Answers Long Misunderstood

Posts tagged “Watchers

God’s Story Board The Night Sky

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Job 38:33 Do you know the ordinances of heaven? canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?

In contemporary English, “can you find the dominate star or the north star of each age?”

In this post-modern world, Christian Believers are called “Bible Thumpers!” People now would rather look to the Heavens and the Stars for Answers. My LORD JESUS has not been caught unprepared. I am sure that you are well aware of Romans 10:17, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God”. However, the next verse (18) is where Paul shows Christian Believers, how to reach those people who would rather look to the heavens and the stars for Answers: by causing Christian Believers to go back to the Psalms: so we can give the Lost a powerful witness that points back to the Bible.


Romans 10:17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. 18 But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily, their voice went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world.

Paul is referencing, Psalms 19:1-4 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows his handy work 2 Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night shows knowledge. 3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. 4 Their voice is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world….

I am not so naive to think that after a life time of people telling the Church that, “the meanings behind the constellations of the night sky are all of pagan origins”: that the modern church will automatically embrace the constellations as God’s Story Board. Even in Paul’s time the unbelievers were corrupting the meanings behind the stars of the heavens. However, God gave us an interface between the Bible and the stars. Psalms 147:4 ‘He (God) tells the number of the stars; he calls them all by names”. Isaiah 40:26 Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that brings out their host by number: he calls them all by names. Surprising to Christians, many of the God given ancient star names have been preserved and are still used by modern astronomers. There is a star picture that has always been in the Northern sky, 24 hours a day not a monthly zodiacal constellation: this picture with its ancient star names creates a true depiction of the Scripture Genesis 3:15. And I(GOD) will put enmity between thee (Subtle Serpent) and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy (Serpent) head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

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The need to reach the Lost is why I have taken a section of my book, Locked Gates, The Riddle Lords Secrets and turned it into a free Star Talk, God’s Story Board, The Night Sky. In this way I hope to give the Church a powerful witnessing tool that few are aware of that refers back to the Bible. This free Star Talk/ Witnessing Class will be given at one of the darkest areas in the U.S.A. just after sunset about 9 pm on Memorial Day Sunday, May 24, 2015 on Highway 6, about 26 miles East of Tonopah, Nevada. Rest rooms and free over night camping available on site: hope to see you and your skeptical friends there, but, bring your Bible and lawn chairs.

Howard West

Author of Locked Gates

The Riddle Lord’s Secrets


The Aborted Attack of the SKIN WALKER







We tried to move along as quickly as possible while we were on the Indian reservations because the redskins were so friendly!


Now, I know you’re shaking your head and saying that I’m not making any sense, and you’re asking, “Why should he move on quickly if the Indians were friendly?”


The Indians were so friendly that we had no time to rest! We were camping within the boundaries of the highway fences in order to avoid trespassing on their land; and because we were so handy to anyone traveling by, we had visitors night and day! There was seldom any let-up in the flow of visitors and sometimes I’d have to tell a passel of them, “Go home now so we can rest!”


It’s funny but we often had Indians coming up to us and asking, “Why didn’t you stop ‘back there’ at my house for the night?” As though we should have known, without being told, that we were welcome to pull up into their yards and camp.


Not all of our visitors were friendly of course. One night I awoke with a start to hear Bean (my jenny burro) screaming in terror. I had tied her to the wagon on her long line and single-leg hobble and she was jerking wildly on the wagon as I reached for my boots.


I stumbled outside to see  that the moon had just came up and had illuminated a man wrapped in a white blanket standing by our back door. The sudden illumination of this ghastly figure had terrified all my Guys “Keep walking!” I commanded. “You are scaring my burros!”


A teen-ager’s voice answered me from the folds of the blanket, “I didn’t mean to scare them!”


“Keep walking!” I repeated.


He obeyed and as he moved away into the darkness, Carol and I hurried out to check on our animals. Bean was glad to see us and stopped her screaming. I could see she hadn’t been hurt.


Dean had been. When the boy in the white blanket had startled the burros they had run into the five-strand barbed-wire highway fence. Dean was tangled in it and Beef and Chaps had climbed up over Dean’s body and were on the other side of the fence!


It took us awhile to cut the barbed wire away and get Dean untangled and onto his feet, and then bring the two burros on the far side of the fence back around through a Texas gate further up the highway. It felt like an hour, but was probably only fifteen minutes before we had all six tied up side by side along the highway fence.


