Answers Long Misunderstood

Dome of the Rock Mosque

Dome of the Rock, The Testing of Abraham


One of the key stone tenants of modern Islam  is that one of it’s patriarchs was set a part as beloved by God. This inaccuracy deals with  of Abraham and sacrificing his son, Ishmael.  Which has been  falsely interpreted in a portrayed in a miniature in the 16th-century manuscript Zubdat Al-Tawarikh. Showing the Dome of the Rock and The southern mawazin, “scales”, the name given to the arcades on which tradition says that scales will hang from on the Last Day and weigh the souls of the mortals

Dome of the Rock  and Isaac scalescales


The majority tradition among Muslims is that the son Abraham, Ishmael  was to be sacrifice rather than Isaac. This false doctrine is propagated today by Paret, Rudi. In “Ismāʿīl.” Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition and by some Pre-Islamic poetry where they mentions Ishmael, his father Abraham, and the Sacrifice Story, such as the Pre-Islamic poet “Umayyah Ibn Abi As-Salt”, Al-Kashf Wa Al-Bayan, Volume 11, Page 324 However, early Islamic teachers such as Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari (838-923): a Persian historian and theologian whose best known work is his Qur’anic commentary, known as Tafsir al-Tabari: where Tabari maintained that it was Isaac, the son that Abraham had intended to offer up as a burnt sacrifice. Encyclopedia of Islam, volume 4 ,Encyclopedia of Islam. Ithaca:Cornell University Press.

Why did the early Islamic teachers such as Tabari teach that Ibrahim /Abraham offered up Ishaq (Isaac) not Ishmael?

Because that is what the Koran says.

Koran [29.47]

And thus have WE ( *messengers that, came to Ibrahim/ Abraham) revealed The Book to you. So those whom We* have given The Book believe in it, and of these there are those who believe in it, and none deny Our communications except the unbelievers.

Below are the Koran’s versions of the encounter with the three visitors and the birth of Isaac of Genesis 18:1-19

Koran [11.1]

(This is) Book, whose verses are made decisive, then are they made plain, from the Wise, All-aware:

[11.69] And certainly Our messengers* came to Ibrahim/ Abraham with good news. They* said: Peace. Peace, said he, and he made no delay in bringing a roasted calf.
[11.70] But when he Ibrahim/ Abraham saw that their hands were not extended towards it (roasted) calf, he deemed them strange and conceived fear of them . They said: “Fear not, surely WE* are sent to Lut (Lot)’s people”.
[11.71] And his wife was standing (by), so she laughed, then WE* gave her the good news of Ishaq (Isaac) and after Ishaq (Isaac) of (a son’s son) Yaqoub (Jacob).
[11.72] She said: O wonder! shall I bear a son when I am an extremely old woman and this my husband an extremely old man? Most surely this is a wonderful thing.
[11.73] They* said: Do you wonder at Allah’s bidding? The mercy of Allah and His blessings are on you, O people of the house, surely He is Praised, Glorious.

Replay of the encounter with the three messengers and the birth of Isaac of Genesis 18:1-19 and of Koran[11.69-73]

Koran [51.23] And by the Lord of the heavens and the earth! it is most surely the truth, just as you do speak.
[51.24] Has there come to you information about the honored guests *[of 11.69] of Ibrahim /Abraham?

[51.25] When they *(the messengers of [11.69] ) upon him, they said: Peace. Peace, said he, a strange people.
[51.26] Then he turned aside to his family secretly and brought a fat (roasted) calf,
[51.27] So he brought it (calf)near them*. He said: What! will you not eat?
[51.28] So he conceived in his mind a fear on account of them. They (*the messengers of [11.69]) said: Fear not. And they* gave him the good news of a boy possessing knowledge.
[51.29] Then his wife came up in great grief, and she struck her face and said: An old barren woman!
[51.30] They* said: Thus says your Lord: Surely He is the Wise, the Knowing.

Replay of the encounter with the three visitors and the birth of Isaac of Genesis 18:1-19 and in Koran[11.69-73 and 51.23-30]

Koran [15.51] And inform them of the guests of Ibrahim /Abraham:(*the messengers of [11.69] )
[15.52] When they entered upon him, they said, Peace. He (Ibrahim/Abraham) said: Surely we are afraid of you.(*the honored messengers)
[15.53] They* (the messengers of [11.69] ) said: Be not afraid, surely WE * give you the good news of a boy, possessing knowledge.
[15.54] He said: Do you* give me good news (of a son) when old age has come upon me?– Of what then do you give me good news

This is the Koran’s version of Genesis 22:1-13 of Abraham’s aborted sacrifice of his son


Koran [37.100]

My Lord! grant me (Ibrahim/Abraham) of the doers of good deeds.
[37.101] So WE * (the messengers of [11.69]) gave him the good news of a boy, possessing forbearance.

Koran [11.71] Says:

And his wife was standing (by), so she laughed,

then WE (*the messengers of [11.69])

gave her the good news of Ishaq (Isaac)

and after Ishaq (Isaac) of (a son’s son) Yaqoub (Jacob).”

