Answers Long Misunderstood


“What makes an Ancient Civilization Truly Prosper?”

What I believe is the most necessary   items  need to turn a small village into a nation of greatness: without  certain inventions that  many people have not considered. Those inventions deal with communications.

Let us start with China,  a communication system that was mentioned in the 13th century of the Christian era. In the traveler, Marco Polo’s account of his visit to the Far East, the account mentions that the Emperor of China was alerted to Polo’s arrival by sunlight reflected by mercury mirrors between mountaintops along Polo’s route. .

Moul, The Book, The Book of Marco Polo, Yule and Cordiel 1903

India, while Sir Henry Mance was serving the Crown of England  he noticed  that  the local Rajah were out flanking him through the uses of the sun and mirrors.  Mance developed his heliographic system by added a second mirror; each of the two mirrors could be tilted or rotated. This movement allowed the lower mirror to be turned and tilted to catch the sun at the best angle and reflect that light to the top mirror. The upper mirror could then be turned to allow it to send the light to the location of the troops. The heliograph’s mirror had a telegraph type key to tip the mirror .

General Nelson A. Miles  used heliograph with shutters or lovers were used to allow the Magic Mirror to blink the message.


General Nelson A. Miles described the historic surrender of Geronimo and the Magic Mirror connection is as follow:
“I (General Miles) told him (Geronimo) that we had the use of steam and could move with great rapidity. That we also had the telegraph and the heliostat (heliograph), both superior to any of their methods of communication

I (General Miles) said to (Geronimo) ‘We can watch your movements and send messages over the tops of the mountains in the small part of a day that would take a mounted man on a swift pony twenty days to travel” (Geronimo) told me he had observed these flashes of light upon the mountain heights and believed them to be spirits.”

For a demonstration a heilographic message was sent to inquirer of Geronimo’s brother at Fort Bowie. This is the response of Geronimo on the receipt of the return message as told by Miles.

“This struck the savage with awe, and evidently made a strong impression upon him. I (General Miles) noticed that he (Geronimo) said something to one of his warriors close by him, at which the warrior quietly turned on his heel, and walked a short distance where his pony was lariated, jumped on his back and rode rapidly back in the direction of the mountains from which Geronimo had come.”
Miles asked what Geronimo had said.

The interpreter replied: “He (Geronimo) told him to go tell Natchez that there was a power here which he (Geronimo) could not understand: and to come in, and come quick.”

The heliograph had performed its magical God like function as it had in the centuries past and in a few hours Natchez came down from the mountain. In the western states of Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada, used a heliographic network of sentinels out posts in the high desert for a time in the late 19th century and the British also used a heliographic system in southern Africa and in the Sub Continent in the same era. The heliograph also provided the mobile communication element in the British service which was devised by Sir Henry Mance at Bombay in 1869. The system would be transported to high ground location on horseback. The location usually was on a high open mountaintop that was clear on all sides. This heliographic system was the forerunner of our modern satellite surveillance systems. This communication system was a huge leap forward in technology, or was it backwards?

In ancient Greece a funny thing happened Aeschylus, the Greek dramatist1: said that Clytemnestra knew of the fall of Troy that day. But how could she know? Did space aliens tell her? NO! Was Clytemnestra a clairvoyant? NO! Did she have an out of body experience then? NO!  Catoptromance (Magic Mirrors) Now you’re getting close. But where is the thread that will start to unravel this Knot? Xenophon (434-355 years before the Christian era) the ancient Greek war hero and historian answers that question in his history of ancient Greece called Hellenica. Nevertheless, Xenophon’s words like Cassandras’ words have been rejected by the Gatekeepers of knowledge. Even so, Hellenica contains the phrase to:

“Signal with a Shield”


This refers to reflecting sunlight with a mirrored shield. Those mirrors were called aspis the Ancient Greek word for snakes or mirrored shields. The messages that were sent by these ancient heliographs were called “aspasmos6” to “handle the shield.” Yes, they were what you would call Magic Mirrors the same kind that gave Clytemnestra the extra time needed to make sure she did not get caught with her new lover and  what allowed Snow White’s wicked step mother to find The Fairest of them all.

