Answers Long Misunderstood

Posts tagged “All Seeing Eye

The Wings of Pegasus

The best snapshot of the uses of the Hittite Winged Sun Disk heliograph which Pegasus carried is a bas-relief1 sculpture of three men holding the Magic mirrored unit, which is found in the collection at the Metropolitan museum of arts. This sculpture has been dated to two thousand years before the Christian era began. That is a thousand years before King David of Israel, Clytemnestra and the Egyptian Princess Entiu-ny.


Hittite Winged Sun Disk


Two of the men in the relief are stabilizing the device and directing the reflective beam of light. The third is stabilizing the other two men’s arms. Just above the two men’s shoulders, there are two levers that are used to stabilize the unit if placed on the ground. A round disk on a pole was used to blink the mirror reflection. This is one of the military small portable units used in battle and was carried on the backs of horses. The Sun disk’s wings were not for flying as I have mentioned before, but those wings were for reducing the field of view. In the late 19th century the British military use pipes and even gun bores to narrow the field of view of their heliographs in effect creating the forerunner to our modern LASER.


Medusa’s Gorgons, used horses to transport just as General Miles his heliographs. Homer’s Bellerophn found one of Medusa lost horses with a sun disk aboard with its wings folded over the horse’s flanks. Homer was BLIND2 and everything he spoke of was from a blind man’s perspective, so you cannot take him as an eye witness. Therefore, when Homer was told of a horse with wings on its back and able to deliver messages quickly through the air: Homer explained it as a flying horse. The ancient translation of the word we pronounce Pegasus is Pege-aspis which means a stratagem3 and the signaling bright shield.4. That is why when Bellerophn found that abandoned horse and its precious cargo, he named the horse and its load “Pegasus” or Pege-aspis and after this stratagem of Aries (Mars), enabling Bellerophn to use Pegasus to defeat the Chimera.5

Blind Homer


Mohammad was thought to have used this type of winged horse communication system to keep track of Islam’s most holy sites. One of these heilographic sentinel outposts was on the hill where the Dome of the Rock now sits in Jerusalem.

wailing wall

Mohammad was a great military leader and would have used that tool of a horse portable heliograph to his greatest advantage, though many Muslims would consider the Magic of the heliograph being connected to Mohammad to be heresy.

Ahura Mazda the good god, of truth and light


The religious convictions of the Hittites’ were the foundation of the Zoroasterision sect and their main god is Ahura Mazda the good god, of truth, and light.6 One of the most prominent depictions of Ahura Mazda is on the wall of the gateway to the ruined Persian capital of Persepolis where he stands in the middle of a Hittite Sun Disk heliograph where he is holding a small mirror. This is the same type of golden disks that was found in burial shafts of ancient Mycenae found by Heinrich Schiemann in the late 1868-1876 of the Christian era7. Little round Magic Mirrors of gold used to flash messages to the nearest watch tower (cell-tower) giving the man on the go instant communication, so he could keep in touch. Magic Mirrors that were entombed with those leaders, just as today some people are buried with their portable communication devices, cell phones.

In the 13th century, before the Christian era there was a Hittite king called, The Great King of Khatti: though in Egyptian the name would have been pronounced KHUTI. That name is the word for “LIGHTS.” The Great King of Lights fought Rameses II at the battle of Kadish in the Orontes valley in what is now Syria. The Great King of Lights forced Ramses II to sign a treaty in Karnack, Egypt1. The Winged Sun Disks (lights) were used for communication, surveillance, command and control. This gave the Hittite king the advantage over Ramses II of Egypt who was thought to be the best war tactician of his time, Rameses II, was fought to a draw because he did not control the “High Ground.”

The All Seeing Eye of Osiris

 Udjat of Horus


bird blinks

The Greek messenger goddess that came to Helen and the Greeks that were in siege around Troy was Iris. The All Seeing Eye of Osiris, (Iris) is now depicted as an eye although in ancient jewelry and inscriptions this eye sometimes had added on components, the Udjat of Horus depicted as a human eye and eyebrow. Under the eye was a long central shaft and a long sweep or lever that attached to the base of the Eye. The central shaft was placed into a socket on the top of a watchtower or mountaintop and the sweep or lever was used to turn the whole unit: This was so the Sun would reflect its light from the iris, “the Magic Mirror” to the proper location just as with the Sun Disk an Eye lid on a pole could blink or wink the eye.