Koran [37.102]

And when he attained to working with him,(old enough to help his father in his work) he (Ibrahim /Abraham)said: O my son! surely I have seen in a dream that I should sacrifice you; consider then what you see. He said: O my father! do what you are commanded; if Allah please, you will find me of the patient ones.
[37.103] So when they both submitted and he threw him down upon his forehead,

The Messengers* canceled the Sacrificing of Isaac

[37.104] And WE* (*the messengers of [11.69]) called out to him saying: O Ibrahim /Abraham!
[37.105] You have indeed shown the truth of the vision; surely thus do WE* reward the doers of good:( from [37.100] )
[37.106] Most surely this is a manifest trial.
[37.107] And WE * ransomed him with a Feat sacrifice.
[37.108] And WE* perpetuated (praise) to him among the later generations.
[37.109] Peace be on Ibrahim /Abraham.
[37.110] Thus do WE* reward the doers of good.
[37.111] Surely he was one of Our* believing servants.
[37.112] And WE* gave him the good news of Ishaq (Isaac), a prophet among the good ones.
[37.113] And WE * showered Our* blessings on him (Ibrahim /Abraham) and on Ishaq (Isaac); and of their offspring are the doers of good, and (also) those who are clearly unjust to their own souls.

The Messengers* that came in Koran [11.69] ) made Ishaq, Isaac and Yaqoub, Jacob, Imams to guided people.

Koran 21.71B WE (*the messengers that came in [11.69] )had blessed for all people.
[21.72] And WE gave him Ishaq (Isaac) and Yaqoub (Jacob), a son’s son, and WE* made (them) all good.
[21.73] And WE made them( Ishaq, Isaac and Yaqoub, Jacob) a son’s son, Imams who guided (people) by Our* command, and WE * revealed to them (Ishaq, Isaac and Yaqoub, Jacob )the doing of good and the keeping up of prayer and the giving of the alms, and Us (*The messengers that came in [11.69] ) did they serve!

If you have not been indoctrinated into the tradition that makes you assume that one of the patriarchs of Islam, Ismael was offered as a sacrifice to God on the hill of the Dome of the Rock . GOOD. However, if you are a Muslim this fact that Ishaq (Isaac) was offered as a sacrifice to God not Ismael: tears away one of the legs of your three legged stool on which Islam is based.The belief that Ismael was offered as a sacrifice to God  is what had set your religion apart is now lost and the truth that it is a lie is proven by,

Koran [11.1]

(This is) Book, whose verses are made decisive, then are they made plain, from the Wise, All-aware:

Howard West is a Christian, not a Muslim and believes the Bible is the Word of GOD:  Matthew 10:16  Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.


Third Secret of Fatima , Egypt, Rome, Mecca and Medina’s Destruction

Most of the people who have heard of Locked Gates, The Riddle Lord’s Secrets   will discount it’s accuracy. The Common Folk that believe in fairytale will say “That is not what those stories mean.” And those who think those stories were only myths to control the Common Folk will say. “Those Ancient Stories were just Fairytales: nothing more.” However, I have taken this section of Locked Gates, The Riddle Lord’s Secrets  as a test for my accuracy. Knowing full well that I will be treated as a Cassandra, Schliemann, Noah, Xenophon, and many others who were never believed by their Enemies or the Common Folk, strangely that rejection did not prove those Visionaries wrong. Sadly, when this last section comes to pass, it will too late for millions of people to be saved. Their Future safety is now in your hands.

Third Secret of Fatima

Made public by Vatican

April 21 2010


We have traveled back in time to unwind riddles or parables of the Past. However, we are about to step into the Future. Parables of things that lay in the future are called “Prophecies.” The problem with these prophecies is that they can come true because “Certain People” want to have these prophecies come true, Fanatical people who are trying to make the Common Folk believe that God is on the side of these same Fanatical people. Two such men are Mr. Ahmadinejad of Iran and the late Ben Laden of Arabia, and there are many others (some of these Fanatics are Christian and others are Jews, however, most are not Believers but Atheist.) Men who believe that through total chaos, disorder, and confusion, a world leader of “Their mind set” will come, a –Man– that will bring peace, because of this chaos. A PEACE that those fanatical people could help maintain after this “Man of Peace” takes control. This concept is similar to what most “so called Christians” think will happen before the return of Christ. This apocalyptic “Mind Set” is a recipe for death and mayhem.

New Crusade Involving Pope .

Last update – 22:19 20/03/2008

Bin Laden tape By the Associated Press1

“A voice believed to be Bin Laden’s described

The attacks of the Europeans on women and children,” but said

These “paled [in comparison] when you went overboard in your unbelief and freed yourselves of the etiquettes of dispute and fighting

and went to the extent of publishing these insulting drawings, this is the greatest misfortune and the most dangerous.’”

Bin Laden went on to describe the “New Crusade against Islam, in which the Pope has played a large and lengthy Role, and warned the Europeans that a reaction would come.

“The response will be what you see and not what you hear and let our mothers bereave us

if we do not make victorious our messenger of God,” he said, without specifying what action would be taken


Harold Sun

Update February 2008 2

These accusations are totally unfounded,”

said Vatican spokesman Rev. Federico Lombardi.

“But they are not surprising. It is natural to think that he (BinLaden)

would lump the Vatican and the pope together with all his perceived enemies.”

