a Disaster (in an elliptical orbit) at one time. Venus came too close to Mars and with its greater mass causing the water and atmosphere to be sucked off Mars by Venus’s gravity wave pasting by: Just as it did Earth, millions of years earlier. The Geological records show that an interplanetary body did just that.


What Does the Surface

of the Planet Mars Tell Us?


The Southern Hemisphere surface is covered by so called “old cratered terrain.”9


The Northern Hemisphere surface of Mars is by much less catering and consists of volcanic flows, especially in the Tharsis Region (110 W, 10 N) a location that is near the north pole of the planet Mars.10


Mars currently has almost no water; though NASA’s Martian Rover found a rock called “Peace” that proved that at one time that Mars had lots of water.11


There are two tidal bulges, one on each side of the planet Mars, caused by a large geosynchronous moon which at this time Mars has no moon that is big enough to cause those bulges. Mars has only a couple very small moons, a couple very large rocks, called Deimos and Phobos the sons of the union of the Ancient gods Mars and Venus: the stories of the Riddle Lords will help us to unwind this cocoon of threads.

1 a a a a c a a north stars


With ancient star references we have deduced that the writers of Enoch lived more than 12,000 years ago when Ursa Major and Minor were in the summer western sky at sun set and that the writers of Enoch were Scholars of the movements of the stars in the sky. Through that we can deduce that they were a reliable witness of that time and of the things; that were happening in that sky. In the distant past, those writers tell us that Venus had an elliptical orbit that took it above the ecliptic and its orbit took Venus through the asteroid belt where its gravitational wake sucked in a large amount of space junk (rocks).


The path at that time that Venus took was above but close to the north polar, the Tharsis Region of Mars. Its close proximity caused a decompression of the atmosphere of Mars pulling the water and air and its moon along within Venus’ gravitational field. The pulling caused the orbit of Mars to be off set. This gravitational force caused the planets magma to surge to the north causing great volcanic features to accumulate. As Venus comes closer Mars is pulled north toward and the rotation of Venus is turned over by Mars and the moon, the atmosphere and oceans are pulled away from Mars

Enoch 58: 1 12

“I saw that the heavens of the heavens (Mars) shook: that it shook violently (Earth quakes);

and the powers of the Most High“. And the angels (aka water vapors from Chapter 66:12)13

thousands and thousands, and myriads’ of myriads’ (millions of millions) were agitated14

Shaken as with an Earth quake.

According to the historian Herodotus:

“Hesiod gave the Greeks their gods”

Hesiod describes the battle as an immense catastrophe Involving the planet Mars”

“The boundless sea rang terribly around, and the ground crashed loudly: wide heaven was shaken and groaned,

and high Olympus reeled from its foundations under the charge of the undying gods,

and a heavy quaking reached Tartarus (AKA Mars)15 the cry of both armies as they shouted reached to starry heaven.

Then Zeus no longer held back His might; but straight His heart was filled with fury and He showed forth all His strength.

From heaven and from Olympus He came forthwith, hurling his lightning:

the bolts flew thick and fast from His strong hand,16 together with thunder and lightning, whirling and awesome flame.

The life-giving earth crashed around in burning, and the vast wood cracked loud with fire all about.

All the land seethed, and Ocean’s streams and the unfruitful sea. The hot vapor lapped round the Titans:17

flame unspeakable rose to the bright upper air:

the flashing glare of the thunder shone and lightning blinded their eyes; for all that they were strong.”

Job 18

The Destruction of Mars

Bildad was one of Job’s friends . In his opening lines in the vernacular

“When are you boys going to shut up? Let me know! Then I will set you all straight.

What makes you boys think we are all stupid and that you know it all? “

“He 18 (Azazyel, the “angry”, Mars) earth himself in his anger:19shall the ground be forsaken for thee?