Harmakhet, Horus in the Horizon, in this form Horus represented the rising sun and was associated with Khepn. He was also considered to be the keeper of wisdom. Maat was the goddess of wisdom of Egypt, who advised the Pharaohs, and her symbol was a single scribe reed stylized to look like a feather dropped from the wings of Horus, a message that was sent by Egypt’s heilographic network. And just like Medusa and General Miles this intelligence provided by these heliographs kept the Pharaohs up to date on what was happening all over Egypt and beyond. Horus the Elder also known as Haroeis, and Mekhenti-Irry are two forms of the Egyptian god Horus that has two eyes on his brow. Many, of “The Traditional Scholars2 have wrongly concluded that eyes were only a symbols of the sun and the other was the moon.3 The two eyes riddles were really a twin mirror heliograph system that allowed a message to be sent any time during the day even if the sun would not allow a single mirror to direct its refection to the location needed. This same type of twin mirror system was used by General Miles thousands of years later.

three US army heliograph jpg

1Jones T. B, “Hittite” , Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.12, P. 162 Photo Metropolitan Museum of Art

2Homer ,World Book Encyclopedia, Field Enterprise Educational Corp,V 9

3Strongs James, Op. Cite,, Greek, no. 3803, 698, 4077

4 Ibid 875

5Stow H.L, “Pegasus” ,World Book Encyclopedia, Op. Cite., Vol.15, P. 202

6Duchesne J, “Zoroastrian” Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.23, P. 777

7Scranton R.L, ”Mycenae” Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.17, P. 108

1Woods, M, Op.CiteP173-174


3 Ibid

The Legacy of Isis, Metzrayim


47 pharoh 4 rwo jpg


Before Egypt was known by the Greek name Egypt, Aigu-ptis1 which is derived from aigialos2 a sea (as in Aegean), and ptoeo3 to cause to flee away, Egypt’s ancient Semitic name was Metz-ra-yim4 the meaning of which is Metz5 the wall or fence, or Mitzad6 to capture, Ra7 the power, and Yim8 the river or sea. This riddle is given life through the Parable of Osiris. The Pharaoh Osiris and his co-regent Isis were the most beloved couple in Egyptian mythology; though Isis was known to be angry at Lower Egypt. Even so, the couple had a good working relationship, though Isis would have loved to have Osiris home more. Osiris was always on the go, as an ambassador telling the world of the greatness of Egypt. Consequently, the day to day affairs of Egypt fell to Isis leaving little time to start a family, (which was something that Isis dearly wanted.) All was not sweetness and light: Osiris’ brother Set was the jealous kind, a man that coveted all that Osiris had, (especially the Throne of Egypt.) Set through deception was able to capture, and then kill his brother, Osiris. Then for spite and to make sure the job was complete: Set cut our hero into pieces and carefully hid Osiris’ dismembered pieces in the Nile. Isis was distraught with grief over the loss of her husband and the emptiness of her womb. Consequently, Isis took up the gruesome task of finding all the missing pieces of her husband that were hidden in the Nile.isis search

Eventually, Isis had located most of Osiris’ dismembered body. Isis then wrapped Osiris in green and black in so doing cocooning Osiris. Because, of Isis’ great devotion and love for her husband, Osiris was resurrected for one night, (A gift to allow the couple to couple?) However, Isis had not found all of her husband’s missing pieces; and furthermore, that one piece was a very Important Piece if you wanted a son as badly as Isis. Somehow Osiris was magically up to the task and Isis was given a son which she called Horus. A son that would take the part of his father’s Osiris Missing Piece? Okay, that sounds a little “KINKY.” However, in the Un-Common interpretation that concept is perfectly logical.


The Students of Ancient Egypt’s Traditions have taken this common fairytale interpretation of Osiris, Isis, and Horus and they have turned that interpretation into the accepted tradition of this story, with generation after generation repeating the same basic story. “The Riddle Lords,” planned for the common interpretation to be accepted by their Enemies and the Common folk, All the same, those story tellers expected that their Dark Sayings would be eventually unwrapped, like the mummy wrappings around Osiris. Consequently, we still have the basic skeleton of this riddle intact so that frame work can be fleshed out through other sources. Let’s start with the common tradition surrounding: Isis. First Isis wears a strange crown, and the common tradition calls this a throne: even so, that stair stepped triangle is depicted in many papyri as a dam.


Furthermore, the hieroglyphic symbol for Isis implies just that concept. The first Glyph is an oval symbolizing water or a body of water, above that is a solid half circle symbolizing rising. Then to the left a stair step triangle the dam symbol, the meaning? Isis, the dam that causes water to rise. Isis’ son Glyph only has a small hawk next to her Glyph.

Osiris’ Glyph symbol is the “All Seeing Eye”, the udjat, as seen on the back of the U.S. one dollar bill and even Osiris’ phonic pronunciation is connected to that Eye: Osiris., Iris was the female messenger goddess of the Greeks. Furthermore, that eye is connected with the heliographic system used by the Egyptians. That heliographic device was also embodied in Osiris’ son Horus, consequently, the Horus device (heliograph) that was placed on the platform of the “Height that was not sharpened.” bird blinks


Horus replaced the thirty feet of stone work which would have been needed to complete the “Apex” of the great Pyramid. Just as the Osiris story said, but not as “kinky” as the common interpretation implies. The Riddle Lords threads knew that their enemies loved kinky stories, and that “kinkiness” would help to keep the story told and retold throughout the generations, a stratagem that the Riddle Lords knew that their Enemies and the Common Folk would be unaware of the story’s hidden meaning.

1Strongs, Op. Cite, G 125

2Ibid ,123

3bid ,4422

4Strongs James, Op. Cite, H,4714

5Ibid. 4694

6Ibid, 4679

7Ibid, 7200

8Ibid, 3220