This threat is related to a two part prophecy of Islam, which has been partly fulfilled. A prophecy predicting the fall of the two capitals of Christendom: that of Constantinople and of Rome. As the Fatimites centuries ago organizers the War Conference trying to decide where to attack first, this quote was given:

Quran, 47:18

Are they waiting for anything except the Hour to come to them suddenly?

But its Signs have already come!”

As one of these signs, Imam Ahmad reports in his Musnad that Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-’As (ra) mentioned:

Whilst we were around the Prophet (saw) writing he was asked,

‘Which of the two cities will be opened first, Constantinople or Rome?‘ He (Muhammad) answered,

‘The city of Heraclius, Constantinople will be opened first!’” 

Half of that prophecy was completed when Heraclius, the city of Constantine, Constantinople; fell into the hands of the Ottoman Turks on Tuesday, 29 of May, 1453 of the Christian era. However, the second part of that prophecy is yet to be fulfilled: “the fall of Rome.” One would think: that the followers of Islam will do the attack on Rome. But quite the opposite is the case. There are “Others” that want to change the Order of the World through Chaos. However, it will be ISLAM, WHICH WILL get the blame for the destruction of Rome, and not the True Perpetrators. Which the Fanatics’ think are their Allies. Rome is to be destroyed because that city is considered to be the Seat of Christianity. From these Fanatics’ prospective, their false leaders demand a violent path to conquer World of the Unbelievers. This must be accomplished to prepare the world to be totally under those Fanatical People who hope to control through this World Leader. This mantra is being “spoon fed” to the world, making the Common Folk of the world to automatically believe that Islam is to blame for this chaos. This destruction of Rome will quickly get out of hand and millions will die and then a World Leader (“The False Imam” or “Replacement-Christ”) will mediate this time of chaos into a temporary peace, and Jerusalem will quickly become “The Control Center” of all three monotheistic religions.


Roman Catholic Prophecy   Mirror Image

To the Islamic Prophecy


This prophecy also speaks of the destruction of Rome and this Secret is known to just a few Un-Common men. The prophecy is called the Final Secret of Fatima; and it also deals with the destruction of Rome and a Flood. There is a solid link between the two prophecies; the link is in the name “Fatima” to the Roman Catholic’s, the city Fatima of Portugal, where between May 13 and October 13, 1917 the Lady of Fatima was to have been manifested to three children: Lucia dos Santos, Francisco, and Jacints Marto. This “Lady?” told those children of future events. However, Fatima to the Shiite Muslim is the name of the daughter of the Prophet Mohammad. The city Fatima was named after the Most Holy Lady in the Islamic faith “Fatima”, as tribute to Mohammad’s daughter. That name of the city was never changed. An important fact, since Mohammad had no son, therefore, there was no male heir to pass down the leadership role of Islam to. Therefore, the earthly role of the Imam was passed down through Fatima’s son, HUSSAIN. The Islamic sects of the “Shiite or “Fatimites” have their origins from the daughter of Mohammad, Fatima. The New World Leader is said to be a decedent of or to come after (Fatima,) a violent path of chaos to conquer the World of Unbelievers. After which “This New World leader” will take command of the world’s stage. The Islamic Prophecy states “Mecca3 will be destroyed. This would happen if Rome was destroyed.

The final battle will be waged by Muslim faithful coming on the backs of horses… carrying black banners. They will stand on the east side of the Jordan River and will wage war that the earth has never seen before. The true Messiah who is the Islamic Mahdi… will defeat Europe… will lead this army of Seljuks, He will preside over the world from Jerusalem because Mecca would have been destroyed…” (Yawm Al-Ghabab, Safar Alhwaly).




Sunan Abu Dawud

Book 37 number 4281

“The Prophet said: “The flourishing state of Jerusalem will be when Yathrib (Medina) is in ruins,

the ruined state of Yathrib (Medina) will be when the great war comes,

the outbreak of the great war will be at the conquest…

This is as true as you are here or as you are sitting”; meaning, Mu’adh ibn Jabal, the narrator of: the book

Daniel 9:26

Quoted in the Fatima Document

“And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off,

but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city (Rome)

and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood,

Medina and many other cities including Cairo, cities that are thought to harbor ill feeling against the Jew will be destroyed. Jerusalem will then become “The Control Center”. This New World Leader and The Dark Pope of Christendom will meet there in Jerusalem and sign a peace pact that has long been searched for, which will bring peace to Palestine and the Mid-East that has long been searched for.

However, the Jews have their own Prophecy concerning how to deal with this threat from these Fanatics. The Jews will not take any chances after that attack on Rome. The War Plans have been made for the destruction of the Aswan Dam and the draining of Lake Nasser. “The LORD shall utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian sea.”4 (Also known as Lake Nasser)


Isaiah 115

10 there shall be a root of Jesse, (JESUS) which shall stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek (NOT Many JEWS)

11 the second time to recover the remnant of his people, (BIRTH OF THE NATION OF ISRAEL in 1948)

12. Assemble the outcasts of Israel (Which has been happening since 1948)

13 Ephraim shall not envy Judah, (The Christian nations show kindness to the Jews)

14 But they shall fly upon the shoulders of the Philistines (War Ships of air and sea of the Jews):

they shall lay their hand upon Edom and Moab; and the children of Ammon (The  people of the Mid-East) shall obey them.