Those sundisks, or aspis were easily  spotted  on the mountain sides. The  British also used a heliographic system in southern Africa that were sited down gun bores to narrow the field of view. But what did the ancients use? That  leads us back to Egypt and  one of the symbols of Horus which  was the winged sun disk with a mirror in its center. The wings of this heilographic device were not to fly with but too damper or screen the light so the field of view would be reduced.

The best snapshot of the uses of the Hittite Winged Sun Disk heliograph is a bas-relief8  sculpture of three Horsemen with woolie chaps with lead ropes for their  horses (they did not have tails) who were holding the Magic mirrored unit, which is found in the collection at the Metropolitan museum of arts. This sculpture has been dated to two thousand years before the Christian era began.


That is about a thousand years before King David of Israel, Clytemnestra and the Egyptian Princess Entiu-ny. We get our letter “A” and the Sanskrit’s first letter from the Sun Disk’s folded wings.  The ancient translation of the word we pronounce Pegasus is Pege-aspis which means a stratagem and the signaling bright shield. Did Rome have this system? There is some anecdotal evidence that they did.

Now why are those aspis or heliographs so important: because those Magic Mirrors gave the ancient world of the Eastern Mediterranean all the way to China a system of communication equal to that of the late 19th to early 20th centuries. Think about that concept because the Gatekeepers of knowledge are blissfully unaware of that fact that thousands of years ago the cultures of the Middle East had almost instant communication between cities hundreds of miles apart. This is something that modern “Man” has only had for about one hundred and fifty years.

For the rest of the story and lots of pictures
Locked Gates, The Riddle Lord’s Secrets, Introduction, Table of Contents, Links and footnotes



Arithmomancy the Past and Future Told by Numbers and Light



Notice in the alphanumeric chart, that the number sixty has the same symbol for both codes: the Greek letters and the flasher code transcription. Sorry, but the letter name is Xi: it marks the spot that the two codes match code symbols. As luck (?) would have it, later in history, the ancient Xi symbol was reintroduced; a throwback to the heliographic code of the ancient past. There are many other examples of the connections between the ancient heliographic codes of the past and the Greek alphabet such as delta, however, Xi is the key that unlocks the stacked code and the numeric connection with 5 +1 times 10 value. A symbolic code that was far easier to learn than the linear type used by Morris in his code.

Samechs and Xi


The symbolize concept from


Psalms 10:5a, 25:15, 34:15 , 37:24, 103:15, 119:105, 145:14

Help, Neck yoke Circle


The Greek letter is called Xi1, and the symbol of both the heliographic and the Greek is the same. The Greek word is xio2: to make easier as in: Xulon3; which means, neck yoke. The Egyptian hieroglyph for this character is a cross or what you might call a cross member or a twin handled bar. This bar was attached to a rope allowing the men to push against the bar that was attached to the rope. This added to the ability of transferring human muscle power more efficiently to the moving of an object. When using horses it is called a single tree or in butchering the same device is call a gambrel. The Hebrew word is Samek4: to lean on, take hold, or sustain. The heliographic code is Six a short dash (5) over a dot (+1): Mercy or to make easier, over a long dash (X 10): Make known the power, which is what a lever, or neck yoke does.qum54