(The grave) and shall the rock20 be removed out of his place? (“a pebble in the deep” or to expand the concept a planet in space )

Yea, the light of the wicked (Azazyel)21 shall be put out, and the spark of his fire shall not shine. (His offspring)

The light shall be dark in his tabernacle, (his home Tartarus).22 and his candle shall be put out with him.

 (His offspring) The steps of his strength shall be straightened, and his own counsel shall cast him down.

For he is cast into a net by his own feet, and he walketh upon a snare (gin) The gin 23 shall take him by the heel,

and the robber shall prevail against him. The snare is laid for him in the ground and a trap for him (Azazyel) in the way.

Terrors shall make him (Azazyel) afraid on every side, and shall drive him to his feet.

His (Azazyel) strength (offspring24) shall be hunger bitten, and destruction shall be ready at his side.

It shall devour the strength of his skin25: even the firstborn of death26 shall devour his (Azazyel) strength.

His (Azazyel) confidence shall be rooted out of his tabernacle, and it shall bring him to the king of terrors.

It shall dwell in his tabernacle because it is none of his: brimstone shall be scattered upon his habitation27

(Enoch C:53 “Being overwhelmed with hurled stones.”) His roots28 shall be dried up beneath, and above shall his branch be cut off.

(No live offspring) His (Azazyel)29 remembrance shall perish from the earth, and he shall have no name in the street.

(Few people have heard of the chief watcher Azazyel) He shall be driven from light into darkness, and chased out of the world.

He shall neither have son nor nephew30 among his people, nor any remaining in his dwellings.

They that come after him shall be astonished at his day, as they that went before were terrified .

Surely such are the dwellings of the wicked31 , and this is the place of him that knoweth not God.

The stories indicates and the Martian topography shows the planet Venus passed, Mars continued to travel North protecting the northern half of Mars from the meteor crating . In so doing, the debris in the tail of Venus caused thousands of rocks (meteors) to mostly hit the southern regions causing mass destruction and leaving Deimos and Phobos the sons of the union of the Ancient gods Mars and Venus behind. The tidal forces of the Moon that had been relaxed caused the tectonic plates to collapse in so doing caused the volcanoes to flow on Mars.

Enoch 53 32

Being over whelmed with hurled stones.”

Chapter 51

2 For I was incapable of enduring this vision of violence, its agitation (Earth quakes),

and the concussion (meteor impacts) of heaven “33(Also known as Mars Chapter 58: 7.)

“In that day shall be a separating one from another two monsters a female, whose name is Leviathan (The Moon with its Ice vapor trail)

Dwelling in the depths (space) above the springs of water.34

106 bit mars venus moon

The Moon that caused the Tidal bulges of Mars


8. The second monster Dendayen (AKA Lucifer) “The Snake” in The Garden of Eden.35

  1. These two monsters are by the power of GOD prepared to become provisions,

  2. that the punishments of GOD may not be in vain,” 36 (That some good may come out of it.)

About 14,000 years ago sea level records indicate a sudden sharp rise for a short time which geologist call the MWP1A after which followed a one thousand year time of drought on planet Earth. A drought or charab37 that corresponds to the Genesis 3:24’s account of God pronouncing a curse on the ground of the planet Earth that is until the Isis dam lessened the effect.

112 bitmars venus moon - Copy

Then about 12,500 years ago Earth captured the wondering Moon and its ice water vapor trail causing the Melt Water Pulse 1 B “Angles” (water vapors) shall ascend (From Mars) Into Space, the springs of water shall be changed and again undergo a change, and be FROZEN.”38 300 to 400 degrees below zero as they travel through space.

Chapter 58:39

15 These waters of judgment shall be for their healing, and for the death of their bodies.

But they shall not perceive and believe that the waters will change, and become like fire.