When Will this Flood Happen?

15 And the LORD shall utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian Sea. (The draining Lake Nasser)


Most biblical scholars are quite dogmatic in their studies of this text, found in the eleventh chapter of Isaiah relying on other scholars from the Past to color their interpretation of the text; rejecting the sudden appearance of a huge lake on the Aswan’s construction in the 1960’s. Most biblical scholars and are not aware of the huge lake called Nasser, Isaiah called “the Egyptian Sea”: These scholars call a tiny lake the Sea of Galilee and cannot see Lake Nasser as the Sea of Egypt. Please look at these Google Maps to give a perspective as to how big this Second Sea of Egypt (Lake Nasser)is and the destructive power that is held behind the Aswan Dam.7 That lake is over 10 miles wide in places, hundreds of miles long and is up to three hundred sixty four feet deep.

 123 jpg aswan sat

That dam is going to be destroyed. Most of Egypt’s population is in that narrow Nile River Valley downstream from Aswan. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? When the Isis Dam of Egypt was destroyed in the year 2141 before the Christian era, a flood took Egypt hundreds of years to recover from that disaster, a flood that will soon happen again, the first destruction of a dam which gave Egypt its name Aigu-ptis.8 (The sea that fled away)

Isaiah11:16 And there shall be a highway for the remnant of his people, 9

Millions of refugees will be on the move throughout the Middle East and southern Europe after that destruction because the flood

and the destruction of so many Holy Cities/sites in response to the destruction of Rome.

Isaiah 51:9-10,

Art thou not it that hath cut Rahab,10 The Wall is Also Known as the Aswan Dam) and wounded the dragon? 11 (The waters of Lake Nasser)

10 dried the sea, the waters of the great deep; (Lake Nasser) a way for the ransomed to pass over?

Psalms 89:10

10 Thou hast broken Rahab (The Wall Aka Aswan) in pieces, as one that is slain; thou hast scattered thine enemies with thy strong arm.

Ezekiel 29:2-12 2

Son of man set thy face against Pharaoh King of Egypt,

3 My (GOD’S) river is mine own, and I have made it for myself.

4 But I will put hooks in thy jaws, and I will cause the fish of thy rivers to stick unto thy scales,

5 And I will leave thee thrown into the wilderness, (The waters of lake Nasser drained) thee and all the fish of thy rivers: thou shalt fall upon the open fields; thou shalt not be brought together, nor gathered (After the dam bursts)

6 And all the inhabitants of Egypt shall know that I am the LORD,

8 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will bring a sword upon thee, and cut off man and beast out of thee.


When that huge Aswan dam is breached, a dam that is three hundred sixty four feet high, eleven thousand eight hundred and eight feet wide and holds back 125,600,000 cubic acre-feet of water what will be left of Egypt?


Ezekiel 29:9 And the land of Egypt shall be desolate and waste;

Total destruction of Egypt will be complete as the waters of Aswan pass down that valley like a tsunami.

And they shall know that I am the LORD: because he (the Egyptians) hath said, The River is mine, and I have made it.

The Egyptians now control the River Nile by means of the Aswan Dam and Lake Nasser.

10 Behold, therefore I (GOD) am against thee (Egypt), and against thy rivers, and I will make the land of Egypt utterly waste

11 No foot of man shall pass through it, nor shall foot of beast pass through it, neither shall it be inhabited forty years.

12 And I will make the land of Egypt desolate in the midst of the countries that are desolate, and her cities among

the cities that are laid wastes shall be desolate forty years:

Cities like Cairo, Rome, Mecca, and Medina.

And I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations, and will disperse them through the countries.


Will you be caught unaware when this destruction occurs? Will you then believe only after the destruction of Egypt that there is a God who has been involved with mankind since mankind’s creation, a God that has kept His word accurate for thousands of years and left his story in the stars, a God that has given you warning of the consequences of rebellion against His guidance?



3This is an oral tradition among many Fatimids.

4Qumran cave one, Isaiah chapter 11 , second copy




8Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890 H, 207, 208, 209

9Qumran cave one, Isaiah, chapter 11 , second copy

10Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890 , H, 7292

11Ibid, Hebrew, Ref. No. 8577 “Dragons of the Bible are always connected to raging water.”

Global Elite Use Islamic Prophecies to Manipulate Terrorism



First you must understand: Islam is a religion that based on the words of a (false) prophet. However, that doesn’t mean his prophecies cannot be successful fulfilled. If you play chess you know that you must lose certain Pawns to cause your rival to make foolish moves.  The End Game is to allow a major prophecy of Mohammad to be implemented, the attack on Israel a conflict that will include an attack on the capital of Christendom, Mecca and Medina. This scenario is also predicted in the book of Isaiah.  The world will spin seeming out of control. At which time Islam will be pacified, Christianity will be shaken to it core, and the Jews will sue for peace. The Global Elite’s man will step in to calm the world and almost everyone will praise him. That is when you had better be ready: because “many will fall away”.     