Sanskrit, Hebrew and  Greek

There are many other examples of the connections to the heliographic code of the ancients to the origins of systems like Sanskrit, Hebrew and the Greek, however, if you look at the comparison chart of the Arithmomancy you notice that the simplest codes are highlighted because those are the most used letters in the most ancient texts of both the Greek and the Hebrew alphabets.5 That is a tell tail sign of a designed code system that was used with a transmitted system. Additional evidence is that both the Hebrew and Greek alphabets have the same order as the northern Semite alphabet of the Hittites, the Greek and Hebrew alphabets ,also mirror the early Ugaritic Cuneiform symbol because they were all alphanumeric/ heliographic codes. These codes allowed the most used letters to have the simplest symbol that corresponds to 1, 5, 10, 2, 4, 6, 9, 50 and 100. Here is the kicker; the message would be totaled, so that when it was received a line cipher was given with the numeric total of the message or line by line, therefore, if the totals did not match up? The mismatch allowed the error to be discovered and allowing message be re-sent or corrected. There are at least two places where this principle is still used, first in computer code writing so that the errors in the written code can be found if the computer or software has a malfunction and which allows the line cipher to locate where the error is so that error can be fixed.

Then there are the Jews, who still use those number values of their alphabet to total their Holy Scriptures. This is so that, the WORD of GOD would be constant without variations in its transcriptions. The problem is that there are few vowels in Hebrew with a number value and the Hebrew alphabet has mostly constants that do have numeric values. Because a certain group of letters (a word) could have several meanings, Mazoritc Jewish scholars, therefore, would pick vowel points that they felt would best fit the context of the text, sometimes replacing the symbol, h “He” with the similarly formed symbol, x “Cheth” as in the word Messiah. Most of the time they are right, but biases work into some of those translations. The men that do the recopying work of the scriptures are still called Counters6. The reason for this name is because each letter in their sacred texts has to be counted as they transcribe each line, constantly checking to see if the line value equals the line cipher of the older text. If not the error is shown so that error can be found and corrected, if there are too many errors the new scroll must be destroyed. Other ancient alphabets have the same problem of lack of vowels as in the text such as the early Middle Eastern alphabets which caused the problem with the choice of letters in the Great King of Lights, Khatti.7

Nine Hitite sundisk Jpg

This system of line ciphers was put to the test with the discovers of Qumran, since 1948 through the 21st Century of the Christian era. The caves of Qumran have been treasure houses of ancient Hebrew documents. Hundreds of pieces of the Hebrew of the accepted, Holy Writings of the Jews (Tana”kh) have been found, scrolls that when compared to the current accepted texts have matched those modern texts with a +99% accuracy rating. This is amazing to most of the Worlds Secular Scholars, the reason for this accuracy after more than two thousand years of separation? These line ciphers that have their origins in the heliographic codes of the past. Even so, those closely matched texts have had changes with the introduction of the Mazoritc vowel points system that was adopted so that the texts would have consistency with “The Traditions of the Elders” and pronunciation. Still, those meanings of each symbol of the Hebrew Aleph-Bet can be reconstructed through the accepted Cannon of the Jews (Tanakh). These definitions have been imbedded into many texts called acrostics. Texts like Psalms 9-10, 25, 34, 37, 103, 119, 145, Proverbs 31, Lamentations 1, 2, 3, 4 and many others give the definitions to the symbolization of each letter. Using these concepts as definitions as a guide to the Hebrew heliographic code, these references shows amazing continuity with the acrostic definitions when those concepts are used to translate Hebrew into English

. hebrewc

The letters of a given Hebrew word when definition and are compared matches the Hebrew definitions found in most lexicons, though in a riddle format. Even so, there is a grammatical system that takes into account the placement of letters placed creating antonyms, to the left (sinister) side of letters like Dalth, Nun, and others that cause the concept to become antonym of the original letters meanings. Then there are the root, prefixes, suffixes and their combinations, which must be taken into account when deciphering a given Hebrew word using this method. Of course there are words that have been added to the Hebrew vocabulary from the Babylonians, Egyptians and other groups that do not use the same symbolisms of a given letter. Nevertheless, in many cases alphabetic symbolism of other ethnic groups, have similar definitions to the Hebrew heliographic code; and make this system the prototype for many modern alphabets such as Greek, Arabic, and even corresponding to some of the Egyptian Hieroglyphic symbols.