114mars venus moon twelve

Not all the moons water ice vapor trail was captured in the MWP1B second event occurred late which geologists call the MWP2B

mwps 3


12 December 2007

Mammoth tusks show up meteorite shower 40

“Allen West, a self-taught geophysicist based in Arizona, was looking for evidence of a meteorite that he and his colleague think caused the wipe-out of large mammals and the Clovis people in North America some 13,000 years ago. Recalling previous visits to the annual Tucson Gem and Mineral Show, Allen says,

“A bulb went on in my head; I remembered seeing a room full of Mammoth tusks there.”


He reasoned that tusks or antlers of deer or elk might have inadvertently captured exploding meteoritic material. So he went to a motel that shows the fossils, and sifted through the tusks “I spent two or three hours looking at dirty old tusks, when suddenly there was a burnt hole,” He says, “He tested it with a small magnet, as he knew many meteorites were mostly iron.

“Bang; it stuck right to the hole,”

The myths and story riddles of the past, match the scientific evidence of the Melt Water Pulses and the Star References of Noah41 and Job date their text to the Melt Water Pulse 1 B establishes an explanation for the sudden rise in sea level of c. 10,500 years before the Christian era. NASA’s own missions and astrophysical evidence from throughout the Inner Solar System are pieces of the same puzzle: An assembled Puzzle that explains “Where the moon got its water.” Evidence that has been ridiculed and expunged from our Science Research Centers “Radar Screen” evidence from the Historical Model that NASA hopes they can continue to ignore

1Qumran cave one ,Isaiah second copy

2Laurence Dr. R, Ethiopian Enoch, Also known as The Book of Pa- Hanok University of Oxford, England,C. 66:15

3Lamsa, G. M., The Holy Bible :from the ancient Eastern text -The Peshitta-; San Francisco : Harper & Row,1957,P. 13, C7:20

4 rock,

6Rock Type Found at Mars, Staff posted:15 February 2005,

7Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite ,Isiah 6:9,10

8Cretaceous, Colliers, OP. Cite

9Solar system/ Moon Op Cite Colliers


11Rock Type Found at Mars by Staff posted:15 February 2005,,

12Laurence Dr. R, Op.Cite C58:1

13 C 66:12

14Ibid Ibid C 58:1

15Ibid C 58: 1

16Ibid C. 51

17Ibid C, 66:12

18Ibid no 680 Azazyel- This statement speaks of junna or Djinn, “angry.” Iblis {despair} who was called Azazyel the leader of the rebels of Enoch chapter 8: Laurence Dr. R, Op.Cite

19Strongs, James Op. cite Hebrew, no 680

20Ibid, Hebrew no. 6697- “Rock”- “a pebble in the deep” or to expand the concept a planet in space”

21 IbidHebrew no.5767 the wicked is a term for Azazyel

22Tabernacle means dwelling or his home Tartarus (AKMars)

23Strongs, Op. Cite, Hebrew no.6341 This word “gin” means the mouth of the trap

24Ibid no 680 Azazyel’s off spring in the flesh


26Westcott B. F, Hort J. A., The New Testament in the Original Greek, 1881, Colossians1:18

27 Laurence Dr. R, Ethiopian Enoch, Also known as The Book of Pa- Hanok University of Oxford, England C53 “Being over whelmed with hurled stones.”

28Strongs, Op. Cite, Hebrew no 8328: Root means the source of life so growth {offspring} can continue

29Ibid no 680Azazyel

30Ibid no 5303 NEPHILIM Azazyel’s off spring in the flesh that died

31 Ibid no 680Azazyel

32 Laurence Dr. R, Op.Cite C53

33376 Ibid C 58:2

34Ibid C 58:7

35Ibid C 58:8

36Ibid C 58:12

37Strongs, Op. Cite, H, 2717, drought, famine war or sword

38Ibid Laurence Dr. R, Op.Cite C 66:12

39Ibid C 58

40 Mammoth tusks show up meteorite shower , Nature, doi:10.1038/news.2007.372 12 December 2007 Published online

41 Starry Nights, Op. Cite.



Q&A With Author Howard West about Book Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets

Howard, what is your book ,

Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets  about?