 Predictions of:

Muhammad al Muntazar

Allah’s Messenger from a Volcano: Hawaii,
Of late of Washington DC

Never heard of the Messenger from a Volcano and the signs the al Muntazar? In general belief in al Muntazar is not a sectarian issue within Islam, but is universal among Muslims, however, in the West he is better known as the Mahdi. The Global Elite use these Islamic prophecies about this world leader to manipulate Terrorism.

The Muhammad al Muntazar as awaited Caliph in Islam may be viewed somewhat as the pope of the Muslims. It is important to understand that when Muslims call for the restoration of the Caliphate, it is ultimately the  Muhammad al Muntazar that they are calling for. He is the architect of “The Fall of Tyrants.” A reign of terror which has been sanitized by the Press to be come “The Islamic Spring.”  After the horrendous end of this reign of terror: the al Muntazar will step in and heralds the end of what the Islamic State calls: injustice and oppression and the beginning of the final rising of the sun of Islam.


From: Sunan Abu Dawud, Narrated by Umm Salamah, Ummul Mu’minin

“He will pave the way for and establish the government of the family of Muhammad…

Every believer will be obligated to support him.”


And from Ibn Maja, Kitab al-Fitan#4084 as quoted by Kabbani, p. 231


“The Black Flags will come from the East and their hearts will be as firm as iron.

Whoever hears of them should join them and give allegiance,

even if it means crawling across snow, because, he is the Vice-regent (Caliph) of Allah. ”


And from: Sunan Abu Dawud, Narrated by Umm Salamah, Ummul Mu’minin 


“He will reappear on the appointed day,

and then he will fight against the forces of evil,

lead a world revolution and set up a new world order based on justice, righteousness virtue…

ultimately the righteous will take the world administration in their hands and

Islam will be victorious over all the religions. ”

The Muhammad al Muntazar’ means and method of accomplishing this world revolution will include multiple military campaigns or holy wars (jihad). common attitude of  radial Muslim men:  “You Americans and Zionists better get ready, because the black flags are coming!” Why? Because Islam’s  prophet said: in Tirmidhi as quoted by Mohammed Ali Ibn Zubair Ali, Signs of Qiyamah(Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, 2004), p. 42 and Prof. M. Abdullah, Islam, Jesus, Mehdi, Qadiyanis and Doomsday, (Adam, New Delhi, 2004), p. 54

map of Islam

“Armies carrying black flags will come from Khurasan.

No power will be able to stop them

and they will finally reach Eela Baitul Maqdas

where they will erect their flags.”

 video pic025

It is important to note here the reference above to “Baitul Maqdas”. In Arabic this means “the holy house”.This is referring to the Dome of the Rock Mosque and is located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

mecca rock

Destruction of Mecca, prophecy

(Yawm Al-Ghabab, Safar Alhwaly).


“The final battle will be waged by Muslim faithful coming on the backs of horses … carrying black banners.

They will stand on the east side of the Jordan River and will wage war that the earth has never seen before.

The true Messiah who is the Islamic Mahdi …

will defeat Europe … will lead this army of Seljuks,

He will preside over the world from Jerusalem because Mecca would have been destroyed …”


As one of these signs, Imam Ahmad  reports in his Musnad that Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-’As (ra) mentioned:

“Whilst we were around the Prophet (saw) writing he was asked,

‘Which of the two cities will be opened first, Constantinople or Rome?‘ He (the Prophet Muhammad) answered, ‘The city of Heraclius will be opened first!’” Constantinople


And from Mohammed: Sunan Abu Dawud book 37 number 4281] …

“The Prophet said: The flourishing state of Jerusalem will be when Yathrib (Medina) is in ruins,

the ruined state of Yathrib  (Medina)

will be when the great war comes,

the outbreak of the great war will be at the conquest…

This is as true as you are here or as you are sitting”.

The Globe Elite know this: to the Islamic faithful it matters not a bit if you believe their Prophecies! Because, the Islamic faithful are going do everything in their power to make sure those predictions come true. As a Christian it is my job to tell you, because Isaiah in his chapter 11:10-16 (in the Hebrew text) foretold of this  same scenario.  


This is from the last chapter of Locked Gates, The Riddle Lord’s Secrets by Howard West

Are You Wise As Serpents or Dumb As Mushrooms

Christ tells his followers in Mathew “I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore be wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” There are groups of people such as The Islamic State that are acting like wolves and serpents. Therefore, you must know what their “Predictions” say: if you want to survive alive until Christ returns!

Predictions of: Muhammad al Muntazar,

Allah’s Messenger from a Volcano: Hawaii

Never heard of the Messenger from a Volcano and the signs accompanying the Muhammad al Muntazar? In general belief in Muhammad al Muntazar is not a sectarian issue within Islam, but is universal among Muslims, however, in the West he is better known as the Mahdi. In the simplest of terms, predictions the Muhammad al Muntaazar coming as Islam’s Caliph by, University of Virginia Professor Abdulaziz Abdulhussein Sachedina, Islamic Messianism, Sachedina:

The term ‘messianism’ in the Islamic context is frequently used to translate the important concept of an eschatological figure, the Mahdi, (Muhammad al Muntazar) who as the foreordained leader ‘will rise’ to launch a great social transformation in order to restore and adjust all things under divine guidance. The Islamic messiah, thus, embodies the aspirations of his followers in the restoration of the purity of the Faith which will bring true and uncorrupted guidance to all mankind, creating a just social order and a world free from oppression in which the Islamic revelation will be the norm for all nations.”