Isaiah scroll

Among the scrolls found at Qumran were found two books. Books that were written in the same self-correcting Hebrew script, however, these books, Job and Enoch contained star references to constellations that were in the wrong places in the sky when compared to where those constellations should have been if the Gatekeeper of knowledge had dated them correctly. The Book of Enoch’s co-author gave twelve monthly textual star references for the year c. 12,500 years ago,8 monthly because the constellations were below the Northern Horizon Circle, thereby enabling the constellations to set with the sun. One of these constellations has only been under the Northern Horizon Circle once in the last c. 26,000 years that was c. 12,500 years ago,9 most of that 26,000 year period the constellation could be seen year round in the northern sky at all hours of the night. In Arabic its main star was called the Yean but you know that star as Polaris our current NORTH STAR and the constellation is now called Ursa Minor. The Progression of the Equinoxes changes the North Star. Hipparchus the Greek of 161-126 years before the Christian era10 began, was the first modern man who had an idea that there was a Progression of the Equinoxes that causes the North Star to change. We now have computer programs like Starry nights and Sky Globe that can show us the skies of 12,000 years ago.


To place Ursa Minor at that location at the time that they were seen means that many changes of the North Star must have transpired since that time. Who could have known about that slow movement of Polaris in the heavens in the distant past? It currently takes a computer to run the stars back in time to even know that the Big and Little Dippers had ever been out of their current location. Historians know that Enoch11 was read and considered Holy Rite by the Jews, in the second Century before the Christian era began. The book of Enoch was known to the Egyptians before that and was placed into their graves as part of the Book of the Dead. Ancient Babylonians had cups and wine vessels that were discovered with inscriptions with the same names of demons that were written in: The Book of Enoch. Moses used one of those same demons names in the Book of Leviticus in the Coptic Text12. The Book of Enoch was referred to by Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jude, Paul, John, Luke, Matthew, and JESUS and may others. Either the writers of Enoch and Job made a very good guess without any facts to base them on, which would be a one hundred million to one shot or those writers were there at that time that those constellations were on the western horizon at sun set during the new moon of June of c. 10,500 years before the Christian era began. 13


The word Merchant has its roots in the word Mercury who was the Roman god of merchants. A merchant with a mercury clad copper or a golden heliographic mirror could use that mirror in conjunction with the Crown’s watchtower system, to contact other merchants and combine their inventories. So if one merchant had extra wheat, and another merchant was out of wheat that was miles away, the lacking merchant would know who had the wheat and could request that some could be shipped to him with a few blinks of light. This mercantilism was an aid to civilizing the world. A trace of a type of communication system that was mentioned in the 13th century of the Christian era. In the traveler, Marco Polo’s account of his visit to the Far East, the account mentions that the Emperor of China was alerted to Polo’s arrival by sunlight reflected by mercury mirrors between mountaintops along Polo’s route.14


Ahura Mazda

In the Middle East there is a Religion whose founder was a fellow by the name of Zoaster15 and this man’s work has spread all over the world even to China where this sect is known as Taoism16. In Persia, there on the Gateway wall that leads into the city of Persepolis is Ahura Mazda, Zoroastrianism god of truth, good and LIGHT. The first thing that you will notice is that he is standing in the middle of a Hittite Sun Disk. Next please note that he has what looks to be a ring in his hand, it is not a ring; but around mercury clad or a golden mirror, which would allow a person to communicate with a watchtower from almost anywhere. This type of heliographic mirror was the same type of mercury clad copper or golden disks that were found by Schiemann at his dig at Mycenae.17.


These magic mirrors were for the military, rich merchants and the ruling class of the time the equal to having a cell-phone of today. A second bas-relief at Persepolis shows Persian subjects bring Tribute to the King. The bearers of these gifts are wearing helmets shaped to look like curls. Notice the man in the middle is bringing a communication link mirror disk; this heliographic system of magic mirrors of the past gave the ancients merchants a system of communication with the use of these small heliographic mirrors.