Carol brought the flashlight then, and we examined the team. Bean, Rags, and Chaps were unharmed. Disney’s face was cut and he had a puncture wound on his chest. Beef and Dean had numerous cuts on their legs and chests, and a long thin flap of skin had been pealed off of Dean’s face and was hanging down over his muzzle still attached at the bottom.


We cut that flap of skin off with scissors and then cleaned and anointed all the wounds, soothing and talking as we worked to keep the animals calm. We left them, tied short to the fence for the rest of the night.


I mentioned what happened to one of our visitors the nest day.


“Did he freeze you?” was the response I got.


I cocked my head over to the side and said, “What?”


“It was a Skin-walker,” the man explained. “They are thieves that come in the night to steal from you, and they have a powerful dust that they can sprinkle on you to freeze you, so that you cannot move. Then they can take what they want and you can’t stop them.”


“It was a teen-ager trying to make trouble…” I said, laughing it off. “I told him to git, and he got!”


“You can only kill them with some ashes on your bullet or ashes on your trigger finger!” the man avowed sincerely. “Yea right  an Anglo Wagoneer shoots young Indian on Navaho Indian reservation do you really thing that would be a good idea” I asked?


That night we found a nice little camp site on the crest of a hill just off the Hi-way. No sooner that we had set up camp they began to arrive. Truck loads of Indians with gifts of food and soda pop. All coming to hear the story of the aborted attack of THE SKIN WALKER”: the funny thing was  most wanted us to come home with them.  

It turned out to be a good thing we had stocked up with hay at Tuba City. We left Window Rock without any. The reason was because the hay trucks were late and the place we were waiting for them was an Indian bazaar full of children who wanted to climb under on and over my Guys I was a worried man! So I left be for the hay trucks arrived. Praying LORD JESUS I need hay.


It never pays to worry though and by noon that day I was able to flag down a hay truck and buy ten, two-string bales of alfalfa. Then I was satisfied but God wasn’t. He wanted to remind me that he was the one ultimately in control so right after we crossed the Arizona/New Mexico border God sent Lawrence Charley, a Vietnam vet, to us with five bales of grass hay in his pick-up truck.


“Thank-you,” I told him, “I’ll accept a couple, but I can’t carry all that hay!”


“You have to take it all!” Lawrence Charley responded. “I’m not taking even one stem of it back home with me. I brought it for you and I’m unloading every bit of it right here!” He proceeded to do just that!


“Thank you, Lord, it’s more than enough,” I whispered Heavenward before I stacked two bales on top of the ten I had loaded earlier, put two bales inside the sheepherder, and put one in Carol’s seat. (She would have to walk for two days.)


I believe God must have responded “Oh no it’s not! I’ll teach you to trust me!”


Title Index

GOD and the Great Pyramid

New Videos for Book Locked Gates By Howard West

Philip Keller of “Strange but True” interviews Howard West

 on The Great Pyramids


Albert Einstein asked. “Does GOD play dice?”

 Yes Al




History, Riddles, Silk Worms and Mummies


NASA uses Golden Mirrors of Egypt’s Shamans


Alternative Energy Solutions, from the Past


Obama’s Riddle, A good pit stop is an Asteroid


Comment on “History of Information”, NPR interview

 with James-Gleick


Wisdom Hidden in Balls of Thread


The 27th of Sivan AKA June 30


Thursday June 30 the symbol for Constantinople, that was

 appropriated by Islam was in the sky.


Break the Law of Thermo-Dynamics


for Nothing?  


Wisdom Hidden in Balls of Thread


Locked Gates deals with ancient mysteries; the wise men of the past knew transporting complex wisdom through Time was like trying to push a string.  However, if you roll that string or wisdom into a ball of knots by telling that wisdom in the form of stories of mystical beings, that ball form, allows you to push that ball, and then the ball just keeps rolling downhill though “Time” creating a life of its own.

Those riddles about mystical beings contain the secrets for everything from where we got the alphabets to where the moon came from, In the book Locked Gates, I  have taken the time needed to unravel those Time Traveling Balls of Wisdom , balls of threads like the one that lead Theseus out of the darkness of labyrinth of Minotaur

Locked Gates


Coast to Coast AM Introduction

 of Howard West

New Videos for Book Locked Gates By Howard West

Super Storm of 10,500 BC

And the link to the commentary blog post

Third Secret of Fatima,

The Daughter of Mohammad

And the link to the commentary blog post


The Great Pyramids are Linked to the Stars

And the link to the commentary blog post.