The first and most often cited Islamic prediction with regard to the Mahdi or Muhammad al Muntazar is the tradition which states that the Mahdi will descend from the family of Muhammad and will bear his name: Quoted from Tirmidhi Sahih, Sunan Abu Dawud, (Sahih), Vol.5,P.207; also Narrated by Ali b. Abi Talib, Abu Sa’id, Umm Salma, Abu Hurayra

The world will not come to pass until a man from among my family, whose name will be my name, rules over the Arabs.

However, the vast majority of people think that the Islamic Prophet’s name was Muhammad! Wrong!!! That was his Title! Translated: “Allah’s messenger”. And his daughter Fatima named her first born after her father: Hussein. From Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 36, Number 4271 Narrated by Umm Salamah, Ummul Mu’minin

Islam’s prophet said: “The Mahdi will be of my family, of the descendants of Fatimah” [Muhammad’s daughter].

Here we must learn more about the traditions surrounding Muhammad’s daughter. The Fatima Cult replaced the Anahita Cult: in which there is a story in the traditional literature that is not used or quoted because it is so weird. Anahita the very popular female deity, is described as “taking a bath in a river as a virgin and walks out pregnant with the Savior of the World”. Fatima also bathed in a river, and came out pregnant with Imam Hussein. After Anahita’s water breaks her offspring (a savior) will save the world. This breaking of the water is a prediction of the breaching of the Aswan dam of the Nile River and the destruction of Egypt. At which time: Muhammad al Muntazar will take the reigns of the world: because of this and other simultaneous disasters caused by a sudden full blown war in the Middle East.

The Muhammad al Muntazar as the awaited Caliph in Islam may be viewed somewhat as the pope of the Muslims. It is important to understand that when Muslims call for the restoration of the Caliphate, it is ultimately the Muhammad al Muntazar that they are calling for. He is the architect of “The Fall of Tyrants.” A reign of terror which has been sanitized by the Press to be come “The Islamic Spring.” After the horrendous end of this reign of terror: the Muhammad al Muntazar will step in and heralds the end of what the Islamic State calls: injustice and oppression and the beginning of the final rising of the sun of Islam.

From: Sunan Abu Dawud, Narrated by Umm Salamah, Ummul Mu’minin

He will pave the way for and establish the government of the family of Muhammad… Every believer will be obligated to support him.

And from Ibn Maja, Kitab al-Fitan #4084 as quoted by Kabbani, p. 231

The Black Flags will come from the East and their hearts will be as firm as iron. Whoever hears of them should join them and give allegiance, even if it means crawling across snow, because, he is the Vice-regent (Caliph) of Allah.

And from: Sunan Abu Dawud, Narrated by Umm Salamah, Ummul Mu’minin

He will reappear on the appointed day, and then he will fight against the forces of evil, lead a world revolution and set up a new world order based on justice, righteousness and virtue…ultimately the righteous will take the world administration in their hands and Islam will be victorious over all the religions.

The Muhammad al Muntazar’s means and method of accomplishing this world revolution will include multiple military campaigns or holy wars (jihad). The common attitude of young radial Muslim men: “You Americans and Zionists better get ready, because the black flags are coming!” Why? Because Islam’s prophet said: in Tirmidhi as quoted by Mohammed Ali Ibn Zubair Ali, Signs of Qiyamah (Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, 2004), p. 42 and Prof. M. Abdullah, Islam, Jesus, Mehdi, Qadiyanis and Doomsday, (Adam, New Delhi, 2004), p. 54

“Armies carrying black flags will come from Khurasan. No power will be able to stop them and they will finally reach Eela Baitul Maqdas where they will erect their flags.”

map of Islam


It is important to note here the reference above to “Baitul Maqdas”. In Arabic this means “the holy house”. This is referring to the Dome of the Rock Mosque and is located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

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There is also a very famous tradition that is often quoted throughout the Islamic world that speaks of the military campaign against Israel: Islam’s prophet said: in Sahih Muslim Book 041, Number 6985

The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him…

Remember this: to the Islamic faithful it matters not a bit if you believe their predictions! Because, the Islamic faithful are going do everything in their power to make sure those predictions come true.

More information in the book Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets by Howard West

The Udjat , the Eye of Osiris and NASAs Golden Mirrors

From the book Locked Gates by Howard West

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NASA had a problem with solar heat gain in outer space and has developed a solar heat shield to reflect the sun’s heat away from its equipment. So unwittingly they took a page from Soloman’s play book and created the golden shields called “Space Blankets”1 , and similar reflective silvery blankets can be found at any Sporting Goods outlet; although, that heat shield is not the same as what NASA uses in space. NASA uses the best reflecting material of the Sun’s light, gold2. Even so, the gold leaf material gives a more yellow tint to the light that is reflected than quicksilver would but gold does have superior reflecting properties. One reason is because gold never tarnishes unlike silver that will oxidize or tarnish and quicksilver will evaporate way after a time. That is why the Dome of the Rock Mosque and the Statue of Liberty have a gold leaf coating on their dome and flame, consequently, they can be seen for miles during the day without the need for an outside power source and therefore, only a small amount of artificial light is needed at night. That yellow tint makes the Statue of Liberty’s torch look as if it’s aflame with fire (also known as a beacon).