This feat has only been equaled after the invention of the cell phone systems that are now used in the cities. The mountaintop sentinel gave instant up-dates on troop movements with communication from a single mirror with a visible range of eighty miles with a mirror of only 9-12 inches across18 many of the ancient mirrored shields were several feet in diameters. In India during the latter part of the 19th century, the British heliographs that were placed on mountaintops gave visible distances was extended over a one hundred miles19. In the later part of the 19th century a heliograph system was used in the southwestern part of the United States. A heliograph message could be sent from Prescott, Arizona to Nogal, New Mexico20, until the copper wired telegraph superseded the heliograph.

The military uses of these high ground heliographic systems of surveillance was unequaled until the invention of aircraft and wireless radio communication. The ancients with the uses of the Greek and Hebrew alphanumeric code system that allowed for code to be verified for accuracy. However, that system was used by The Greeks, Jews, Hittites, Assyrians, Sumerians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Celts, Chinese, and even the natives of the New World used this type of heliograph system. A beacon light at night or a large golden shield heliograph such as were constructed by Solomon were, used to broadcast the NEWS of the day over hundreds of square miles. Those blinks of light were in plain view to hundreds if not thousands of people, enabling anyone that was able to decipher the transmission to know what was happening in his world, much as the common man when he listens to the radio or goes to the internet today. Yes! The world before Christ had much of what Modern Man holds as his Greatest Accomplishments: such as lighting fast communications between cities hundreds of miles apart, personal communication devices similar to modern cell phones in the form of golden mirrors. Even wide disbursal NEW outlets for the Masses in the form of large mirrors that used up to 218 ounces of gold leaf. The reflections from the Great Pyramid could be seen in Israel.21

Even so, the end of the Golden Age of the heliograph was caused by: War22, thieves, a lack of mercury, and gold: but mostly the decline was caused by the lust for control by men like King David and King Shishank that caused the decline of the Golden age of communication. Small wars would cause the loss of equipment until too few were available for service and the system collapsed, so by the time that the Roman Empire was on the scene: the Golden Age of Light Speed Communication had mostly faded into legends and myths and the secret of the Golden age of commutation was lost for centuries, however, remnants of that Golden Age still remain.


The most impressive of all watchtowers is still standing the Great Pyramid of Giza four hundred and fifty feet tall with a platform, instead of a sharpened apex. As I have mentioned, the means of transmission was a Line of Sight system and the machines to transmit that code were mirrors and beacon fires. The word Pyramid in Greek: is broken down to pyra23 which means beacon fire or lights and mid or metronto count or measure. The Hebrew word for pyramid is Urim-middin is Urim24 which means lights and middin to measure or count. On top of The Pyramid the back of the US one dollar bill has the Eye of Osiris, the udjat, that machine was a golden mirror that would be winked with a disk or eyelid on a stick to transmit the code.


2Strongs, Op. Cite,. Greek, No.,3582 137Ibid No.,3586

3137Ibid No.,3586

4 Strongs James, Op. Cite,. Hebrew, No.,5564

5Alphabets , Op. Cite, Colliers v. 1

6Rich T.R,,

7Woods, M, Op.Cite

8Laurence Dr. R, Op.Cite Ethiopian Enoch,

9 Starry Nights, Computer star charting program

10Colliers ,Op. Cite, V. 3 P. 127

11Evans E., Non-Canonical Writing and New Testament Interpretation : 1992

12 Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite, P115, C. 21:5

13 Starry Nights, Computer star charting program.

14 Moul, The Book, The Book of Marco Polo, Yule and Cordiel 1903

15 Zoroaster, Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.23, P. 777

16 Taoism, Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.22, P. 63

17 Scranton R. L., “Mycenae” ” Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol. 22, P. 108

18 Harris J.D. Military History Journal, Vol 2 #1 Cited in

19 Ibid


21Scott Dr. G, The Pyramid, and “Audio tapes”: Deloris Press, Los Angles

22 Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite 491, C. 12:6-10

23Strongs, Op. Cite, Greek, No.,4443

24Strongs James, Op. Cite,, Hebrew, No.,224