Myths and ancient legends that were intentionally encrypted to give two concepts; one in deceptively simple fictional stories for the Barbarians, the other concept locked away; treasure hidden in riddles. An example of that deception concept was used against the city of Troy. Three thousand years ago on the sunny shore of the Eastern Mediterranean, along the Aegean Sea, the Trojan Barbarians were safe from the Greeks behind their impenetrable gates, however the Greeks had left a key that would open their gates. Even though Cassandra tried to warned the Gate Keepers:  those Barbarians were too contemptuous  of anyone who disagreed with the Collective Concept about the Wooden Horse: therefore the city of Troy was destroyed.

Our modern Gate Keepers of knowledge are Ratio-Nihilist  and when they see someone like Cassandra who is in disagreement with their Collective Concept of Truth: the diagnosis is always, “They are just part of the Lunatic Fringe.” Our Gate Keepers of knowledge, therefore, would feel justified in the dismissing of our poor little Cassandra and her “Statements of Truth”  just like the Gate Keepers of Troy

Howard, what gates have you unlocked?

Two of the most profound deals with the riddle of the demigod, Thoth, “who  gave the Ancient Egyptians their scientific methods;” his existence was entwined within the stories of the ancients’ world wide.


Thoth was just a Myth!

How could a Myth influence Egypt?

There are many examples of the Knowledge given by this demigod, the most important were the Power of the Written Word, through a heliographic communication system  and irrigation dams.


The ancient name for the land of the Nile was, KMT. The hieroglyphic symbols are  commonly interpreted as, The Land of Black Dirt.  KMT hieroglyphics should be read, left to right: a yarn winding bobbin, a half circle, Horus  in the form of a hawk, and a dam. The meaning, the story of the rise of two sciences, communication, and irrigation dams.

What does Thoth have to do with Egypt’s rise?

Because those innovations, irrigation and  communication  are connected to the demigod, Thoth.  First as Horus stand on the backs of crocodiles in front of an image of Thoth.



This imagery is called Herupakhered and the unlocking of this  imagery was accomplished through its ancient Coptic Greek roots as heru, meaning the tool of strengths, pa, awesome accomplishment and khered, the ability to move stone. Both Osiris and young Horus stood on the backs of crocodiles and symbolized Herodotus’ Machana  that lifted the stone for the pyramid.

Didn’t the Egyptians pour the stones in forms?

The problem of the Cast  Block Theory  is the lack of an aggregate binder ,cement.  Egypt never has had an abundance of wood or coal to be used to create cement, nor is there any archeological  remnants of a large enough wood fired cement works and without that aggregate binder:   the blocks can not take the compression forces that a 450 foot pyramid would exert, however, there are in Egypt many stone block quarries.

16stone quarry pic bloxam

Didn’t Herodotus say:

“The Pyramid was twenty years in the building and the Machines to lift the stone were made of wood?

oblist barge

When you go to any common Greek Lexicon, it will say that “machana” is defined as a machine. However, those machines were boats, and if you look at Greek words with similar root forms, you will find they are defined as “ship captains and seamen.”

Why haven’t I heard of this concept before?

Traditional misinterpretation of the evidence, because, these boats were stylized in Egyptian art to look like crocodiles, large barges with segmented blocks that represent the body of a crocodile and two tow boats, bow and stern making the Oars look like swimming legs as they were seen from the lip of the valley, an image that looked like a crocodile.

 crock oneimage

How can a boat lift stone?

first kings

The first four Pharaohs solved that problem by building the great dam and their serekh shows that dam’s rising. However, Narmer, the first Pharaoh’s serekh shows his Machana  barges symbolized as catfish with only one tow boat.  However these crocodile like barges were often rotated 90 degrees and placed on columns of water in many papyrus. Which symbolizes the building of Osiris’ pyramid.