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Golden heliographic mirrors were preferred by those who could afford them. The reason being is because constant contact with mercury brings madness, the longer you were exposed to the slowly evaporating metal, the more symptoms you would display. The first is irritability, then blackening of the finger nails (that alchemists usually have), with the eventual loss of fingernails, hair, teeth, wife and your mind. Even so, men were expendable and gold was costly. Therefore, mercury mirrors were the common heliographic type.


The 500 Golden Shields of Solomon,3 the Hittite Sun Disks,4 the Egyptian Eye of Osiris, or the Udjat that was depicted as a human eye.5 ,The Babylonian winged Utu,6 and the Four Bronze Mirrors of Taoism7 were common as far back as two thousand years before the Christian era, and even to Enoch’s time more than twelve thousand years ago. That statement is based on the texts of the Book of Enoch8 that speaks of Ursa Major and Minor being on the western horizon at sun set during the month of June 10,000 years before the Christian era began.9

18 Nine Hitite sundisk Jpg

The Golden Communication Shields or Eyes (winged sun disks) were in every city in the Middle East three thousand years ago. David was King of Israel at about that time which was about the same time that Clytemnestra and Princess Entiu-ny lived. When David would capture a city the first thing he would take as booty was the Golden Shields. He not only took the ones in the town itself, but David would also take the portable military winged units that were on the pack-horses. (Shades of Pegasus) The English translation of the Coptic Peshitta text of The Chronicles of the Kings of Israel10

And King David took the (winged sun disks) Shields of Gold that were on

the horses of the servants of Hadarezer, and brought them to Jerusalem

and likewise from Tibhath and from Berothi cities of Hadarezer.”

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The loss of a city’s Golden Magic Mirrored Communication Shield was a major loss. That city was no longer able to carry on trade outside the local area or be able to request help from other cities in case of an attack. Consequently, when David took those mirrored shields the loss of communication to other cities was as though they lost both thumbs and both big toes:they were totally defeated.

The Shield of Hercules

translated by Evelyn-White

Hercules took his strong spear, pointed with shining bronze, and on his valiant head set a well-made helm of adamant, cunningly wrought, which fitted closely on the temples; and that guarded the head of god-like Hercules. In his hands he took his shield, all glittering: no one ever broke it with a blow or crushed it. And a wonder it was to see; for its whole orb was a-shimmer with enamel and white ivory and electrum (an amalgam of gold and mercury used to produce gold plate), and it glowed with shining gold;

The Shield of Achilles

The Iliad, Book 18:

The first thing he created was a huge and sturdy shield, all wonderfully crafted. Around its outer edge, he fixed a triple rim, glittering in the light…

The Hebrew words used for these glittering golden or quicksilver-coated shields are, SHALAT or SHALET that means: dominions, in power, have power or rule.11 Other words used for those types of shields are MAGEN, MAGAN or MEGILLAN,12 all means: to deliver up, present or a scroll. KYDOW a spark or blink of light.13 The Hebrews scribes who used these shields were called armor bearers, and the communications were called “saw-far14 which translate to “Collect and record with slashes or marks.”


When David’s son, Solomon became king, he built watchtowers all over his kingdom and beyond. There were so many watchtowers that they were likened to “The Forest of Lebanon.” Solomon made two hundred large shields of gold and three hundred smaller shields of gold to be used in those watchtowers, each shield symbolized the heliographic connection to one of the many tribal leaders. The main warehouse and communication watchtower was called”: The House of The Forest of Lebanon.” 15

This Network of disbursed watchtowers and golden magic mirrored heliographs gave Solomon intelligence on everything in his realm. This included information on such things as: grazing conditions, water sources, availability of commodities, arrival of caravans, the location of strangers or even enemy troop movements. This intelligence went beyond King Solomon’s realm into the land of the Hittites and even into the land of Egypt, which Solomon had an alliance with. As you know, Information is SHALAT16 (power). This was the same Power that Medusa and General Miles had and used.

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The watchtowers of Solomon were stationary unlike those used by General Miles troops; nevertheless, there was still the problem of making sure that the watchman was alert for any messages. The problem was also that the signal could only be seen at certain times of the day.17 This meant that they could set a time to be extra alert for a message. The Muslims still have a memory trace of that to this day. A man goes to the top of his minaret or watchtower to call the people to prayer five times a day. When direct communication between any two watchtowers was impossible because of the angle of the sun, they would use a trick that the Arab sailors would discover centuries later and tack into the wind,18 the watchman would send his message to any Watchtower that could speed his message along the way to its final destination, even if that message had to zig zag through a dozen extra watchtowers. The message would have an ending code or a line cipher that enabled the receiver to double-check the accuracy of the message.

Solomon and David were neither the first nor the last of the Kings of Israel to use the communication Shields. Saul before them used a bronze or copper shield that he anointed with a slick and oily liquid metal.19 After Solomon’s death his son Rehoboam reined, however, Rehoboam lost those five hundred magic mirrored communication aspis or shields of gold to the king of Egypt, Shishaik.


