Answers Long Misunderstood

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The Heavens Praise God’s Wonders and Christian are Afraid to Proclaim Them

Psalm_89:5And the heavens shall praise thy wonders, O LORD: thy faithfulness also in the congregation of the saints.” Even so, most Christian experts are afraid to look at the constellations of the night sky. Afraid that someone will think: “they believe in the Zodiac.” Isaiah_13:10 For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their אור enlightenment. However, the early Church called the stars of the heavens “The Way” and did not use the stars for personal predictions. Those constellations acted as an interface or Story Board to pass down the believers stories using the constellations as their text and the star names to unfold stories hidden in the stars of the night sky.However, Job describes two of  these constellations in 26:13, as a fight between God and evil in this way: 1

HE garnishes the heavens and with His hand slew the fleeing Serpent”

Genesis  3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed;

it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

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This star picture is connected to “an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt” The Manuscript of Makrizi states that. “The first (the Great) Pyramid was especially dedicated to the history and astronomy;2 Tohfat Aalabib states that the Great Pyramid contains “Plans of the stars and historical and prophetical records.3


Isaiah 19:19 -20a In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt,

and a pillar at the border thereof to the LORD.

And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt


To understand this interface between the stars and the Great Pyramid we must go back to the year 2141 before the Christian Era, Sesonchosis (the Season of Chaos) September 21st at which time the Patriarch Joseph was living in Egypt and go through the entrance of the Great Pyramid and down the long passage way as the darkness engulfs us, and as we move toward a pool of water that is at the bottom. The water has flooded almost to the opening to the well shaft4; and as we continue down a small light appears out of the darkness then turning a round we see that same light behind us.


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We are somewhere between the star Thuman the North Star of 2141 BC, that is above us and it’s reflection on the water below us, a bottomless pit halfway between a star and that same star: a type of hell or a bottomless pit where up could be down and down could be up, which is a fearful of a place as drowning in a dark sea. A place where a wrong step or a passing cloud will plunge you into total darkness without a star to guide you, “We know that we can escape. Can’t we?”


As we quickly walk back up toward the entrance, a star picture appears, that of the constellation Draco (The snake of the North Star Thuman of 2141 years before the Christian era,)5 it was a time Egyptian Archeologist call “Sesonchosis ( the Season of Chaos)” The Snake star picture is trying to encircle other star pictures of the sky, especially Ursa Minor and our current North Star Polaris then known as Yean. There is one Star picture that Draco cannot encircle, and that is the picture of The Mighty One, who is kneeling down with one foot on Draco’s head as the snake tries to strike his foot. The Mighty One has a club in his hand beating the Snake with it and the shape of that legendary olive branch club is a Cross.6


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Moreover, Moses wrote of this star picture as a prophecy 7 .

“I will put Enmity (Snake) between you and the woman, and between your posterity and her Posterity:

and her Posterity shall tread your head under his foot, and you shall strike in his heel”

That star picture is still in the sky today. Who is this Mighty One? That occupies a large portion of the heavens? Who is seen bending on one knee, with his right heel lifted up as if it had been wounded, while his left foot is set directly over the head of The Great Dragon? A mystical Hero who in his right hand he wields a great olive branch club or cross,  even in the Denderah (the ancient Stone Star Chart of Egypt) which was recovered during Napoleon’s expedition to Egypt in 1798-1802 at which time the French also found the Rosetta Stone, the block of stone that acts as an interface to writings of the past.


beu zodac

There on the Denderah Star Chart, we have a human figure, in the same position in the night sky as our old friend Hercules again with a club. His name is Bau, which means “Who is to come”, and is evidently intended for Him who is to come to crush The Serpent’s head, and “destroy the works of the devil.”8 In Arabic Hercules or Bau of the northern night sky is called Al Giscale, The Strong One. There are 113 stars in this constellation. The brightest star, in his head, is named Ras al Gethi, and means the head of him who bruises. The next, in the right armpit, is named Kornephorus, and means The Branch, (Nazarene in Hebrew) plus, kneeling. The star in the right elbow is called Marsic, The wounding. The star in the upper part of the left arm is named Ma’asyn, the sin-offering or the protector in Hebrew9. While in the lower part of the right arm is Caiam, or Guiam, punishing; and in Arabic, treading under foot.10 Many of these star names have Arabic or Hebrew origins dating to hundreds of years before the Birth of MY LORD JESUS CHRIST and the definitions are not redefined terms to fit a Christian theology. Psalm_89:5 “And the heavens shall praise thy wonders, O LORD: thy faithfulness also in the congregation of the saints.” However, will you use this Wonder God placed in the heavens and proclaim His faithfulness? Or dismiss one of the greatest witnessing tool given to the Church?

1Lamsa, G. M., The Holy Bible :from the ancient Eastern text The Peshitta, San Francisco : Harper & Row,1984,



4Ibid p. 7


6 Starry Nights, computer star charting program.

7Moses, Genesis 3 Cave Qumran

8 Bullinger E, W.The Witness of the Stars1893

9Strongs, Op. Cite, , Hebrew, Ref. No, 4937

10Bullinger E, W. Op. Cite