               40  life was good jpg40 b life is good jpg40 c life is good jpg



Thesecrocodile like barges, were one of the primary Low Tech Tools used to create a large irrigation reservoir, an irrigation project, that was once known as the Sea of Nun; an irrigation project through the creation of a huge dam that quickly turned the Nile river basin from a humble desert kingdom into a world agricultural power. Then that land became known by its Semitic name, Metzrayim, a name that today would be defined as River Dam.


5 jpg dam 2

The dam built with thesecrocodile like barges gave added benefits to the Pyramid builders, because, as the dam grew higher the stone masons working on the Pyramid had stone delivered to their level of construction by boat without the need for ramps and thousands of workers.

building pyramid


Where do you get the dating of this dam’s construction?

31jpg star map2

Books from the Dead Sea Collection speak of the building of the Great Pyramid. When Bootes, Ursa Major and Minor were seasonal constellations, about 13 to 14 thousand years ago, when the level of that irrigation lake,the Sea of Nun rose, behind a dam.


Job 28


After that dam’s destruction and  the draining of the Sea of Nun; the Great Pyramid rose from those receding waters. This event of draining of the sea of Nun occurred over four thousand years ago and was well documented by a Jewish historian. After that dam’s destruction that nation became known by the Coptic Greek name, Aiguptis,  Egypt. Which is derived from aigi, a sea, and ptoe , to cause to flee away.

Isn’t there more evidence than that?

There is also an anomaly in the geological record of  the Nile river valley  that agrees with the flood building of the Great pyramids. A little over 13 thousand years ago.

82 a Geo record jpg.  JPG

Couldn’t an increase in precipitation cause that rise?

NO! Because Africa was in a one thousand year drought. A drought that was confirmed by the geological records to that same time period, the  river Nile rose by hundreds of feet during a Devastating Drought. A rise of the river Nile that had no natural reason to occur.

Sea Level Geological Record

82 B mwp1b two jpg

Only a man-made dam at the narrows of Cairo at the island of Roda  could account for such a sudden rise of the river Nile. Funny thing is the Egyptians recently considered putting a dam at the narrowing of the Nile near Cairo at the island of Roda:


First Pharoh      Narmer  1

Why,  isn’t  there a  dam there now?

The Egyptians thought better because the water would cover the Pyramids  and part of Cairo  so they put a dam shaped hotel there.

island of Roda

Theories are a dime a dozen.


The  thing is that by using this theory  as a template; I have been able to find an impressive amount of historical and scientific evidence to collaborate that concept of the building and revealing of the Great Pyramid and its intended function.


Why hasn’t any one else seen this?

karnack map isis osiris

Egyptian mythology was encrypted, here is one of the most beloved story that implies the dam building concept,  that of Osiris and Isis, who were deeply in love.  However, there was a problem in the kingdom, Osiris’ brother Set, coveted the throne. So Set through deception was able to capture, and then kill Osiris. Set cut our hero into pieces and carefully hid the dismembered pieces in the Nile.  Isis was distraught with grief over the loss of her husband and the emptiness of her womb. Consequently, Isis took up the gruesome task of finding Osiris’ missing pieces.

isis search


Eventually, Isis located most of the dismembered body.  Which she then wrapped in green and black  in so doing cocooning her husband.


mummy isis


Because, of Isis’ great devotion and love for Osiris, he was resurrected, A gift to allow the couple to couple?  However, Isis had not found all of her husband’s missing pieces; furthermore, that one piece was a very Important Piece, if you wanted children. Somehow Osiris was up to the task and Isis was given a son which she called Horus. A son that would take the part of his father’s Missing Piece?

Isn’t that a little “KINKY” ?

The Egyptians knew that their  enemies, the Barbarians loved kinky stories, and that “kinkiness” would help to keep the story told and retold throughout the generations, A stratagem which the Egyptians knew that the barbarians would be unaware of. Let’s start with the common tradition surrounding: Isis,  first Isis wears a strange crown, which the common tradition  calls a throne,  even so, that stair stepped triangle is depicted in many papyri as a dam. Furthermore, the hieroglyphic symbol for Isis implies just that concept.