Rehoboam20 replaced the Golden shields with bronze coated with quicksilver (mercury) shields. This process was also used by gold miners of that day. The liquid metal would cling to copper and make an excellent mirror; and if small pieces of gold dust were in a copper gold pan with a mercury coating it would make the gold cling to the mercury. This is a quick, cheap, and efficient way to gold plate a mirror with the Alchemist Gold. The mercury would slowly evaporate leaving the gold locked in the matrix of the surface of the copper plate and then that gold would then be polished into the surface leaving a bright golden finish.

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The Egyptians had a belief that if they would place a pool of ink into the hollow of their hand they could see the future (Chiromancy)22: but it was not always ink, no in the distant past it was a pool of Quicksilver (Mercury). That shiny molten liquid metal in their hand would make a mirror, and a face would gaze back at the seer. In ancient Egyptian the word “Hor23 translates to face, in English In the distant past a reflection of one’s face? Yes, the all Seeing Eye of Hor-aspis, the Dweller on the horizon (Horus-ion)24. Harpokrate: the infant Horus the baby sun25 the reflection of the sun in a magic mirror. A papyrus from Thebes produced in the Twenty-first Egyptian Dynasties known as, The Judgment of the Princess Entiu-ny26. This is depicting a scene in ancient Egypt. A young woman is standing before a scale and is presenting three eyes in her hand. Those Eyes are three messages that she received that are depicted at the top of that papyrus.

14 Princess Egypt jpg3


The three messages all end with an Eye denoting that a mirrored shield sent them from the location depicted by the larger symbol that she is facing above. The messages are quite similar to each other though the message that was from The Hawk (Horus) from atop the Great Pyramid27 is somewhat longer than the others. The little fellow (the baboon) that is sitting on the top of the scales is Egyptian representation of Thoth28 (aka Mercury)29. As he sits on the scales, he has the power to change the outcome of the trial by shifting his weight. The court Jester, Thoth or Mercury, was the real judge in this picture.30 .


14 jpg Princess Egypt 2

1 NASA. Gov/space blanket

2“Silver”, Op. Cite, Colliers V. 21, 1997+

3 Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite P. 466, C19:160

4 Simmons S.D., Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.15, P749



7 “Taoism”, Op. Cite, Colliers V.22, 1997+

8Laurence Dr. R, Ethiopian Enoch, Also known as The Book of Pa- Hanok, University of Oxford, England, Chapter 81

9 Starry Nights, Computer star charting program.

10Lamsa, G. M., Op. OiteP466, C,18:78

11Strongs, Op. Cite, H, No. 7982

12 American Revised Standard Concordance and Hebrew Dictionary

13Strongs, James,Op. Cite H. 7782

14 Ibid H. 5608, 5618

15 Lamsa, G. M., Op. Cite P488, C. 9:15-16

16 Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890, H, No. 7982

17 Islam Op. Cite Colliers

18Taylor W. H, ”Sailing” Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.20, P. 338

19 Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite P343

20Ibid P491, C.8:9

21 Ibid P578, C. 29:11

22Hall-Quest A. L. Fortune Telling, Colliers ,Op. Cite Vol., 10, P211-212


24 Ibid

25 Ibid

26 “Ancient Egypt”, Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.8, P. 670 Judgment of Entiu-Ny, from the Metropolitan Museum of art

27 Clark R. T. R, Myth and Symbols of Ancient Egypt : Thames and Hudson, London 1991

28 Van Rosen ,B. “Medicine” , Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.15, P. 641

29 Duckworth, G. E., “Hermes” , Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.12, P. 79


31Milik J. T, The Book of Enoch: Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4 : Oxford Press , Oxford England 1976

32Laurence Dr. R, Ethiopian Enoch, Also known as The Book of Pa- Hanok University of Oxford, England

33Strongs, James, Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament, Madison, NJ, 1890, H 2526, 2346


35 Langdon, Babylonian Liturgies (Paris, 1913), p. 65

36Akhtar, Jamna das, transl.

37 Paulinus Fr., Systema Brahmanicum (Rome, 1791), pp. 156f

38Lamsa, G. M., Op. Oite, P.C21:5

39 Slipher, , Op. Cite, Colliers Op. Cite, V13,P339

40Sullivan, Secret of the Inca, Crown Publisher, New York, 1996

41“China” Op. Cite, Colliers Vol.17, P. 108

42Simmon S. D, ”Mesopotamia: Ancient Civilization ” Colliers ,Op. Cite, Vol.15, P749.

43 Paulinus,Fr. Systema Brahmanicum (Rome, 1791), pp. 156

44Strongs, Op. Cite,. Greek no.575

45Ibid no. 3639

46Ibid, no. 619

47Ibid, no. 4744

48Pliny, Historia Naturalis II. 8. 30; Macrobius, Saturnalia I. 19. 7.

49Flores ed. Matthew of Westminster (, 1601, p. 82)

50 Mattingly H. Tacitus, Germania IX, transl. (1948):

51Duckworth, Op. Cite, Colliers Op. Cite, V12,p79


53Bowman, Colliers Op. Cite

54Laurence Dr. R, Op.Cite C.8:1