The  Glyph for Isis is an oval symbolizing a body of water,  above that is a half circle symbolizing rising. Then to the left,  a stair step triangle, the dam symbol, the meaning?

Isis, water rising behind a dam.


What do we know about Osiris?

osiris 22

 Osiris’ glyph show an eye behind the dam symbol.

Next Osiris was cut into pieces, then those pieces were hidden in the Nile.


What about the mummification of Osiris?

Leave a stone in the Nile and it will soon grow green algae and black slime.


But Osiris was resurrected,

How do you explain that?

Funny thing is many stories of Egypt speak of the Great Pyramid rising out of the Sea. Next Osiris was missing an important piece  The Great pyramid is also missing a part its apex.


35 jpg pyramid

I don’t get how did Horus

Replace his fathers missing piece?

Pull out a one dollar bill what tops its Pyramid?  An Eye, which was One of Horus’ symbol , the Udjat.

dollar pyramid

Horus replaced the thirty feet of stone work which would have been needed to complete the “Apex” of the great Pyramid.

But what did that Eye symbolize?

bird blinks

The Book of the Dead’s, Coffin text, speaks of Horus as a communication device in the shape of an eye, a golden mirror that flashes sun light as a Morris like code as far as the Horizon.


Pyr eye horus

How does that communication device’s code

Lead us back to

 Thoth’s written language system?

cuneaform symbols

Like cuneiform it was written on soft clay tablets, like the  scratching of an Ibis bird, Thoth’s second icon. And just as the Osiris story said! Horus was the completing part of the Pyramid, but not as “kinky” as the common interpretation. This new interpretation of the story of Osiris and family leads us back to the rise of Egypt, KMT and implies a dam was created and the rising of the lake was the means which was used to build the Great Pyramid and the missing apex was intended as a communication hub.  

5 jpg dam 2


and just like Isis, the water of the rising lake cocooned the outside of the Pyramid with green algae and black slime; until the Great Pyramid rose out of the water of the receding lake.

mummy isis



Such a major event why isn’t there

Historical documentation of that event?


There is however, the ancient Egyptians wanted the traditions of the  Barbarians  to hold sway rather than the Truth. However, Isaiah 19  gives an account of the draining of the Sea of Metzrayim and the arrival of the Jews and their construction of a great city around the great Pyramid called the city of Heliopolis.

Your telling me that

The Jews are connected to the Great Pyramid

boat pits


Atum was another name for the Pyramid that spoke of itself and its arrival:

“When I, Atum was alone in the waters, in a state of immobility, Before I was found anywhere to stand or sit, Before Heliopolis had been founded that I might be there in.”


If this is true

There must be overwhelming evidence?

Which there is! A book full, here are a few more examples. The historians Josephus, of the first century and a ninth century Arab Masoudi, also confirms that the flooding of the Nile Valley was used in the pyramids construction. Much more can be found in the hard cover  book Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets , by Howard West- available at



cover 4


NASA and The Moon’s Watery Past From The Hard cover book Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords’ Secrets

Mankind’s Past is controversial with competing intellectual groups proudly holding on to differing traditions, each field of study believing that their traditions best chronicles the human race’s Past, these differing traditions are each held as undeniable FACTS. Howard West’s E-book, Locked Gates stands in opposition to those traditions by revealing contrary subject materials that have been hidden in ancient books, scrolls, geological, and archaeological records. This evidence shows a far different account of mankind’s distant Past and its approaching Future. To showcase this evidence found in the E-book, Locked Gates, West has produced a series of nine videos, The ninth book trailer, takes NASA to task revealing how it continues to present dis-information as undeniable truth, such as the documented lies that comets are dirty snow balls, the origins of the moon, Mars and its topography.
